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  • From the Sun to the Sun: 25 June, 2011

Author Topic: With RRs and pics - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally  (Read 14830 times)


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
It dawned on me that York Rally is a week tomorrow.... so maybe I should actually make a decision about which night to do this and add it to the calendar.

The results of the poll imply a certain Saturday-ish leaning, and that's probably the best for us so that's the plan.

Meet up at the racecourse, I guess, for a midnight departure on what I suppose is technically the pre-ride all of 10 minutes away to the model of the Sun
on the York-Selby planets path.

There may then follow the option of attempting silly stunt park shenanigans on mildly inappropriate bikes before the official off, for those that enjoy that sort of thing.

We will then ride to the outer planets on a pancake flat (apart from the odd tree root) traffic free route to Pluto.  There are a number of bridges, including one of my personal favourites, along the way.  One of them is ideal for Pooh Sticks, although I feel persons equipped with headtorches and good eyesight may have an advantage in this game.

From Pluto we will continue to Riccall, and I will at some point this/next week think up some route or another from there back to York (this may involve a heavily extended commute one day!) through the lanes - not quite as flat as the planets path, but it is entirely possible that the biggest climb will be a bridge.

I expect the total distance to be between 30 and 35 miles - and I might include a comedy off-road section just for the lolz.

The pace will not be so much slow as glacial.  Dress up warm!

Comedy bikes welcome - my little sis is in training, and has just done her first 15 mile ride for years, and may well attend on her lovely green 3-speed shopper.

If you choose to indulge in filthy bike-swappery in the dark of the night, on your own head be it.  I reserve the right to point, laugh and take embarassing photographs.  

Unfortunately, I don't think I can find a route with a fjord.

I can offer no mechanical assistance whatsoever in the event of problems, because I'm utterly incompetent at such matters.  There is also no convenient halfway cafe, although Yorkshire has a fine array of hedgerows for your contemplation and enjoyment and I can provide CAIK and flapjack and scones and will be bringing the 2 monster thermos flasks of coffee, as well as quite possibly (because she's worth it) the smaller one of hot chocolate for Kim.  Assistance with the porterage of Tasty_Baked_Comestibles is always appreciated, because I'm fundamentally rather lazy, but even with the hyooooooge panniers full I can usually keep up with m'boy so not strictly necessary.

Did I mention that it won't be fast?  I think at Cannock he managed a moving average of a little under 8 miles an hour....

If it's cosmically awful weather we won't be attempting anything heroic.  But a bit chilly or a bit of drizzle wouldn't put us off.

So who's in?

The plan is to ride til dawn (which isn't actually very late) and hope to be somewhere near to York when it happens, then either return to the Rally and fall asleep in tents or, for those that prefer, creep into the Den and make sneaky early morning bacon butties, until the SmallestCub wakes up and scares you all away :)


  • Not my boat. Now sold.
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #1 on: 17 June, 2011, 07:10:24 am »
I was going to apologise for non-attendance, due to being in Cornwall.

Applying train-fu to the problem shows it suprisingly tractable.  So I may not be staying down there for the whole weekend, but travelling back up north on Saturday, doing some bike-swappage in Derby on the way, and decanting from a Voyager Dangly-space at York.

But expect me iff you see me.  Real Life (TM), and the attention-seeking properties of the Teetering Piles Of CraStuff (TM) may prevent my plans coming to fruition.

Can I just check that the date on the title is technically wrong?  You do mean Saturday Night/Sunday Morning, yes? A ride starting at midnight is a Sunday ride!  (I blame that Mr Legg for calling them FNRTTC, when they should really be SMRTTC...)

Now just to address the question of which bike.  Grasshopper, Orange Bling, Rubber-Band Drive, Brompton, Tandem or Galaxy?  (Ignoring the comedy darkside option of the currently-unserviceable Windcheetah whot don't fit on trains.  Actually, nor does the tandem.  Any sightings otherwise are a figment of your imagination.)
Be Naughty; save Santa a trip

Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #2 on: 17 June, 2011, 07:41:08 am »
Count me in provisionally.  Got message this am that MFWHTBAB isn't well and in hospital. Hope he'll be better enough by next week for me to play, but things are subject to change.

If I'm in, I'll carry what cake I can.
If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at


  • Not my boat. Now sold.
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #3 on: 17 June, 2011, 10:08:23 am »
Count me in provisionally.  Got message this am that MFWHTBAB isn't well and in hospital. Hope he'll be better enough by next week for me to play, but things are subject to change.

GWS YFWHTBAB.  Not a nice burpday present for you.
Be Naughty; save Santa a trip


  • mojo operandi
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #4 on: 17 June, 2011, 10:39:06 am »
I'm in please & I expect that TheCentreoftheUniverse will be accompanying me on The Planets Ride 8).
I'll probably use the swb 'bent which is currently rarely used & I need the anti-falling-over practice.
TCotU will ride her own spaceship bike.


  • mojo operandi
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #5 on: 17 June, 2011, 10:41:29 am »
I'm encouraging MyRock to try this but .......?


  • Venture Altruist
  • Agent Orange
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #6 on: 17 June, 2011, 10:44:39 am »
Definitely a no-show - looks like I'll be heading Up North[tm] that weekend to visit the parents (and if time allows I might have a twiddle up to Tan Hill ;) )

Tourist Tony

  • Supermassive mobile flesh-toned black hole
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #7 on: 17 June, 2011, 01:48:36 pm »
I shall be there....


  • Mushroom
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #8 on: 17 June, 2011, 01:50:04 pm »
I'm a maybe. I'd love to have a ride round the planets (I've seen them on here but never actually used that path), but I think they've got First Communion at Chruch on that Sunday, so I really should be running the choir instead of doing silly bike things.  :(
Climbs like a sprinter, sprints like a climber!


