
Roughly how many incident-free miles had you cycled before you were last "in collision" with a motor vehicle?

Less than 1000 miles
1001-5000 miles
5001-10000 miles
10001-20000 miles
20001-30000 miles
30001-40000 miles
40001-50000 miles
More than that
It hasn't happened yet

Author Topic: The "have you been knocked off" poll  (Read 185734 times)

The Mechanic

Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #150 on: 23 August, 2011, 03:18:34 pm »
This looking in the wrong direction at junctions must be some kind of mental block thing.  I see this often both on the bike and in the car.  You would think that the driver would look first in the direction of the nearest traffic stream but for some reason, an inordinate number look the other way first, often whilst inching out into the road in front of the oncoming traffic.  Weird or what?  Could be a good PhD thesis.

Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #151 on: 27 August, 2011, 02:56:06 pm »
They look left becuase they have  a better sightline to traffic on the far side of the road. The reasoning seems to be that it is pointless looking right if you can't see down the road: look left until the view to the right opens up.


  • Not exactly straight or narrow
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #152 on: 04 September, 2011, 10:10:12 am »
Not counting the 2 times I have run into the back of parked cars (one was parked on double yellows just around a blind bend, and therefore deserved the dent in his boot. The se ond was very low speed with no damage whilst I was teaching son to ride).
My only vehicle incident was when I was about 13. Barreling down Watling Street on the hill heading east out of Radlett. I was trying for warp factor 7 with head down, and dont remember anything more untill I woke up on the grass verge on the other side of the road, surrounded by people saying "dont try to move, the ambulance is coming".
Apparently, according to the witnesses, I was overtaken by a gravel lorry doing 70 ish, and got sucked into the vacuum behind it. Lorry didnt see or stop. My face took most of the force , burning all the skin off on one side. Some minor other injuries to arms and legs.
The best part as I rember it was revealling the injuries to my fellow ATC cadets about a week later at some black tie dinner event. I manged to keep everything hidden untill we arrived at the venue. I looked like the phantom of the opera in a white shirt black tie and DJ, and half a face encrusted in full scab. Put the weaker ones right off their dinner!


Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #153 on: 15 September, 2011, 07:18:52 am »
Got left hooked yesterday by someone pulling into a drive. First off in three years of daily commuting, about 15000 miles or so.

Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #154 on: 15 September, 2011, 08:07:37 am »
Got left hooked yesterday by someone pulling into a drive. First off in three years of daily commuting, about 15000 miles or so.

Sympathies, poor you.  Are you OK, and how's the bike?
Your Royal Charles are belong to us.


  • Tyke
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #155 on: 15 September, 2011, 08:15:27 am »
Oh poor Plum!  Glad you're still with us.  I note that Wendy got the order of concern wrong.

How's the bike?

Are you OK?

Getting there...

Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #156 on: 18 November, 2012, 10:52:03 am »
DozensHundreds of incidents that didn't involve collision but could have done if I'd not taken avoiding action.
A few car doors kicked, wing mirrors folded inwards, and windows and bonnets punched to let them know I was thereget my own back.

Two collisons:
  • One dooring ~12 years ago -- when filtering on the left alongside buses etc. in the dark, southbound through Rusholme. I rode straight into his open car door. Small scar on my chest but otherwise OK.
  • One left hook ~7 years ago -- woman turning left at some lights without indicating... arguably my contributory negligence for filtering on the left rather than taking the lane, but still.

Phil W

Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #157 on: 21 November, 2012, 08:50:57 pm »
Hasn't happened and I'm well past 50000 miles

Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #158 on: 24 December, 2012, 04:56:40 pm »
only read the first page and the 11th so apologies if this has been suggested before but how about similar polls for being knocked off by:
- peds
- other cyclists

I've not been knocked off my bike by a car since the late 80's when at university but I've had far worse luck with peds: two in the last three years (both on cycle lanes in Hyde Park, funnily enough)

Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #159 on: 25 January, 2013, 07:20:14 am »
only read the first page and the 11th so apologies if this has been suggested before but how about similar polls for being knocked off by:
- peds
- other cyclists

I commuted for over 20 years before I got t-boned by a camper van (no serious injuries but I should have claimed for a new bike as it was more bent than either I or my LBS noticed).   

Before that however, 2 pedestrians had knocked me off, one walked across a cycle track without looking.  Her high BMI gave me no chance and it was I who fell to the ground.  After that a jogger ran across a junction without seeing me and again I bit the dust.  Injury-free incidents but I also witnessed a jay walker running across who hit a cyclist and knocked them into the side of a moving bus.   I was some distance behind, fast moving and in traffic so could not stop for some distance by which time a group of people were picking him off the deck. 

Strangely(?) out of my 3 motor vehicle incidents 2 have been attributable to cycling 'facilities', lanes or tracks.
Move Faster and Bake Things

David Martin

  • Thats Dr Oi You thankyouverymuch
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #160 on: 04 March, 2013, 04:11:44 pm »
I can upgrade mine to over 50k. It is 23 years since my last collision with a motor vehicle. I wouldn't describe this one as being knocked off, more of an involunary and unplanned halting through the rear window.
"By creating we think. By living we learn" - Patrick Geddes


  • Spin away
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #161 on: 03 May, 2013, 03:09:53 pm »
Yeah, just the once (touches forehead irreverently) some 45000 miles ago. Rewind a very long way back..... to a lovely sunny Saturday October morning in Co. Durham, circa 1984. I was riding solo up towards the Derwent Reservoir, having just spotted a red squirrel & considering life to be pretty darn good. All of a sudden, I'm tail-ended by an off-duty copper, driving his mother to the station! Apparently, "it was hit you or the car coming the other way" was an acceptable defence :facepalm: Bounced on the bonnet, I can remember her yelling fit to bust - presumably as i careened up and down the windscreen, slid all the way to the floor (still attached by the ol' toe clips/straps) whereupon his car rolls on top of me pinning me bent in two..... Lovely image, bloody "lucky", stiff back for a couple of days (amazing how fast you mend when young). Ah happy days.....
Ride your dreams.... Ignore the hurt.... Fuel the engine....
Check that map....


