Author Topic: Safety razors  (Read 12472 times)

Safety razors
« on: 19 February, 2009, 12:20:56 pm »
I read an article that said that men's shaving technology had peaked between the wars and that everything since had been an attempt by the razor blade companies to make more money culminating in today's 4 blade diamond edged vibrating razors with refills at £8 for 4 and that they were actually worse than the safety razor in terms of a smooth shave.
I had never considered a safety razor before but yesterday I picked up a Wilkinson Sword one from Boots. £3.50 including a pack of blades.  I already had a brush and a cheap shaving soap (again Wilkinson Sword). So I have just given it a go.
I am gobsmacked ! The last time I had such a close smooth shave was in a proper barbers shop in Italy 15 years ago when I had the whole hot towel and cut throat razor treatment. This cheap plastic razor works much better than any of the expensive Quatro Turbo Unobtanium coated things I have tried before. Anyone else tried shaving the old fashioned way ?
I can feel an order for a nice steel razor coming on.
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.


  • aka Sam
    • Radiance Audio
Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #1 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:27:26 pm »
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Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #2 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:31:11 pm »
Anyone else tried shaving the old fashioned way?

T'other way round for me, every so  often I try one of the new razors, usually a free sample, then see the price of the replacement blades and bin it. A good "Gillette pattern" safety razor can't be beaten. I use a Merkur usually but don't go mad on the blades, Wilkinson are as good as any.


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Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #3 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:31:26 pm »
I haven't but have been wet shaving now for 15+ years (tried electric and I feel like I need another shave straight after having one)

My current fave has to be the King of Shave Azor, five blades but shaves nicce and close ( abit too close sometimes :) ) looks odd, and take a bit of getting used to but beats the pants off anything Gillette or WS can make, think it is down to the blade spacing....

UK Azor Hybrid Synergy System Razor from
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Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #4 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:32:53 pm »
3 bladed gilette thing works well for me.  Tried the 4 blader but it's not so good. safety razors hack my face to bits


  • aka Sam
    • Radiance Audio
Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #5 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:33:26 pm »
Hybrid Synergy? WTF?

I wanna get paid to make up silly names.
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Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #6 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:34:16 pm »
I wonder where razor 'technology' will go next - I mean, first they came up with two blades, then three then four, and then decided that actually a powered vibrating razor does the job even better. How much closer can a shave get before you're taking your face off? It's obviously bollocks, as with most 'new and improved' products.

In a kind of protest I bought the cheapest shaving system on the shelf - the type where you place a razor blade on the top and screw down a cover to keep it in place.  It shaves perfectly close although to be honest it isn't as smooth as a multi blade setup. I reckon that for a comfortable close shave, two blades are just right - anything more is marketing puff.

Of course, real men don't shave at all - they let it grow (Eh, Wowbagger?). ;)

Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #7 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:38:38 pm »
In a kind of protest I bought the cheapest shaving system on the shelf - the type where you place a razor blade on the top and screw down a cover to keep it in place.  It shaves perfectly close although to be honest it isn't as smooth as a multi blade setup. I reckon that for a comfortable close shave, two blades are just right - anything more is marketing puff.
That's a safety razor.

I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.

Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #8 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:39:43 pm »
Of course, real men don't shave at all - they let it grow (Eh, Wowbagger?). ;)

Real men use one of these
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • aka Sam
    • Radiance Audio
Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #9 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:41:44 pm »
They're not very safe though!

As for where it's going, moisturising next, and then in the not so distant future, it'll be two prongs with an electric arc going though lol.
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Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #10 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:42:54 pm »
When I do bother to shave (about every 2 weeks) I use a beard trimmer to get the majority of it off and then just use a disposable Bic Blue with one or two blades. A pack of 12 of these lasts a long time.

I don't care about it being a really close shave as the 5 o'clock shadow is there 8 hours later anyway.
"Yes please" said Squirrel "biscuits are our favourite things."

Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #11 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:43:09 pm »
Of course, real men don't shave at all - they let it grow (Eh, Wowbagger?). ;)

Real men use one of these

My Granddad used to have one of those. I remember the strop hanging up in his garage. Might try one one day but I have shaky (it's genetic not DT so does my Dad) hands so not sure if it's a good idea.

I wonder if we can somehow hide this thread from Nutty ?
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.


  • Tyke
Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #12 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:44:40 pm »
I've had a number of beards.  My stubble is very coarse, and my face very sensitive, so shaving has always been unpleasant.

I first learned to shave using single bladed Bics - no way would i subject anyone to that.

Electric razors just make a mess of my face and keep clogging, so I've given up on them.

I've tried lots of systems, but Mach 3 is the best for me - no need for more blades than that, i think.  I've taught both my lads to shave with these.
Getting there...

Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #13 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:45:33 pm »
In a kind of protest I bought the cheapest shaving system on the shelf - the type where you place a razor blade on the top and screw down a cover to keep it in place.  It shaves perfectly close although to be honest it isn't as smooth as a multi blade setup. I reckon that for a comfortable close shave, two blades are just right - anything more is marketing puff.
That's a safety razor.

Right, I've got a safety razor then. And another thing, presumably Gillette, Wilkinson etc. patent all these advances in razor design. I wonder how long they've had the patents for? Being pretty cynical I'll suggest that they patented 2, 3, 4 blades etc. all at around the same time, then gradually released the stuff to market when the marketeers thought the time was right to coin it in from the gullible and vain once more.

Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #14 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:45:51 pm »
They're not very safe though!

As for where it's going, moisturising next, and then in the not so distant future, it'll be two prongs with an electric arc going though lol.
That's kind of a myth. they aren't safe if you wave them around, they are perfectly safe to shave with.

I get fewer nicks using one of these than I do using a safety razor. No razor burn, either.

You do have to go a bit slower, tho'. No swiping quickly.
<i>Marmite slave</i>

Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #15 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:47:58 pm »
Shaving oil always makes things go more smoothly. I tend to use King Of Shaves oil but have used others with equal success. I hate cans of shaving foam though, have used shaving soap or King Of Shaves gel for years. Never got on with electric razors.
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.


  • Tyke
Re: Safety razors
« Reply #16 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:50:55 pm »
I did try shaving oils, and they were very good, but I found that they bound the bristles together to gum up the blades :(
Getting there...

Re: Safety razors
« Reply #17 on: 19 February, 2009, 12:52:46 pm »
Me too. Needs mucho rinsing. Not a problem with a single bladed razor though :)
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.

Re: Safety razors
« Reply #18 on: 19 February, 2009, 01:10:07 pm »
A Tesco own brand 3 blade head is what I use, plus King of Sheves gel usually, and oil if travelling (get under the liquids allowance at airports. Have never dry shaved.
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Re: Saftey razors
« Reply #19 on: 19 February, 2009, 01:11:43 pm »
In a kind of protest I bought the cheapest shaving system on the shelf - the type where you place a razor blade on the top and screw down a cover to keep it in place.  It shaves perfectly close although to be honest it isn't as smooth as a multi blade setup. I reckon that for a comfortable close shave, two blades are just right - anything more is marketing puff.
That's a safety razor.

Right, I've got a safety razor then. And another thing, presumably Gillette, Wilkinson etc. patent all these advances in razor design. I wonder how long they've had the patents for? being pretty cynical I'll suggest that they patented 2, 3, 4 blades etc. all at around the same time, then gradually released the stuff to market when the marketeers thought the time was right to coin in from the gullible and vain once more.

Unlikely, since a patent lasts, at most, 20 years and a very cursory search shows a three-bladed razor was patented in 1974;D

I find the three-bladed vibrating razor works well for me (Mach 3 Turbo). But I fit standard Mach 3 cartridges to it. Which are a bit cheaper, and don't appear to be any different.  :thumbsup:
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  • aka Sam
    • Radiance Audio
Re: Safety razors
« Reply #20 on: 19 February, 2009, 01:34:15 pm »
I currently have a Gillette Fusion, piece of crap.
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Re: Safety razors
« Reply #21 on: 19 February, 2009, 01:38:21 pm »
What is a razor?

"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes

Re: Safety razors
« Reply #22 on: 19 February, 2009, 01:49:07 pm »
I used a safety razor when I first started shaving and continued to do so for 5 years or so.  Then I got sucked into the multi-blade nonsense and that was the end of that.

A few years ago I purchased an expensive Merkur safety razor thinking it would be cheaper in the long run.  Unfortunately not.  Despite experience of using one in my youth I just couldn't get on with it and found that whatever adjustments I made to razor angle I just sliced my face open. 

I now use a two-blade Wilkinson razor that has been around for so long it must be about to be phased out.  Can't get on with triple or quad razors so will be back to square one if it is....

Re: Safety razors
« Reply #23 on: 19 February, 2009, 01:54:34 pm »
Don't press. You have to press with multi-blade razors to make them work with a safety razor you don't press or you slice your face off. That is the extent of my knowledge on safety razors, May have to look into the Merkur ones.
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.

Re: Safety razors
« Reply #24 on: 19 February, 2009, 02:01:58 pm »
I use an old 2 blade Gillette with King of Shaves gel. It seems to be the best combination for me. I've tried electric but that doesn't shave close enough and I get a rash on my neck from time to time. Razors with more than two blades seem like a ridiculous idea to me and I haven't entertained them.
I had to look in pound shops to find a new Gillette razor when I lost one since they aren't sold in the supermarkets anymore.
I can shave for several days without doing any damage and then I'll hack my face to bits. Don't know why/how I do this.
A particular speciality is turning my head while the razor is in contact with my face. The parallel cuts are the giveaway for that one.