Author Topic: What's the last gig you went to see?  (Read 235673 times)

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #375 on: 20 October, 2013, 11:25:34 am »
Thursday night - first gig for a new band - Fleetwood Trax. As the name suggests, a Fleetwood Mac tribute band. Guitarist (acoustic) and 2 girl singers. Guitarist laid down bass/rythm & 'percussion' loops at the beginning of each song. A couple of nervous mistakes during the first 2 songs, but great once they gained confidence.

Saturday night - Dirty/DC. An AC/DC tribute act who have been playing the circuit for a few years, so they know what they're doing and were obviously enjoying themselves - as were the village hall full of aging rockers (a suprising number of them female). The band were LOUD...

...VERY, BLOODY LOUD!  :thumbsup:

If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is...

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #376 on: 24 October, 2013, 10:13:17 am »
Surprised? they were probably all your local Rosies 

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #377 on: 24 October, 2013, 12:29:16 pm »
Nah. Grandmas in leather jeans.

Some of them were hawt.  ;)
If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is...

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #378 on: 24 October, 2013, 01:36:11 pm »
you mean you didn't have a whole lorra rosie? shame.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #379 on: 25 October, 2013, 09:27:42 pm »
Dr Feelgood, in a "murky basement full of unreasonably tall people behind the smoking stops in York" aka Fibbers, last night.

My mate Sophie-the-stripey-punk-fan suggested it ages ago, but was ver' surprised to find me there.  "I didn't know you were a Feelgood fan?!  Oh, hang about.... it's a gig.  Why would I be surprised to see you here?"

She confessed to a certain ambivalence about the prospect of the night's entertainment, given that she's been a Feelgood fan herself since before she was even a teenager.  She did manage to get tickets for one of the gigs on Wilko's 'last' tour, and then some more for the unexpected bonus gig he did a bit later but told me that she's had a conversation with her own, now pre-teen, daughter just that night about Trigger's Broom...  About three tracks in to the main set I bellowed deafly at her "So, do you like your broom" and just about understood her answer that yes, she did.  And she thought they were good.  But that it also made her very sad.

Having never even listened to them in any of the head/handle formations I didn't have that feeling, despite the fact that they chose to dedicate the night's performance to celebrating the life of Gypie Mayo, one of their guitarists, who had died the day before.  It did feel pretty celebratory, too.  Finally I've seen an act that can make Fibbers seem like a venue that works - possibly in part due to the pretty relentless pace of the set and the being so loud, most especially on my left, that it seemed to induce a mild inner ear disturbance such that I nearly lost my balance a few times.  There was epically bad dad dancing, and some incredible audience air guitar performances, and clearly a lot of people in the room who really, really loved the band in whatever configuration.  I wasn't planning to have a drink, what with it being a school night and all, but after a few tracks relented and had a beer.  It somehow just seemed wrong to not be clutching a bottle of boozahol in a sweaty hand as the temperature and humidity rose almost enough to cause indoor rain.  I was probably one of the youngest people there, but it was the liveliest night I've seen is the murky basement.

A good'un.


Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #380 on: 25 October, 2013, 11:17:39 pm »
Thursday night - first gig for a new band - Fleetwood Trax. As the name suggests, a Fleetwood Mac tribute band. Guitarist (acoustic) and 2 girl singers. Guitarist laid down bass/rythm & 'percussion' loops at the beginning of each song. A couple of nervous mistakes during the first 2 songs, but great once they gained confidence.

Saturday night - Dirty/DC. An AC/DC tribute act who have been playing the circuit for a few years, so they know what they're doing and were obviously enjoying themselves - as were the village hall full of aging rockers (a suprising number of them female). The band were LOUD...

...VERY, BLOODY LOUD!  :thumbsup:

Thinking about it I think I'd prefer to see a good cover band than the tragic ageing remains of a band I once loved.

Usually they look and sound better (and don't play stuff from a crap new album you never heard before)

Example:  The Cure

I prefer to remember my heroes in their pomp.

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #381 on: 01 November, 2013, 11:34:27 pm »
Just back from seeing Eric Bibb at the Anvil in Basingstoke.

Eric Bibb gigs are either a one man show, which is a good troubadour blues guitar and singing gig or he has his band when you get a louder bluesier set with some of his better numbers included that don't work without the band.

Tonight was a five piece group which was just what I needed at the end of a  hard week.  :thumbsup:


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Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #382 on: 08 November, 2013, 11:36:52 pm »
Public Service Broadcasting - rather good  :) And premiering two new Dutch tracks about skating  :thumbsup:


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #383 on: 09 November, 2013, 12:20:11 am »
Kate Rusby.  Who I still really want to take home for tea.  She's luvverly.


  • Tyke
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #384 on: 09 November, 2013, 03:55:17 pm »
Yeah.  Whatever.
Getting there...

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #385 on: 09 November, 2013, 06:19:09 pm »
The Matt Ridley Trio/Quartet in Liverpool last night.
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #386 on: 10 November, 2013, 06:12:47 pm »
Lisbee Stainton at the Leeds City Varieties, last night, to round off a weekend of Culture (and TEA) in the splendid company of Ruthie..

Support was a musically very good and personally very engaging Irish woman whose name escaped me.  Strange juxtaposition of her chirpy cheerful self with a selection of being-dumped-songs such as to induce miser.  The lawyer-speak one was funny.  I like her better when she joined in the band line up for a few guest numbers on fiddle or backing vocals.  Wrong for my mood that night.

Lisbee was a sweetheart with a fairly splendid band to boot.  Double bass is always a winner, although I like Kate Rusby's double bassist on Friday a lot more.  More stringed instruments than you could shake a stick at and a guest drummer who might be the smiliest man in the world (as in about as smiley as mike and phil otp ADDED TOGETHER!) that she borrowed from Seth Lakeman, who she's just been supporting on tour.

Lighting technician needs to learn not to point roboscans at the audience.  Sound was a bit over-egged for the space and the slightly sparse audience, I thought, but not offensive.  Quality banter and some enthusiastic audience singing, the venue is a peach and is staffed by Lovely People.

Jolly, cheerful, and rather good.

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #387 on: 12 November, 2013, 10:56:03 pm »
Just back from the Capstone. A wonderful performance by the Serbian pianist Branka Parlic.

Music by Erik Satie, Arvo Part, Jeroen van Veen, Graham Fitkin & Philip Glass.

The Capstone is part of Liverpool Hope University and the majority of the audience were music students , some of whom need to learn not to rustle their programs during the recital!

I was pleased to be able to buy a CD of "Metamorphosis" after the show, as I'd tried & failed to buy it online.
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark


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Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #388 on: 13 November, 2013, 10:34:15 am »
We saw Glenn Tilbrook on sunday, he was pretty good.  He was on his own, just a guitar and him for 90 minutes or so

In case you don't remember, he was one of the prime movers in the 80's favourites Squeeze


  • Tyke
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #389 on: 13 November, 2013, 11:06:44 am »
Changed his first name to Glenn, has he?  Used to be Diffordand. ;)
Getting there...


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Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #390 on: 15 November, 2013, 10:26:17 am »
The National last night at Alexandra Palace.

Venue's a  bit of a barn in the back of beyond*, poor acoustics and because the floor isn't stepped had to stand on tiptoes to see the band. PLus I'm getting too old for standing :(

But the gig was great! Mostly from the last 2 albums and some old favourites too.

*By pure chance a school friend of my wife came for lunch on Sunday who lives close by so gave me a bed for the night :thumbsup: otherwise I'd probably have missed teh last part of the set trying to get back to Paddington for the last train


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Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #391 on: 15 November, 2013, 10:40:29 am »
Hayseed Dixie last Friday in Cambridge.

DSCF4973 by lyope, on Flickr

DSCF4732 by lyope, on Flickr

As usual, they were brilliant - I think this is the seventh or eighth time I've seen them and this time, I managed to wedge myself up at the front with a camera.
Commercial, Editorial and PR Photographer -


  • The p*** artist formerly known as 'Windy'
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Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #392 on: 15 November, 2013, 12:56:49 pm »
Martin Simpson @ An Lanntair, Stornoway on Tuesday 12th


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Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #393 on: 15 November, 2013, 04:02:40 pm »
Hayseed Dixie last Friday in Cambridge.
As usual, they were brilliant - I think this is the seventh or eighth time I've seen them and this time, I managed to wedge myself up at the front with a camera.
Great shots. Saw them in a rather smaller venue in Guildford Monday night (the aptly named Boileroom), again an excellent show.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #394 on: 15 November, 2013, 07:43:06 pm »
Laura Veirs, at Fibbers.