  • Jim is my real, actual name
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #162 on: 27 June, 2013, 10:49:51 am »
This morning, on CS7 in Tooting by some woman turning right into a road across the traffic. She didn't seem bothered by the fact she hit me. I was saved by my BB7's and had a slow collision with my front wheel and right calf hitting her car. All OK. Started cycling in Feb and have covered 1400km so far.


  • Jim is my real, actual name
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #163 on: 10 July, 2013, 08:45:37 pm »
Got 3k down the road and then knocked off my bike outside the Shell Garage on the bridge side of Queenstown Road. Guy came across from the other side of the road turning into garage and SMIDSYed me. Bruised bum, scraped up arm and 1 knackered Charge Scourer. Got his details and he has rung me tonight. Bike is in LBS for appraisal but the forks are fooked and I am not sure what else will be wrong!

Sorry for the double post but that is 2 in 2 weeks!


  • Tyke
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #164 on: 10 July, 2013, 09:15:55 pm »
That's a poor bit of luck.  Hope you and the bike get well soon.
Getting there...


  • Jim is my real, actual name
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #165 on: 10 July, 2013, 09:31:02 pm »
That's a poor bit of luck.  Hope you and the bike get well soon.

Thanks! The bike is substantially more injured than I am but I think I have it and the brakes to thank for the whole thing not being worse.


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #166 on: 07 August, 2013, 07:19:20 am »
Got 3k down the road and then knocked off my bike outside the Shell Garage on the bridge side of Queenstown Road. Guy came across from the other side of the road turning into garage and SMIDSYed me. Bruised bum, scraped up arm and 1 knackered Charge Scourer. Got his details and he has rung me tonight. Bike is in LBS for appraisal but the forks are fooked and I am not sure what else will be wrong!

Sorry for the double post but that is 2 in 2 weeks!

Ouch!  Get well soon!

Have you reported this to the police?  I would.

You might find that once he finds out how much the repairs will cost, the driver suddenly decides not to cooperate.  If you then have to claim from his insurance, then having a police report reference will help.
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor


  • Jim is my real, actual name
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #167 on: 13 August, 2013, 09:31:01 am »
Got 3k down the road and then knocked off my bike outside the Shell Garage on the bridge side of Queenstown Road. Guy came across from the other side of the road turning into garage and SMIDSYed me. Bruised bum, scraped up arm and 1 knackered Charge Scourer. Got his details and he has rung me tonight. Bike is in LBS for appraisal but the forks are fooked and I am not sure what else will be wrong!

Sorry for the double post but that is 2 in 2 weeks!

Ouch!  Get well soon!

Have you reported this to the police?  I would.

You might find that once he finds out how much the repairs will cost, the driver suddenly decides not to cooperate.  If you then have to claim from his insurance, then having a police report reference will help.

Its all sorted now and I am finally back at it and on a new bike. Just regaining my confidence really! ;)


  • Tyke
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #168 on: 13 August, 2013, 04:48:05 pm »
Great news.
Getting there...


  • Jim is my real, actual name
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #169 on: 13 August, 2013, 10:16:40 pm »


  • Retired
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #170 on: 30 September, 2013, 12:10:20 pm »
Thursday 26th Sep, 0729hrs. Chicksands roundabout on the A507.

Won't say too much at the mo - I'll wait to hear back from the rozzers.

At least the git admitted it was his fault to the cops at the scene.
"The Opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject"  Marcus Aurelius


  • Jim is my real, actual name
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #171 on: 02 October, 2013, 09:12:05 am »
Thursday 26th Sep, 0729hrs. Chicksands roundabout on the A507.

Won't say too much at the mo - I'll wait to hear back from the rozzers.

At least the git admitted it was his fault to the cops at the scene.

GWS and get it all sorted in your favour!


  • Three wheels on my wagon...
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #172 on: 20 November, 2013, 01:44:19 pm »
Just a mild dooring a few years back. I was in nearside cycle lane when a car frontseat passenger decided to debus and opened the door across my path. She was half out of the vehicle and largely broke my impact. The results were about even with minor bumps and bruisings to man, woman and bike. Didn't report or claim.
Like Jehu, Son of Nimshi, who drove like a maniac...


  • The before-ride picture is even worse
    • James Thinks
Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #173 on: 20 December, 2013, 10:31:42 am »
I've been lucky to have no actual collisions in my 25 years and probably ~15,000 miles of cycling.

I guess it may help that most of my distance is on rural roads and my commuting is across a small and not-too busy town. I did have a painful fall on the ice this morning, though. Fortunately this was at the end of my drive, before I met any traffic to finish me off.

On the subject of self-selection, the poll will also miss those who are sadly not able to answer due to a traffic collision. Hopefully these are fairly few.

Re: The "have you been knocked off" poll
« Reply #174 on: 20 December, 2013, 10:38:18 am »
ice this morning

Thanks for the warning! I hope you're ok, without lasting effects.