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #9 on: 17 June, 2011, 02:12:01 pm »
Actually, nor does the tandem.  Any sightings otherwise are a figment of your imagination.

Aw, and it goes at just the right sort of speed for this, too   ;)

I'll probably darkside the York Rally by default, if only because that's what my panniers are set up for (and not at all because the Discovery has been retired from spaceflight operations).  As they won't be full of tent, I'll have plenty of room for CAKE, useful bits of titanium and the like...

Dunking one's pooh sticks in fluorescein wouldn't be sporting, would it?  :D


  • Professional Gobshite
  • Just a tart for retro kit . . .
    • John's Bikes
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #10 on: 17 June, 2011, 08:53:51 pm »
Despite this being my burpday - shared with Phill Jupitus and George Michael amongst others - I must declare that since my 'saddle induced discomfort' from last week has developed into 'teh abscess of horribleness'TM I am now hors de combat, probably for the rest of the summer.  >:(

Once my bits are healed - use your imagination - I will be having a Ceremonial Saddle Burning at which a certain product (branded and stocked by a certain bike shop of a Pictish persuasion) will be burned ignominiously.  :o

Is it possible to do a whole ride without sitting down? I'm not sure.


Well that's the more blunt way of putting it but as usual he's dead right.


  • mojo operandi
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #11 on: 17 June, 2011, 08:57:03 pm »
are you ripe for conversion to the 'bent side ? ;D


  • Professional Gobshite
  • Just a tart for retro kit . . .
    • John's Bikes
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #12 on: 17 June, 2011, 09:04:11 pm »
are you ripe for conversion to the 'bent side ? ;D

The dark side has already been visited . . . 1994/5 to 2004 Cyclefest

It rode well but was heavy - 50mm exhaust pipe - and ended up inna skip last year.

Well that's the more blunt way of putting it but as usual he's dead right.


  • mojo operandi
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #13 on: 17 June, 2011, 09:09:20 pm »
so,you're just ripe then? ;)


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #14 on: 17 June, 2011, 10:10:56 pm »
I managed to finish work sort-of early, so did a bit of a recce through Skipwith. I think we have a route :)

Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #15 on: 18 June, 2011, 10:41:37 am »
I am going to do my best to be there but may have to drive after all.
Get a bicycle. You will never regret it, if you live- Mark Twain


  • mojo operandi
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #16 on: 18 June, 2011, 01:47:44 pm »
Lots of folk drive up.Some park the car up & carry their kit to the lightweight camping area.FTW.

Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #17 on: 18 June, 2011, 06:43:29 pm »
Any idea how I'll find you all in the lightweight camping area. I'll be arriving late Friday night and will be grumpy.

My plan to take the day off work on Friday and ride down has been highjacked. It appears that I now have to factor picking up daughter in Cambridge and driving her back to Durham first - not being allowed to leave Cambridge before 2pm. This means not arriving in York before 10pm Friday if I take the train down after dumping her and the car.

If you hear anyone muttering foul words as he struggles to put his tent up at 11 o'clock without bending over (my back will have locked for sure after that much driving in a day) - it will be me. Give me a wide berth Friday - its ok - my mood should have improved by Saturday morning.


  • mojo operandi
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #18 on: 18 June, 2011, 07:19:34 pm »
Any idea how I'll find you all in the lightweight camping area.

You could put a
note on the board in the HQ marquee.

Slowcoach Pitch # 9999999999999999

others could then find you.

We normally bump into variuos folk as we wander around,most commonly in the food tent.

Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #19 on: 18 June, 2011, 09:16:56 pm »
We're hoping to join you :). We'll be at the rally from Friday afternoon, easily recognisable in YACF jerseys (I'll probably bring the pink and celeste ones). We will be in the lightweight area :thumbsup:.
Quote from: Kim
^ This woman knows what she's talking about.

Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #20 on: 18 June, 2011, 09:53:47 pm »
Mmm Options

Red nose no
Flashing helmet no..or actually yes have one of those....
YACF no dont have one (too fat)
Badges yes got those...
Get a bicycle. You will never regret it, if you live- Mark Twain

Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #21 on: 19 June, 2011, 02:39:43 pm »
Well, I hope to be on the ride, but I very much doubt MFWHTBAB will be. He's supposed to be resting, and still dizzy when he moves too suddenly, so I don't think his longest ride ever, at night, would be sensible.  But whether he comes to the Rally or not, he's happy for me to play out Saturday night.

I'll probably come back to the Knavesmire from the Velo Vision evening ride, which may be to Naburn this year, and meet folk there. Perhaps a specific meeting place would be a good idea, for those who don't happen upon each other and aren't camping...

Would it help if I brought a trangia and stuff? Are we going to have a brew at some stage?
If I had a baby elephant, it could help me wash the car. If I had a car.

See my recycled crafts at


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #22 on: 19 June, 2011, 02:46:46 pm »
Would it help if I brought a trangia and stuff? Are we going to have a brew at some stage?

Given that I'll be camping, and this ride isn't going to involve any mountainous ascents, I'm also happy to bring along the trangia (and indeed quantites of water) for brew-up purposes.

Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #23 on: 20 June, 2011, 04:19:37 pm »
Would it help if I brought a trangia and stuff? Are we going to have a brew at some stage?

Given that I'll be camping, and this ride isn't going to involve any mountainous ascents, I'm also happy to bring along the trangia (and indeed quantites of water) for brew-up purposes.



  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: 25/6/11 - A compact and bijou little night ride-ette from York Rally
« Reply #24 on: 21 June, 2011, 02:24:21 pm »
I was planning on bringing a couple of decent sized flasks of (cafetiere) coffee, and some milk and sugar.  Tea hadn't really occurred to me....