Author Topic: BBQ magic  (Read 1073 times)


BBQ magic
« on: 30 June, 2008, 09:20:55 am »
After many years I think I have discovered the secret of successful BBQ cooking (meat eating content).
Most stuff sold for BBQ purposes is simply too big. Which makes it difficult to cook well without burning - and hard to get maroinades etc to penetrate fully.
I was watching Japanese BBQ chef at work and was struck by the technique - small bits of stuff on sticks, with a dip of marinade (Teriyaki) that the food is put into mid-cooking.
Tried it last night with chicken, salmon, and prawns and reckon it was  best bit of BBQ I have ever done. The secret is maximum surface area of meat = optimal caramelization of meat and sauce = lovely flavour. Meat is cut small and threaded onto the skewers. The technique of removing the skewer and dipping it mid-cooking is a master stroke - means you can cook a lot of sticks on a small grill too.

Chris S

Re: BBQ magic
« Reply #1 on: 30 June, 2008, 09:50:01 am »
This is always a big hit at our BBQs.

Tip: Get very long sticks/skewers, lest ye end up with scorched fingers (esp after a beer or seven).

Oh and don't forget your Reggae Reggae Sauce  :thumbsup: