Author Topic: Round The Year Randonneurs Log  (Read 434276 times)


  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1025 on: 03 September, 2013, 02:28:25 pm »
After a great day out in the sunshine on Sunday (subject to validation) my 'Dorset Coast Around the Year' challenge has now 3 chillier/windier rides to go before completion...
Jan   Dorset Coast 200
Feb   Dorset Coast 200 x 2
Mar   Dorset Coast 200 + 300 AAA DIY
April   Dorset Coast 200 (calendar) + 200 DIY + Hardboiled 300
May   Dorset Coast 200 + 200 AAA DIY + BCM 600
June   Dorset Coast 200
July   Dorset Coast 200 + LEL
Aug   Dorset Coast 200
Sept   Dorset Coast 200

Some 12 x rides can be a drag but I agree the DC200 is a superb route. I found my 12x Gospel Pass 200 a real challenge. The winter phase was particularly trying but a wonderful triumph, especially when I resorted to either Trike or Chunkied MTB to cope with ice/snow.

Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.


  • Andrew Preston
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1026 on: 03 September, 2013, 04:46:21 pm »
Some 12 x rides can be a drag but I agree the DC200 is a superb route. I found my 12x Gospel Pass 200 a real challenge. The winter phase was particularly trying but a wonderful triumph, especially when I resorted to either Trike or Chunkied MTB to cope with ice/snow.

Apart from being stunning scenery, the lack of snow ice is one of the great things about it - I did the March circuit instead of the Dean which was (almost) unridable due to snow.

The DC perm is more benign than the calendar too, so there's a great advantage to be had leaving Axminster and not having to go up Sector lane  :) ...the other advantage of a 12x ride is that it's a good measure of improving fitness through the year. Still haven't decided what to do in January for that reason - a Hillbilly and step off, or just one more in case?


Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1027 on: 03 September, 2013, 05:26:58 pm »
Oh, I may continue an RRTY in 2014, after taking December as a month off (if I do a ride in the festive period, I won't count it towards RRTY.  There is a certain "neatness" about calendar year RRTYs).   But I suspect I'll base my 2014 RRTY on a small number of "rules" to make it a little more of a personal challenge (I am not particularly enamoured of my reliance on DIY by GPS in the past 12 months).  The rules I am thinking of for my 2014 RRTY are:

  • no repetition of events
  • calendar and listed permanents only

I might try a fixed RRTY just for a bit of variety.  I may have done that before, but it was so long ago a fresh run is called for methinks.

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1028 on: 09 September, 2013, 04:51:04 pm »
I might try a fixed RRTY just for a bit of variety.  I may have done that before, but it was so long ago a fresh run is called for methinks.

That's the way :thumbsup:

Just completed my (fixed) RRTY. Have enjoyed reading the exploits of others here, but as it got close to completion did not want to post my rides, for fear of jinxing it - am waiting for a non-emergency hernia operation that will put me off the bike for a while I guess.

October:     DIY 200
November: DIY 200
December: Cotswolds and Mendips Grimpeur group perm 200
January:     Mr Pickwick's January Sale 200
February:   Gospel Pass 150 ECE'd to 200
March:        DIY 200
April:           Yr Elenydd 300
May:           Brevet Cymru 400
June:          Brimstone 600
July:            DIY 200
August:       Rough Diamond 300
September: Mr Pickwick goes to Hay in a day 200 ECE'd to 300

It would be an AAARTY (using rides not listed here in some cases) but November's ride didn't get AAA points, at that point I was new to doing DIY's and didn't understand the AAA points very well. Been on double RRTY since December but I don't think that will continue, operation or not  :)


Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1029 on: 09 September, 2013, 06:16:08 pm »
... waiting for a non-emergency hernia operation that will put me off the bike for a while I guess.

I love it when people make sensible decisions and quit riding when common sense takes over.  Venturing out on ice, riding one-legged - what does it take to stop some people riding their bikes?


  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1030 on: 09 September, 2013, 11:33:33 pm »
... waiting for a non-emergency hernia operation that will put me off the bike for a while I guess.

I love it when people make sensible decisions and quit riding when common sense takes over.  Venturing out on ice, riding one-legged - what does it take to stop some people riding their bikes?

Not even a broken Scapula; unless I obeyed Dr's Orders!

Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.


