Author Topic: Minority Report  (Read 3154 times)


Minority Report
« on: 24 June, 2008, 12:45:48 pm »
Spent Saturday wandering along the Grand Union Canal towpath from King's Langley to Hanwell. There were plenty of cyclists on the path. And the majority were courteous. Usually a ring of the bell or a greeting, followed by a 'thanks' as we stepped to one side, and sometimes a few words about the relatively fineness of the world and the increasing proximity of an evening filled with beery goodness.

But, alas, we were passed by a half dozen cyclists who weren't. Sadly, they all looked the 'proper' cyclist: with the helmet, the lycra, relatively expensive bike and kit. Modus operandi was passing too fast, usually with little warning (one did shout "watch out!" as we were forced into the nettles), and never bothering with a "thanks". They did get a sarcastic chorus as they sped into the distance.

Now, as I'm cyclist and a courteous one at that, I know and can reflect upon this being a minority of cyclists. But, if I wasn't, I could easily see myself remembering that minority and coming to a very negative opinion of cyclists. Which is a shame, but I think it does partly explain why relations between cyclists and pedestrians and motorists are so antagonistic.

On the bright side, we were passed by plenty of kids who looked like the ASBO-imbued hooded nemesis of godfearing Dail Mail readers, and they all without fail gave us room and said 'thanks' as they passed.


Re: Minority Report
« Reply #1 on: 24 June, 2008, 02:30:37 pm »
There are moves afoot to use part of the Basingstoke canal tow path through Woking as a joint cycle/pedestrian route.  The path surface is being widened and tidied up.  The local pedestrians are up in arms about it - mad cyclists belting along far too fast.  It takes only one and you can bet your life the first ped who gets hit, or just inconvenienced will be straight to the local paper who will print an "I told you so" headline. I do feel sympathy with the pedestrains, having been knocked off my bike on the Wey towpath by an all the gear mtb-er who wasn't looking where he was going.  I hear him coming and braced myself and shouted, but he still hit me as he was looking behind him hurling abuse at a pedestrian he'd whizzed past very close and who had complained.  I went into nettles and it bloody hurt, for hours afterwards.

He was terribly apologetic, but denied he was going too fast - he just could not make the cause and effect connection. 

What you say about it being the minority is very true Ian, but the great Woking public will not see it like that.  The Basingstoke path will be a lot wider than the Wey, but I see trouble ahead and it'll be very difficult for the local cycle forum to counteract bad publicity when, inevitably, it happens.   


  • When n+1 gets out of hand
Re: Minority Report
« Reply #2 on: 24 June, 2008, 02:33:52 pm »
Stick.  Spokes.   :demon:
Hard work sometimes pays off in the end, but laziness ALWAYS pays off NOW.


Re: Minority Report
« Reply #3 on: 24 June, 2008, 02:36:22 pm »
I might well next time I'm on it. Splash!


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Re: Minority Report
« Reply #4 on: 24 June, 2008, 02:54:15 pm »


Re: Minority Report
« Reply #5 on: 24 June, 2008, 03:04:05 pm »
Stick.  Spokes.   :demon:

To what  ???

Stick. Through spokes of front wheel. Errant cyclist discovers ability to fly.


It's tempting. But I'm good and rely on the slow bile of my sarcasm to corrode their souls.


Re: Minority Report
« Reply #6 on: 24 June, 2008, 03:05:30 pm »
In a few months time, perhaps you'd pace and up down the Basingstoke canal corroding souls.


  • Each snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty
Re: Minority Report
« Reply #7 on: 24 June, 2008, 08:05:29 pm »
Stick.  Spokes.   :demon:

To what  ???

Stick. Through spokes of front wheel. Errant cyclist discovers ability to fly.


It's tempting. But I'm good and rely on the slow bile of my sarcasm to corrode their souls.

That's a cracking turn of phrase, I love it.

Re: Minority Report
« Reply #8 on: 24 June, 2008, 08:16:45 pm »
That's a cracking turn of phrase, I love it.

POTD material, in fact.


  • Not my boat. Now sold.
Re: Minority Report
« Reply #9 on: 24 June, 2008, 08:18:14 pm »
Shared-use pavement on Pride Park, Derby; a wide 2.5-to-3 metres.  Separated from the road by another 2 or more metres of grass with lumpy earth underneath. I'm on the left of the shared-use bit.  Coming towards me are a pedestrian (a work colleague!), walking on his left.  Behind him, travelling in the same direction, is another cyclist, who moves to his right and speeds up to overtake my friend.  Therefore forcing me to stop.

As he approached me, I called "Thanks" in a sarcastic tone.  He muttered something about using the grass.  He's evidently never ridden on it.  If I'd not stopped, we'd have hit big time.

Next time I'll stop, get off, then just 'happen' to drop my bike across his route.  What really freaked me was that he was no spring chicken - grey-haired enough to know better.

[Daily Wail Reader] Make them take a test, have licence, blah blah [/Wail Reader]

Sorry, rant over.  Normal service will be resumed...
Be Naughty; save Santa a trip

Re: Minority Report
« Reply #10 on: 24 June, 2008, 08:38:43 pm »
Shared-use pavement on Pride Park, Derby; a wide 2.5-to-3 metres.  Separated from the road by another 2 or more metres of grass with lumpy earth underneath. I'm on the left of the shared-use bit.  Coming towards me are a pedestrian (a work colleague!), walking on his left.  Behind him, travelling in the same direction, is another cyclist, who moves to his right and speeds up to overtake my friend.  Therefore forcing me to stop.

As he approached me, I called "Thanks" in a sarcastic tone.  He muttered something about using the grass.  He's evidently never ridden on it.  If I'd not stopped, we'd have hit big time.

Next time I'll stop, get off, then just 'happen' to drop my bike across his route.  What really freaked me was that he was no spring chicken - grey-haired enough to know better.

[Daily Wail Reader] Make them take a test, have licence, blah blah [/Wail Reader]

Sorry, rant over.  Normal service will be resumed...

One of the unwritten rules of shared use cycleways, is that no matter how wide it is, a pedestrians will try to use it's entire width. If it is a lone pedestrian, then they will weave from side to side.
Another, is that the cyclist coming the other way, will be riding on their right (your left) and if there is a blind bend, they will take it without being able to stop. They will also overtake any pedestrians travelling in their direction, instead of slowing down to their speed and waiting for it to be safe for them to overtake the pedestrain/s.
I have slowed right down on the same side as a pesestrian to let an oncoming cyclist pass them and me. Only to have the pedestrain, not seeing the cyclist from behind them, step into the oncoming cyclists's path. I was far away enough and slow enough for the pedestrain to keep walking unhindred. But they didn't know why I was riding slowly on the same side of the path as them and probably thought I wanted them to move to one side.
Shared use cyclepaths are just legalised pavement cycling and pavement cycling is a bad thing, most of the time. You just have to be very patient and expect idiots. That's my philosophy for using the Milton Keynes Redways. We have a Redway Code, which I sometimes think that I am the only person who has ever read it. It sems to be written by the same fool who designed the Redway System.

Re: Minority Report
« Reply #11 on: 25 June, 2008, 10:48:59 pm »
"When I were a lad" we were taught to always walk facing oncoming traffic.  This meant that you wouldn't be surprised by traffic arriving behind you.  Why doesn't this happen on shared use pathways ? Peds walk on their left (or all over), cyclists ride on their left, peds are oblivious to traffic behind them.

Is it still suggested in the Highway Code ?


  • Peroxide Viking
Re: Minority Report
« Reply #12 on: 26 June, 2008, 06:41:03 pm »
Yup but traffic is cars innit?
It takes blood and guts to be this cool but I'm still just a cliché.
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Re: Minority Report
« Reply #13 on: 26 June, 2008, 06:46:46 pm »
"When I were a lad" we were taught to always walk facing oncoming traffic.  This meant that you wouldn't be surprised by traffic arriving behind you.  Why doesn't this happen on shared use pathways ? Peds walk on their left (or all over), cyclists ride on their left, peds are oblivious to traffic behind them.

Is it still suggested in the Highway Code ?

The Milton Keynes Redway Code says that cyclists should ride on the left and pedestrians should walk on their right. It is OK, until you approach a pedestrian and a cyclist coming towards you. It would be much better if everyone kept left. The Redways are usualy wide. When I approach a pedestrian from behind and there is an oncoming cyclist, or the redway is too narrow to give a reasonable berth, I slow down to walking speed until it is safe to pass. When I have to cross over in front of people to do this, it can cause problems and confusion.
But generally, everyone rides or walks in the middle and you just work your way around the fact that they are treated more as footpaths than as roads.