Author Topic: The TT Thread  (Read 428297 times)

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1250 on: 16 July, 2013, 09:15:06 am »
I'm very happy with 4:16.  Lowers my PB by a couple of minutes.

My Strava track says 1015m

But it's not so much the amount of climbing.  It has long, flat sections and a few quite big hills that are too long to blast up so they do slow you down.  So, it felt harder to me than H25/8, which is probably hillier but has short hills you can power up.  On the other hand, it wasn't too windy, so it felt a lot easier than the E2 a few weeks ago!

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1251 on: 16 July, 2013, 11:27:46 am »
Basically they are not very accurate! 

Getting a bit into detail here, but...

Mine recorded a lower figure to begin with (about 700m from memory).  I then noticed that there was a fair degree of 'altitude drift' over the day (a hill being significantly lower the second and third times I went over it compared to the first).  This often happens as the air pressure changes from 7am towards midday.

I then pressed the altitude correction button.  It tries to build it up from map data.  But I can see that it isn'r right either as it's put in some extra lumps. 

I often see quite different figures for the same course and have seen significantly different figures from clubmates riding the same TT using the same GPS gadget. 


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1252 on: 16 July, 2013, 11:52:41 am »
Basically they are not very accurate! 


I often see quite different figures for the same course and have seen significantly different figures from clubmates riding the same TT using the same GPS gadget.

(Of course this wont stop the endless debates about climbing figures on Audaxes - and now it seems TT courses ... )
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1253 on: 16 July, 2013, 11:58:27 am »
The national champs being in Sussex next year may well suck me in. I have said I will only do a 24 hour if I feel I can give it 100% commitment, and it wouldn't be a half hearted effort. I'd only do it with a proper support crew etc but it might be interesting to see what I can do. Perhaps.

One 'issue' is that after a 50 (and I don't do these regularly!!!) I am usually in a fair amount of pain in the 'lady bits' area. I never have any problems on long rides on my road bike, even on the long Audaxes it's been fine, but on the TT bike, well, jeeeeez. I keep having to lift off the saddle a bit quickly in the last few miles and it feels all bruised and bashed by the finish (does this class as TMI?!?!) Now I imagine this must also be an issue for guys as they have things to get in the way. It's putting me off trying the longer TTs. Do people change their set up at all for the longer rides or is mine just all wrong?!


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1254 on: 16 July, 2013, 12:07:18 pm »
Yes.  I'm running a 2cm shorter stem, I've raised the bars by 4.5cm and shortened the tribars a bit, and also dropped the saddle just a touch, so I'm sitting back on it a bit more, rather than hanging off the nose.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1255 on: 16 July, 2013, 12:21:26 pm »
It is something that you only get right with experiment and with testing your setup to see how it goes. 

Some people certainly do change theirs, as Mr B describes.  Others don't, if they don't need to. 

Last year, I did the 24 on a bike with the bars a full 9cm higher than I used for 10s and 24s.  It was an armchair ride but I felt I was pushing a lot of air! 

This year I am doing a 12-hour on exactly the same setup as I use for short TTs.  Having tested it on 3 x 100 mile TTs and an 8hour / 240km audax, I think I can get away with it.   

One thing I will do more is lift out of the saddle whenever a hill presents itself - and even if it doesn't and things start to feel sore or stiff. 


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1256 on: 16 July, 2013, 01:07:41 pm »
You see a lot of riders on the finishing circuit unable/unwilling to use their aerobars, so it's clearly very common to get this wrong. (you see quite a few much earlier too!)

I went for a setup I knew would be comfy for 24h (tested on 600km), then refined it be as aero as I dared. Always had the drops to fall back on - I'm faster in the drops than sitting up on a 'full TT' setup. Remember you'll be averaging more like 19mph* than your usual 28mph - drag isn't QUITE as crucial.

If a 50 is a chore, you do need some changes :)

*Total guess. Feel free to ignore!
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1257 on: 16 July, 2013, 01:42:43 pm »
Hmmm, well I'll need to change something.

I'm not sure how I'd 'know' it was comfy for 24 hours- I can't see myself doing a 600k on a TT bike?! I guess I'd need to do a 12 hour or something?

