Author Topic: What have you done on the plot today?  (Read 258817 times)

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1025 on: 28 April, 2019, 11:41:48 pm »
Earthed up the potatoes for the first time this season

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Too many angry people - breathe & relax.

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1026 on: 25 May, 2019, 09:08:36 pm »
Potted on 45 sweet corn, and a dozen each of “Big Daddy” and “Gardeners Delight” tomatoes, plus a couple of a tumbling variety, all to the backdrop of bluetits in our nesting box. Plus re-trained the “Creme de la Creme” rose on our arch.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1027 on: 09 June, 2019, 04:20:33 pm »
Planted out the sweetcorn, and inter-planted climbing French beans, so hopefully the sweetcorn stalks will provide support for the beans. I’ve done it successfully with borlotti beans in the past so it should work.

Side-shooter the Big Daddy tomatoes, and put the tumbling ones into a raised tray on the potion.

Cut the grass.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1028 on: 29 June, 2019, 08:10:56 pm »
Mostly keeping the weeds down.

in the greenhouse both tomatoes and cucumbers doing well, setting flowers and producing embryos, chillis adn peppers poised to spring into growth I'm sure

Outside all going well.  Embryo courgettes apearing, leafy green stuff going well, including the seakale thongs that I was worried about.  Sucession sowings of lettuces/greens. Netted the soft fruit and the brassicas.  Had half a bowl of early blackcurrants the other day - superb.  Started cropping the lettuces as cut and come again
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens


  • Just do it!
Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1029 on: 05 July, 2019, 04:00:11 pm »
David has just brought around 5kg of potatoes in from the garden; that's about two months' supply and our fridge is full of Other Foods...

This abode has no cool storage areas and it's HOT in Londonton right now.

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1030 on: 17 August, 2019, 08:30:22 pm »
Four hours at the plots today (including time spent hiding from severe downpours). The main veg plot is looking like a jungle, and I'm convinced I could see the grass growing before my eyes after the rain.
I snaffled just about the last of the wood chippings to put another layer on the main path to ease Mrs M's passage - the supply of chippings at our site is very spasmodic, so it's a case of 'get as much as you can, when you can'.
Picked a bag full of potatoes, three decent cauliflowers, a cabbage, a few carrots (some of them had split - presumably the dry/wet/dry this year hasn't helped), and .... more bloody courgettes. Raspberries are starting again - that's good! Good neighbour gave us a couple of cucumbers. Mrs M brought loads of Gladioli, and dahlias home to brighten up the place.
I had a feel of the sweet corn, but decided to leave it for another week before I pulled the first one. The apples and pears are looking very good, but no where near ready - and of course, the squirrels have had all the hazel nuts.
Lots of hoeing, and weed pulling - I've culled a lot of the borage that's been invading the main path, the trouble is now, that there's borage seedlings springing up everywhere.
Absolutely kkkknakkered!
Too many angry people - breathe & relax.

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1031 on: 27 October, 2019, 07:46:18 pm »
A fairly short session at the allotments today when I failed to get a fire going.
Picked a splendid head of calabrese, and a bit of lettuce. Mrs M picked a margarine tub full of raspberries.
The carrots, beetroot and parsnips are looking good, but there might just be only enough brussels for Christmas lunch.
I staked the wilting pear tree and covered the old flower bed with cardboard ready for a good go at digging in early next year.
All the rhubarb leaves have died back, so they've been cleared away.
The mice have had all the sunflower seeds I was saving.
Sunday late lunch was homegrown cabbage, spuds,  roasted carrots, leeks, parsnip & beetroot, and a chicken from the Coop.
Too many angry people - breathe & relax.


  • Oh, no!
Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1032 on: 27 October, 2019, 08:16:59 pm »
Zilch; far too wet today. Early this week I returned home after 3 weeks away, during which time it seems to have rained much of the time, and the garden is beginning to resemble a rain forest. Dry weather is forecast for the next few days, however, so maybe I'll get a chance to wrest back control before winter sets in.

in the meantime I'm keeping out of mischief decorating the spare bedroom  :( .  Did manage 3 hours on the bike this morning, though  :)

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1033 on: 21 November, 2019, 07:13:02 pm »
met a friend at her plot today as she had some unwanted Jerusalem Artichoke tubers. I have heard some good things but don't think I have ever tasted these before. Will have some with my b'fast tomorrow am. I'm forecasting tomorrow may be quite windy.

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1034 on: 30 November, 2019, 03:42:59 pm »
They make a good soup, and also a gratin with cream and whole grain mustard is good.

