Author Topic: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....  (Read 290358 times)


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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #850 on: 10 May, 2010, 03:21:23 pm »
Naff episode... [We need a thumbs down smiley]
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor

Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #851 on: 10 May, 2010, 03:41:15 pm »
I thought that was possibly the weakest episode of the series so far, although it wasn't too bad.

Lots of holes in the plot, and not a terribly exciting or original storyline, but a few humorous bits and lines.

I'm still happy to keep on watching.

This week had a slight reference to the crack, purely verbally, I didn't see any actual cracks in anything in this episode.

It's hard to tell from the teaser at the end of the episode, but I wonder if the next episode will have any direct bearing upon the "crack in reality" storyline?  When we had the Bad Wolf bits, it was quite subtle, and it wasn't until well through the series that we realised it kept on cropping up.  With the crack, it's very unsubtle, and if they keep us waiting until the very end for any reasonable details, it's going to be a bit annoying.
Actually, it is rocket science.

Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #852 on: 10 May, 2010, 03:48:25 pm »
It reminded me a lot of the "Shakespeare Code" episode - but a bit better. It was good switch-off-brane fodder, but I did also watch "The Island" last night so my taste may be questionable.  

I think my main problem with this series is that the continuity feels very jumpy. People go from running through a building to running through a street scene with a big lurch between the two scenes. It's amateurish and disconcerting.  
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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #853 on: 10 May, 2010, 03:51:32 pm »
It reminded me a lot of the "Shakespeare Code" episode ...

Yes, it did seem similar, although that may just be because it was a similar era, so the clothing wasn't too different.
Actually, it is rocket science.

Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #854 on: 10 May, 2010, 07:31:07 pm »

This week had a slight reference to the crack, purely verbally, I didn't see any actual cracks in anything in this episode.

It's hard to tell from the teaser at the end of the episode, but I wonder if the next episode will have any direct bearing upon the "crack in reality" storyline?  When we had the Bad Wolf bits, it was quite subtle, and it wasn't until well through the series that we realised it kept on cropping up.  With the crack, it's very unsubtle, and if they keep us waiting until the very end for any reasonable details, it's going to be a bit annoying.

What about the close-up of the TARDIS's Yale lock at the end?  I immediately leapt to the conclusion that the crack and the keyhole were connected.  The shapes do seem to be similar:

Yale lock.

Anyway, I enjoyed Saturday's episode (vampires! Venice! pale lasses in nighties!), as I've enjoyed most of the series.  It's just silly fun, and at least they haven't been maundering on about Rose Tyler again (again). 

Wascally Weasel

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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #855 on: 10 May, 2010, 08:06:15 pm »
What about the close-up of the TARDIS's Yale lock at the end?  I immediately leapt to the conclusion that the crack and the keyhole were connected.  The shapes do seem to be similar:

I thought that.

Anyway, I enjoyed Saturday's episode (vampires! Venice! pale lasses in nighties!), as I've enjoyed most of the series.  It's just silly fun, and at least they haven't been maundering on about Rose Tyler again (again). 

I think they were playing to the 'Twilight' fans a bit.

Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #856 on: 10 May, 2010, 09:18:01 pm »
What about the close-up of the TARDIS's Yale lock at the end?  I immediately leapt to the conclusion that the crack and the keyhole were connected.  The shapes do seem to be similar:

Hmm, I don't think the cracks that we saw earlier, look all that much like a yale lock.

...and all that we saw through it was the intro/end sequence anyway. :-\
Actually, it is rocket science.

Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #857 on: 11 May, 2010, 06:56:39 am »
Totally off Topic(ish)

Found this - Dr Who theme on twin tesla coils

Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #858 on: 11 May, 2010, 08:19:07 am »
This is the sort of thing I was getting at:

The lingering shot of the keyhole after all that ominous talk of "The Silence" seemed a bit too deliberate to be coincidental.

Anyway, I enjoyed Saturday's episode (vampires! Venice! pale lasses in nighties!), as I've enjoyed most of the series.  It's just silly fun, and at least they haven't been maundering on about Rose Tyler again (again). 

I think they were playing to the 'Twilight' fans a bit.

Since I'm only vaguely aware of Twilight, that bothered me not at all ;D


  • Slut of a librarian
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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #859 on: 15 May, 2010, 08:12:07 pm »
I actually enjoyed tonights episode. And Toby Jones was fantastic  :thumbsup: More like this please.


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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #860 on: 15 May, 2010, 09:45:47 pm »
I actually enjoyed tonights episode. And Toby Jones was fantastic  :thumbsup: More like this please.

Me too.

I once blew Toby Jones up! Well several times actually, but once caused more singing than intended :)


Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #861 on: 15 May, 2010, 10:28:45 pm »
GREAT humour, nice use of vampires, but another odd plot with no sensible ending.

6/10, watchable.

A bit rubbish really. I'm rather with Pratchitt. I know the doctor is brilliant but it would be nice to have some sort of logic/plotline to support his last mininute 'rabbit out of hat' solutions. As is its getting a bit repetitive...

<Nitpicking Mode>

Why at the end did the queen fish take some of her kit off when it was generated by a perception filter? Why not simply turn the PF off? Come to that, why was she and the other girlie fishes in any danger from the male fishes?

Where was she when the doctor was sabotaging her throne and the thing on the roof?

Why were the fishes sometimes affected by daylight and sometimes not?


She turned the perception filter on, a clear reference to an earlier scene. She had made the decision to die. Remember what her 'son' said, about his 'brothers' being fed twice?


  • Slut of a librarian
    • Lewisham Cyclists
Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #862 on: 15 May, 2010, 10:58:53 pm »
I actually enjoyed tonights episode. And Toby Jones was fantastic  :thumbsup: More like this please.

Me too.

I once blew Toby Jones up! Well several times actually, but once caused more singing than intended :)

I was working in the library a couple of months ago and this chap wearing a rather bizarre hat walks in and says 'can I just return these here please?'. I said 'Just put them over here' whilst resisting the urge to add 'thank-you Mr Jones'.  ;D


  • Where there is doubt...
Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #863 on: 15 May, 2010, 11:02:12 pm »
GREAT humour, nice use of vampires, but another odd plot with no sensible ending.

6/10, watchable.

A bit rubbish really. I'm rather with Pratchitt. I know the doctor is brilliant but it would be nice to have some sort of logic/plotline to support his last mininute 'rabbit out of hat' solutions. As is its getting a bit repetitive...

<Nitpicking Mode>

Why at the end did the queen fish take some of her kit off when it was generated by a perception filter? Why not simply turn the PF off? Come to that, why was she and the other girlie fishes in any danger from the male fishes?

Where was she when the doctor was sabotaging her throne and the thing on the roof?

Why were the fishes sometimes affected by daylight and sometimes not?


She turned the perception filter on, a clear reference to an earlier scene. She had made the decision to die. Remember what her 'son' said, about his 'brothers' being fed twice?

I got that but it really didn't make sense. If the boy fishes eat the girl fishes how are there ever going to be any little fishes? More to the point the previous feedee was (originally and recently) human.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #864 on: 16 May, 2010, 12:28:05 pm »
Yep, last night's episode was probably the best of the series so far. Very clever. And funny.

I didn't notice the crack anywhere - anyone else? It seemed to be very much a standalone story, which may partly explain why it was so good.

If the boy fishes eat the girl fishes how are there ever going to be any little fishes? More to the point the previous feedee was (originally and recently) human.

The girl they fed to the brothers was still human - she hadn't undergone the transformation process yet.

As for the little fishes... well, after the fish-girls had been blown up, that put paid to their chances of breeding. That's why the mother committed suicide by feeding herself to her sons - no point carrying on if there's no hope of saving the species.

And the Doctor disabling their equipment meant they couldn't just create a new batch of fish-girls either.

"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."

Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #865 on: 16 May, 2010, 12:35:29 pm »
... well, after the fish-girls had been blown up, that put paid to their chances of breeding. That's why the mother committed suicide by feeding herself to her sons - no point carrying on if there's no hope of saving the species. ....

