Author Topic: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011  (Read 178548 times)


Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #675 on: 16 May, 2011, 06:25:31 pm »
I was feeling pretty good on Saturday morning, so I thought I'd go for a relatively fast one.

Eventually settled into steady pace with Dr Jason, Simon Gent and Team Rapha -- who stopped for some reason mid-way to Bronllys.

Rode on from Bronllys with Simon, John Barkman, 'Gernod' and 'Rob'. This group grew considerably as we picked up a number of riders; Rob was going well, riding very strongly into the wind, pacing us up the hills.

A fast descent to Bow Street was unfortunately not possible due to motor traffic blocking the way. I took a long turn on the front from Bow Street to Machynlleth. The gentle first part of the climb was taken at break-neck speed. Although I couldn't keep up on the steeper bit, I had regained contact by Cross Foxes.

The ride to Pen-y-Pass was taken fairly gently after all our earlier efforts -- thanks to strong, steady riding from John, Gernod, et al. Still -- we got into Menai at 7pm, my fastest ever 300.

As always, I grovelled on part of the return to King's (the bit around Waunfawr). The road behind Snowdon always picks me up though, even more so this time, with clear skies and a tailwind. The climb up to Trawsfynnydd was a grind as ever, but the descent through the trees in the twilight, with an almost-full moon was just spectcular. Got back to King's at 10.45pm, time for dinner, dry clothes, and a quick chat with TOBY (heading off into the night like a bloody loon). Bedded down in the lounge for 4 hours -- earplugs in, woolly hat pulled down over the eyes, lovely.

Woke up fairly refreshed, hooked up with the others, hung on up to Cross Foxes and hammered it down to Aberhafesp. I love Aberhafesp, it always signals the start of my good mood on the Sunday. Team Rapha had overtaken us overnight; so had a quick chat here about forthcoming articles and photos (sadly, I will not be featuring).

I finally got some proper legs on for the climb-of-two-halves over to Knighton, followed by yet more hammering to Weobley, we took the main road route, which is a 234% improvement.

Over Llancloudy (bleugh, gotta do it), and etc to Monmouth. Then a mad, mad, mad race to Tintern. Uphill at 42kph at one point -- how is this even possible after 600km?

Anyhoo, got to Bulwark at approximately 2.45pm exactly -- to find TOBY and Bunbury (kettle on, good man!) both awaiting Mark's return from Dolgellau. I resisted the urge to rifle through the pile of Brevet cards on the table and change their finishing times.  ;D

Thanks to all for company, helping, pacing, beer, kebabs, etc, etc.

A most excellent day-or-so's riding.

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #676 on: 16 May, 2011, 06:28:43 pm »
My first 600
An amazing experience. I had to dig very deep at times. The mountain scenery and camaraderie of shared suffering definitely helped get me to the end.
One puncture, mercifully fixed just before the rain came pouring down.
My gps packed up about 20km from the Kings YHA. Alone confused and in the dark, I felt a strong urge to rip it off and throw it into the bushes. Next time I’ll KISS - will use the route sheet!
I was rescued by Dei (Dei/Dai – spelling?) who navigated me back to the control…and the whole of the following day.
My eyes couldn’t focus on the road and kept trying to clamp shut of their own accord.
Earlier I’d considered the option of riding through the night, but once at the YHA gladly took the full 4hrs on offer. Maximum respect to those who were able to resist the temptation of a bed.
Head is happy, body is sore.

Some photos

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #677 on: 16 May, 2011, 06:43:30 pm »
My first 600
An amazing experience. I had to dig very deep at times. The mountain scenery and camaraderie of shared suffering definitely helped get me to the end.
One puncture, mercifully fixed just before the rain came pouring down.
My gps packed up about 20km from the Kings YHA. Alone confused and in the dark, I felt a strong urge to rip it off and throw it into the bushes. Next time I’ll KISS - will use the route sheet!
I was rescued by Dei (Dei/Dai – spelling?) who navigated me back to the control…and the whole of the following day.
My eyes couldn’t focus on the road and kept trying to clamp shut of their own accord.
Earlier I’d considered the option of riding through the night, but once at the YHA gladly took the full 4hrs on offer. Maximum respect to those who were able to resist the temptation of a bed.
Head is happy, body is sore.

