Author Topic: Poor Student  (Read 65473 times)


Re: Poor Student
« Reply #300 on: 09 January, 2011, 11:30:28 am »
Just to confirm what the others have said...

Familiar faces at the start (AndyH, Swarm_Catcher, Rich Forrest, MattC, Phil D) and others along the way.

A nice warm start to the ride (yes, WARM) but the headwind on the long first stage eventually found its way through my gloves and shoes.  I think this may have been due to running out of calories as I had to stop at 45km for some christmas cake from the rackpack.  I'd been hanging on to the back of a MattC-led group until then but, once a slight gap appeared it took too much effort to close the gap in that headwind.  I decided to drop to my own pace rather than "blowing up" and wrecking the ride.

In Malmesbury I took the advice from this forum and used "Amanda's Cafe" (which is now called something else). It was superb and I was the only cyclist in there.  I got served right away and this meant I made up a lot of time, meeting MattC again on the start of The Whiteway.  Once again I was in no shape to keep up and just twiddled the Rohloff over the Cotswolds for the next 50k or so.  At least the wind and sun was on my back now.

After that draining stage I finally got the reward of the descent into Chipping Campden. Last time I rode this we got there in the dark and freezing cold (Keeks trying to fix a p******e with frozen hands) so it was nice to arrive in daylight with time to spare.

(If anyone arrived late, in the dark, then I really hope they missed that pothole because it's very deep and you are going very quickly at that point.  I don't see how you'd stay on if you hit it).  Actually there is a lot of tarmac missing on the Cotswold stage.  Snow is still lying on the ground where it had previosuly drifted and the roads have obviously had a tough december/january.

Due to a seemingly random serving procedure in the Tea Rooms I managed to close the gap on MattC again (Zoom gave up waiting eventually but I got lucky and had a quick turnaround).

I'd assumed, because of the warm start, that we'd have a warm ride but, as I prepped my bike outside, I started feeling pretty cold (it was 2degC at the finish) forcing me to stop several times on the final stage to add layers, glove-liners and so on.

A big bonus on the final stage was meeting up with LiamFitz, of this parish, and riding together to the finish.  The final 30-40km on a winter 200 can really drag, I found them fairly lumpy rather than flat (but I was suffering a loss of power by then I suppose) and it's good to have someone to help pass away those difficult last miles.

Got back to the Park & Ride, loaded the bike into the car and got a receipt for some petrol at the services next door.

All in all a good day out, as good as you can reasonably expect in early January. Warm at the start and dryish roads at the end made it a lot easier than it could have been.  Thanks Mr Bew.

Re: Poor Student
« Reply #301 on: 09 January, 2011, 11:56:03 am »
A very nice ride, much better than when I did it last year. This was my first GPS-navigated audax and it generally went pretty well, it's nice not to have the glare of the headtorch on the routesheet. The vagaries of Garmin Mapsource / Open Street Map routing meant I shortcutted that little detour in Oxford at the start and as Manotea said above, went slightly off route near Kemble (because that road was missing on OSM!). Didn't cost more than 1km though.

Saw LEE on his Thorn Raven near the beginning, and despite his claims of being slower than a slow thing he disappeared off up the road and I never saw him again. Somewhat amazed that you managed to do an SR on the thing, especially if it weighs as much as mine does.

The run out to Malmesbury went pretty much as I expected. Had a good lunch at the Garden centre, where I met Manotea and Martin Malins - well met, it's nice to put a face to the name, gents. The fine weather for the run to Chipping Campden provided for some great views. I seemed to get through a stupendous amount of water on this middle bit of the ride, maybe it was warmer than it felt. Joined the huddle of riders outside the co-op (mucho thanks to whoever was passing out the Jaffa cakes!), didn't fancy a cafe stop because I wanted to make as much of the now rapidly fading light as possible. Clear skies meant dropping temperatures, but I didn't really feel it until the end when my hands got freezing just from putting the bike on the back of the car.

Next up: The Willy Warmer

"There are proven ways; play on the certain knowledge of their superiority, the mystique of secret covenant, the esprit of shared suffering"


Re: Poor Student
« Reply #302 on: 09 January, 2011, 12:22:50 pm »
Good day out, excellent turn out. thanks Mr Bew, I'm looking forward to the Dean after yesterday.

Good to see some familiar familiar faces, and to properly meet Matt C (5 minutes at Didcot Station back in July doesn't count), SR & his mate. Got passed by Phil D & crew when I stopped because my body told me I should have eaten more in Chipping Camden, only to re-pass them during the "mystery of the exploding tyre" interlude. Glad you finished OK.

