Author Topic: A random thread for cycling things that don't really warrant their own thread  (Read 110243 times)


  • Her Majester
So having obtained a Bobbin shopper, I'm thinking of converting the bike to a mini velo style bike, with gravel bars and a 3 speed bar end shifter.  Now trying to source tyres...

Oh and the standard front rack.  Anyone know of any for sale?

So found a moulton f frame on facebook and due to a plan change I can't collect this afternoon/evening.... as I am all about the small wheels now ;)

You forgot to say what colour  ::-).

I decided to put brand new Marathon Plus tyres on my tourer. Wish me luck. I’m going in.
Milk please, no sugar.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
I found that there is a list of members of the Cape Wrath Fellowship. I found myself there - 2011!
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

On the basis that many don't visit the Review board (includes me), but some may be looking for a kid trailer, here's my review of the Allen TL;DR - stonking value

I just learned of a docu-film about Greg LeMond, "The Last Rider"  which was released in USA y'day and coming to "on demand" platforms in August.   Hope that means either Netflix or Prime.

Cycling home from allotment yesterday evening two exemplary overtakes by a poo tanker and a van from the same company. Roe environmental for the record. Both drivers waited and went fully over centre line. Messaged company to praise drivers which I know shouldn't be necessary but I'd complain if was a bad overtake so works both ways

Looked in their Facebook page this morning and they recently did a cycle awareness course which appears to have worked.

Edit got a lovely reply from a member of the family who run it thanking me, saying she's a cyclist so it's drummed into the staff ans has passed on my thanks

If you are planning to travel in the Barmouth area take note:

We were there for a week a month back, on the Fairbourne side of the estuary and did notice a build up of activity at the end of the viaduct.


  • The p*** artist formerly known as 'Windy'
    • the_dandg_rouleur
Led the local CTC group ride yesterday. A 54km route from Lockerbie with lunch at Eskdalemuir hub. I rode out to the start and home after the ride. 88km in total. My first 89km/50 mile plus ride since lat April before being diagnosed with PMR. Tired today though.

Have a look at this, love the disc brake, going to see if have any in my spares box. Do wish people would stop using butchers bikes for displays though and use them for cycling and delivering


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Have a look at this, love the disc brake, going to see if have any in my spares box.

Better than taping gel to it would be those melty beads the craftists use for stained glass effect jewelery type stuff.  You could do all the small gaps...


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Random bike noise no. 761b.

This morning, Jan's crochet pal Dennis came round for some routine bike maintenance. He had an intermittent front wheel puncture which turned out to be the valve coming loose from its moorings. New tube time. It was at that point he learned, from me, that he can no longer go to Wilko's for his cheap inner tubes as they have gone bust. He went to a proper bike shop instead.

The bike in question is a very basic steel-framed steel-wheeled Falcon that I gave him about 7 years ago. It sees daily use and is his means of getting about. We bought it new for our older daughter when she was in the later part of her secondary schooling. She's now 42, so that gives an idea of its age.

After a considerable effort, I managed to get the new tube in, the tyre settled and inflated. It's a pretty skinny tyre and it took quite a bit of effort on my part, and I employed my special tyre lever to put it back on - that worked very well. I bunged the wheel back in and he took it out for a test ride. "It's making an odd noise!" he said, when he returned. He had recorded the noise on his phone, and it was too indistinct to be sure what it was. I took it for a ride and it did indeed make an odd noise - the sort of noise that a newly-built wheel makes when its spokes settle. But it happened all the time when the bike was under load, not just on the first few revolutions.

I couldn't think of anything at all that I had done to make this noise suddenly appear and I couldn't see anything catching in the spokes. On a whim, I took the bike back home and simply turned the front wheel round. I took it out for another ride, and the noise had gone.

That's a new one on me: I'm sure it was spoke noises, but I can't really understand why in one direction, but not the other.

Can the panel advise why the spokes would make noise in one direction and not the other? Bear in mind it's a cheap, crap front wheel that's been on the bike since about 1994.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Speaking of random bike noises, I found myself behind a person on a decent-looking road bike that was making a noise almost but not quite like a horse in second gear.  As I drew closer, I deduced this was probably related to the rear wheel, which looked distinctly off true.  What was notable was that he was riding in a manner completely inappropriate for limping home with a dodgy wheel.

I turned off before he collapsed in a tangle of aero spokes and carbon fibre.


