Author Topic: On the commute today  (Read 2518279 times)

Bairn Again

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20100 on: 08 January, 2018, 11:12:58 am »
Was on annual leave last week so first day back after New Year this morning. 

It was my "long" commute to the city centre in Edinburgh today, so about 7km instead of my regular 4km  ;).  Totally freezing, Id been out at the Airport earlier in the morning and the car read -6 deg. at 0630 and it wasnt much warmer when I set off for work at 0800.  My hands are still sore from the cold...definitely a day for the extra liner gloves! 


Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20101 on: 08 January, 2018, 12:36:46 pm »
Wooly hat for the first time this winter, it was bitter.

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20102 on: 10 January, 2018, 10:21:50 am »
Amazing the difference a few degrees and the absence of wind can make, I actually enjoyed that.

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20103 on: 10 January, 2018, 06:55:28 pm »
First day on the bike since 21st December.
And my first 'proper' run since 26th December.
Maybe doing them on the same day was a mistake...
Fun though.
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20104 on: 10 January, 2018, 08:01:56 pm »
I watched one chap get almost left hooked twice today within the space of about 400 yards. Great bike handling skills. Less good on the observation and anticipation front though.
Rust never sleeps


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20105 on: 11 January, 2018, 11:53:07 pm »

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20106 on: 12 January, 2018, 08:29:41 pm »
Skidding even on the studded tyres today yet have managed to cycle to work every working day this year so far...100%..... despite snow, frost, fog and high winds. It can't get better.  :facepalm:
Pete Crane E75 @petecrane5

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20107 on: 12 January, 2018, 11:10:53 pm »
Got knocked off by an oncoming, overtaking car on the B3128 just by Long Ashton golf club at 6pm today.  Probably doing 20mph down a  small incline when one of a small group of oncoming cars pulls out sharply to overtake straight into my path.  We both braked, he skidded a little , we both swerved to our lefts and I thought I had just made past but he clipped the back end of the bike and all of a sudden I am astride the bike but lying on my side on the verge (soft and grassy  :thumbsup:).  Nobody stopped.  I can just about believe that the overtaken cars might have missed it.  Two or three cars stopped a few minutes later and one offered me a lift to my destination.

Luckily I have only a small cut and a few abrasions from the bike and a bit shaken by a few seconds of high speed oncoming headlights  :o.  The rear rack is bent and both pannier fixings are damaged plus the top of my phone screen is rather more cracked than before.  Will need to check the rear triangle in the tomorrow.  I've reported it online and filled out a STATS19 but barring a guilty conscience self report by the driver that's about it.  If anyone knows Ian Hudson from Portishead, tell him thanks very much for the lift.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20108 on: 12 January, 2018, 11:17:15 pm »
Glad to hear you're still around and without too much damage. Shitty driver behaviour though.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


  • Tyke
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20109 on: 23 January, 2018, 11:26:27 am »
Sorry to hear about that, delap.  Horrible situation, and, as LWaB says, really shitty behaviour.

Glad that there are still some decent people in the world, and that you are still with us.
Getting there...


  • Tyke
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20110 on: 23 January, 2018, 11:28:19 am »
Apparently, I have a bicycle, and i can just about ride it!  I cycled a total of 8km yesterday to and from the station near work.  It felt good to be on the bike, but frustrating to be so unfit, and just plain annoying to not be able to breathe very well (OK, so I was off sick last week...).

I am hoping to repeat the exercise later in the week.
Getting there...


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20111 on: 23 January, 2018, 02:03:16 pm »
Apparently, I have a bicycle, and i can just about ride it!


Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20112 on: 24 January, 2018, 03:04:30 pm »
An hour later today, absolute madness. There's a new gate on the bend across the lane down to the locks which I'll need to remember as it won't be too visible since the streetlights are in the canal.

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20113 on: 24 January, 2018, 05:43:03 pm »
Some wind. 8 mph where I hit 27 mph last night in the other direction.
Quote from: Kim
Paging Diver300.  Diver300 to the GSM Trimphone, please...

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20114 on: 25 January, 2018, 10:37:40 am »
Nearest miss of my 30+ years cycling today.

I was on a roundabout that intersects a main road (A164) when an artic came out of the road on my left and cut right across the front of me, the rear trailer wheels missed my front wheel by perhaps 1ft-18ins. Fortunately I was travelling pretty slowly and ended up on the centre of the roundabout.