Some photos

Would that be Dai Harris, as in this clip?

        - What PBP is like No 1.

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #678 on: 16 May, 2011, 06:53:12 pm »
My first 600
An amazing experience. I had to dig very deep at times. The mountain scenery and camaraderie of shared suffering definitely helped get me to the end.
One puncture, mercifully fixed just before the rain came pouring down.
My gps packed up about 20km from the Kings YHA. Alone confused and in the dark, I felt a strong urge to rip it off and throw it into the bushes. Next time I’ll KISS - will use the route sheet!
I was rescued by Dei (Dei/Dai – spelling?) who navigated me back to the control…and the whole of the following day.
My eyes couldn’t focus on the road and kept trying to clamp shut of their own accord.
Earlier I’d considered the option of riding through the night, but once at the YHA gladly took the full 4hrs on offer. Maximum respect to those who were able to resist the temptation of a bed.
Head is happy, body is sore.

Some photos

Would that be Dai Harris, as in this clip?

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Nope, it was this guy


Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #679 on: 16 May, 2011, 06:56:29 pm »
My gps packed up about 20km from the Kings YHA. Alone confused and in the dark, I felt a strong urge to rip it off and throw it into the bushes.

Think we saw you -- shortly before the Trawsfynndd climb? I wondered what you were doing: not obviously eating, nor fettling.

Some photos

Lots of photos of Toby's arse. Priceless.

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #680 on: 16 May, 2011, 06:58:40 pm »
Well, that's the 5th BCM I've started and the 3rd finished, although it could have easily gone the other way.  The 1-up tandem thing isn't that bad, although the stretched-out timing chain kept dropping and stopped me from standing and honking on the big ring which would have saved me half an hour or so...

A rough outcome for Jasmine but I hope she stopped early enough to avoid ongoing knee damage.  The Abertandem may be relegated to rides of 300km or less for a while.  

A few other things made it trickier than previous attempts.  This was my first ride longer than 20 miles since the Elenith due to having been on holibobs.  The tandem was playing up a lot and was only on its 3rd outing of the year.  We had far too little clothing for the cold night trip across Snowdonia and were on the verges of exposure by Kings II.

A big thankyou to Mark, Lou, Iddu, Teethgrinder, Ritchie, Jim and anybody else involved in supporting this epic ride.  Maybe fixed next year, I hear 71" works quite well...

A  :thumbsup:
'Accumulating kilometres in the roughest road conditions'...

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #681 on: 16 May, 2011, 07:01:32 pm »
My first 600
An amazing experience. I had to dig very deep at times. The mountain scenery and camaraderie of shared suffering definitely helped get me to the end.
One puncture, mercifully fixed just before the rain came pouring down.
My gps packed up about 20km from the Kings YHA. Alone confused and in the dark, I felt a strong urge to rip it off and throw it into the bushes. Next time I’ll KISS - will use the route sheet!
I was rescued by Dei (Dei/Dai – spelling?) who navigated me back to the control…and the whole of the following day.
My eyes couldn’t focus on the road and kept trying to clamp shut of their own accord.
Earlier I’d considered the option of riding through the night, but once at the YHA gladly took the full 4hrs on offer. Maximum respect to those who were able to resist the temptation of a bed.
Head is happy, body is sore.

Some photos

Would that be Dai Harris, as in this clip?

        - What PBP is like No 1.

Nope, it was this guy

That's 'Dave'


Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #682 on: 16 May, 2011, 07:02:52 pm »

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #683 on: 16 May, 2011, 07:04:37 pm »
Hi there yacf’s and all those who rode.

Good to see you and Nick at Kings - sorry for not recognising you first off!  But my excuse was that I'd only just got in!

See you in Paris!