Saw LEE on his Thorn Raven near the beginning, and despite his claims of being slower than a slow thing he disappeared off up the road and I never saw him again. Somewhat amazed that you managed to do an SR on the thing, especially if it weighs as much as mine does.
He might have a couple of other bikes, and a turbo trainer I'm told  ;) Chapeau to both of you for dragging around what looked like small motorbikes to me.

After 3 200s in 10 days, I'll be doing sunday mornings and hopefully some commutes for a few weeks until Postie's ride at the end of the month.

Re: Poor Student
« Reply #303 on: 09 January, 2011, 01:32:51 pm »
The Mysterious Case of the Exploding Back Wheel

Despite better weather than we could have dreamed of, that was surprisingly tough.  There was a brisk headwind to Malmesbury (nothing unusual there) but it was dry.  And when the clouds cleared it was a great day, if a little cold (well, what do we expect in January?).  I was fading somewhat after Cirencester, so urged Chris Beynon and A N Other (sorry, never got around to asking his name!) to press on without me.  I passed them later, while Chris was fixing a deflation near Kineton.  Seemed little point me hanging around - Chris was clearly in control, and I anticipated they'd catch me up before Chipping Campden, though to my surprise they didn't.  I left Chippy with Pip and Ken (not of this parish yet, I think), and we made good progress until just short of Yarnton.  When my back tyre exploded.  It didn't just go down with a hiss, but exploded.  I was not aware of hitting any pothole that might have caused it - indeed, at first I didn't even realise it was my tyre that had gone.  We studied the tyre, but could see nothing to explain the problem, so I put a new tube in and set off again.  100 yds and "bang" again.  So we checked tyre, and rim, rather more carefully.  Still couldn't see an explanation. So, another new tube, try again.  100 yds and guess what?  Yes, "bang".  I only had one more tube, and there didn't seem much point in hearing that go pop, too, so Pip and Ken carried on, while I set out to walk the last 6 or 7 km.  Could have been worse.  But just before I reached the A44, Pip came back in his car, and I swapped my bike for his and cycled the last few km to PearTree. where we swapped the bikes back again.

So a rather slower finish than anticipated.  Hearty thanks to Pip for taking the time to come back and help out, and to him and Ken for hanging around while I was trying to fix the problem.  And as ever, to DavidB for organising it all.

Hopefully tomorrow when it is light, and I am not tired, I'll find the cause of the problem.  Probably something simple and obvious (though not so obvious that Pip with his professional skills couldn't spot it)

That's really bad luck must have been in the party of 3 huddled together under torch light just before Yarnton.  Still, at least you were saved from the walk!
DJR (Dave Russell) now retired. Carbon Beone parts bin special retired to turbo trainer, Brompton broken, as was I, Whyte Suffolk dismantled and sold. Now have Mason Definition and Orbea M20i.

Re: Poor Student
« Reply #304 on: 09 January, 2011, 02:08:40 pm »
Thanks for organising this excellent ride for the start of 2011 and reasonble weather in the end!

Said hello to MattC, a chap who had cycled in from Cirencester that morning, and a chap from Icknield CC(?) at the services to start with.

I had a good quick ride out of Oxford, following a chap from Oxford CC (Orangj?) who just seemd to disappear into the distance, spent a bit of time with a chap from Witham CC and his group, then had a chat with PhilD who it turns out knows one of my neighbours, and then got on the tail of the fast group of 4 with white tops (Condors, Look & a Croix der Fer) to Purton where I met up with my brother for a quick catch-up.

Got to Malmesbury about 11am for a coffee & scrambled egg on toast, then got as far as the petrol station where I fancied a bottle of coke as well to help me over the hills.  Cycled some on the way to Chipping Campden with a Terry Lister...I didn't realise who he was until I was eating soup with him at Banthams!  Managed to miss the HUGE pothole on the down hill into Chipping Campden, which I hope everyone else missed as well!

Started out form Chipping Camden with Terry & Peter Turnbull, but eventually started to pull away at what, at the time, was a comfortable pace for me..until I got to Shipton where I thought I'd topple over if I went any slower up the hills!  Soon recovered with an energy gel and pressed on.  Just before Yarnton I went passed the group at the road side, which turned out to be PhilD & a couple of others trying to sort the exploding tyre issue.

Arrived back at the services at 18:30hrs...knackered but pleased with the days acheivement!

See you all on the Willy Warmer in a couple of weeks!
DJR (Dave Russell) now retired. Carbon Beone parts bin special retired to turbo trainer, Brompton broken, as was I, Whyte Suffolk dismantled and sold. Now have Mason Definition and Orbea M20i.


  • Boooom Blast & Ruin
Re: Poor Student
« Reply #305 on: 09 January, 2011, 02:31:10 pm »
Thanks Dave B for a great day out.

Bit of a slog to Malmesbury into the wind but helped to pull a large group along with MattC as far as Blunsdon, but got split up by the lights.

Waited for my mate John in Purton, but it turned out he had had another p*nct*r*, so lost half an hour.
Stopped at the petrol station at Malmesbury to avoid going into town and made up some time.

Caught up with Andy H on the Whiteway and had a chat about West Bay and Back. Just missed the crater on the downhill into Chipping Campden and made a quick stop in the One Stop shop.

Good fast run back to Oxford and was back at 1801hrs.
The land at the end of our toes it goes on and on and on and on

Re: Poor Student
« Reply #306 on: 09 January, 2011, 02:59:55 pm »
The Mysterious Case of the Exploding Back Wheel

It was indeed just a tiny nick in the tyre - don't know why we didn't see it at the roadside - it wasn't for lack of searching.  I blame the dark, tiredness, and a fair bit of muck.


Re: Poor Student
« Reply #307 on: 09 January, 2011, 03:34:09 pm »
then got on the tail of the fast group of 4 with white tops (Condors, Look & a Croix der Fer)

White Rapha jackets perchance? Could this be anything to do with the Rapha PBP team we heard about the other day?

Re: Poor Student
« Reply #308 on: 09 January, 2011, 03:50:47 pm »
then got on the tail of the fast group of 4 with white tops (Condors, Look & a Croix der Fer)

White Rapha jackets perchance? Could this be anything to do with the Rapha PBP team we heard about the other day?

They seemed to be in full Rapha kit when I met them in Chipping Campden (and at least 1 condor bike). But honestly, cream tops on those roads yesterday??? - more like muddy grey :)

Re: Poor Student
« Reply #309 on: 09 January, 2011, 04:09:43 pm »
Thanks David B for a great day.

Survived the headwind to Malmesbury with Zoom and Manotea (who revealed some interesting secrets about his youth and uniform fetish).  Slogged into Chippy and hooked up with Lee which was a real boom - that last section flew by.

Here's a funny thing.  I first did this ride about 7 or 8 years ago when the first 80k were as windy, but very very wet.  So by the time I'd left the garage (which used to be the 4th control) I was almost completely blown.  Then, with about 25K to go I'd stopped to check my map when the then organiser Nik Windle swept by and dragged me home.  Imagine my amazement yesterday when at roughly the same point Mr Windle appeared again and sped off with a cheery wave.

I am now hoping that he was actually on the ride was not in fact some ghostly apparition sent to poison my Oxford based riding.  Did anyone else encounter the Windlegeist?



  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Poor Student
« Reply #310 on: 09 January, 2011, 04:24:58 pm »

 So by the time I'd left the garage (which used to be the 4th control) I was almost completely blown.  Then, with about 25K to go I'd stopped to check my map when the then organiser Nik Windle swept by and dragged me home.  Imagine my amazement yesterday when at roughly the same point Mr Windle appeared again and sped off with a cheery wave.

I am now hoping that he was actually on the ride was not in fact some ghostly apparition sent to poison my Oxford based riding.  Did anyone else encounter the Windlegeist?

Yes I did. But I thought caught him just before the A44, and he headed for the petrol station as I dived inside the Wait-Buck-KFC complex. Which doesn't remotely fit with your story.

I heard he died in a freak fixie-fettling accident in 2005, and has been haunting audaxers ever since, rattling his chain outside DaveB's windows at 3am ...
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Re: Poor Student
« Reply #311 on: 09 January, 2011, 05:41:36 pm »
Thanks to Dave Bew for organising this ride.

It was nice to see so many familiar YACF faces and meet new ones also.  I'm grateful for the chat Tim and Emilie had with me when I had a bad patch.  And Ray and Manotea's company was appreciated in the last leg.

It was quite a tough ride for me - but today I feel great and am telling everyone I know what a fantastic time I had yesterday!  Can't wait for the next one.

Blog report here: Clicky


Re: Poor Student
« Reply #312 on: 09 January, 2011, 06:54:05 pm »
does anyone have a contact for Tim (on the orange fixie) and Emily? Tim was taking photos near Compton Abdale which I'd like to see

Re: Poor Student
« Reply #313 on: 09 January, 2011, 07:59:13 pm »
Swarmcatcher's blog always leaves me green with envy - it always manages to sum things up better than I can!