As today was actually dry (well, not raining) I took the opportunity to prune down 4 clematis, moved the Rosa Munda to a more appropriate location, and planted my wife’s Christmas present, a Vibernum Judii, in the front garden alongside the path. Hopefully both will survive, and the Vibernum will complement the Daphne in the front for scent.

Also prepped a couple of beds for garlic planting tomorrow, and started to remove the dead Clematis Armandii. It’s thrived for 15 years, but has suddenly died. We suspect honey fungus again  :-X.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1035 on: 30 November, 2019, 04:16:16 pm »
Got out into the garden for an hour or so this afternoon. First time for a month. I've started to remove the leaves from the hellebores and have moved all MrsC's auriculas into the cold frames for the duration. I'm not sure they really need it, but that's what she prefers. 
I will need to get back out there tomorrow as soon as I can (having wrapped up warm) as there is a lot more to do.
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1036 on: 30 November, 2019, 04:22:10 pm »
Built a compost bin from pallets. The rest of our allotment is just too wet to do anything much

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1037 on: 30 November, 2019, 09:00:46 pm »

. The rest of our allotment is just too wet to do anything much

We went down to ours for a couple of hours today. The soil was very heavy, it might just have been digable if I'd have put my lazy mind to it. I was having too much fun trying to get the bonfire to get going to bother with the fork.
Too many angry people - breathe & relax.

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1038 on: 09 December, 2019, 01:40:11 pm »
Another dry weekend, so Saturday was spent pruning the "Rambling Rector" on the pergola. Thumbs up for the cheapo Chinese made pigskin gauntlets!  Sunday I took the rose trimmings to the tip, cut back the choysia (Mexican Orange) to let a bit more light into the garden, and then pruned the quince. I also put the Christmas lights up on the front of the cottage, but they'll not be turned on for a couple of weeks yet.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1039 on: 18 January, 2020, 05:08:13 pm »
I finished coppicing the large hazel in our shade bed (the north-facing one).
That has taken me most of last weekend and most of this afternoon. The coppicing itself has been done. The lawn is now pretty well covered in twiggy bits and there is a large pile of not so twiggy bits to be cut up to feed campfire in the summer. No idea when I'll be able to finish the job, though.
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."


Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1040 on: 12 February, 2020, 11:33:17 pm »
Bright yellow crocus are out and geraniums in sheltered spots are still flowering, crazy.
I wouldn't say it's spring yet but stuff is starting to happen.

I did some gardening work for a mate and the client wanted a border filled with shrubs for £70. Border's about 40 feet by 6 feet deep. Obviously it's a cheeky price but I was thinking if you had the space for a polytunnel and a moderately-stocked garden you could do it easily. Just about every garden has choisya, rosemary, lavender, box, hydrangea, dogwood etc etc. All an absolute piece of cake to propagate.

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1041 on: 18 February, 2020, 07:17:35 am »
Sweet peas and tomatoes sown last night. Always makes me feel a bit more optimistic.
"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1042 on: 22 February, 2020, 09:27:34 pm »
Chillies and toms sewn into pots last weekend, germinating in the spare room, just starting to come through when I looked last night.

My bonsai cherry trees are in fine flower, despite the wind
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens


Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1043 on: 29 February, 2020, 01:47:00 pm »


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1044 on: 15 March, 2020, 03:43:03 pm »
COurgettes and cucumbers into the propagator today, along with soem early lettuce, pak choi and cabbages
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens


Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1045 on: 16 March, 2020, 02:14:46 pm »
It's still pretty cold though, 3 degrees at night, I think this time last year was much milder. Very first tulip's out.


Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1046 on: 17 March, 2020, 10:02:17 pm »
If you kneel down close and squint you can see tiny weeny wispy grass seeds shooting from the 23rd Feb seed:

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1047 on: 22 March, 2020, 01:15:41 pm »
Finally got around to planting up the Charlotte potatoes into bags and putting them onto the sunny side of the garden. Pruned a Vibernum, tied in some climbing roses. Oh, and lubricated the greenhouse sliding door.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)


  • Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society member 263583
Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1048 on: 22 March, 2020, 05:19:15 pm »
anybody know what this is ?

I bought it about 18 months ago as a possible bonsai, no label, cheap at the local garden centre.  Didn't do anything at all last year, this year it's come out with these big daisy-like flowers about 2" across. Out for a walk this afternoon, I saw another one at the edge of a drive as a very large shrub covered in flowers.

“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens

Re: What have you done on the plot today?
« Reply #1049 on: 22 March, 2020, 05:23:34 pm »
My wife says “Magnolia Stellata”.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)