Author Topic: A random thread for cycling things that don't really warrant their own thread  (Read 110248 times)

The one that attaches the stay to the threaded lug on the bike? M5.
I've got loads.

I've also got the slidy nut and bolt combo that attach the guard to the stay
Where can I send them?

It was the slidy nut and bolt combo I meant; thank you very much for the offer, but while riding home last night, lamenting how much more it was disintegrating en route, it occurred to me that I can sub in the complete mudguard stay set from my old front mudguard (the old rear one having died a death after the bike came off the car roof on the way to the start of LEL). And my wife thinks I'm a hoarder, whereas prudent spares storage means that I've just saved myself £40 on a replacement set

Tim Hall

  • Victoria is my queen
the old rear one having died a death after the bike came off the car roof on the way to the start of LEL)

Ouch. That must have been a bit traumatic.
There are two ways you can get exercise out of a bicycle: you can
"overhaul" it, or you can ride it.  (Jerome K Jerome)

yes, yes it was. at 50mph on a dual carriageway, but apart from the mudguard, bent mech hanger, and a pulverised be-seen front light, no lasting damage

Waiting for friends to turn up for a ride t'other night and three riders went past me, greetings exchanged. I then noticed two od the group had really long gaps in the flashes of their rear lights. Is there any reason for this other then them being one of those sensing lights

Presumably so the manufacturer can claim they last 500,000 hours while also being visible from 100 miles away.

I’m not sure anyone really cares about that nowadays unless they run off button cells.
Quote from: tiermat
that's not science, it's semantics.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Perhaps a daytime mode?
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Tim Hall

  • Victoria is my queen
Out on the Pino yesterday on a shared use path, we approached some pedestrians
"Shall I ring the bell?" asked my Young Lady

"Yes. One ping only"

She wondered why I was attempting to sound like Sean Connery.
There are two ways you can get exercise out of a bicycle: you can
"overhaul" it, or you can ride it.  (Jerome K Jerome)


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Apropos of nothing, the first time I drove a Nissan Leaf with barakta on board, I issued the command to "Engage battery system and make revolutions for 20 knots", which, predictably, had the same effect.


  • Apprentice geezer
Out on the Pino yesterday on a shared use path, we approached some pedestrians
"Shall I ring the bell?" asked my Young Lady

"Yes. One ping only"

She wondered why I was attempting to sound like Sean Connery.

You didn't add "Vaseline".
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
It's freshertime. Hordes of uni-zombies wandering around half-lost, unable to proceed faster than two paces a minute, etc. But I've just chanced on a Bike Register scheme set up to deal with the cyclo-studes, so got some fancy stickers for my bike too.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


  • Apprentice geezer
I remember Fresher's Week 1965 in Edinburgh. Not much of it, though; but then that was already the case the week after.
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight is not the grass roots pub it started off as, but all those years of having them in my feed was worth it, just to be notified about Chris Froome's send up of Bentley ad.

Do watch with sound. It is worth it.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather

Arising from the above, chap is back with more front wheel noises. This time, it's the bearings, I'm sure - the old-fashioned sort which need to be settled one at a time in a bed of grease. He's gone to the bike shop to buy a new front wheel, this time with an alloy rim. I found one in the garage with a Wolber rim and a Campag Record Sport hub, and a little hole to drip your 3-in-1 oil in when necessary, but I'm, certain that's 27" and came off the vintage 1960 Mercian I bought from a forummer many moons ago somewhere near Worksop.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

A small random question. I have just put these tyres on my local Freecycle
and a guy responded saying he'd like them for his e-bike. I know nothing about e-bike suitable tyres, beyond that the only tyres in our stable which are labelled "e-bike ready" are sturdy beaded things like 20" Marathon plus. Luckily someone else wanted the tyres so I could turn this guy down without being rude. These tyres are folding and seem somewhat floppy - I can imagine them not being up to the torque of an e-bike, and a brief Google suggests that's right. But it's hard to sift through the advertorial and maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. So just a general question out of interest: are there tyres that you would avoid using on an e-bike?


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
So just a general question out of interest: are there tyres that you would avoid using on an e-bike?

Bear in mind that many bike tyres are made in countries where it's legal to use higher performance e-bikes than the 25kph/250W pedalecs we have on the road.

