Author Topic: does Paramo leak on a bent?  (Read 3843 times)


does Paramo leak on a bent?
« on: 20 June, 2011, 09:05:37 pm »

I like Paramo gear for walking but fancied buying either their Velez Adventure Light or the Quito for cycling.  Paramo gear can let in water if you sit on the fabric since it stops the pumping action on which the waterproofing relies.  So, my question is does anyone have any experience of Paramo gear letting in water, or not, via the back of a jacket when you're sitting on a recumbent seat (ventisit)?


Re: does Paramo leak on a bent?
« Reply #1 on: 20 June, 2011, 10:04:28 pm »
I got a velez adventure light earlier this year, and use it on ventisit.  (Un?)fortunately I haven't had a properly wet ride on it yet so can't say for sure.  On the showery rides the back simply hasn't got wet anyway - the wind and gravity just don't seem to drive it round there.  I worried about it too, but my guess now is it won't be an issue because the water doesn't go that way.

But do bear in mind its most definitely a winter bike jacket. I've ridden in it down to -5Cish with just a t-shirt and still didn't need to add a midlayer. And I ride lazy during the winter.


Re: does Paramo leak on a bent?
« Reply #2 on: 21 June, 2011, 09:07:11 am »
Can you not control the temperature with those two side zips, enough at least to wear it into late spring and even to fend off those heavy August rains?  I ask because I'm trying to cut down weight and at the moment, when touring, I take a Rab primaloft cosy thing for evenings and  Gortex Paclite waterproof which weigh  386gm and 534gm respectively.  Since the Paramo weighs 580gm I think it is I was hoping I could get that to do both jobs.  Any thoughts?

Re: does Paramo leak on a bent?
« Reply #3 on: 21 June, 2011, 10:08:28 am »
The two side zips certainly help quite a lot, yes, but there's still quite a bit of insulation for a cycling top and if you get a windless uphill the venting doesn't help so much.

Going touring I'd take it, but accept that in the summer that means I will have to choose sometimes to be warm and wet. Either from sweat or rain. On the plus side I have happily worn it over a tech T which was wet and it still dries out fine inside - breathability win. That means you can set off in light rain in just baselayer and add the Paramo only if you're too cold.

For commuting, I'm reckoning on using or carrying it maybe up to 6 months of the year and a windproof for the other 6. YMMV, obviously depending on how hard you ride.

And it makes a great walking jacket, the collar and hood are very good - my first shorter cut jacket for walking, and I'm not sure I want to go back to my old-style bum length jacket now.

Re: does Paramo leak on a bent?
« Reply #4 on: 21 June, 2011, 10:31:34 am »
How do you find them fit-wise on a bent, bagginess or otherwise ? Anything that seems not to be 'race cut' (ie fairly curled over on a DF) seems to form an annoying bulge of material in the midriff (or at least, the old Karrimor cycle softshell thing I have does). And do you ever get much of a problem with rain coming up the lower end ?

I'd been wondering about the v-cut buffalo pile/pertex jackets, but I wonder they lose their benefit if stopped for very long (fnrttc comes to mind..)

(I don't mind being warm/wet, but I've had odd occasions where I've cooled down though stopping - or perhaps borderline cold anyway - and the conditions have been too cold/wet to be able to get warm again)

Re: does Paramo leak on a bent?
« Reply #5 on: 21 June, 2011, 01:07:41 pm »
The cut is pretty much right for me, although I have a fairly long body.  It can ruffle up a bit sometimes after I just get on, but pull it down and it stays there. So fine for me; I probably wouldn't want it any longer.
Yes, I can just overlap it with overtrousers if I need to be fully covered to avoid rain coming up the bottom end.

ETA: the arms are cut to allow clothes underneath, or pushing up.  So they aren't properly cycling-tight, and the outer layer will therefore flap a bit sometimes downhill.

Re: does Paramo leak on a bent?
« Reply #6 on: 21 June, 2011, 01:14:46 pm »
I can't speak for use on a bent, but I have one I use for any ride I'm expecting to get wet on (and I have ridden through some truly epic deluges this year!). The paramo feel comfortable, I stay really dry and non sweaty inside it, and I find the level of warmth it gives suits me really well when it's raining, since it isn't common for it to be all that warm and rain at the same time. It can make an excellent windproof layer to put on at night too. I love my Paramo :)

Re: does Paramo leak on a bent?
« Reply #7 on: 21 June, 2011, 01:21:10 pm »
Agreed on that. It's a jacket that's just plain good and breathable to wear. Some waterproofs make you want to take them off asap, but the Paramo is comfy so I just carry on wearing it as long as possible.

Re: does Paramo leak on a bent?
« Reply #8 on: 21 June, 2011, 01:27:58 pm »
+2 here.  I used my quito through the winter for running and riding and never needed more than a baselayer underneath.

the trousers are awesome too.

Re: does Paramo leak on a bent?
« Reply #9 on: 21 June, 2011, 01:59:04 pm »
So, my question is does anyone have any experience of Paramo gear letting in water, or not, via the back of a jacket when you're sitting on a recumbent seat (ventisit)?
The hiking crowd don't seem to complain about getting wet under rucksack straps etc.

Re: does Paramo leak on a bent?
« Reply #10 on: 21 June, 2011, 04:13:34 pm »
btw - iirc there's are paramo seconds and overstocks shops on ebay - I thought it was linked from the paramo homepage but I can't find the link at the mo'

Ah, this is the overstocks:
ParamoeXtras items - Get great deals on Contact Us, Telephone items on Shops!
 - and it *is* paramo selling them...

eg assorted adventure (lite) smocks for 140(130) or best offer...nowt in my size tho :(

and this is the seconds:
ParamoSeconds items - Get great deals on Contact items on Shops!

Re: does Paramo leak on a bent?
« Reply #11 on: 21 June, 2011, 04:34:15 pm »
So, my question is does anyone have any experience of Paramo gear letting in water, or not, via the back of a jacket when you're sitting on a recumbent seat (ventisit)?
The hiking crowd don't seem to complain about getting wet under rucksack straps etc.

they do actually, there are massive threads about it on some walking forums.  Paramo even make some of their jackets with extra stuff where rucksack straps go because it's a known issue, but they never get too wet and dry out very quickly when you take the pack off.

Re: does Paramo leak on a bent?
« Reply #12 on: 25 June, 2011, 11:46:57 pm »
I bought a Velez smock a few months ago, and have used it on my Windcheetah.  I’d hoped it would be an ideal jacket for cooler audaxes, and would allow me to ride during the day and night without worrying about carrying extra layers.  It’s fine in some conditions, but I’m not yet convinced by it.  It’s very heavy and bulky, yet not very warm (when not exercising).  However, the main problem I experience is that it when riding the Windcheetah, sweat gathers in pools in the elbow area.  This cools with the airflow over the jacket, and means that when I get off the trike, icy water will either run down my arm into my gloves, or, even more unpleasantly, past my armpit and down my back!  I did email Paramo for suggestions about a way to stop this from happening (I wondered about different base layers, or changing the tightness/gap in the elbow area).  They responded after a few weeks, and said they would phone me, but I’ve not heard anything more from them, so I’m not that impressed by their customer service either.  The back area, despite being pressed into memory foam on a hardshell seat isn’t really a problem.  Sweat obviously gathers there, but even when I stand up, I don’t notice any chilling effect.  I’ve never had problems with ‘sweaty elbows’ with any other jacket, including normal cycling gear, an eVent fabric waterproof, or different weights of Buffalo tops.  I find Buffalo gear to be far better in keeping your core temperature up when stopped, even when wet – I don’t find the Paramo particulary warm in those situations.