Author Topic: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March  (Read 9484 times)


Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #50 on: 14 March, 2010, 09:24:48 am »

Hopefully there was enough cake left at the Arrivee, "You B*****d" !  ;)


You'd had me worried...

Yes, loads of cake.  Even after I'd had my fill.


  • Retired and enjoying it!
    • Somer Valley Cycling Club
Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #51 on: 14 March, 2010, 10:08:16 am »
I am glad everyone found that grind into the headwind  as bad as me.

There another post that discusses how much to eat, well I ended up eating every single thing in my bag yesterday, it seemed to boost me for 15-20 mins then i needed more. I don't really know what was different yesterday except less miles in my legs  this year. Despite this the first half seemed to fly and then I grovelled.

The 2 miles back to car went well though - it was all downhill of course!


  • E=112
Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #52 on: 14 March, 2010, 10:14:52 am »

Hopefully there was enough cake left at the Arrivee,...


Yes, loads of cake.  Even after I'd had my fill.

& still plenty left n hours later for those of a more sedate pace.

Another cracking day (after wasting 15 minutes trying to get gloves back onto sweaty hands), and expertly guided thru back streets of Cheltenham by 3peaker to catch a train home afterwards.
Néophyte > 2007 > Ancien > 2011 > Récidiviste


Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #53 on: 14 March, 2010, 10:21:58 am »
I am glad everyone found that grind into the headwind  as bad as me.

It was OK until the last bit, for me.  That road to Winstone...

"Winstone 3" on the sign.  Ride for what felt like an hour; "Winstone 2"

But it was still enjoyable, cos the sun was shining and the views were great :)

For some reason I had it in my mind that the final steep pull up to the A435 was severe.  I just rode up and thought "And...?"

I don't think it was even the steepest climb of the day; that honour goes (I think) to that hill after Bourton on the Water.

I first rode this event as (I think) my first ever 200 in 1999.  It was very main-roady then and the current route is much nicer IMO.  It's a really, really nice ride :)


  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #54 on: 14 March, 2010, 11:09:39 am »
Yes, as almost the last hair on the tail, I found cakes galore at all the Controls. Hope you guys supported the Donations (my Club!) boxes.

It may have been my (lower) speed but the gentle climb to Winstone did not appear to be too laborious.  Mind you, it was dusk with a glorious distracting sun setting at 6pm.

The descent of Bubbs was a cautious dark affair, with a few cows in the road at the top to ensure we did not rush it.  I know Bubbs from nearly 30 yrs using it (won a Club Hill Climb on it in ’82) and it is one of those hills that DEMANDS total respect (both climbing and descending).  I reckon that little climb out from the R Churn bridge the steepest part of the ride, especially as it hits you blind.

Glad you enjoyed a Chelt CTC production, A few more on the calendar to come.


Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.

Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #55 on: 14 March, 2010, 11:28:32 am »
I enjoyed the day and the sunshine.
I had a bit of a mare of a day though.
I arrived at 8 and by the time I got away I did not realise that it was 8:18. The challenge was therefore on with the early controls.
I got to the first one with 13 minutes to spare and the second one with 15 minutes to spare. So now I could do some serious catching up. But unfortunately I mis read the direction with the double TJ. So by the time I had got back on course I was adding an additional 6 miles. I got to the next control on the wire but needed something to eat so it put me under pressure again for the next control. So I set off and had the next control easily in sight when I had a flat on the back. I found I had two pieces of flint embedded in my tyre which had been rubbing away, so I got to the next control 10 minutes late and everyone had gone, so my day was over. I continued without refilled water or food. I got to the next control and they had gone too. So I looked for a convenience store and could not find any. I managed to fill up with water from a tap in a pub car park. I went straight to the car instead of the last control but I reckon I would have go there about 10 minutes out of time.
So the moral of the story is if I had not started late, taken a wrong turn or had a flat I might have finished a very demanding but enjoyable ride.
O'LEL what have I done!


  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #56 on: 14 March, 2010, 12:55:09 pm »
So the moral of the story is if I had not started late, taken a wrong turn or had a flat I might have finished a very demanding but enjoyable ride.

Sorry to here of your DNF.  Can you cite any problems with the routesheet? Readability, layout, lack of info?

Therein lies the advantage of local knowledge or having ridden variations of the CF200 over many years.  Last year I rode the event as a DIY to check the route and then 2weeks later on the ride without a routesheet.  As Ron lives just round the corner from me, he let on, following his tragedy, he would be issuing last years route, so, to me, no problem.


Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.

Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #57 on: 14 March, 2010, 01:25:11 pm »
I thought the route sheet was good.

Where I went wrong is where it said the following:

I wrongly interpreted this as TL at both TJ,s and then as the next instruction TR, SP BIBURY. So 3 miles down the B4425 and the TR for Bibury was not coming I knew I had a problem, so, I came back to the TJ and only then did I notice the road sign saying BIBURY so many miles. Perhaps If I had noticed that originally I would have rechecked the instruction.

Perhaps this is something only I would do, I really did give myself a good kicking!
O'LEL what have I done!


  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #58 on: 14 March, 2010, 02:36:43 pm »
I thought the route sheet was good.

Where I went wrong is where it said the following:

I wrongly interpreted this as TL at both TJ,s and then as the next instruction TR, SP BIBURY. So 3 miles down the B4425 and the TR for Bibury was not coming I knew I had a problem, so, I came back to the TJ and only then did I notice the road sign saying BIBURY so many miles. Perhaps If I had noticed that originally I would have rechecked the instruction.

Perhaps this is something only I would do, I really did give myself a good kicking!

No, I think clarity is imperative and many earlier Routesheets (many of my Perms included) took a narrative approach, where you had to look hard to determine where you were on the RS.  I am re-writing my RSs to be more one-liner and distance instructive.

I would write Ron's description as:

TL @ T (>50m)
TR @ T  B4425  SP BIBURY(>15km)

I will inform Ron.


Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.

Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #59 on: 14 March, 2010, 04:36:57 pm »
Hi, Stephen.

There are a couple of others that may need to be noted.   I cannot quote the exact line on the route card, since disposing of the sheets. But here goes:

Whilst on B4077 after Ford:

TR sp Stow when in fact this was the right turn to Bourton onto the lane that passes the Cotswold Farm Park.

After crossing the A350 beyond Lacock:

TR sp NOTTON the Notton sign was missing from its post, I assume it was broken.

Incidentally, I did not spot you yesterday, was this due to an absence of trike?
Organiser of Droitwich Cycling Club audaxes.


Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #60 on: 14 March, 2010, 04:57:50 pm »
It was a good routesheet, I felt, but as 3peaker says  - of  narrative style.  It did need a bit of concentration at times, and I suppose that I also had the benefit of knowing more-or-less where I was most of the time.

It's a pleasantly devious route and the price of that is a complex routesheet, I suppose.  The notation is non-standard, and it did throw me a couple of times until I got into the right way of thinking.


  • Retired and enjoying it!
    • Somer Valley Cycling Club
Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #61 on: 14 March, 2010, 06:18:19 pm »
I have the advantage of needing to re-type the sheet in a larger font and in doing so I annotate it in my own format that I know I will understand .

The disadvantage is making a mistake in the re-type - on Making Hay last year I completely missed out the last but one instruction and ended up in a Cardiff housing estate! I now carry the original route as well, as a back-up.

Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #62 on: 14 March, 2010, 06:23:55 pm »
I plotted the route into a gpx. Makes for a far more relaxing ride  :P


  • It is all about the taste.
Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #63 on: 14 March, 2010, 07:49:50 pm »
Put the hammer down from the B&B (The Wynyards - fine B&B but at the top of a 25% hill - bugger  :facepalm:) and managed to catch the main groupetto up at the Sunshine Desserts car park. Pace slowed down quite a bit as people had driven to the start - queers mostly, I'll wager. Think I told nearly everyone who said hello to me that I had actually ridden to the event from Portsmouth enforcing the notion that I am a force of nature and not a buffoon  - may have spoilt this by also asking "are you looking for a good time today" in a slightly salacious manner. Big dash up a hill and rear puncture put me out of the running for a sub 4 hour 100k - bummer - but then again I was shagged out form riding up the day before - not sure if I had mentioned that. Enjoyed Greasy Joe fare, thought I saw Msr Pumpe's face in a Treacle Tart, may have been mistaken. Got lost after missing Soddingturnoff sign post and found salvation in the form of a signpost to Ewen. Arrived at the Bustop village hall and made a major donation to a noteworthy charity and decided to put the hammer down to Badminton - only stopping in Tetbury to oggle the ladies in their finery at a mass wedding - woof woof. Snagged an Aussie called Dave who had been jettisoned by my club mate and someone called Judith Swallow as excess baggage. Bonded over talk of Audax weirdness, blondes and pendulous breasts - realised he was a potential partner in beer and gave him a tow back to the finish - and beer. Kissed a stranger in the Apple Tree PH who said "Fat cyclist? You're not a fat cyclist" and also gave another chap advice on how to restore penile function by adjusting his saddle. I may go into the medical profession. Climbed the 25% hill to B&B and showered before Postie and I returned to the Apple Tree - passing people still turning up at the villlage hall - mostly queers. No more penile dysfunction masterclass but was given the glad eye by some big maid in denim trousers - until Postie pointed out that they were actually eyeing up our table. He is bastard - but was correct - damn him.