But I think it's mainly marketing nonsense.  On the basis that there's nothing an e-bike does that either  a) a laden touring/utility bike   or  b) a sport bike ridden by a sufficiently powerful and fearless rider  doesn't do.

In my mind the main e-bike specific consideration would be puncture-resistance where there's an awkward-to-remove hub motor involved.  But in general it does make sense that if you don't care about the weight of the bike so much, you might as well have sturdier tyres.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Jan and I decided to use a tandem today, but since it's a year since we've ridden one, and the Thorn really needs some attention because the pilot's right crank has decided loosen itself repeatedly, I got the Circe out. It was at that point that I realised that Some Nefarious Git has been in our garage.

We have an old-fashioned up-and-over garage door, with a solitary catch in the middle at the top. It's not at all difficult to open these from the outside, so I've taken to putting robust bits of metal in the way of the door, by hanging them over the spring. But when I got into the garage via the side door today, and wanted to open the up-and-over door from the inside, I found that my homespun "security" devices had been moved. Whoever had been in, it certainly wasn't that recently because there were some quite advanced cobwebs all over the place. As you have probably surmised, dear reader, we don't go in our garage very often and it's full of TPCs dating back a decade or more.

I had a bicycle count, and I couldn't see anything missing that would have upset me if it wasn't there. Both tandems are secured by our Docsquid Ground Anchor. The 1960 Mercian was still there, and the Ridgeback I bought for my daughter, and she didn't ride very much, was also there. So I extricated the Circe and took it up to the house for some TLC before riding. I discovered that the front tyre was flat, so pumped it up, and also that the rear brake needed more fluid, as squeezing the lever made no difference at all. But by the time the brake fluid level was OK, the tyre had gone flat again. We abandoned our ride and went in the car instead.

I've just fixed the puncture. It was quite a signifiant perforation through the side wall, and clearly wasn't there last time we rode the bike. I think it was inflicted on our bike by whoever it was who effected an entrance some time ago. It seems OK now.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

To the little shitebag who stole my brand new Lezyne pump and front light when locked up in Woolwich today.  A pox upon you.
If you really are so hard up that selling a pump for a couple of quid stops you going hungry then fair play.
But I suspect you are a thieving little shite and I hope the pump fails you when you need it most.


Might have bagged an audax bike with Campag Veloce groupset for £90. It's built on a Quest Audax aluminum frame. Be nice to have a 'fastish' bike again that can take full mudguards.
Seller seems to be legit (when I asked to confirm the frame size he sent me a diagram he'd drawn with all the measurements). It needs a 'gear service' so I'll take that to mean it needs a new cassette and a new chain.

That means I'm back up to three bikes. Space is tight so that means possibly letting the old hybrid go.

Last night (when in car) I drove passed someone cycling, with no bike lights or reflectives, on a busy nthbd A34 (DCwy) just before Oxford.   :o :o  Never seen anyone cycling that stretch before.

     The only person I know to use that stretch is/was Cycleman, he once came to visit and despite detailed directions to Kidlington went "astray", when I finally contacted him my knees wibbled and I went a tad faint as he uttered the words on his mobile (above the traffic roar) A34
The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so sure of themselves, and wiser men so full of doubt.

A nice quiet lane as I recall it  :demon:
the slower you go the more you see

A nice quiet lane as I recall it  :demon:

        The man on a fixie I was chatting to (I had asked him had he seen someone on a two and a half wheeled trike) uttered the most amazing stream of omg and wtf etc etc when we were speaking and you said the magic words "I'm on the A34"
The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so sure of themselves, and wiser men so full of doubt.

the slower you go the more you see


I used to live in a house straight off the A34 and thus cycled on it almost daily.  That was nearer the northern-most end of it though.

I've picked up the £90 Audax bike. The seller was absolutely genuine - doesn't have storage for it any longer. Much relief about it not being stolen etc..
It's build on one of these framesets. A quick inspection has turned up a couple of issues - but nothing to make any fuss about at that kind of price.

Twice in the past 10 or so days have rung my bell when approaching dog walkers on shared paths and been thanked

I had a sort of clipless moment yesterday afternoon but managed to stop myself hitting the deck by inelegantly shoulder barging/head butting the back of a Range Rover  :-[

The occupants were concerned about me (I was just embarrassed) but not in the slightest bit concerned about their car - which I think I had merely scuffed a bit of muck off   :thumbsup: