Author Topic: Mersey Roads 24hr TT 2007 Ride report  (Read 3916 times)


  • "If it ain't fixed it's broken"
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Mersey Roads 24hr TT 2007 Ride report
« on: 28 March, 2008, 12:17:00 am »
Misery Mersey roads ride reports

 Well my usual be prepared went out of the window when my bars started creaking Thursday, "yep cracked again" so I ended up changing them at the last minute.
  I had flipped my stem earlier in the week to give me a better position on the Tri bars, but I should have done this months ago and got used to the position, the different position meant that I virtually had to break in my Brooks all over again :-X couple that with the boil on my backside and well I wasn't bloody comfortable, the extreme riding position also means the muscle groups are altered and my glutes were in agony after the first 100 miles, so much so that towards the end I was riding every slope out of the saddle my arse feels like it's been fisted by Mike Tyson still wearing his boxing gloves :-X

 Despite all this I started optimistically and wanting to do over 300 miles, and perhaps went off too quick well, I did the first fifty at evens and at 100 my speedo said 18.7 a preliminary 100 mile time of 5h29m was on the finish board a personal best for me by over 30minutes.

 After that it all sort of went downhill with my glutes and thighs burning my sit bones feeling like they had been kicked in by a mule and the temperature dropping in the evening, I really struggled in the night, the long lap circuit down to Telford and back had a very poor road surface, ribbed for extra pleasure pain :o it was that tarmac that constantly vibrated the bike and also had quite a few potholes on it, when they switched us to a shortened version because the Quinabrook circuit was flooded I commented that I was glad because I hated that bit :D

Ibuprofen the long distance cyclists friend helped me stay on the bike :) and I just kept plugging away watching the average speed drop but still on target for 300.
 The camaraderie from other riders teams of helpers was a real moral boost cheering us on and shouts of "dig in" and "keep it rolling" really did help take your mind off the pain

 I reached my 300 mile target just before they directed us to the finishing circuit, this drag up the A41 was a real slog and the potholes just demolished any sense of will power my backside had left in it, I was now crawling along at a snails pace and by the time I reached the finishing circuit I just wanted it to end, "actually thats a lie, I wanted it to end about 2am in the morning, praying it was really 1.17pm and this was an eclipse"
 as we finished the first circuit past the HQ we headed back up the main road on all I can describe as an awful bloody drag of a hill, after passing this I mentally calculated that even at my ever slowing pace I would have to ride this bit a second time.

 No I bloody wouldn't :) at Alton just after Brura I found a great little pub and stopped for a pint of Ale and a packet of crisps :P and a seat that wasn't brooks shaped.

 Two old guys at the bar said they were old Anfield CC riders/members and asked how I had got on in the Mersey roads?

 "err I'm actually still riding , just adjusting my finish time so I don't have to ride that bloody hill again" ;D

 That really got them laughing and he said "thats what I like mad enough to ride a 24, but willing to stop for a beer on the way round" ;D

Unofficial stats-
my computer registered 344 miles but preliminary finish figures were all lower than people expected
100 mile time = 5h 29m
distance at 12  hours = 180 miles
average = 16.4mph @ 74rpm
max 32mph @144

 I rode my Dads old Lambert Proffessional on a 72" gear 49 x 18
Do's and don'ts

Do prepare youself and your bike/ Don't ride for 24 hours in a new position

Do take painkillers with you/ Don't be surprised at how painfull it is.

Do enjoy the weekend/ Don't enter go for a little tour.

Do take adequate lighting/ Don't let anyone talk you into entering

Do arrange what you want to carry / Don't forget how painfull it was so you don't enter again ;) ;D

 It was an excellent ride very well organised and stacked full of people willing to help you day or night ;D but don't let me enter it again
"Don't stop pedalling"

Re: Mersey Roads 24hr TT 2007 Ride report
« Reply #1 on: 28 March, 2008, 12:00:49 pm »
Chapeau! Time trials seem masochistic enough to me, but 24 hours? Fixed?

You're mad, in the best possible way.  ;D
What's this bottom line for anyway?

Re: Mersey Roads 24hr TT 2007 Ride report
« Reply #2 on: 28 March, 2008, 02:46:50 pm »

a) that's david bowie I can hear in the background
b) FWN has done a spring 24 hour TT for the fun of it
c) {control C} {control X}



  • "If it ain't fixed it's broken"
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Re: Mersey Roads 24hr TT 2007 Ride report
« Reply #3 on: 28 March, 2008, 07:58:35 pm »

a) that's david bowie I can hear in the background
b) FWN has done a spring 24 hour TT for the fun of it
c) {control C} {control X}

;D I wish,   no no that was last years effort in July 07, I just started salvaging my ride reports from t'other acf  ;D
"Don't stop pedalling"


  • The p*** artist formerly known as 'Windy'
    • the_dandg_rouleur
Re: Mersey Roads 24hr TT 2007 Ride report
« Reply #4 on: 28 March, 2008, 08:10:58 pm »
can't we have that wonderful pic of you taken during this ride thats on flickr?


  • Peroxide Viking
Re: Mersey Roads 24hr TT 2007 Ride report
« Reply #5 on: 28 March, 2008, 08:26:20 pm »
Chapeau in spades, you utter nutter.
It takes blood and guts to be this cool but I'm still just a cliché.
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  • "If it ain't fixed it's broken"
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Re: Mersey Roads 24hr TT 2007 Ride report
« Reply #6 on: 28 March, 2008, 08:44:11 pm »
 :-[ :) ok then, click on the pic for my Flickr page
That pic was taken by Brian Jones of, Brian himself was an ex Catford CC Time Trial champion in 1967  :)

"Don't stop pedalling"


  • The p*** artist formerly known as 'Windy'
    • the_dandg_rouleur
Re: Mersey Roads 24hr TT 2007 Ride report
« Reply #7 on: 28 March, 2008, 10:18:37 pm »
  8) :)


Re: Mersey Roads 24hr TT 2007 Ride report
« Reply #8 on: 30 March, 2008, 09:18:54 pm »

You only had one bottle cage for it :o

Also, what was your eating strategy? I found that I couldn't eat any more after 10 hours in my 12 and I couldn't physically work out how you'd do a 24!


  • "If it ain't fixed it's broken"
    • My photos
Re: Mersey Roads 24hr TT 2007 Ride report
« Reply #9 on: 30 March, 2008, 10:07:35 pm »

You only had one bottle cage for it :o

Also, what was your eating strategy? I found that I couldn't eat any more after 10 hours in my 12 and I couldn't physically work out how you'd do a 24!

 One bottle and a 1.5 litre camelbak  :thumbsup:
 I had plain water in the camelbak and a carbo mix in the bottle.
 For food the little 'Tri-bag' strapped to the top tube by the stem had jelly babies, an energy bar already broken into bite size pieces and some chocolate.

 I ate well at the start and didn't stop until about 5pm around 80mls then stopped approx every 40 miles to top up my bottles and top up my food bag and have some rice pudding or fruit.
 Around midnight I had a big feed approx six ham rolls four cups of tea and a 10min cat nap.

 At 4am I was tired and getting wobbly so I had a Full English at the 24hr cafe [free part of entry] and 30 mins sleep.

Another major feed of rolls at about 9am and of course the beer and crisps just before the finish  ;D
"Don't stop pedalling"