Author Topic: Southend Cycle Town - part 2  (Read 246559 times)


  • Tyke
Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #550 on: 30 July, 2010, 08:14:10 pm »
Would it be acceptable for a car to pass a cyclist at the same distance/space as a cyclist passes the car?

  What is the cars alternative solution? 

Simple, he waits until there is room to pass SAFELY.

Exactly that.  This is a prime place for primary.

It astounds me that anyone posting on a cycle forum can't see what is wrong with stupid driving like that.

Rule 163.  There's even a picture for those many drivers who can't read.
Getting there...


  • Just do it!
Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #551 on: 30 July, 2010, 08:58:43 pm »
Would it be acceptable for a car to pass a cyclist at the same distance/space as a cyclist passes the car?

  What is the cars alternative solution? 

Simple, he waits until there is room to pass SAFELY.

Exactly that.  This is a prime place for primary.

It astounds me that anyone posting on a cycle forum can't see what is wrong with stupid driving like that.

Rule 163.  There's even a picture for those many drivers who can't read.

Clarion, you are forgetting the First Rule of the Motorist:

All cyclists MUST be overtaken.
What's the problem? Smiley deliberately omited


  • 2 Flat Eric's
Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #552 on: 31 July, 2010, 09:37:11 am »
Does anyone know if the plans for Vic Circus are available online anywhere? I was wondering what that short length of path is for on the left as you pass under the shopping centre traveling towards Vic Circus from Southchurch on the Queensway.

Clandy, You have PM.
Never argue with an idot....
They just bring you down to their level
then win on experience.

2 Flat Erics You Tube Channel


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #553 on: 31 July, 2010, 09:51:42 am »

It's about time cyclists took responsibility for their own safety instead of trying to blame others for their stupidity.

It's hippy bikers like you who give pro cyclists a bad name.

YOU clearly underatook a  car which stopped for people to cross the road when you knew full well it was going to move again.

If you keep on like this you will get knocked off.

If you would have done that to me you would have got a load of horn for being so stupid.


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #554 on: 31 July, 2010, 09:55:21 am »
Does anyone know if the plans for Vic Circus are available online anywhere? I was wondering what that short length of path is for on the left as you pass under the shopping centre traveling towards Vic Circus from Southchurch on the Queensway.

Clandy, You have PM.

Thanks 2FE.


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #555 on: 31 July, 2010, 09:57:39 am »
Looks like you're the only one not seeing the problem.

Ya think?  Just look at the You tube comments...

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #556 on: 31 July, 2010, 10:08:40 am »
I don't think that posting messages on Youtube accusing motorists of being dickheads for transgressions like this is very helpful tbh.  

The Lotus driver was a bit of a cock, for sure, but as others have pointed out you had just demonstrated that you were comfortable filtering up the inside of moving traffic at very close range, and the Lotus driver was, at least, showing some consideration for the pedestrians.

I have to say that remonstrating with pedestrians in the cycle lane (which is always going to happen) is a tiny bit like motorists remonstrating with cyclists who "get in their way".  Maybe a bit more karma is called for by all of us?

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #557 on: 31 July, 2010, 10:20:48 am »
The space for filtering argument is BS. Filtering past a stationary car is one thing, but the same space, or less, and a car going past a moving cyclist at 20+mph and accelerating isnt the same thing.
I have stopped using the seafront at busy times when heading west. Just too many idiot car drivers who will not allow you the space to filter past etc etc and when you do think it is some type of race.
I am glad of the recent surge in 'video cyclists'.  


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #558 on: 31 July, 2010, 10:24:06 am »
I don't think that posting messages on Youtube accusing motorists of being dickheads for transgressions like this is very helpful tbh.  

The Lotus driver was a bit of a cock, for sure, but as others have pointed out you had just demonstrated that you were comfortable filtering up the inside of moving traffic at very close range, and the Lotus driver was, at least, showing some consideration for the pedestrians.

I have to say that remonstarting with pedestrians in the cycle lane (which is always going to happen) is a tiny bit like motorists remonstrating with cyclists who "get in their way".  Maybe a bit more karma is called for by all of us?