The taxi driver following him thought he was on a mobile as he'd noticed a white light in the cab. I've just about stopped shaking, don't want any more of those!

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20115 on: 25 January, 2018, 02:16:02 pm »
I wondered where my irregular commuting buddy was this morning, he usually arrives just a little after me. Turns out he was in A&E with a busted collarbone after being doored by a passenger who going to be late for their eye hospital appointment.


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20116 on: 26 January, 2018, 06:26:41 pm »
Had an off on ice this morning.

I assessed the conditions as mild enough for my 'normal' route, rather than my icy-conditions route.
I was wrong.

Went down fairly hard on my hip / buttock and slit slid for a surprising distance.
Expecting to see ripped clothing, but not a scratch.
The road surface was perfectly covered with a sheen of ice that I slid along with no damage to my kit.
Bike has just a few more character-forming scrapes, but nothing worse.

I'm a bit bruised and struggle on stairs, but fairly OK on the bike for the ride home.
Will have a cracking bruise tomorrow morning, I expect.

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20117 on: 26 January, 2018, 07:17:54 pm »

Went down fairly hard on my hip / buttock and slit for a surprising distance.
Expecting to see ripped clothing, but not a scratch.

Yebbut how's your slit?
Hear all, see all, say nowt


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20118 on: 26 January, 2018, 07:45:14 pm »

Went down fairly hard on my hip / buttock and slit for a surprising distance.
Expecting to see ripped clothing, but not a scratch.

Yebbut how's your slit?



  • Inadequate Randonneur
Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20119 on: 27 January, 2018, 09:57:54 pm »
On Wednesday cycle in it was tipping down so there was more traffic on the road. I am a little unfit after sick pre xmas so I am still not able to cycle as fast as I would normally.  I was struggling up a false flat when a large lorry with a trailer came up behind  me.  There was nowhere for me to pull in to let him pass. A continuous stream of cars in the opposing lane prevented overtaking.  All credit to the driver he did not try to squeeze past. Eventually a gap in the traffic permitted him to pass me safely and he did.  Behind him there was a motorcyclist he shouted at me and made jestures. Thats the first time I have upset two wheeled traffic. He should know better if he could not get past the lorry the lorry could not get past me.


Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20120 on: 30 January, 2018, 01:55:02 pm »
Very close pass from a volvo estate this morning. A few km further on as I was thinking to myself this is not the first bit of dodgey driving I have seen from a volvo recently an Audi stopped when it was his right of way to let me past a parked car and gave a friendly wave as I went past.   Are volvos going cheap as company cars now or something?

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20121 on: 31 January, 2018, 09:15:17 am »

From the tossbucket on our gatehouse.
Left me standing astride my bike for 2 minutes 30 secs (according to the GPS track) because he couldn't see me. (Or was asleep- he has a history)

Unfortunately for him, he pissed off the person responsible for contracted services. Like Security.  :demon:

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20122 on: 31 January, 2018, 04:02:24 pm »
working at a new location - Media city in salford and there is v.little parking down here so taken to riding the bike everyday even if it means driving halfway to avoid snow/ice where and I live and the worst rain. Rather ride 5 miles in the wet than 12 miles. Turns out easier than I thought and takes an hour (subject to traffic) from shutting the office door to getting bike from hub, clipping lights on/fastening helmet and getting to the house. So I've gone from a fair weather rider full distance  to an all weather albeit shorter distance rider. Has req. investment in o/shoes (Ebay) - how quick do they wear out!! :o and open soled ones work better for me and some overmitt-lobsterclaw things in the Rapha sale

Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20123 on: 31 January, 2018, 07:44:57 pm »
 3 lane-one way street. Has a bike-path, but was blocked off for construction. I need to turn left anyway, so go in the left (mostly empty) lane and some numbty pulls over into me. I just about swerve around him.
 I then just about make the next light, he clearly doesn't but decide to blow through it anyway.
30 seconds later,I realise I also have a puncture.


Re: On the commute today
« Reply #20124 on: 01 February, 2018, 11:04:26 pm »
Usual service resumed today with an Audi driver seeing how close they could get. Although it was averaged out by the Audi driver behind who gave me so much room they nearly hit the car coming the other way!

Return journey was a blast though. I noticed the front wheel was rubbing on something as I left so spent 5 minutes trying to figure out what, gave up and resigned myself to a slow trudge home then realised it was fine again. It felt like I was on a new bike! Wonder how long I have been riding around like that?  Then I realised this morning's head / cross wind had not changed direction and I flew home.