As for speed- who knows, I guess I'd have to just try and find out what people think I should be able to do who know more than me. Which is pretty much everyone.

I had a look at results earlier, the female entries seem really quite low.....

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1258 on: 16 July, 2013, 01:57:21 pm »
I had a look at results earlier, the female entries seem really quite low.....
Low number of entries, and low miles. S'interesting... (It is not impossible I will be doing both 24s next year. On neither would I be in charge of the bike.)

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1259 on: 16 July, 2013, 02:04:22 pm »
Exactly- I don't understand it! There are plenty doing the 10s and 25s, the layyddeees obv just have no interest in the long stuff. There are very few females putting in over 400 miles.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1260 on: 16 July, 2013, 02:57:27 pm »
Just like on audaxes though, isn't it? Lots on the 100s, a few on the 200s, 3/85 on the National 400, 3/80 on the 600s...

Better things to do with their time. Like you said yourself- do a marathon and you're home for lunch.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1261 on: 16 July, 2013, 03:00:03 pm »
Yes very true. It's not like that in running though- it seems almost 50/50 on the entrants for things between say, 50 miles and 24 hours+.  I am getting lazy myself in my old age however, and just want to be home for lunch :)


Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1262 on: 16 July, 2013, 04:28:32 pm »
After the 100 my lower back gave me a lot of trouble.   I've moved the Tri Bars back 3cm and angled slightly upwards, but can't put them any higher without changing the stem.   The front end of the bike is pretty high anyway so it may just be stretch.   It seems to be more of an issue when I'm 'pushing' the gear into the wind than when spinning with the wind behind me.   Doing a 50 this Sunday so can give it another go.

7 weeks to the 12hr.


Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1263 on: 17 July, 2013, 08:13:58 pm »
PB for a given distance in bold.

E3/1024.04.0830'15Madone 5.2, racelite wheels, 25mm tyres, clip ons, normal helmet
E3/10a24.07.0828'05Madone 5.2, racelite wheels, 25mm tyres, clip ons, normal helmet
U21/1015.05.1329'22Madone 5.2, open pro wheels, 23mm tyres, dynohub, edelux, drops, windy, no helmet
U21/1022.05.1327’05Madone 5.2, racelite wheels, 23mm tyres, blustery cross-wind, clip-ons, bambino helmet, not happy with position yet
U21/1019.06.1326’11Madone 5.2, racelite wheels, 23mm tyres, bambino, new better clip-ons, light headwind out
U21/1019.06.1326’33As above, but lowered and shortened arm position. Very hot, not too windy.

Getting slower - not ridden much for a couple of weeks due to my ankle sprain.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1264 on: 17 July, 2013, 10:53:00 pm »
Whereabouts is the Sussex 24 held ?
Is it flatter than the Mersey ?

Maybe my 2014 goal   :-\

I'm probably not the best person to ask where the start is, since I arrived at the start line 15 seconds before I was off after a frantic 5 mile ride from HQ to start line after getting a bit lost on the way to the start, but it's near Eastbourne.
At least I could relax a bit once I started the race.

It's about the same as the Mersey. Neither are flat. The Mersey course changed about 10 years ago and it did make it a bit faster, especially with the Hodnet bypass.

I prefer the Sussex to the Mersey, except if I ride it next year unsupported I might plant food and drink bags around the course.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1265 on: 17 July, 2013, 10:56:01 pm »
Hmmm, well I'll need to change something.

I'm not sure how I'd 'know' it was comfy for 24 hours- I can't see myself doing a 600k on a TT bike?! I guess I'd need to do a 12 hour or something?

As for speed- who knows, I guess I'd have to just try and find out what people think I should be able to do who know more than me. Which is pretty much everyone.

I had a look at results earlier, the female entries seem really quite low.....

If you can spare the time, then maybe you could come up to Shropshire this weekend for the 24 hour. Not only will you see what people use and how it is set up, you can chat to the marshalls or help the timekeepers, many of whom were accomplished 24 hour riders, including national champions and former record holders.
Sunday is probably best on the finish circuit.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1266 on: 18 July, 2013, 07:58:33 am »
It's a good idea TG for sure. Bad timing tho, really not v well at the mo plus I would never get a weekend pass to go all the way up there at late notice!!