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #684 on: 16 May, 2011, 07:14:46 pm »
My colleagues and I have diagnosed intersection syndrome of my left wrist.

A condition that affects the thumb side of the proximal wrist, when inflammation of a bursa occurs at the intersection of the muscle bellies of the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis where they cross over the extensor carpi radialis longus and the extensor carpi radialis brevis tendons.

The mechanism of injury is usually repetitive resisted extension, such as repetitively pulling up on the handlebars on stupidly hilly cycle rides across Wales.

Now also known as BCM (Scenic) wrist - could be a case report ;D


Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #685 on: 16 May, 2011, 07:18:59 pm »
My colleagues and I have diagnosed intersection syndrome of my left wrist.

A condition that affects the thumb side of the proximal wrist, when inflammation of a bursa occurs at the intersection of the muscle bellies of the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis where they cross over the extensor carpi radialis longus and the extensor carpi radialis brevis tendons.

The mechanism of injury is usually repetitive resisted extension, such as repetitively pulling up on the handlebars on stupidly hilly cycle rides across Wales.

Now also known as BCM (Scenic) wrist - could be a case report ;D

Do you know what, that sounds exactly like what I have done to my left wrist.  About a couple of inches up the arm from the snuffbox?

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #686 on: 16 May, 2011, 07:24:49 pm »
Diagnosis by forum is notoriously difficult, but it sounds like we have a matching pair.



  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #687 on: 16 May, 2011, 07:24:53 pm »
My first 600
An amazing experience. I had to dig very deep at times. The mountain scenery and camaraderie of shared suffering definitely helped get me to the end.
One puncture, mercifully fixed just before the rain came pouring down.
My gps packed up about 20km from the Kings YHA. Alone confused and in the dark, I felt a strong urge to rip it off and throw it into the bushes. Next time I’ll KISS - will use the route sheet!
I was rescued by Dei (Dei/Dai – spelling?) who navigated me back to the control…and the whole of the following day.
My eyes couldn’t focus on the road and kept trying to clamp shut of their own accord.
Earlier I’d considered the option of riding through the night, but once at the YHA gladly took the full 4hrs on offer. Maximum respect to those who were able to resist the temptation of a bed.
Head is happy, body is sore.

Some photos

Ah, that was you!  When I did my first 600 back in the misty depths of 2009 I was lanterne rouge, so you deserve extra congratulations for outstripping most of the field!  It's hardly surprising that your body's sore after that sort of effort.  As for 'digging deep', I had to dig pretty blooming deep to hang on after you caught me at ~580km, so chapeu to you.

I'm interested to hear from RP about 'Dave', or Rocket Man as I think we should christen him.

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #688 on: 16 May, 2011, 07:39:58 pm »
A big thankyou to Mark, Lou, Iddu, Teethgrinder, Ritchie, Jim and anybody else involved in supporting this epic ride.  Maybe fixed next year, I hear 71" works quite well...

I think the two young ladies that Mark recruited also deserve a mention too. Being very bad at remembering anything, especially names, I can't name them. But without them, nobody would hae got their food and anyone who had to wait a fair while fortheir breakfast has some idea of what it was like without them.
Special mention also has to go to Ritchie's young daughter, who must be about 7 or 8 years old. I think she must either be in training for "The World's Gooddest Girl," championship finals, or trying to earn two decades worth of pocket money all in one go, with a very long visit to Disneyland thrown in to the bargain, which I think she has now earned. Allthough she did once complin that, "It's not fair!"
It wasn't because of the endless hours of washing up and other thankless tasks. It was when we had a quiet hour or so and Ritchie was beating her at chess. :D

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #689 on: 16 May, 2011, 07:47:44 pm »
'Dave' appeared on Making Hay (I think it was) with Toby and Ian Gaggia and I. He's a master of the dirty win.  ;)

(kidding obviously, lovely guy)


  • Opposites Attract
    • Audaxing
Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #690 on: 16 May, 2011, 08:03:53 pm »

Stage 2 was when things began to go off the rails a bit, I found it hard going into the wind. I rode alone for the first 40k before I was caught by the World's Slowest Paceline (tm) where I got some shelter for a while, but they dropped me about 2k from the top of the climb to the Red Kite cafe  :facepalm: when I had to stop for a breather. My legs weren't hurting I just didn't seem to have any puff.

I was the guy who stopped to see if you were ok, then you passed me a few minutes later while I was putting on my coat.  I was pulling "World's Slowest Paceline"TM (the Dave Kahn group) for a while but I'd stopped for a pee


  • hello
Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #691 on: 16 May, 2011, 08:07:06 pm »
My gps packed up about 20km from the Kings YHA. Alone confused and in the dark, I felt a strong urge to rip it off and throw it into the bushes.

Think we saw you -- shortly before the Trawsfynndd climb? I wondered what you were doing: not obviously eating, nor fettling.

Some photos

Lots of photos of Toby's arse. Priceless.

That'll please the missus.

that one of Peter on the pass (no 32) is excellent!

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #692 on: 16 May, 2011, 08:28:47 pm »

I was rescued by Dei (Dei/Dai – spelling?) who navigated me back to the control…and the whole of the following day.

Dei Huws

Anglesey rider.  Claims he can't do hills as he's from the flatlands of Anglesey.


Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #693 on: 16 May, 2011, 08:30:31 pm »

I was rescued by Dei (Dei/Dai – spelling?) who navigated me back to the control…and the whole of the following day.

Dei Huws

Anglesey rider.  Claims he can't do hills as he's from the flatlands of Anglesey.

Same goes for people living in East Anglia.  :)


Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #694 on: 16 May, 2011, 08:46:40 pm »
East Anglia.  :)

A good place to ride fixed  ;)


Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #695 on: 16 May, 2011, 08:57:24 pm »
East Anglia.  :)

A good place to ride fixed  ;)

I trained for my first fixed SR mainly by riding my Pompino on my 8.5km almost-pan-flat commute.  The most significant climb is a hump back bridge. :)

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #696 on: 16 May, 2011, 09:16:52 pm »
I'm amazed by the reports above  :) Well done to all - well hard.

Inspiring. Maybe next season if I ever get my MSc done.


Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #697 on: 16 May, 2011, 09:17:30 pm »

I was rescued by Dei (Dei/Dai – spelling?) who navigated me back to the control…and the whole of the following day.

Yes, it's Dei ... and yes, it's Dave (christened David, but not even my mother giving me a telling off ever called me David).  

What Thesloth didn't say was that my most of my navigational assistance was supplied to him whilst I was wheelsucking.  Good job there's no rule about how much you spend at the front of the line in audax (3rd in line counts 333 metres per kilometre etc).  

He also didn't mention his act of generosity: the only puncture I got was on a descent down towards Tintern.  Being in my usual position (4th in a line of 4), my timid yelp of 'puncture!' wasn't heard - not that I would expect anyone to stop with 10km to go.  Just as I was ready to ride off, around 10 faffing minutes later, thesloth, not living up to his on-line name, comes rolling back up the hill to check what had become of me.  How generous is that?!!

Big thanks.  Really enjoyed the event and all the company.

Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #698 on: 16 May, 2011, 09:34:17 pm »
Chapeaux to all those on this ride. We were sat in the pub yesterday compulsively checking to see how people were getting on. It sounds like the weather conspired to make it a seriously tough ride. I still wish we'd been able to ride it though.....

Well done to all those who have now qualified to PBP. Hopefully we'll see you in Paris if not before!

California Dreaming


Re: Bryan Chapman Memorial 2011
« Reply #699 on: 16 May, 2011, 10:06:14 pm »
Well that was a <insert appropriate word according to date/time of ride you are referring to from list below> ride

Stunningly scenic

More to follow but here is the Faccombe 3 back in Bulwark.  Just look at the bags under our eyes!  My God..what a strange hobby Audax is.

Chillmoister, LEE & Kieran.