Author Topic: Great letter in the local paper today  (Read 1068 times)


Great letter in the local paper today
« on: 30 July, 2009, 04:08:02 pm »
I just let the small-minded rants wash over me, but this guy's response (I have no idea who he is)  to one such from a couple of weeks ago is marvellous:

I read with interest the letter in this week’s Beacon from Mr Simmonds concerning the fact that he was not allowed to park in front of his own house for two days due to the recent cycling event taking place in/around Monmouth.

In defence of the police, with whom he remonstrated, I can only say that they cannot have been aware of his status in the community, ie: a born and bred Monmothian, otherwise I feel sure that they would have re-routed the entire race in order to better facilitate his car parking/movement dilemna!

On a more serious note, readers may well be aware the Tour de France is currently being staged in France, (obviously). Television coverage is supplied each evening on the ITV4 channel which affords people the chance to witness not only a fantastic test of strength, stamina and sheer resolve, but also the fantastic camaraderie and support given to the event by almost everyone in France and re-inforced by the fact that the organisers plan a different route each year in order to give almost everyone a chance to see the event themselves, regardless of where they live.

People from every walk of life look forward to the day when the race passes them by and regard the event as a public holiday, to be enjoyed and not endured. Such a contrast to this country, where even the Milk Race had to be eventually abandoned due to the amount of people complaining about temporary road closures.
Unfortunately, this type of event will never be carried out on the French scale due in part to the insular and closeted attitude of the great British public but more importantly to the fact that it's a free event and open to all.

Yours sadly.
A Monmouth resident
( Born and bred somewhere else)


Re: Great letter in the local paper today
« Reply #1 on: 30 July, 2009, 04:18:08 pm »

Just in the intersts of accuracy - the Milk Race actually finished because the Milk Marketing Board (the sponsor) was disbanded by the then Government.

The justification for police involvement was, I understand, the opportunity to rehearse moving large and slow loads/convoys which would be the way that nuclear armaments would be moved in the event of hostilities.


  • Tyke
Re: Great letter in the local paper today
« Reply #2 on: 30 July, 2009, 04:31:26 pm »
Stand by for the backlash!
Getting there...


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: Great letter in the local paper today
« Reply #3 on: 30 July, 2009, 04:35:21 pm »
So we need another Cold War?
Mr Putin, your pint is a poof.
And you smell :-P
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.