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  • Mille Cymru 1000: 23 July, 2010 - 26 July, 2010

Author Topic: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010  (Read 226342 times)

Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1075 on: 26 July, 2010, 10:45:23 am »
Well done everyone who finished, and commiserations to those who didn't. I've enjoyed following your progress. Sounds like a true epic.

Wot he said, an inspiration.


  • Real name: James
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Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1076 on: 26 July, 2010, 12:36:56 pm »
The one person who deserves a medal is UNdulates. I think everyone was too knackered this morning to adequately express their gratitude. It was a masterpiece of route planning and organisation. I can't think of anything that I would have included that wasn't there.  The helpers were superb, and the catering spot on.  Really nice to see cheery familiar faces, such as Phil d, tewdric and Ludwig. Great to meet jogler and basil.  Ludwig's pub control was hilarious.

I have to second all that Flatus has said. What a ride!

I had the pleasure of riding with, Ray R, Robert M and Peter S on the first day, we arrived at llanwrtyd for 8.30ish, where Simon got up and went out again, I have no idea how he did that? Ray, Robert and myself decided to get some sleep and head out at 5am to make the first control for Breakfast. We spent the day battling the coastal hills and drizzle to make it back for just after 7pm, again to sleep. Day 3, up and out again for 5am with a bigger group. Was it just me, or was it a bit cruel of John to take us up on to the Beacon Beacons so soon after waking up? That was the rides low point for me. The group slowly split up, unfortunately Robert punctured again, so I spend day riding with Ray and John ?surname?, and at times with Nick ?surname?. We finished just after 9pm.

I really enjoyed all three days as most the route was new to me so lot's too see. The hills really made the ride but were brutal at times, but that's what we signed up for. Leg two along the coast was hard but made much easier by the views, Llandovery to Tregaron was my favorite section and I loved the pub control at Cilgerran.

Would I do it again? Ask me in a few weeks when the memory of the pain has subdued.
after hardship comes ease -


Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1077 on: 26 July, 2010, 12:58:06 pm »
The one person who deserves a medal is UNdulates. I think everyone was too knackered this morning to adequately express their gratitude. It was a masterpiece of route planning and organisation. I can't think of anything that I would have included that wasn't there.

Totally. I've watched this event being planned, and I'm aware just how much work John has put in. His drive and determination to make this a special occasion have been inspiring. He looked as knackered as the riders on Saturday night.

Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1078 on: 26 July, 2010, 01:37:05 pm »
... it was special. Knackering hard and a bit surreal, but brilliant. Forgot to mention you, Danial, and Andy Cox in the list of friendly faces on the way.


Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1079 on: 26 July, 2010, 01:49:12 pm »
I think this was probably the best organised Audax ride I've ever entered. Absolutely exemplary. Huge credit to John & his team not just for the last 3 days but also for the meticulous preparation beforehand.

I got back about 3.00 this morning & am now at work, though thankfully only for a couple of hours. The trouble with open plan offices is that you can't have a crafty snooze at your desk without everyone noticing.

Chris S

Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1080 on: 26 July, 2010, 02:12:10 pm »
Viewed from the outside (I'm not rufty tufty enough to ride it), it looked a really well presented event. The website, the support material, the concept - it all held together very well, and should be held up as a perfect example of the "fully supported" style of audax event.


Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1081 on: 26 July, 2010, 02:19:53 pm »
I agree entirely, Chris, marcus etc. I told John as much as well. He's raised the bar of what an audax event can be.

I think where John did especially well was in pulling together a team of audaxers together to help him with his plan. He's demonstrated that we'll chip in to help when there's someone with an exciting plan and the determination to make it happen. Clubs are really good at this sort of thing, but it can also happen withing AUK itself.

Encouragingly, I can think of at least two other organisers who are likely to watch what's happening here, and to rise to the gauntlet that John's laid down. And if they do, I think we all win.


  • " . . .we all ended up here and like lads in the back of a Nova we sort of egged each other on...."
  • Known in the real world as Dave
Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1082 on: 26 July, 2010, 03:07:57 pm »
I want to do this. In fact part of me would be more excited about riding this next year than doing PBP. Although I'm not sure I could fit two big rides like this into my holiday plans.

Congratulations to all involved, especially the organisers!
Owner of a languishing Langster


  • It's party time....
Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1083 on: 26 July, 2010, 03:59:56 pm »
I followed the tweets and blogs with envy and awe. Bloody well done to all who made it round and commiserations to those that didn't for whatever reason. The organisation was truly inspiring, brilliant by all involved. Love the piccies!

Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1084 on: 26 July, 2010, 04:19:23 pm »
Back home now. What a magnificent few days!

Many, many thanks to John and all the helpers, we were really well looked after.

I rode most of the way around with jwo (plus many other YACFers at various times). We had a quite relaxed ride; 5 hours in bed Friday and Saturday, just over three on Sunday and made it back with plenty of time in hand.
Great to see that all those who finished did so within BRM time. Commiserations to those who couldn't, for whatever reason. The ride was at times brutal, at times beautiful, but never boring.

Will do a full write up later, time for a soak in the bath.


Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1085 on: 26 July, 2010, 04:48:20 pm »
I want to do this. In fact part of me would be more excited about riding this next year than doing PBP. Although I'm not sure I could fit two big rides like this into my holiday plans.

Congratulations to all involved, especially the organisers!

+1, I'm looking forwards to the write ups once all are recovered.

Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1086 on: 26 July, 2010, 05:23:27 pm »
I would also like to add my gratitude. A superb route and from the riders perspective, every need was looked after so we had nothing to worry about other than getting over those hills! Food and sleeping arrangements at the controls was excellent. That's to take nothing away from the Brian Chapman which got me into the Welsh mountains, another well organised event.

My ride was the usual mixture of the good, the bad and the stupid, the good - most of the weekend, especially the Tregaran mountain toad and the approach to Elan, the bad - desperation for a No 2 decending Elan and the gravel road at the bottom, tiedness at the end of day 1, the stupid - going the wrong way after the control on the last day for an extra 28k round trip despite having ridden the intended road twice in the weekend.

Got back to the finish at about 10:30, would have beaten dusk without the extra excursion so all in all about an hour of nightime riding. Home in time for lunch on Monday.

See you on the road

See y

Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1087 on: 26 July, 2010, 07:18:28 pm »
great ride,one of the hardest ever never dull or boring!! my ride plan worked out so limited my night riding to 3hours. thanks to john and his team for this great event, they will talk about this one for years!! ;D

Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1088 on: 26 July, 2010, 07:29:04 pm »
I think this was probably the best organised Audax ride I've ever entered.

Tut tut. 'BRECON' should not have been in upper case.  Must try harder Mr U.N.Dulates.  


Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1089 on: 26 July, 2010, 08:22:42 pm »
I got home about 1h30 ago.  Dozed off several times on the interminable train journey from Birmingham New St to Cambridge.

I'll try to write an RR up tomorrow - this ride certainly deserves it.  For now: it was stunning scenery, brilliant organisation and catering, very challenging, and I got 9h sleep - far, far more than I managed on PBP '07.

Oh, and there was more rain than expected.  For the most part this was nice.  When it was sunny, I was hot. :)


  • T'is I, Silverback.
    • Ramblings of a silverback cyclist
Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1090 on: 26 July, 2010, 08:52:15 pm »
I want to hear more about this toad and why was it so good  ;D

My ride was the usual mixture of the good, the bad and the stupid, the good - most of the weekend, especially the Tregaran mountain toad and the approach to Elan, the bad - desperation for a No 2 decending Elan and the gravel road at the bottom, tiedness at the end of day 1, the stupid - going the wrong way after the control on the last day for an extra 28k round trip despite having ridden the intended road twice in the weekend.


  • It didn't kill me, but I don't feel any stronger.
Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1091 on: 26 July, 2010, 08:56:52 pm »
Thanks to John, Linda and all of the other helpers that made my mini MC1K a wonderful event. Gut wrenchingly I had a fall on the decent from Migneint. Thanks to the riders that stopped to see if I was OK, and the terrified car driver that I just missed on the decent who offered to take me to hospital,(no chance I was an MC1Ker). It all started to go wrong about 5 mins later when I turned left on the A470 instead of right. An easy mistake when you feel like you've just tstepped out of a cement mixer.
The next 250km a bit of a blur. I rode with some terrific guys who really helped me along. In particular the chap that helped me along the last 50km, which we managed to turn into 65km with a detour, and arrived at LLanwrytd at 03.35. Unfortunately I can't remember any ones name, I suspect that I was concused.

Some food and an hours kip and I felt strong again. I attempted day two but couldn't get up the slope out of the village without feeling a searing pain in my right knee everytime I put any power into the pedal.
With a tremendous feeling of loss I decided to call it a day. The last two days have proved this to be the correct decision. I'm down to one working limb, my laft arm, so this text has taken forever to write. My right knee will not bend an inch. Due to the fact that I rode the last 250km of day only applying power from my left leg, that feels like it's been beaten with a mace for a couple of days, and I can't move my rioght arm as my shoulder is woefully bruised and swollen from the crash.
All in all, a fantastic weekend. Count me in next time John. I've got slay this Dragon if it kills me.


  • Opposites Attract
    • Audaxing
Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1092 on: 26 July, 2010, 08:57:17 pm »
At the end John gave me a medal
I think you can see he looks more tired than I am

Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1093 on: 26 July, 2010, 09:05:20 pm »
I've watched this event being planned, and I'm aware just how much work John has put in. His drive and determination to make this a special occasion have been inspiring. He looked as knackered as the riders on Saturday night.