When I reached the speed hump the pedestrians were no longer in the road. Also that is not a pedestrian crossing, there is a permanent barrier to the left to prevent people crossing at that point.
 I am comfortable filtering beside stationary and slow moving traffic, I am not comfortable with idiots then blasting past me a few inches away just to get to the end of a traffic jam fifty yards away. Look at the video, he deliberately cut close to me, so close he almost crossed the double yellows ahead of me.

As for 'remonstrating with pedestrians', if some cud-chewing idiot steps out in front of me without looking, or stands in the cycle lane blank faced and drooling as I approach, then you can be very sure I will point out their mistake. It may save them, and others, serious injury in future.

Aw, isn't that sweet, JOJO brought a little friend with him today! Must be the school holidays.


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #559 on: 31 July, 2010, 10:29:22 am »
I don't think that posting messages on Youtube accusing motorists of being dickheads for transgressions like this is very helpful tbh.  

The Lotus driver was a bit of a cock, for sure, but as others have pointed out you had just demonstrated that you were comfortable filtering up the inside of moving traffic at very close range, and the Lotus driver was, at least, showing some consideration for the pedestrians.

I have to say that remonstarting with pedestrians in the cycle lane (which is always going to happen) is a tiny bit like motorists remonstrating with cyclists who "get in their way".  Maybe a bit more karma is called for by all of us?

As for 'remonstrating with pedestrians', if some cud-chewing idiot steps out in front of me without looking, or stands in the cycle lane blank faced and drooling as I approach, then you can be very sure I will point out their mistake. It may save them, and others, serious injury in future.

Aw, isn't that sweet, JOJO brought a little friend with him today! Must be the school holidays.

I think you will find that whatever vehicle you are in/on pedestrians have you seem so quick to quote the h/w code.

And is that all you have, trying to make personal, bullying, attacks...


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #560 on: 31 July, 2010, 11:03:19 am »
" I am comfortable filtering beside stationary and slow moving traffic, I am not comfortable with idiots then blasting past me a few inches away just to get to the end of a traffic jam fifty yards away. Look at the video, he deliberately cut close to me, so close he almost crossed the double yellows ahead of me.

you clearly have issues, and need some cycle training, how old are you ?  can you drive ?

He did NOT deliberately cut close to you he had no where to go, YOU undertook him which at speeds like that is a stupid thing to do the road was clear ahead after the people crossed you could see he was going to move off, but no you went and undertook him and forced him to change his line.
As I say, if you keep riding like this you will get knocked off.

as I said on page 37

"It's about time cyclists took responsibility for their own safety instead of trying to blame others for their stupidity."


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #561 on: 31 July, 2010, 11:30:37 am »
It is about time some motorists actually learned how to drive, and actually learned the Highway Code.

For your information I am also a driver, of cars as well as in a professional capacity, and have held a clean licence since 1980. There is no way I would have passed a cyclist like that in a narrow lane as that idiot in the Lotus did.

Highway Code rule 163:

'give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car'

Overtaking (162-169) : Directgov - Travel and transport

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #562 on: 31 July, 2010, 11:34:48 am »
As for 'remonstrating with pedestrians', if some cud-chewing idiot steps out in front of me without looking, or stands in the cycle lane blank faced and drooling as I approach, then you can be very sure I will point out their mistake. It may save them, and others, serious injury in future.

Aw, isn't that sweet, JOJO brought a little friend with him today! Must be the school holidays.

I can't compete with quality debate like that.

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #563 on: 31 July, 2010, 11:43:49 am »
Town’s arts festival to be powered by 500 cyclists

Festival organiser Metal is setting up the Big Charge with the help of Cycle Southend to power up a “green stage”, where a wide variety of acts are lined up to perform.

Organiser Jane Wilkes came up with the bright idea to power the stage.

She said: “We need volunteers to generate the 500 cycle hours needed.

“Bikes will be connected to huge 5kw batteries. These will collect the power generated by the cycling and will then in turn power the Green Stage. We believe this method has never been used before.

“It ticks all the right boxes. It’s a good way of working out and it helps the environment.

“We are inviting Southend residents to get involved and help generate the power needed to make it a very special event.”

This sounds good, I am going to give an hour or so charge time.
The festival isn't bad either  :thumbsup:


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #564 on: 31 July, 2010, 11:45:43 am »
As for 'remonstrating with pedestrians', if some cud-chewing idiot steps out in front of me without looking, or stands in the cycle lane blank faced and drooling as I approach, then you can be very sure I will point out their mistake. It may save them, and others, serious injury in future.

