Author Topic: "highway network is there to facilitate movement of vehicles" - races cancelled  (Read 6794 times)


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
The local TLI race series has been canceled, after the organisers said they were "unable to meet the legislation required by North Yorkshire police.  I'm reliably informed that these included temporary traffic lights at some junctions.  Our club's race sec was told by the county Highways boss that "the highway network is there to facilitate the movement of vehicles, not to act as a sporting arena." 

This is really bad.  Just as GB is having some real success in elite cycling, the sport is being killed off at the grassroots by petty-minded bureaucracy and anti-cyclist motor culture.   

If anyone's interested, here's a BCF Facebook page: Keep Racing on the Roads.

David Martin

  • Thats Dr Oi You thankyouverymuch
Wouldn't it be interesting to see just how much of a problem lots of cyclists coincidentally riding the same road at the right time might be..

Why do they need traffic lights rather than stop/go boards?
"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes

Bicycles are vehicles, both from a sensible perspective and in the eyes of the law.

Arguably a sports event involving them isn't actually necessary, but there again neither are a very large proportion of the uses of the road by motor vehicles.
Actually, it is rocket science.

There's lots of room for challenge here - the line "the highway network is there to facilitate the movement of vehicles, not to act as a sporting arena" is demonstrably not the full story. (think only of the London marathon)

And it's good that that rationale is out in the open where it can be challenged both by pressure groups and elected politicians.

So longer term this should be fixable, but probably not in time for this years events  :(
"What a long, strange trip it's been", Truckin'

So, 100years after the 'black racing', we have come full circle?
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • Peroxide Viking
Temporary traffic lights required?  Rubbish.  Categorically untrue.

The cops have either invented a new rule, or the cyclists have presented things badly, and I'll wager on an attitude failure between the negotiating parties.

They need to talk to someone in British Cycling and get the big emollient guns in.
It takes blood and guts to be this cool but I'm still just a cliché.
OpenStreetMap UK & IRL Streetmap & Topo: updates weekly.

Temporary traffic lights required?  Rubbish.  Categorically untrue.

The cops have either invented a new rule, or the cyclists have presented things badly, and I'll wager on an attitude failure between the negotiating parties.

They need to talk to someone in British Cycling and get the big emollient guns in.

but this is TLI not BC, why should BC help the other lot ?

I don't know much (anything) of the politics between TLI and BC -  but, I would have thought that it isn't in any sporting cyclist's interest to have this ruling stand. If the highways man starts to believe that he is correct and unchallengeable, then any and all events will have a much harder time.

I don't know much (anything) of the politics between TLI and BC...

Mutual suspicion and jealousy, same as between all the cycling organisations. BC would love to absorb The League.


  • Peroxide Viking
Oh, there's politics involved and different federations?   ::-) :facepalm: *switchoff*

I was just suggesting the Big Hat.  Didn't realise there was a whole hatstand of 'em. 
It takes blood and guts to be this cool but I'm still just a cliché.
OpenStreetMap UK & IRL Streetmap & Topo: updates weekly.


"the highway network is there to facilitate the movement of vehicles..."

I rememeber reading a high court judgement regarding some protests at stonehenge that explicitly stated that this was not the case.

David Martin

  • Thats Dr Oi You thankyouverymuch
TLI think BC races are overpriced. BC think TLI don't put anything back into the sport and are a bunch of cheapskates.
Both sets of races have riders complaining about entry fees in the 5-15GBP range when they are riding round on 1500K bikes in a group of less than 60 with marchals, lead/following vehicles, first aid cover, timekeepers etc.

And prizes too.


"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes

Yes and no, DM

My son has taken part in some of the (now cancelled) TTs. He isn't riding a 1500k bike, he's riding a 2nd hand Al-framed bike that cost about £300. He was only 17 when he took part in the rides, and £5-15 per ride is a lot for a lad his age. He wasn't the only one; Clifton has a number of young riders, the sport depends on new blood.

I know it has to paid for somehow, but it's still not that cheap for youngsters.
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • Opposites Attract
    • Audaxing
The local TLI race series has been canceled, after the organisers said they were "unable to meet the legislation required by North Yorkshire police.  I'm reliably informed that these included temporary traffic lights at some junctions.  Our club's race sec was told by the county Highways boss that "the highway network is there to facilitate the movement of vehicles, not to act as a sporting arena." 
So basically, the races could have gone ahead if the organisers had met the conditions required.  And these conditions would have cost lots of money?  Sounds like cheapskates moaning that the rest of us won't subsidise their leisure activities.  400 quid for traffic lights divided by 60 entries is approx £6.67 each

This is really bad.  Just as GB is having some real success in elite cycling, the sport is being killed off at the grassroots by petty-minded bureaucracy and anti-cyclist motor culture. 
..or unrealistic organisers with wishful thinking about potential costs


  • Tyke
Who are TLI?  I don't know much about them, and Gewgling gets a horrid and ntot very informative homepage.
Getting there...


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
They organise races that are categoriesed by age, novice status etc, so some people get a head start.  They're volunteer-run.  I'd have entered this series this year except that I had some health problems so decided I'd take the year slowly, now it looks like I was right not to waste my money :(

all sounds a bit PFJ to me.  

(edit - not work safe, and the swearing is quite early on)

Who are TLI?  I don't know much about them, and Gewgling gets a horrid and ntot very informative homepage.

'TLI' is an unhelpful set of initials.

TLI Cycling | The New Leaguer - Online Newsletter and information from The League International


  • Tyke
Same link as Mr Nesbitt gave ^up there^

And what I'd seen anyway.  I'm surprised that, even though I've only been idly interested in racing, an organisation can be around since 1982 and I've not heard of them.  In the 80s, I can only remember RTTC and BCF.
Getting there...

They're mostly Northern, and I think lean more towards vets races.

So basically, the races could have gone ahead if the organisers had met the conditions required...

There IS specific legislation regarding cycling racing on the highway. For a time trial you have to inform the authorities that it's taking place. For a road race, you need permission. Unfortunately, every man and his dog has his own ideas about Elf'n'safety - aND each police force has its own take on the subject, and some are helpful, others merely obstructive.

They're mostly Northern, and I think lean more towards vets races.
not to be confused with this organisation though LVRC - The League of Veteran Racing Cyclists

So basically, the races could have gone ahead if the organisers had met the conditions required...

There IS specific legislation regarding cycling racing on the highway. For a time trial you have to inform the authorities that it's taking place. For a road race, you need permission. Unfortunately, every man and his dog has his own ideas about Elf'n'safety - aND each police force has its own take on the subject, and some are helpful, others merely obstructive.
It would  be interesting to know if BC have any races in the area this year and if they had to meet the same conditions. The  British Road Racing Championships have been in North Yorks in the last few years so the Police and Council are not totally new to this bike racing lark. Times change though.


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
There is legislation in place to allow race marshalls to be given powers to direct traffic and for it to be an offence for drivers to fail to comply with such directions* (as is the case for police officers and traffic wardens).

In this case, TLI might have been better off getting their race marshalls trained and authorised, and then thre would be no need for a police presence, temporary traffic lights or anything else.

*Anyone can direct traffic.  The 'law' bit comes in as to whether drivers are obliged to obey them or not.  If anyone tells you otherwise, including Officers of the Lah, then they're wrong.
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor