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  • Not quite not the diamond jubilee campong weekend: 18 May, 2012 - 20 May, 2012

Author Topic: 18th - 20th May: Not Quite The Not The Diamond Jubilee Camping Weekend  (Read 33717 times)

Pencilled into the diary


Sounds great fun and May is my favourite month for camping. Interested if I can find a good train route from Swansea. :-\

Sounds great fun and May is my favourite month for camping. Interested if I can find a good train route from Swansea. :-\
See if you can route to Banbury. You can then take the Oxford canal to near Rugby & then the Grand Union to LI. That time of year, you'll need good fairy-resistant tyres though.
Haggerty F, Haggerty R, Tomkins, Noble, Carrick, Robson, Crapper, Dewhurst, Macintyre, Treadmore, Davitt.

Is it okay if one isn't from the Midlands, and doesn't have a tent (am willing to buy one though)?
As PB says, anyone welcome, though southerners should not refer to us as northerners & northerners should not refer to us as southerners. Thank you. :)
Haggerty F, Haggerty R, Tomkins, Noble, Carrick, Robson, Crapper, Dewhurst, Macintyre, Treadmore, Davitt.


  • Occasional smug folding bastard
As PB says, anyone welcome, though southerners should not refer to us as northerners & northerners should not refer to us as southerners. Thank you. :)

That's okay, I'm a forrinner - I don't see north and south, just silly british people ;).

Johnny Foreigner, eh?! Well, we'll put you down by the stream... ;)
Haggerty F, Haggerty R, Tomkins, Noble, Carrick, Robson, Crapper, Dewhurst, Macintyre, Treadmore, Davitt.


  • Tyke
You may have to provide your own earwigs, though...   ;)

Do you not still have some to spare?
Getting there...

Is it okay if one isn't from the Midlands, and doesn't have a tent (am willing to buy one though)?
We have a tent you can borrow if you like :).
Quote from: Kim
^ This woman knows what she's talking about.


See if you can route to Banbury. You can then take the Oxford canal to near Rugby & then the Grand Union to LI. That time of year, you'll need good fairy-resistant tyres though.
Thanks AWL. Now I've upgraded the bike( gear wise )I found I can only fit 25s as the largest which may not be suitable for the canal run
 Had a look at the route via National Rail and Warwick seems to be my best station. Any good routes to follow to Long Itchington from there. ??? Oh and any idea how long it would take to ride at a steady 10k an hour.

Count me in! And Mrs Miggins I suspect.


May have persuaded Mrs Oldpeddler(non-cyclist) to come along which would mean I might cheat a bit and arrive with bike on car. Is this within the YACFers camping rules and is there parking for a car onsite. ???
If there's a 'yes' to all these then I think me and Mrs O are definitely up for it. :thumbsup:

Quite a bit of parking. Vehicles allowed but please, not everybody :)


Great news PB. We're in then. We've penciled the 18th May in the diary.
Do we have to book anything now or are you waiting till nearer the date to see what the numbers are?

My thoughs are to see how many show interest over the next week or two, then to launch the event properly  :)


Ok PB. Will keep watching this space.

Thanks AWL. Now I've upgraded the bike( gear wise )I found I can only fit 25s as the largest which may not be suitable for the canal run
 Had a look at the route via National Rail and Warwick seems to be my best station. Any good routes to follow to Long Itchington from there. ??? Oh and any idea how long it would take to ride at a steady 10k an hour.

I'm from Warwick. If you do bring the bike on the train there are several routes to Long Itch. The easiest way is along the Grand Union. It's a pretty good surface if the weather has been kind, especially nearer the towns of Warwick & Leamington. Another option is to take the canal to just the LI side of Leamington & then to take the road route. There's one steep hill just after leaving the canal, but there's a glorious downhill stretch along a quiet road just before LI. Coming in from that direction takes you right to the Green Man. The canal route brings you to the Two Boats. But nowhere in LI is more than half a mile from anywhere else. If you want to avoid the canal altogether, there's a route into Leamington that might even be Sustrans route 41. Leamington isn't that bad cycling-wise and a couple of miles after the town you hit the route I mentioned when you leave the canal. It's about 9 miles to LI from Warwick.
Haggerty F, Haggerty R, Tomkins, Noble, Carrick, Robson, Crapper, Dewhurst, Macintyre, Treadmore, Davitt.


  • Occasional smug folding bastard
Johnny Foreigner, eh?! Well, we'll put you down by the stream... ;)

I think _in_ the stream is more traditional, isn't it? This way I can steal your jobs, women, men, and small furry animals. :)


  • Occasional smug folding bastard
Is it okay if one isn't from the Midlands, and doesn't have a tent (am willing to buy one though)?
We have a tent you can borrow if you like :).

Thanks, that's really kind of you  :thumbsup:, if father christmas doesn't bring me any, I'll get in touch with you a bit nearer to the time.


Thanks AWL. Now I've upgraded the bike( gear wise )I found I can only fit 25s as the largest which may not be suitable for the canal run
 Had a look at the route via National Rail and Warwick seems to be my best station. Any good routes to follow to Long Itchington from there. ??? Oh and any idea how long it would take to ride at a steady 10k an hour.

I'm from Warwick. If you do bring the bike on the train there are several routes to Long Itch. The easiest way is along the Grand Union. It's a pretty good surface if the weather has been kind, especially nearer the towns of Warwick & Leamington. Another option is to take the canal to just the LI side of Leamington & then to take the road route. There's one steep hill just after leaving the canal, but there's a glorious downhill stretch along a quiet road just before LI. Coming in from that direction takes you right to the Green Man. The canal route brings you to the Two Boats. But nowhere in LI is more than half a mile from anywhere else. If you want to avoid the canal altogether, there's a route into Leamington that might even be Sustrans route 41. Leamington isn't that bad cycling-wise and a couple of miles after the town you hit the route I mentioned when you leave the canal. It's about 9 miles to LI from Warwick.
Thanks AWL. Will study this route if Mrs O decides she's not coming along. :thumbsup:

i am interested in this as it is just in range  :)
the slower you go the more you see


  • Not my boat. Now sold.
Is it okay if one isn't from the Midlands, and doesn't have a tent (am willing to buy one though)?
As PB says, anyone welcome, though southerners should not refer to us as northerners & northerners should not refer to us as southerners. Thank you. :)
Yay! Now the decks are cleared for the East-Midlanders vs West-Midlanders fight! :demon:

If London is "Euston" or "Marylebone", then you're a West-Midlander.  If it's "St Pancras" or "Kings Cross", then you're from the East Midlands.

This Public Information post brought to you by Arriva X-Country.
Be Naughty; save Santa a trip

By that reckoning, I sit firmly in the West-Midlander camp. What about Paddington, though?

I also think that you're straying into heathen country when you start seeing Everards pubs. Having said that, I occasionally stoop low enough to sink a Tiger or two ;)
Haggerty F, Haggerty R, Tomkins, Noble, Carrick, Robson, Crapper, Dewhurst, Macintyre, Treadmore, Davitt.


We might be able to come to this but it dependS on Stuff.

It would be nice if we can get some travelling YACF folk. Being quite central in England and near good rail routes makes it an attractive venue IMO.

...And far away enough from Birmingham to be in the middle of some great cycling country.
Haggerty F, Haggerty R, Tomkins, Noble, Carrick, Robson, Crapper, Dewhurst, Macintyre, Treadmore, Davitt.