Yes, congratulations to John and Linda for all the hard work they've put in to make this ride a success. Looking at things from the other side of the bar for a change made you realize how much preparation goes into something like this. The route, the web-site, sorting all the food out, hiring the halls, etc etc

From an organisational point of view, I think there was one thing that really stood out for me as crucial as to why this event flowed as it did: a ceiling on rider numbers. Everybody got a fair crack of the whip when it came to availability of a camp bed, waiting for food and access to drop bags.  Whatever you were one of the quicker riders or whether you were looking to savour the views more ;) , I don't really recall anybody missing out on the chance to sleep or having to wait for food for any length of time at all. Rider numbers were regulated to make those two things happen. On such a difficult ride like this it would have been so unfair for quicker riders to occupy the sleeping quarters while those who were slower had to wait until beds became available, thus making their experience all the more tougher. Even another twenty riders would have created sleeping problems on the first night for sure.

Massive respect to those who got round and obvious commiserations to those who for whatever reason didn't. It looked tough. It most certainly was. Even the power houses were heard using words like 'gratuitous' after returning to LLanwrtyd Wells on occasions :-)
Garry Broad


  • It is all about the taste.
Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1094 on: 26 July, 2010, 09:06:01 pm »
A series of snatched memories listed in no particular order and before they evaporate or are swept aside by the Juggernaught of Real Life :

1.   The pleasure of meeting up again with people I have been bumping into at events over the last 4 years
2.   The pleasure of meeting people I don't know who bravely start the conversation "You must be Hummers..."
3.   Seeing people who started this Audax malarky around the same time as me also taking part in this event.
4.   A profusion of comedy moments, shits and giggles.
5.   Seeing Snowdon (a rare occurence).
6.   The ride around the reservoir afer the first control, plus the service at the first control
7.   The route; a subtle blend of superb scenery, exhilerating descents and sadism
8.   The design of the event with those loops back to Llanworthit with the showers, great food and consistent welcome
9.   Did I mention the scenery?
10. Llyn Brianne and the Elan Valley
11. Pete's Eats, Pen-Y-Pass and the Llanberis valley - all fondly remembered from a previous incarnation of Hummers
12. Red Kites and the ride from Aber to Devil's Bridge - looking back and to the left - breathtaking
13. The estuary cycle path to Dolgallau and other NCN xx diversions
14. The climb back to the sanctuary of Llanwetness from Llandovery
15. The climb up and over the hills to Brecon first thing on Sunday
16. Andy's Boat House Buffet
17. The Mason's Arms - for a variety of reasons
18. The climb after the Mason's Arms in worsening weather - a warning of what the ride could have been like
19. Going over that B road for the penultimate and last time to Newbridge/Beulah and waving at other participants
20. The Welsh who were friendly, full of humour and interested in what we were doing
21. The moon in a clear sky on Friday night
22. The moon breaking through the clouds around midnight as I rode through Marton
23. Navigating pitch-black. single track lanes, with grimpy little lumps and thinking "I love this stuff"
24. Getting to the end of those aforementioned lanes at about 01:45 this morning and finally arriving at Upton Magna
25. Saturday's dash to the coast at Pendine
26. Friday's dash to the first control
27. Finding out the XXXXL shirt was way to big for me and being able to swap this with Vorsprung
28. Finding out that one of the non-cycling patrons of The Mason's Arms had encounterd CCP Davies (yes, seriously)
29. Having the time in hand to enjoy the ride and controls
30. Perfect weather, throwing into relief how things must have been a couple of weeks ago.



  • Just do it!
Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1095 on: 26 July, 2010, 09:07:31 pm »
At the end John gave me a medal
I think you can see he looks more tired than I am.

I think it's  well-known that organisers and controllers on long rides can get more tired than the riders.

Chapeau to all.

Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1096 on: 26 July, 2010, 10:01:04 pm »

Breakfast at the finish.

Malvolio looking remarkably chipper..

Some riders went to the trouble of decorating their bikes for the occasion...

Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1097 on: 26 July, 2010, 10:17:42 pm »
Just trying to write this up.

We crammed a huge amount into those three days!

Sitting here it's hard to believe what we just did; it's absolutely stunning, with an amazing amount of work having gone on in the background to make things run so silky smooth for us. A bunch of ordinary people out on their bikes were enabled to do something quite extraordinary on the back of the selfless helpers.

And absolute respect for Iddu riding this solo in December, and the helpers doing the ride in bad weather. I can't imagine how tough that would have made it.


  • Audax Irlande
    • Audax Ireland
Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1098 on: 26 July, 2010, 10:35:33 pm »
Just back in Dublin now - that was an unforgettable ride.  Very nice to meet so many of you (I know it could have been more if I hadn't spent so much time too knackered to speak), extended ramblings to follow.


  • One of the rural idle
    • Twoberries
Re: Mille Cymru - Welsh 1000 - 23-26/07/2010
« Reply #1099 on: 26 July, 2010, 10:45:50 pm »
Thanks to John for organising this ride and all the selfless helpers - you were brilliant. Many thanks to nuncio, miniog and bloodyhills for putting up with me for 3 days - I know I wouldn't have made it without your encouragement and support. Also a special mention to Mel for that totally crazy race down the hill into Newtown at 4am this morning and Mattc for the loan of his pliers to cut my shoe off in Tregaron :-X
More later when I've caught up on some sleep and got myself back home to Scotland.