Re: Poor Student
« Reply #314 on: 09 January, 2011, 10:05:48 pm »
does anyone have a contact for Tim (on the orange fixie) and Emily? Tim was taking photos near Compton Abdale which I'd like to see

Zoom, pic link below. What a great ride. Emily was planning to hop a train back from Kemble or Moreton in Marsh but was feeling good so bagged the lot. That's the spirit!


Re: Poor Student
« Reply #315 on: 09 January, 2011, 11:07:32 pm »
does anyone have a contact for Tim (on the orange fixie) and Emily? Tim was taking photos near Compton Abdale which I'd like to see

Zoom, pic link below. What a great ride. Emily was planning to hop a train back from Kemble or Moreton in Marsh but was feeling good so bagged the lot. That's the spirit!

Poor Student 2011 - a set on Flickr

The photo of Martin topping out on the climb is stunning.  It should be in Arrivee.

Edit.  But the most evocative of the ride is the one of Martin (and other) in the distance, separated by a typical Cotswold descent and subsequent gnarly ascent.  Perfectly sums up that middle stage (and the attraction of Audaxing).

It's hard to capture the gradient of hills in a photo but that one does it perfectly (and reminds me why my legs are still sore)

Re: Poor Student
« Reply #316 on: 10 January, 2011, 05:57:47 am »
Poor Student 2011 - a set on Flickr

Brilliant photos! Thanks for sharing.

My favourite is IMG_0456.

Re: Poor Student
« Reply #317 on: 10 January, 2011, 09:03:30 am »
Brilliant photos! Thanks for sharing.
My favourite is IMG_0456.
+1, big time. LEE's right about Arrivée - IMG_0456 is a cover shot if ever I saw one!

Re: Poor Student
« Reply #318 on: 10 January, 2011, 09:19:23 am »
They are really cracking photos

Re: Poor Student
« Reply #319 on: 10 January, 2011, 01:55:26 pm »
(This from LEE above)
Zoom gave up waiting eventually but I got lucky and had a quick turnaround.

It's strange; I've been in Bantam tearooms many times (not just on Poor Student rides - it's on my route when cycling to visit my parents or my brother) and don't recall ever getting slow or otherwise poor service there.  Yet every year someone on the Poor Student reports this sort of problem.


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Poor Student
« Reply #320 on: 10 January, 2011, 02:57:25 pm »
(This from LEE above)
Zoom gave up waiting eventually but I got lucky and had a quick turnaround.

It's strange; I've been in Bantam tearooms many times (not just on Poor Student rides - it's on my route when cycling to visit my parents or my brother) and don't recall ever getting slow or otherwise poor service there.  Yet every year someone on the Poor Student reports this sort of problem.

How the other half lives, eh? It's tough at the back of the field!


Re: Poor Student
« Reply #321 on: 10 January, 2011, 03:22:03 pm »
I was down the back as well. AND I DID NOT GET ANY SOUP.


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Poor Student
« Reply #322 on: 10 January, 2011, 03:22:47 pm »
I've only visited on Poor Student rides and found the service slow. Nowadays I'm strictly Co-Op BestStopShop.

This may be more of a reflection on me then the cafe though. I cannot be doing with waiting. Feed me & Feed me now!

IIRC the cafe closes at 17:00 which happily I discovered on Saturday is when the Chippie opens.

What chippie is that, I hear you ask? On the run in to Chipping, just before the final turn onto the high street, there is a fish&chips sign on the left outside what looks like a terrace of houses. The entrance to the chippie is down a little alley way.

Too late for Phil though, and for me (this year).


Re: Poor Student
« Reply #323 on: 10 January, 2011, 07:14:59 pm »
I was one of the Rapha contingent on the Croix De Fer clad in a very grubby cream jacket.  My legs are still feeling the effects of being towed all over the Cotswolds by our graphic designer Ultan in what was my first audax.  We're hoping to qualify for PBP but 200km in January is causing me to reassess how far I think far is...  Our little group consists of Ultan, G our head designer, myself, Anton Blackie and Phil Deeker who's based in Belgium; look forward to seeing some of you again at the Dean perhaps.


  • EU Cake Mountain
Re: Poor Student
« Reply #324 on: 10 January, 2011, 08:01:38 pm »
Phil Deeker as in 300 cols in a ridiculously short time, Phil Deeker?