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  • York or therebouts-ish ride: 12 March, 2011

Author Topic: York or therebouts-ish ride 12/3/11 - Lungs and Knees and Weather permitting!  (Read 39413 times)


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Plans for tomorrow - as I understand it, I'm going to the station sometime before 9:30, to meet up with some people (anyone have a list?), and escorting them to the CrinklyDen.

Bikes are in a sortofish running order, lets hope for less wind and a fine day.

MrCharly, I suspect that catherding from the station might not be necessary.  'Slow'coach is getting in early, but knows the way to the Den.  Tiermat at around 9, Rower40 and Kim at 9:30, with andrewc a few minutes later - Tiermat knows the way here and andrewc has been here once.

Not sure about tiptop - she may be staying in York tonight, or may be coming tomorrow.

Deano knows the way to the cake, I'm assuming interzen knows how to find us being a local, Mr Bunbury might meet us en route and knows where the Den is anyway and I'll already be here.

If you want to come straight here, a bit early, I can do your lass a bacon buttie if that would help with the motivation to get up and out!

We will not be attending tomorrow. Have fun everyone. Enjoy the cake. See you next time.
Sorry to hear that.  Another time?  And, as I said, you and the boys would be more than welcome to join us for a leisurely pootle to the pub on Sunday.

With apologies for going OT a little, is there a plan for Sunday?  I realise it depends on knees and weather and stuff, but is it probably heading to Naburn for a pub lunch?  Not too early a start presumably.  11ish?  We just have to logisticate getting to the Secret Bunker, fetching trikes etc.

I hope you have a fab ride tomorrow anyway. I'll be there in spirit.
If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
With apologies for going OT a little, is there a plan for Sunday?  I realise it depends on knees and weather and stuff, but is it probably heading to Naburn for a pub lunch?  Not too early a start presumably.  11ish?  We just have to logisticate getting to the Secret Bunker, fetching trikes etc.

I hope you have a fab ride tomorrow anyway. I'll be there in spirit.

Yeah, I reckon we have a chance of being in a state to head out by 11-ish.  The Blacksmith's Arms gets fairly busy, but we can always drink lots of fizzy pop while we're waiting :)


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Right, I have chocolate and nanaba cake finished, coffee cake just needs filling/chocolate coating/coffee-bean-ing, Kim-friendly St Clements cake is in the fridge, chocolate buns baked but need decorating, rather large Mildenhall cake needs to finish cooling and get chopped into 8, and 2 sorts of experimental flapjack are cooling in the kitchen.

I don't think we'll starve.


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
It's the sleep deprivation that's going to get us, isn't it?

Mumble......wha....who's daft idea was it to get up this early ? .....groan.....
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
You are not alone Andrew, I am awake and the bike is fettled (proper mudguards fitted) and clothes sorted out.

Just having brekkie, will have a shower then off to station.

Wooooohooooo I am going on a pootle :)
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Mumble...Mutter...Yawn.  Right, better go to the shop.  And get dressed.  And drink coffee.

Maybe not in that order.
Wonder if Deano is tackling the headwind, or if he decided to let the train take the strain....


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
On the train. The dangly bike spaces are suspiciously clean and have a full set of straps for tying the wheel down.  Very nice of CrossCountry to arrange that for us, I think.


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
There is a coffee here if you want it CL :)

Just finishing my coffee, then off to station and then on to York.

Do you realise that this is a Kat and Kim ride? Kath & Kim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe we should all take the time to talk in Aussie accents today :)
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Do you realise that this is a Kat and Kim ride? Kath & Kim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I did, when I wrote in on my diary I chuckled to myself. You pack of chunts

On the train and it's sunny!!! What's gone wrong?


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Shhh.... don't let on, but the wind seems to have dropped a fair bit too.

Right, coffee cake - tick!
Mildenhall cake - tick!
Chocolate and banananananana cake - tick!
Flapjack with fruity bits - tick!
Flapjack without fruity bits - tick!
Orange and lemon cake - tick!

Just the chocolate cake to finish.  Then I probably ought to get dressed!  'Slow'coach - if I'm in the bath when you get here, Zak knows where all the coffee stuff is, bacon's in the fridge and the boys can show you where to find bread/porridge :)

I love this place - where else would a lady say "I might be in the bath when you arrive, but the kids will sort you out for breakfast...."

Have fun everyone.
If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at

I woke up at 5 this morning with a really sore throat and a cough and the beginnings of a cold, so I'm having an easy day at home today, saving myself for 200 km tomorrow.  Hope everyone has a canny ride.

The assembled lunatics are playing Pooh Sticks..
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark


  • car(e) free
    • Lost Byway - around the world by bike
I woke up at 5 this morning with a really sore throat and a cough and the beginnings of a cold, so I'm having an easy day at home today, saving myself for 200 km tomorrow.  Hope everyone has a canny ride.
Funnily enough I'm doing exactly the same (minus the 200km tomorrow.)

Just made my train home, "bike space" full of babies, so it's wedged in the doorway. Thanks to CrinklyLion for a lovely day out and CAKE. Thanks to everybody else for the company and the fast ride back to the station.
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Yay!  Back at the den, din't lose anyone or have any CrinklyNavigation moments, zero mechanicals, sunshine! Coffee/bacon butties/chocolate bike cup cakes before we set off, moar cake in Stamford Bridge, pooh sticks at the bridge on snake lane, the temp traffic lights have gone from grimthorpe, nice food and quick service in millington, they've filled the craters on the huggate to warter road, Kim hit 45.9mph down Kilnwick Percy hill, Granny Annie made us cheese scones for the tea stop in Pock, MsCharly rode further than she ever has in a day and got her first ever half-century, and a round of 3 pints, 2 halves and 2 soft drinks in the pub in Warthill cost less than  9 quid.

So long as andrewc made it to the station in time for his train (fingers crossed) I'm going to count that as a success.

ETA - cross post with andrewc!

Brilliant!  Sounds like a fabulous day out. ;D

Before you collapse into a victorious post-ride, leader's stupor, any arrangments for tomorrow? I was wondering if we could meet you at the Millennium Bridge, in order to minimise road cycling for mfwhtbab, who's not ridden the trike in traffic much, if at all.

Any idea of a good time?  11-11.15 perhaps?

If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Hi Arch, yes 11/11.15ish is good.  Meet you on the bridge?  If it's not wet Dearly_Beloved and SmallestCub are going to come along too - they'll probably only go to the pubbe in Naburn, then head home after lunch.  Kim'n'me'CrinklyCub may go and explore the outer planets depending on knees, weather, lungs and time.

Cool.  I suspect we'll be just doing the pub, unless mfwhtbab finds a store of cycling strength he didn't know it had - anyway, he has to get back to Manchester tomorrow evening, and there's trike/car logisticating to do, so we'll be loosely watching the clock.

He's also hoping the KMX doesn't collapse!  But he's sewn a very fetching flag for it, with a design that borders on a Star Wars theme....

See you at the Bridge.  I'll text if anything goes awry.
If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at


  • According to Jane, I'm a Unisex SpaceAdmin
I have just got back, eaten tea and put TLD to bed.

A Grand Day Out, Gromit!

Tea/coffee and cake in abundance (including confusing the poor girl at the cafe by asking for a cafetiere for two, but only one mug!)

No mechanicals? ahem, what about the Tiermat's curse of YACF rides? I lost yet another mudguard bolt......

Ups, downs and roundabouts, one ranty road rage bloke and me getting major shimmy on the same downhill that Kim got >46mph on!!!!

Ended with myself and Tiptop flying through the villages back towards York, she headed off to Fulford and I shot down Hull Road to catch a train that was 1) full of noisy, obnoxious teenagers and 2) had two people sat on the seats in bike area, I soon sorted that :)
I feel like Captain Kirk, on a brand new planet every day, a little like King Kong on top of the Empire State

Hey, CrinklyLion!  You ORGANISED a ride!   ;)

And I have a target to aim for down Kilnwick Percy....
If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at

A really big THANK YOU to CrinklyLion for a wonderfully organised ride. Not only stops in all the best places, but a seemingly unlimited supply of cake, including some stupendous fairy cakes complete with icing bicycles.

MsCharly is soaking in the bath. She made it through the three stages; Ok, I can do this | What am I doing here, why did you make me come, this is horrible | Oh, this isn't so bad, I could go on for a few more hours.

Actually, when she reached the last stage, she expressed disappointment that we didn't have camping gear with us so we could just not bother going home, but carry on riding.

Due to lack of cycle computers, I can't be certain of speed, but I applied the brakes at the point that I couldn't see 'cause my eyes were full of tears, and she was still pulling away from me. At least over 60Kph, I reckon. She's something of a fearless descender, that girl.
<i>Marmite slave</i>