Rode back to Pompey today - did I mention that we were riding to and from the event?


Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #64 on: 14 March, 2010, 08:59:43 pm »
.......................................................... but as 3peaker says  - of  narrative style.  It did need a bit of concentration at times, and I suppose that I also had the benefit of knowing more-or-less where I was most of the time. ...................
Narrative route sheets are fine - as long as you (a) always stay on route, (b) always mainatain corrolation between route and the routesheet. The first is sometimes easier said than done, particularly if the route becomes technical over a very short distance - requiring a lot of info digestion/interpretation (i.e. b) as you inadvertently go off route. A bit of a catch 22.

Although I have less kms cycled than many, Bristol DA events seem to be the last bastion of the narrative route sheet format.
where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that. Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #65 on: 14 March, 2010, 09:16:39 pm »
I'm cautious of being too critical of the routesheet for this event.  It was an awful lot better than many, and the style was just - well - style.

Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #66 on: 14 March, 2010, 10:18:02 pm »
Yes, I agree MV - I wasn't in any way, shape or form being dis-respectful (and if this was perceived, I unresrvedly apologise)- as every organiser has their way of doing things.

All routeshets are what they are - an honest attempt to get the rider around a path as they see fit.
where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that. Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #67 on: 14 March, 2010, 10:22:32 pm »
Yes, I agree MV - I wasn't in any way, shape or form being dis-respectful (and if this was perceived, I unresrvedly apologise)

Sorry, I wasn't implying that in any way.  Just thinking aloud that it was a very nice event and probably a much better routesheet than I could have devised :)

I'm always very grateful to organisers for their efforts.


  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #68 on: 14 March, 2010, 11:28:29 pm »

Bristol DA events seem to be the last bastion of the narrative route sheet format.

Yes but remember the Cheltenham Flyer and the Cotswold Corker are routes devised over 2 decades ago.  As events, they run like Clockwork, with helpers steeped in Club tradition and respect.  But one could argue that the routesheets have remained as they were in that era.  Perhaps the present crop of rider is expecting more spoon- feeding or a routesheet that inspires more confidence.


Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.


  • It is all about the taste.
Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #69 on: 15 March, 2010, 04:01:45 am »
Although I have less kms cycled than many, Bristol DA events seem to be the last bastion of the narrative route sheet format.

Not entirely the last bastion.



Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #70 on: 15 March, 2010, 10:51:18 am »
Great event as usual. About 100 entrants are testament to this.

Nearly an hour slower this year though and just about made it to the finish without lighting up.

My third 200k within a week meant my legs were heavy before I had even started.

Good to be able to put a few names to faces (Msr Pumpe, Hummers).

Re- route sheet, my only suggestion would be to put intermediate distances between each instruction perhaps.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #71 on: 15 March, 2010, 11:32:41 am »
realised he was a potential partner in beer and gave him a tow back to the finish - and beer.

Much appreciated, and the tow as well.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

John Henry

Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #72 on: 15 March, 2010, 04:01:18 pm »
realised he was a potential partner in beer and gave him a tow back to the finish - and beer.

Much appreciated, and the tow as well.

Penny drops...

Met you in the pub the following day on your 'recovery ride'. I was (and still am) the bloke with the Longstaff - we spoke about the pleasures of bar end shifters as I was leaving.

I hope you weren't led too far astray on the real ale. Good to meet you!


  • It is all about the taste.
Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #73 on: 15 March, 2010, 05:06:03 pm »
Not led far enough in my opinion.



  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Cheltenham Flyer 2010 - 13th March
« Reply #74 on: 15 March, 2010, 05:21:23 pm »
Give me some time and higher temperatures.  It was very cold on the weekend, so not much sweating.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...