First support was s'posed to be The Lungs who I've missed before, despite them being recommended. I assume that for some reason they didn't play since we weren't _that_ late after doors and the next support was already on... Led to the Sea.  Violin, a Voice and some clever looping.  Last time I saw clever looping (with a flute that time) it was at the Brudenell, suporting Melanie Pain, and it made me want to punch people so I didn't hold out a lot of hope.  Actually, I really liked her and only wanted to punch the talky people who wandered in 10 minutes after us, even though one of 'em had an ortlieb frontroller as a handbag, which is normally a sign of common sense.

It was hipster-tastic - some astonishing hair, and red trousers with braces.  Also had a complete out of context error triple take moment as one of 'my' teachers and I worked out who the familiar face over there was....

Then some extended faffery with sound stuff and on came the band.  Turns out the support is also in the band.  The lighting disconcerted the lead singer somewhat until the lighting guy woke up and heard her asking for a spot to get turned down.  She also commented on the stage in Fibbers feeling a little zoo-like.... apparently the band is comprised of a penguin on bass, a scorpion on violin/backing vocal/other stuff, I can't remember what he decided he was on drums and a bobcat singer.  They made me smile.  There was a couple there who had emailed a request for Galaxies, since they'd used it for their wedding dance.  I experienced a sense of distinct disappointment that the audience didn't drift to the edges for them to reprise their performance when it was played.  The tallest men in the venue were nearby, and their almost as tall friend joined them and stood right in from of me.  But then their shortarse mate joined them and their protecting of her view meant that I got to actually see over her shoulder, which was nice for me.  I'd picked this gig out ages ago without listening to her at all on the basis of a cub-free night and a spotify recommendation before forming the view that fibbers and me don't really click, and nearly didn't bother.... but I'm really rather glad I went.  She's a bit good.  And the tips on sewing and assorted handicrafts from the bassist were well worth the entry alone :)  Apparently he is currently sewing a Ozzy Osbourne/Wolfman doll for Ms Veirs' 6 month-old son, who was hopefully napping in a "oh-no-it-isn't-a-premier-inn-is-it-that's-a-pisser-I-like-them-much-better-than-travelodges" with the band's babysitter during the show.  A story that made me recall that when my eldest was 6 months old I found it a big enough achievement brushing my hair and teeth within the same 24 hour period, never mind taking him on tour and turning up, coiffed and pearly-toothed, to put on a show that even Fibbers couldn't make sound bad. 


Mrs Pingu

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Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #395 on: 19 November, 2013, 08:24:57 pm »
Sigor Ros last night at the Usher Hall. They were great! The audience seemed to think so too....
Do not clench. It only makes it worse.

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #396 on: 20 November, 2013, 04:28:44 pm »
Martin Simpson @ An Lanntair, Stornoway on Tuesday 12th

That'll be THE Martin Simpson, with his guitar? Banjo as well? Is he still as good as ever?


  • The p*** artist formerly known as 'Windy'
    • the_dandg_rouleur
Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #397 on: 20 November, 2013, 05:05:26 pm »
Martin Simpson @ An Lanntair, Stornoway on Tuesday 12th

That'll be THE Martin Simpson, with his guitar? Banjo as well? Is he still as good as ever?

It was indeed and yes he still is - we got 2 banjo tracks the other 1 1/2 hours guitar and stories :)

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #398 on: 20 November, 2013, 05:10:25 pm »
I always find some of the most astounding bits of a Martin Simpson concert to be the seamingly random finger picking as he retunes the guitar between numbers. Often changing the pitches of the various strings.

Re: What's the last gig you went to see?
« Reply #399 on: 20 November, 2013, 08:46:27 pm »
Hard to say for certain, but I think I first saw him about 30 years ago.....

Actually it isn't hard at all, because he'd just released  Grinning in Your Face which I still have so 30 years it was!

ETA ................