  • Apprentice geezer
T'other day the eBrute went through the 11111 km mark.  Should've got a pic but was on a hill and didn't want to lose wellie.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Cycling home from allotment yesterday evening two exemplary overtakes by a poo tanker and a van from the same company. Roe environmental for the record. Both drivers waited and went fully over centre line. Messaged company to praise drivers which I know shouldn't be necessary but I'd complain if was a bad overtake so works both ways

Looked in their Facebook page this morning and they recently did a cycle awareness course which appears to have worked.

Edit got a lovely reply from a member of the family who run it thanking me, saying she's a cyclist so it's drummed into the staff ans has passed on my thanks


Positive reinforcement is very much a good thing. If the drivers feel their efforts are appreciated, they're more likely to stick to the good habits.

I contacted a local coach operator recently for similar - I live on a road that is twisty and narrow in places, with several blind crests and bends. The driver hung back until forward visibility was genuinely good enough to ensure he could overtake safely, which meant waiting patiently for several hundred metres of road (and I wasn't going fast at all), and when he did overtake he gave me plenty of room.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
In similar vein, I had an overtake today by, of all things, a camper van, that was so patient and then so wide that I felt compelled to give them a wave I hope they saw in their mirror. In fact I don't think I had a single bad pass the whole ride, but then the sun is shining and I had panniers.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

In similar vein, I had an overtake today by, of all things, a camper van, that was so patient and then so wide that I felt compelled to give them a wave I hope they saw in their mirror. In fact I don't think I had a single bad pass the whole ride, but then the sun is shining and I had panniers.
I always give a wave or thumbs up when there has been an obvious safe overtake. The subsequent
couple of cars behind who witness it (feel guilty) will generally give a wide berth.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather

I'm not sure if this deserves a thread of its own or not. But a game demanding a remarkable range of skills.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Tim Hall

  • Victoria is my queen
Travelling home yesterday on the train with two of The Blokes at the end of our European long weekend. This means there are three bikes stacked in the space by the disabled loo: The Pretty Bike (Bob Jackson Vulcan which is a Curly Hetchins copy , BRG with decorative lugs, contrasting head tube and other loveliness), a Spesh Sirus and a dark green Cannondale e  assist lump of a step through tourer.
Enter stage left the Train Manager, full of admiration: "Whose is the British Racing Green" my ears prick up "Canondale? It's gorgeous ". Ears prick back down again.

No soul, some people.
There are two ways you can get exercise out of a bicycle: you can
"overhaul" it, or you can ride it.  (Jerome K Jerome)


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
My new bike is delayed and probably won't arrive until the end of the week...  :(
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor

The wife's chain came off her bike this morning before leaving for school run which is then followed by cycling to work

I was at work by this point and eldest had left for big school so the wife took my bike. This was interesting as mines a drop bar tourer with bar end shifters and saddle at correct height for me (although with women having longer legs and her being not much shorter then me probably OK for her)

She said was hard which it would be with her never having ridden a drop bar and also the bar end shifter had got knocked so was on the smallest cog at back and with a fairly big middle ring on the triple front would have taken some pushing for school run with youngest speeds

She then sent me a picture of eldest who got home from school and despite having fake nails from a wedding at weekend had fixed in no time.


  • Bastard lovechild of Yomiko Readman and Johnny 5
Bringing them up right there!  :thumbsup:

Trying to fit in 25 hilly miles in the hour and a half while smileyson minor was at cubs, I descended, at speed, in the dark and wet, a road I haven't ridden for several years. Potholes took me by surprise and I was rewarded with a flat rear tyre, and my already fragile rear mudguard was shaken to pieces. Electrical tape and a bit of epoxy will fix most of it, but I've lost a bolt. Any idea what size the little allenhead bolt at the base of the mudguard stays might be? SKS Raceblade Longs - no info on their website.

Tim Hall

  • Victoria is my queen
The one that attaches the stay to the threaded lug on the bike? M5.
I've got loads.

I've also got the slidy nut and bolt combo that attach the guard to the stay
Where can I send them?
There are two ways you can get exercise out of a bicycle: you can
"overhaul" it, or you can ride it.  (Jerome K Jerome)

Tim Hall

  • Victoria is my queen
Yesterday I saw the young bloke next door teaching his small daughter to ride a bike. This brightened my day no end.
There are two ways you can get exercise out of a bicycle: you can
"overhaul" it, or you can ride it.  (Jerome K Jerome)