Aw, isn't that sweet, JOJO brought a little friend with him today! Must be the school holidays.

I can't compete with quality debate like that.

That last sentence was not aimed at you. It was directed towards our two new car fanatic members.


  • Lavender Bike Menace
Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #565 on: 31 July, 2010, 06:39:18 pm »
I can't compete with quality debate like that.

That last sentence was not aimed at you. It was directed towards our two new car fanatic members.

I think he realises that.  It doesn't become any classier for being aimed at newcomers.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked: Allen Ginsberg
The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads: Jeff Hammerbacher


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #566 on: 31 July, 2010, 07:04:12 pm »
"'give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car'"

are you retarded ?

you undertook a car in moving traffic, he was infront of you and already has his own line.

you did a stupid move undertook a car then expect him to swerve back round you.

if you want to pass cars do so on the right ffs, you are giving cyclists a bad name and riding like a tw4t,  it seems you bate cars and want to video them to post on you tube.

any way I am saying no more , as you clearly have car issues and do not know how to ride a bike.


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #567 on: 31 July, 2010, 07:06:53 pm »
'has his own line'.

The road is not a race track. Grow up, learn to drive, adjust your attitude.


  • Hornblower
Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #568 on: 31 July, 2010, 07:10:35 pm »
Pro-rider of what?

There's no vibrations, but wait.


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #569 on: 31 July, 2010, 07:12:52 pm »
I can't compete with quality debate like that.

That last sentence was not aimed at you. It was directed towards our two new car fanatic members.

I think he realises that.  It doesn't become any classier for being aimed at newcomers.

Take a good look at those 'newcomers'. Both car fanatics, neither with any comprehension of what it is like to cycle on the road, both arriving on the forum yesterday, at the same time as abusive comments started being posted on the youtube video concerned. Also at the same time as someone linked the video to a petrolhead forum Do not allow yourself to be duped by these two anti-cyclist trolls.

Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #570 on: 31 July, 2010, 07:25:15 pm »
Pro_rider, you and Jojo are the ones who clearly need some cycle training, and it seems, some driving lessons too.  Tut tut.
Your Royal Charles are belong to us.


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #571 on: 31 July, 2010, 08:32:38 pm »
"Take a good look at those 'newcomers'. Both car fanatics, neither with any comprehension of what it is like to cycle on the road"

are you having a laugh, ?

Yes I am a car fanatic, but I am also a cyclist, did you know 50% of people who die on bikes do so because of undertaking cars/vans etc.  it has gotten so bad lorry and van drivers have had to put big stickers on their vans to say DO NOT UNDERTAKE.

ffs, I don't want you to be another one of those, STOP undertaking moving cars, you WILL get knocked off your bike.

you clealry are bating cars, and trolling on sites showing videos of you riding like an arse with no repect to other road users.
YOU don't own the road we all share it.

now go and have a hand shandy making another video to post up to share with your hippy friends :-p


Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #572 on: 31 July, 2010, 10:40:41 pm »
I'm sorry, I am both an avid car driver and cyclist.  In fact my daily commute is on a bike.
And I have not make ANY offensive comments towards you, YOU have made some very offensive comments towards  both I AND car drivers.

There was nothing wrong in the driving in that video, if you ACTUALLY want to see examples of real bad driving, Flat Eric has some great examples...yours don't not even come close.


  • Human-cyborg relations
Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #573 on: 01 August, 2010, 09:06:48 am »
A reminder to everyone that we expect standards of excellence in postings. In the words of your mother, if you can't play nicely, don't play at all.


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: Southend Cycle Town - part 2
« Reply #574 on: 05 August, 2010, 11:21:29 am »
The Highway Code doesn't make any provision for cyclists to filter on the left (unless there's a cycle lane).  On the other hand, overtaking on the right can be buttock-clenchingly dangerous with oncoming traffic, since there is never a nice 1.5 metres (or an opening door's width) between the cars and the centre line and you end up on the wrong side of the road all the time.

On balance, filtering on the left is usually safer but entirely at your own risk - certainly not worth it at side roads, and you have to be constantly on alert for opening passenger doors.  Or you can sit and wait, but then there's not much point in riding the bike.  Difficult one.
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.