  • Full of bon courage.
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1031 on: 10 September, 2013, 10:01:58 am »

I am about to tackle a super Randonnee - 600km with 15000m of ascent. But with a time limit of 60 hours due to the amount of climbing.

I don't think it will count for auk distance (or aaa) points as we might not recognise the acp super randonnee.

If I can prove the first 200km is ridden at Randonneur pace, will that count?
Right! What's next?

Ooooh. That sounds like a daft idea.  I am in!


Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1032 on: 10 September, 2013, 10:09:46 am »
Probably one for Mike Wigley to answer rather than opinions of yACF.  For what it is worth, I have a very vague recollection that Mike is ok with this kind of thing (there was a similar discussion on LEL that I think alluded to this, albeit in that case the rider was a DNF on LEL).

It's an interesting observation that AUK doesn't automatically recognise (through the regulations) super randonneur events (albeit they are "new" and may fizzle out, and in practical terms are difficult to organise in the UK). 

Given these are presumably compliant with BRM regulations, and AUK in some loose way incorporates these (or at least the salient points of them) there is perhaps a disconnect that AUK might sensibly address.

For now, perhaps you could email Keith and John to ask if there is a way of incorporating the ride into the AUK results (i.e. they take a more relaxed view of the minimum speed requirement until such time as the events are, if ever, incorporated into the AUK regulations).

I have to admit to having a vested interest in this, as I hope to do a similar event next year towards the new BRM award.

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1033 on: 10 September, 2013, 10:23:16 am »
I'm not sure about this.  I thought there was something about the fact that, if you don't complete the ride you said you were going to do, you can't claim for the lesser distance.  That might not apply in the case of a completed longer ride.  RRTY has a lot to answer for!


  • Full of bon courage.
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1034 on: 10 September, 2013, 10:25:05 am »
There is, of course, no guarantee that I will ride 200km at Randonneur pace mind.

The first 200km is rather more vicious than anything I have ridden before - I reckon it will have around 6000 metres of ascent.

Anyway would be interested in mike's thoughts for sure.

And I certainly wouldn't be claiming anything should I fail in the 600. That is the way it is.
Right! What's next?

Ooooh. That sounds like a daft idea.  I am in!

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1035 on: 10 September, 2013, 10:30:02 am »
That sounds like a pretty "interesting" ride, marcus!  I don't think I've seen a mainland 200 with 6AAA points.  I think maybe the nearest might be Dark and White Peak at about 5AAA and a little over distance.  There are some over 4 up here in the North-West, though.

Good luck - where does it go, out of interest?

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1036 on: 10 September, 2013, 10:58:41 am »
As Marcus is currently undertaking a complicated bus-plane-train combo which will, fingers crossed and despite the best efforts of pesky French Baggage Handlers, get him to Lourdes, I'll answer...


Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1037 on: 10 September, 2013, 11:02:09 am »
Oh boy!  Lourdes certainly seems appropriate.  I notice it is close to somewhere that, on first glance, appeared to be called Armpit!


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1038 on: 10 September, 2013, 11:23:09 am »
It's an interesting observation that AUK doesn't automatically recognise (through the regulations) super randonneur events (albeit they are "new" and may fizzle out, and in practical terms are difficult to organise in the UK). 

Given these are presumably compliant with BRM regulations, and AUK in some loose way incorporates these (or at least the salient points of them) there is perhaps a disconnect that AUK might sensibly address.

Super Randonnees do not comply with BRM regulations. The ACP homologates a wide variety of brevets (Tour de Corse has no time limit). The Super Randonnee is a different specific event (like an Easter Arrow) that is required for that ACP award.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...


Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1039 on: 10 September, 2013, 11:31:23 am »
It's an interesting observation that AUK doesn't automatically recognise (through the regulations) super randonneur events (albeit they are "new" and may fizzle out, and in practical terms are difficult to organise in the UK). 

Given these are presumably compliant with BRM regulations, and AUK in some loose way incorporates these (or at least the salient points of them) there is perhaps a disconnect that AUK might sensibly address.

Super Randonnees do not comply with BRM regulations. The ACP homologates a wide variety of brevets (Tour de Corse has no time limit). The Super Randonnee is a different specific event (like an Easter Arrow) that is required for that ACP award.

