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  • York or therebouts-ish ride: 12 March, 2011

Author Topic: York or therebouts-ish ride 12/3/11 - Lungs and Knees and Weather permitting!  (Read 39422 times)

If The Clarion is making an appearance I might eschew trimming the hedge.


  • mojo operandi
I think we should have a suitable ceremony at WVM corner

(sorry, jogler)

I now have a swb 'bent which could act as a substitute for the fixed as a bike on which to do a ride using a bike with with I'm not entirely familiar ::-)


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Or you could just ride the Langster, and make sure you take the utterly gratuitous hill option to help recreate the emotion of the moment.


  • mojo operandi

I reckon I could ride up that hill now on fixed :smug: which would prevent WVM making an appearance.

However I also reckon I would struggle on the 'bent thus creating the velo-incantation which summons WVM ;D


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
But we'd be going down Kilnwick Percy, assuming of course that we end up on a lumpy route, rather than one of the flat-as-a-pancake options.  By which I mean Crinkly-flat, not them-mad-buggers-Deano-and-Mr-Nesbitt flat.

The nicest route would probably be this one

followed by going back south of the 1079 and through Melbourne, Sutton, Elvington, Wheldrake and Naburn.  But that would total 60ish miles, and about 2000 feet of climbing and possibly wouldn't be classified as knee-friendly.

But we can plan options ranging from that to 40 lump-free miles.  And possibly not even decide until the day.

I've just realised, I appear to be organising a forum ride.  Presumably that means I'll be s'posed to know where I am and everything?


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
It seems to me that the knee cares far more about distance than it does about hills.  For I have TEH GEARZ

I may revise this view in light of the outcome of the Hilly 50.

CL: I reckon a "you are here" badge and a map of the solar system should cover it :)


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Actually Kim, it occurs to me that we could probably attempt the nice, pretty and mildly optically illusion infested route, giving us 35-ish miles to Pock where, if The Knee was playing silly buggers after the delights of Millington, Huggate and WVM corner, I could give you my house keys and pack you off to York in my mum's car.  If said bit of anatomy was behaving itself, we could head off south of the 1079 with the options of a 16-ish mile reasonably pleasant flat route (basically the first bit of the FNRttC in reverse - from the pub to York) that can be extended to 25-ish (still flat) with added Friday commute loveliness in the event of a stupendously well behaved knee.  Does that sound reasonably sensible, for a Silly_Bike_Adventure?  


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
The knee says "creak-CLICK!"   :thumbsup:

ETA:  My friend Postman Piers (I don't think of this parish?) has expressed an interest in nipping up from the People's Republic to join us for this ride.  It's been a while since he's been on a bike, let alone hauled mail around Bristol on a 3-speed Pashley, so with luck his Legs Of Steel will have atrophied to a level where he won't be embarrassingly fast...


  • Not my boat. Now sold.
Can I come plz?
I might even have a working 'bent by then.  Otherwise it's Dooring Bores Galaxy.
Will we be "doing" the solar system, or is that a bit of the wrong direction for Pock etc?
Be Naughty; save Santa a trip


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Of course.  The more the merrier.

If I do end up bringing the Discovery, it would be a shame not to take it to Jupiter...


  • Venture Altruist
  • Agent Orange
At the risk of jinxing myself, I could well be up for that ...
Now that I've had my insurance-related medical, my immediate thoughts are 'screw it, I need the exercise', especially as I've put on half a stone since the accident :(


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
So that's

Me - with some CAKE and alarming levels of responsibility for not getting lost.
Kim - probably onna upwrong
Maybe Deano onna fixed - we'll wait for him in the pub in Bishop Wilton while he does utterly gratuitous hills if he really insists
Maybe Mr Nesbitt - if hedges aren't more appealing
Maybe "Slow"coach - if he doesn't accidentally do an audax instead.  GPSs may be removed at the start at the discretion of me :P
Possibly a ponderous Clarion.  With accomplices, I wonder?
possiblely maybe not yet sure Jogler - perhaps onna bent, hopefully without recourse to a WVM rescue
Postman Piers - will he be on a Pashley?
Rower40 - who might turn up on anything from a rubber band drive to a 'bent, depending on how far through the bike-fettling algorithm he's got
interzen - will he have 11 gears-inna-can by then, or is the future still orange?


  • mojo operandi
I am only a possiblely maybe not yet sure.
I may have to piroritise other things nearer home involving less travelling time & expense given that I am already committed to being in York for the Wiggington 100km audax


  • Venture Altruist
  • Agent Orange
More than likely I'll be bringing canned gears - will decide nearer the time whether I bring 8 or 11. With a bit of fettling, I could have 11 canned gears *and* an orange future :)

Probably won't be riding fixed again until I've had at least a couple of physio sessions and my back muscles loosen up a bit.

EDIT: I do have my 11 canned gears now (and photos to prove it :) ) but the bike build has been delayed a bit due to my original choice of chainset not being compatible with the frame (unfortunate coming together of chainrings and chainstays) and the shop not having my Plan B chainset in 175mm. Will be popping in this weekend to check on the progress.

Alas, my Mum is visiting on the 12th, on a coach trip, so I'm out.  I'm also hoping my other half will come over that weekend, so as to meet my Mum.  If he brought his bike, I might get him out on a very gentle Sunday pootle, if it wasn't too early in the morning.

Have fun everyone!
If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Postman Piers - will he be on a Pashley?

Sadly not.  He got promoted and is now responsible for dubious sorting machines and the people that feed them, rather than defying gravity on an indestructible bike.  It is, needless to say, a lot less fun.  While he does have a black and white cat, it seems unlikely that she'll be joining us on the ride, either.

He operates a similar bike maintenance algorithm to rower40, only with fewer round tuits, so I won't be surprised if he turns up onna mountain bike because that's the one with a chain that bends.

This is a pootle, right?  On Sat or Sun? Max 40miles?

At 40miles, it's conceivable that I could persuade MsCharly to accompany us  on her Mercian and I could ride mine. The accompanying of MsCharly would enhance the possibility of getting a pass-out from MrsCharly.  I am supposed to be doing nothing apart from repairing boats this year, but children come first . . .

MsCharly has achieved 30miles riding with me, but that included Hills of None-Imaginary Proportions and 24" gears.
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
This is a pootle, right?  On Sat or Sun? Max 40miles?

Saturday - a proper-ish ride, route tbc, anywhere between 40 and 60 miles (possibly decided on the day) in light of The Knee's performance - if we can do towards the top end of that it's a much nicer ride.  The reason we decided to go out to play in the first place is that Kim, having had Far_Too_Much_Fun on some extraordinarily Silly_Bike_Adventures last year, and accidentally got officially fast in doing so, is a bit distance-limited at the moment and is going bonkers with the boredom of the same Mordor-ian loop.  I told her she had to come to York and we'd go for a different loop :)  The short and none-hilly option is basically my "boring-same-old-ride" to Pocklington and back.  The longer and lumpier options take us to nicer places.  I have pre-arranged an emergency rescue for Kim in the form of Granny Annie in her motor, if it proves necessary, to facilitate the more entertaining options, but it would only take one bike+rider.  

I reckon that Ms Charly could probably do the long loop, if she wanted to and if she's been riding a bit over the winter - she's a damn sight fitter and faster than me!  I'd have no qualms about taking the EldestCub along if it was guaranteed warm enough for him to not turn blue and if he had a few decent miles in his legs.  Unfortunately he's not done more than the school run since November....

Which is why on Sunday Kim and I, together with the EldestCub (and hopefully maybe Arch+potentially her friend-who-is-a-boy) and maybe some other people will go and do something like the planets path, or out towards Shipton/Aldwark.  Maybe to Riccall to the pub and the park.  Or maybe only as far as the Blacksmith's Arms if we're feeling lazy!  

I know she can belt around town, but her endurance is limited . . . Criminy, she can spend 4 hours solid on one pencil drawing but I seriously doubt she'd tackle that on a bike. More a question of bike-person interface toughness than fitness.

We will see - I might try to get her out on a ride. The elder smelly child would like to go cycling but riding with him is like taking a Jack Russell for a walk; it hurtles off at high pace, dashes back, pees on several bushes, then lies down and refuses to move halfway round the field.
<i>Marmite slave</i>


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Well, you can tell her that home-made cake can be arranged, for either day, if that helps. 

We have a small friend who is also a bit of a Jack Russell. Sometimes him and the EldestCub (who I reckon is a natural audaxer) just sort of look at each other in a slightly confuddled and mystified way.....

We have entere the S'nilpig Pollag 200km.  Would be nice to see you all there.

How comes?  Seems everybody's starting at Boroughbridge rather than Houghton-le-Spring.  Unless you lot are especially quick (or I'm especially slow), we'll not have chance for a chin-wag at Girsby (assuming the hall is booked and it's not just Joe's mate with a trestle table of banananas).

This probably deserves a thread of its own, mind.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
I thought about Gilpinn's Gallop.  But I'm not brave enough to attempt a 200, and there isn't a 100 starting at this end

Arch'n'me are going to probably go out this weekend, and may well do recce of the cafes and pubs hills on the route out through Givendale/Millington/Huggate.  My logic is if I can struggle up 'em on Valencia and she can conquer them on the trike, everybody else (knees allowing) should find them easy.


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
Put me down as a provisional for the Saturday, sans TLD, although if I can't do Saturday I might well manage a pootle along with TLD on the Sunday, especially if pub lunch is involved :)
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Hurrah \o/

T'is good to have you back in the country m'dear :)

As Kim arrives in York at (checks, cos I have the memory of a goldfish) 9:30 and will presumably have a bag with her toothbrush'n'stuff that would ideally get dropped off at the CrinklyDen before heading off, my suggestion would be to gather up round at ours, aiming for a 10 o'clock kick off on the Saturday.  10 minutes pootle across York from the station, and usually a reasonable amount of free on-street parking available.  Experimentation has shown that we can fit a reasonable quantity of cyclists and their assorted steeds in and around the Den, so long as they don't all want to sit down at the same time.  Coffee, Tea, CAKE and potentially bacon butties can be provided for anyone that's early.  This has the added advantage that I theoretically shouldn't be late.  How does that sound?


  • I am a mole and I live in a hole.
Bah! I can't make this one. Sounds like fun.

It's my Dad's 65 birthday, so I'll be sat in a pub stuffing my self with vast quantities of food, and having pleasant interactions of the family kind.

Have fun all.