Well, there was still the Mum fish, she was female.  A mite incestuous maybe, but if it's that, or the end of the species...
Actually, it is rocket science.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #866 on: 16 May, 2010, 03:23:25 pm »
Last night's was the best episode since the star whale one.
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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #867 on: 16 May, 2010, 04:02:23 pm »
"Amy's Choice" wasn't bad, although the final explanation was rather too much like pulling a rabbit out of a hat.  I always feel a bit cheated when there was no way we could have have known the cause, since it's some entirely novel concept which came from nowhere, with no warning or hints whatsoever.

In some respects the whole "I know who you are, there's only one person in the universe who hates me as much as you do." was pretty obviously a reference to himself, although there was a nagging "Is the master going to reappear somehow" thought. ;D

It seems a little sneaky to make Amy definitely choose Rory at this point, since it kind of removes the doubt and uncertainty about her and the Dr, although any amount of sexual tension is probably out of place in this programme, and probably more appropriate in a series like Torchwood.  I guess her and the Dr will still come up in storylines, and at least it's not a repeat of Rose and Mickey.
Actually, it is rocket science.


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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #868 on: 16 May, 2010, 04:25:11 pm »
It seems a little sneaky to make Amy definitely choose Rory at this point, since it kind of removes the doubt and uncertainty about her and the Dr, although any amount of sexual tension is probably out of place in this programme, and probably more appropriate in a series like Torchwood. 
Sexual tension does NOT belong in Dr Who. I had a bad feeling about the amy-snogs-DR scene, and I'll be very glad if the idea never returns.

Not only does it not fit the tone of Who, but it's a really hackneyed TV trope - Moonlighting did it to death, we don't need any more! It's a humourous adventure in space/time for kids (and big kids) - not bloody Eastenders.

Crack update:
A being in my vicinity has suggested there was a crack in the bedroom where Rory got powdered, but isn't sure. I'd like to think there was an episode without the bloody thing - I do feel they're ramming our faces into it for no good reason.
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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #869 on: 16 May, 2010, 04:49:29 pm »
I didn't see the crack anywhere, including in that bedroom (and I just watched those bits again to check).

If they have the crack in an episode, I think they need to wet our appetite a bit with some more story relevant to it, which they have in some of the episodes, like with the Weeping Angels.
Actually, it is rocket science.


Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #870 on: 17 May, 2010, 11:41:58 am »
Yep, best one so far.  But was it really down to the crystals or will it be referenced later with a 'real' explanation?  And what of the laugh after they'd all woken?

Scariest monster so far too.  No, not the old people, the pony-tail!

Rhys W

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Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #871 on: 17 May, 2010, 11:59:44 am »
Reminded me of an old episode of Hammer House Of Horror where Denholm Elliot can't work when he's awake and when he's dreaming. He dreams of murdering his wife... except he wasn't dreaming.

Tell you what though, I could do without the Doctor opening the Tardis doors so often whilst in flight, even if he comes up with a deus ex machina to explain how he can do so without them all being sucked out in nanosecond.

Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #872 on: 17 May, 2010, 08:20:49 pm »
Reminded me of an old episode of Hammer House Of Horror where Denholm Elliot can't work when he's awake and when he's dreaming. He dreams of murdering his wife... except he wasn't dreaming.

Tell you what though, I could do without the Doctor opening the Tardis doors so often whilst in flight, even if he comes up with a deus ex machina to explain how he can do so without them all being sucked out in nanosecond.

He explained a couple of episodes back that he extended the air bubble outside.
[Quote/]Adrian, you're living proof that bandwidth is far too cheap.[/Quote]


Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #873 on: 17 May, 2010, 08:27:22 pm »
Reminded me of an old episode of Hammer House Of Horror where Denholm Elliot can't work when he's awake and when he's dreaming. He dreams of murdering his wife... except he wasn't dreaming.

I'm pretty sure that Star Trek NG had a similar storyline

This week's was filmed in Skenfrith, not far from here.  Bit of a continuity failure re weather though :)

Sleeting at the castle and sunny & warm at the cottage...

Re: Heads up! Dr Who starts Saturday....
« Reply #874 on: 17 May, 2010, 08:32:11 pm »
Sleeting at the castle and sunny & warm at the cottage...

Isn't that just a normal British summer? ??? ;D
Actually, it is rocket science.