Author Topic: Bye Lance  (Read 288473 times)


  • Tyke
Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1300 on: 15 January, 2013, 05:05:29 pm »
I think that, if we watch the interview, we will discover that a big boy did it and ran away.
Getting there...

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1301 on: 15 January, 2013, 05:10:50 pm »
The Lance meets Oprah thing is neither here nor there to me, a limited confession will merely confirm what we know already from Hamilton's book, the USADA reasoned decision files and testimony form ex-Motorola team-mates during the SCA Promotions hearings.

What will be of more interest is - if reports like the one linked to below are accurate - Lance throwing the higher-powered doping facilitators under the bus. The Qui Tam suit filed by Floyd Landis is the real kicker when it comes to the consequences of LA confessing to doping, and his only chance of avoiding hard time is to turn super-grass. The LA doping Venn diagram encompasses USA Cycling, big business/pharma such as Amgen, and of course, the UCI. Mind you, even if he tells all, he's still a douchebag...

And with that in mind, perhaps the UCI should be careful what it wishes for:
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." ~ Freidrich Neitzsche

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1302 on: 15 January, 2013, 05:19:34 pm »
Obvioulsy, no apology could possibly be genuine. You can't be that much of a cunt for so long and have any remorse. An apology from Armstrong would be about as meaningful as one from Hitler*

I don't really care what his motives or excuses are, just as long as he admits it. That will at least be a step in the right direction. I fully appreciate that it will just mean the remaining Lance fan bois will be saying "He just did what everybody else did!", but at least it will make a change from "He never tested positive!"

Admit it, then fuck off...

* Sorry, couldn't resist :P
Those wonderful norks are never far from my thoughts, oh yeah!

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1303 on: 15 January, 2013, 05:21:47 pm »
Obvioulsy, no apology could possibly be genuine. You can't be that much of a cunt for so long and have any remorse. An apology from Armstrong would be about as meaningful as one from Hitler*

I don't really care what his motives or excuses are, just as long as he admits it. That will at least be a step in the right direction. I fully appreciate that it will just mean the remaining Lance fan bois will be saying "He just did what everybody else did!", but at least it will make a change from "He never tested positive!"

Admit it, then fuck off...

* Sorry, couldn't resist :P

Well, if a popular song had any currency, they were both uniballers... ;D
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." ~ Freidrich Neitzsche

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1304 on: 15 January, 2013, 05:24:06 pm »
The admission is a necessary by-product of what he has in mind.  Anyway in the meantime...


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1305 on: 15 January, 2013, 05:34:53 pm »
I don't really care what his motives or excuses are, just as long as he admits it. That will at least be a step in the right direction.

The only thing I would consider the "right direction" is if he takes the UCI down with him. His downfall will be meaningless if the top level of the sport continues to be so corrupt. To that end, his confession could be a good thing for the sport as a whole, but he personally is beyond redemption. Any "repentance" he comes out with now will be too little too late.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


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Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1306 on: 15 January, 2013, 07:03:00 pm »
There is a statute of limitations of five years for perjury in the US, so he won't be going to prison, despite being a lying slimy cockwomble.
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1307 on: 15 January, 2013, 09:57:09 pm »
Perhaps he's going to name a whole load of other dopers, from Merckx to Voigt, and UCI officials who turned a blind eye. Perhaps.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1308 on: 15 January, 2013, 09:59:41 pm »
Rumour is he's ratting on the UCI, but not involving other cyclists.

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1309 on: 15 January, 2013, 11:46:54 pm »
Both WADA and USADA have expressed serious concerns about the independent commission's enquiry into the role of the UCI during the Armstrong years, and are both now unwilling to cooperate with the commission:

Quote from: WADA
“Over the course of several communications, WADA has shared a number of serious concerns as to the Commission’s terms of reference and its ability to carry out its role without undue influence.

“In particular, WADA is concerned that the scope of the inquiry is too focused on sanctioned former cyclist Lance Armstrong - especially as his case is closed and completed with there being no appeal - and will therefore not fully address such a widespread and ingrained problem.”

“There is further concern that the UCI has had too much influence over the terms of reference, which calls into question the Commission’s independence,” WADA stated. “The terms of reference were signed off by the UCI and the Commission without consultation with anti-doping authorities, while the requirement for the Commission to deliver its report to the UCI before any other party is unacceptable.”

"Because the Commission does not offer immunity there is no incentive for witnesses to come forward, or to even give witness statements,” it said. “An approach that does not allow individuals to give evidence without the fear of retaliation will merely perpetuate the ‘omerta’ that has been an obstacle to cycling investigations in the past.”

USADA are all but saying that the UCI has nobbled the inquiry from the get-go:

Quote from: Travis Tygart
“UCI's refusal to agree to allow a limited opportunity for riders to come forward and be truthful without fear of retribution or retaliation from the UCI obviously calls into question the UCI's commitment to a full and thorough investigation and creates grave concern that the UCI has blindfolded and handcuffed this Independent Commission to ensure a pre-determined outcome,” he said in a statement. “The current terms of reference are not good for clean athletes or moving this sport forward to a better future.”

If LA puts a big enough bomb under the UCI with his confession, or any possible co-operation with USADA, the commission's inquiry could be rendered moot anyway.
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." ~ Freidrich Neitzsche


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Bye Lance
« Reply #1310 on: 16 January, 2013, 08:20:33 am »
FFS, the UCI really are a massive bunch of cunts.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1311 on: 16 January, 2013, 02:51:36 pm »
FFS, the UCI really are a massive bunch of cunts.


That's probably the one insult that Floyd Landis is not barred from using when he's talking about the UCI.  ;D :demon: ;D
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." ~ Freidrich Neitzsche

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1312 on: 16 January, 2013, 03:05:36 pm »
Both WADA and USADA have expressed serious concerns about the independent commission's enquiry into the role of the UCI during the Armstrong years, and are both now unwilling to cooperate with the commission:...

If LA puts a big enough bomb under the UCI with his confession, or any possible co-operation with USADA, the commission's inquiry could be rendered moot anyway.
The commission itself isn't happy with its terms of reference, & has asked for immunity for those who testify.
The commission is of the view that a truth and reconciliation process is desirable for the purposes of this inquiry, and that such a process would ensure that the most complete evidence is available to the commission at its hearing in April 2013.
The commission is of the view that such a process would be in the interests not only of the inquiry, but also of professional cycling as a whole. The commission, via the solicitors to the inquiry, has written to the UCI's solicitors, urging the UCI to reconsider its position.

The poodle bites back! The UCI can't even set up a tame commission now without it turning on its creator.
"A woman on a bicycle has all the world before her where to choose; she can go where she will, no man hindering." The Type-Writer Girl, 1897

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1313 on: 16 January, 2013, 04:20:56 pm »
Just saw that the UCIIC has been biting the hand on the choke chain in the Inner Ring's piece on how things could be spiralling out of the UCI's control. It looks like USADA have even gone as far as to say that the UCI have potentially been witness tampering:


Best lay down a good stock of popcorn and marshmallows, folks...
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." ~ Freidrich Neitzsche

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1314 on: 16 January, 2013, 04:41:50 pm »
It looks like what has been needed for ten plus years is finally going to happen.  A tipping point has been reached with today's statements.  I can't see Fat Pat lasting more than a few days now.

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1315 on: 16 January, 2013, 08:24:32 pm »
FFS, the UCI really are a massive bunch of cunts.


Look chaps, please can you stop comparing Armstrong to a warm welcoming part of the female anatomy?

I thank you

Reine de la Fauche

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1316 on: 16 January, 2013, 11:28:13 pm »
It's been reported that the UCI are now willing to consider an amnesty to those giving evidence to the UCIIC "so long as it does not contravene the WADA code":

It's hard to tell whether the UCI have got no clue whatsoever, or all the ducking and diving is actually a deliberate case of obfuscating stupidity...
"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." ~ Freidrich Neitzsche


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1317 on: 16 January, 2013, 11:37:23 pm »
It looks like what has been needed for ten plus years is finally going to happen.  A tipping point has been reached with today's statements.  I can't see Fat Pat lasting more than a few days now.
Hopefuly. But then what, or who?
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Rhys W

  • I'm single, bilingual
    • Cardiff Ajax
Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1318 on: 17 January, 2013, 12:19:31 am »
Greg Lemond.

No, wait - Nicole Cooke!

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1319 on: 17 January, 2013, 07:59:07 am »
It's been reported that the UCI are now willing to consider an amnesty to those giving evidence to the UCIIC "so long as it does not contravene the WADA code":

Nice sidestep on their part but they are buying time, hoping, no doubt, that they can control, delay  and neuter the commission's report and quietly bury it all.  In the meantime they hope the new investment from the Czeck bloke (who also owns one of the teams apparently, so they are keeping the vested interest and nepotism theme in their best traditions) will, no doubt, result in more big brown envelopes for Hein, FP and their cronies.

I don't think they quite appreciate the strength of feeling amongst the wider cycling and sporting community though.  It's going to get very entertaining over the next few days and weeks.

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1320 on: 17 January, 2013, 08:24:27 am »
They'll have to be prised out like ticks.

Fingers crossed for Lance going full tard

Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1321 on: 17 January, 2013, 08:31:32 am »
When is it being broadcast?  2am uk time has been mentioned but I can't ind anything definitive.

Bye Lance
« Reply #1322 on: 17 January, 2013, 08:55:21 am »
It's on the Discovery channel at 2am, then repeated at 8pm.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: Bye Lance
« Reply #1323 on: 17 January, 2013, 10:03:24 am »
Look chaps, please can you stop comparing Armstrong to a warm welcoming part of the female anatomy?

Sorry. I shall have to come up with some new terms of insult - none of the existing ones are strong enough to encapsulate my current level of rage towards the UCI.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."