I've done 24 hour events in the past but seeing how people set up their TT bikes would be helpful. Although perhaps not that helpful as we all know I will have to get someone else to set it up for me due to my bike incompetence ;)

Another issue- I have tubs, what do people do if they puncture? In a 10, 25 or whatever it's just game over and go home, but after training for a 24 that would be horrid. I guess I need someone in a support crew that can change one ?!

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1267 on: 18 July, 2013, 08:08:38 am »
Spare wheels. You'd need to carry a spare anyway, but change the wheel for first choice.

I was lucky when I punctured in a 12 years ago. Another rider's support crew lent me a wheel, took my spare, changed it for me, and swapped back a few miles later.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1268 on: 18 July, 2013, 08:10:57 am »
Good point. I don't have any spare discs lying around at home but I'm sure I could borrow one for it


Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1269 on: 18 July, 2013, 08:12:12 am »
Whereabouts is the Sussex 24 held ?
Is it flatter than the Mersey ?

Maybe my 2014 goal   :-\

I'm probably not the best person to ask where the start is, since I arrived at the start line 15 seconds before I was off after a frantic 5 mile ride from HQ to start line after getting a bit lost on the way to the start, but it's near Eastbourne.
At least I could relax a bit once I started the race.

It's about the same as the Mersey. Neither are flat. The Mersey course changed about 10 years ago and it did make it a bit faster, especially with the Hodnet bypass.

I prefer the Sussex to the Mersey, except if I ride it next year unsupported I might plant food and drink bags around the course.

Website for next year.   Not that I've been studying it or anything.

Substantially re-written from last time with the 3 circuits much closer too each other.   I was assisting last time.   Amazing atmosphere and can't wait to give it a go next year.



  • Fat'n'slow
Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1270 on: 18 July, 2013, 09:22:13 pm »
U482013-07-1131:13Tricross, 28mm tires, clip-ons
U482013-07-1830:47Tricross, 28mm tires, clip-ons

Getting faster less slow...  :thumbsup:


Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1271 on: 21 July, 2013, 01:14:16 pm »
VTTA (Kent) 50m this morning. 2h25m39s.

Pretty windy day.   Back hurt after an hour and a half.   Still need to work on the position before doing anything longer.

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1272 on: 25 July, 2013, 11:16:18 pm »
26:20 on this evening's club 10 in virtually flat calm, but very warm, condiitions.  It would have been faster but... I was passed at 3 miles by a rider who was then left-hooked.  I slowed to check that he was OK.  He sorted out his bike (twisted brifter and unshipped chain) then went past me again to record 23:37 !  He has a lot of road rash and I suspect will be very sore in the morning.


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1273 on: 26 July, 2013, 09:16:45 am »
W/C July 21st
Sat: Long steady ride
Sun: See above

Thu: First ever 2-up!
I was head-hunted by someone about 90secs slower than me. Kev's first 2-up too, but he had never even ridden in a chain-gang type setup, so I had a lot of explaining/bull$h1tting to do on the ride over, and didn't have high hopes for our team.
It wasn't the smoothest TTT ever, but we did more right than wrong. My PB on that course is high 27summat, and Kev normally does 27:30 on club courses, so 26:00 seemed like a decent time in the circumstances. Kev did far too much work in the first 5 miles, and - still being cautious after the weekend - I didn't reciprocate; until 6 miles, at which point I rode almost all the way back on the front.
Winning team: 22:41 - Fastest solo 22:54
A year on, 2nd 2-up for me and Kev, same course ...... another 26:00  :facepalm:
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: The TT Thread
« Reply #1274 on: 01 August, 2013, 10:51:07 am »
PB on Hillingdon Circuit last night
24:06 for 11 laps = 10.35 miles (25.8mph average speed)
Very pleased: that should clinch the Handicap trophy, provided I can ride a bike for the last one in two weeks' time, after my 12-hour!