Oh well.  For glory Marcus!  And the possibility of an RRTY claim based on the hardest stretch of randonneuring most of us will ever attempt.

(begins to plot how to pursuade Steve Snook and Keith Harrison to recognise similar events in the future, if done in a manner consistent with the spirit of AUK regs...)


  • Full of bon courage.
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1040 on: 10 September, 2013, 12:41:50 pm »
It will probably be a struggle to do the 200 in 14 hours (two 2000 metre passes and countless 'littler' ones), so it may all be theoretical.

But, I am sort of assuming I can't claim distance or AAA points, so the whole ride won't count for RRtY.

If it doesn't, I will have to squeeze something in on the last Sunday. I am overseas for the next two weekends. It will be tight.
Right! What's next?

Ooooh. That sounds like a daft idea.  I am in!


  • SR x 3 - PBP fail but 1090 km - hey - not too bad
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1041 on: 10 September, 2013, 01:03:51 pm »
Update from me

So from April...

April 13 - Two Battles 200 (Tamworth)  :thumbsup:
May 13 - Cambrian Series 3A perm (300)  :thumbsup:
June 13 - The National 400 (Tiverton)  :thumbsup:
July 13 - The Buzzard 600 (Leighton Buzzard -  SR yay)  :thumbsup:
August 13 - Dr Foster's Summer Saunter (Cardiff)  :thumbsup:
Sept 13 - Wem We Get There 200 (Tamworth)  :thumbsup:

Just one ride extra chunks it up a bit

Planned -
Sept 13 and The Border Castle Randonnee (Chepstow)
October 13 - Gower Getter 200 - (Cardiff)
Nov 13  - Transporter 200 Cardiff  (now I've got the SR out of the way - experience all the local rides is my plan)
December 13 -  Monmouthshire Meander 200 (Cardiff)
January 14 - Dr Foster's Winter Warmer 200 (Cardiff)
Feb 14 - Not sure yet... I think The Malmesbury Mash (Cardiff) assuming it's still running...
March 14 - The Dean (Oxford - unfinished business)
Twill then be done :-) and then on, and on, and Ariston...
It's a reverse Elvis thing.

Pete Mas

  • Don't Worry 'bout a thing...
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1042 on: 10 September, 2013, 02:20:33 pm »
It will probably be a struggle to do the 200 in 14 hours (two 2000 metre passes and countless 'littler' ones), so it may all be theoretical.

That should be no problem for a rider of your calibre, assuming you get there ok and the weather isn't extremely grim.

Remember, for comparison, that I got round last year's etape 2 inside the 12 hour time limit, and that was over 200km including the Aubisque, Soulor, Tourmalet , Aspin and Peyrousourde, and actually that was in very grim weather.
''It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive."


Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1043 on: 10 September, 2013, 04:15:45 pm »
The Nippy Sweetie 200km 31 Mar 2012  :thumbsup:
Merse and Moors 300km 21 Apr 2012  :thumbsup:
Moffat Toffee Reinvented 200km 13 May 2012 :thumbsup:
The Snow Roads 300km 02 Jun 2012 :thumbsup:
DIY Permanent Series 200km 08 Jul 2012 :thumbsup:
Schiehallion Sunrise 400km 10 Aug 2012 :thumbsup:
The Erit Lass 200km 09 Sep 2013 :thumbsup:
Borders New Season Brevet 200km 20 Oct 2012 :thumbsup:
Guy Fawkes Buddhist Retreat  200km 03 Nov 2012 :thumbsup:
DIY Permanent Series 200km 02 Dec 2012 :thumbsup:
DIY Permanent Series 200km 12 Jan 2013 :thumbsup:
DIY Permanent Series 200km 02 Feb 2013 :thumbsup:

Loots like i'm still in this silly game without realising;

DIY Permanent Series 200km 02 Mar 2013 :thumbsup:
More Passes than Mastermind 200km 06 Apr 2014 :thumbsup:
Berwick & Beattock 400km 11 May 2013 :thumbsup:
The Deeside Lass 600km 08 Jun 2013 :thumbsup:
DIY Permanent Series 200km 27 Jul 2013 :thumbsup:
Four Passes 200km 25 Aug 2013 :thumbsup:
Erit Lass 200km 08 Sep 2013 :thumbsup:

Time to get off?


