Author Topic: Any agencies for foreign "au-pairs" and child carers?  (Read 766 times)

Any agencies for foreign "au-pairs" and child carers?
« on: 08 November, 2023, 10:56:50 am »
This is a bit of a long shot and I am not sure of the purpose.

My sister-in-law has asked (I would presume it's for a work colleague) to point her in the direction of agencies or organisations finding work ("situations" I think would be the old-fashioned way of putting it) for foreign au-pairs in UK. I obviously know nothing, not ever having needed that sort of service. I don't even know if this sort of work is still possible in the new post-Brexit full-employment sovereign UK. Presumably work permits for this sort of thing would be difficult to get.

I will be asking my UK daughter, although it's not really her thing either but there may be something in Oxford. If anyone on here has any pointers to reliable (ie not links to mid-eastern potentates needing slaves!) agencies, associations or whatever I would be very grateful. I would presume the enquiry is for a french citizen but more than that I don't know at present. Also any advice, experience in the work permit situation would also be gratefully received!

Thank you all for any advice.

Re: Any agencies for foreign "au-pairs" and child carers?
« Reply #1 on: 08 November, 2023, 02:01:16 pm »
Tell her to look here...
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)

Re: Any agencies for foreign "au-pairs" and child carers?
« Reply #2 on: 08 November, 2023, 02:20:55 pm »
Very tangential answer - some secondary schools will hire teh foreigns to come and do some TA work in MFL lessons.  Might be an alternative option.
simplicity, truth, equality, peace

Re: Any agencies for foreign "au-pairs" and child carers?
« Reply #3 on: 08 November, 2023, 06:00:44 pm »
Tell her to look here...

Very tangential answer - some secondary schools will hire teh foreigns to come and do some TA work in MFL lessons.  Might be an alternative option.

Thanks for both of those ideas. I will pass them on.

I am now a little bit wiser as to the situation (still only information that has first passed through S-i-L and wife so third hand at best). The person in question is in her early 20's and is working in a travel agents but finds (or has been told) that she needs to improve her english. So the idea is a bit of total immersion but working at the same time (probably because she needs to pay her way). There may be other factors also in play in the decision (advancing career possibilities, breaking out of parental circle, escaping from Limousin etc) but the basic need is work experience in an english language environment with some means of maintaining herself.


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
Re: Any agencies for foreign "au-pairs" and child carers?
« Reply #4 on: 10 November, 2023, 12:09:25 pm »
There may also be the option of caring for the children of an English family who are resident in France (thus getting round the work permit issue).  The Lady sometimes has ads for those sorts of positions or may carry an ad for a suitable agency.
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor