Author Topic: 6 May 2012 - ride from Oxford to Stratford-upon-Avon  (Read 704 times)


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  • cyclist, Cytech accredited mechanic & woodworker
    • Cycle:End-to-End
6 May 2012 - ride from Oxford to Stratford-upon-Avon
« on: 24 January, 2012, 09:15:58 am »
As part of the popular MacRide-Tour weekend (see ) we've added, by popular request, a one day ride from Oxford (with a loop or two it'll be about 60 miles) - start at Cowley and follow our detailed route book (and gps files) to the finish at Stratford-upon-Avon*   

If you start before 0915 we'll take any luggage in the van.   On-route support and a medal at the finish outside the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

All the details and online entry on the website (if you want to ride the full 2-day event hurry - not many places left)  help us to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Rob - event organiser

MacRide Events is a non-commercial group organising fund-raising events for Macmillan Cancer Support, any surplus from entry costs will be added to the amount raised by sponsorship and donations - the organising team is comprised entirely of volunteers.

*Trains run from Stratford via Leamington or Birmigham to most parts of the country