  • Fat'n'slow
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1044 on: 10 September, 2013, 04:23:14 pm »
Plotting mine for next year (I like the elegance of doing a Jan-Dec RRTY, although an Oct-Sep AUX season one is also tempting...). Trying to weave a Brevet 1000 and Randonneur 1000 into it too:

Jan: Dr Foster's Winter Warmer (or maybe the Poor Student)
Feb: Marlborough Connection (perm)
Mar: Kennet Valley Run
Apr: 3Down
May: Old Roads 300
Jun: (tbc)
Jul: (tbc)
Aug: (tbc)
Sep: (tbc)
Oct: (tbc)
Nov: (tbc)
Dec: (tbc)

Obviously next year's calendar is still a little sparse, but my plan is to do fewer events next year but concentrate on the "top tier" classic events. On the basis that I'm fat'n'slow and I don't like hills, are there any other "classic" 200s in the South of England or South Wales which I should pencil into the calendar?


  • SR x 3 - PBP fail but 1090 km - hey - not too bad
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1045 on: 10 September, 2013, 05:22:15 pm »
If you genuinely don't like hills then be wary of the Old Roads.  I have not ridden it (so bear that in mind) but my experience of west country riding is that it is far from flat.  The National 400 was billed as flat-ish and was a proper hill-fest at times - double chevron slopes galore especially in the night section.  I was forced into walking the hills for large parts of the second half.
Just looked it up and a total climb of 3400 m (>11000 ft) is not to be sniffed at .  The Nat 400 had that same figure quoted and it was more like 5000 m incidentally.  You have been warned ;)
It's a reverse Elvis thing.


  • Fat'n'slow
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1046 on: 10 September, 2013, 05:31:13 pm »
If you genuinely don't like hills then be wary of the Old Roads.  I have not ridden it (so bear that in mind) but my experience of west country riding is that it is far from flat.  The National 400 was billed as flat-ish and was a proper hill-fest at times - double chevron slopes galore especially in the night section.  I was forced into walking the hills for large parts of the second half.
Just looked it up and a total climb of 3400 m (>11000 ft) is not to be sniffed at .  The Nat 400 had that same figure quoted and it was more like 5000 m incidentally.  You have been warned ;)

Oh I know; that's really one of my "I really have to prepare for this", highlight-of-the-year rides. I'm generally just avoiding anything with AAA points, but accepting that some hills is a natural progression from nearly-no-hills at the moment!


  • SR x 3 - PBP fail but 1090 km - hey - not too bad
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1047 on: 10 September, 2013, 05:45:08 pm »
Cool - as long as you know.  I know we are of a similar build so I just thought I'd mention it :-)

I think I'm turning into Bikey Mikey.  I just had a look to see if there's an available local audax this weekend as the missus is off to Germany for the weekend.  It seems the Ferryside Fish Foray is bang on and have entered.

All very well - but this means three 200s in three weeks for me now - ooops.  ;D   I hope my wee legs (and the bike) can take it.

(Incidentally the trouble with avoiding AAA pointed rides is that just cos there's no AAA points, doesn't mean it's flat. I'm not sure that it isn't a case of 'better the Devil you know' sometimes.
It's a reverse Elvis thing.


Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1048 on: 10 September, 2013, 07:13:10 pm »

I am about to tackle a super Randonnee - 600km with 15000m of ascent. But with a time limit of 60 hours due to the amount of climbing.

I don't think it will count for auk distance (or aaa) points as we might not recognise the acp super randonnee.

If I can prove the first 200km is ridden at Randonneur pace, will that count?

Well, I must say I'm inclined to say "no" but I must admit I don't know anything about these Super Randonees.  What you appear to be asking seems to me to be the equivalent of riding two events at once which isn't allowed - the general principle is that you couldn't ride something like Etape du Tour and also claim it as an AUK Perm. 

My usual guide is, if it's good for AUK distance points, then it's good for RRTY, so you need to persuade someone (Keith and Sue, or perhaps Allan) to have it listed on your results page.  That neatly passes the decision on.

Chris S

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #1049 on: 10 September, 2013, 07:33:27 pm »
God, I hope this coming winter is easier than last.

For tidiness sake, I'm inclined to keep my two parallel years going to Dec. Two rides in Nov and Dec can be a big ask - they certainly were last year.