Author Topic: A random thread for cycling things that don't really warrant their own thread  (Read 110153 times)

Got gritted cycling home tonight. TBF didn't actually feel the grit hit but my lips were very salty and didn't see them stop spreading as they passed

More evidence the bike needs a dam good clean on weekend

In January I have spent pretty much exactly a day on my bike. 23hrs and 40ish minutes recorded on Strava and have been a few short rides I've not logged. Would get more monthly breakdown of distances if went premium but for now it's just YTD

I've ridden a lot this winter, certainly over 1000km in all conditions and my poor bikes showing it. Had to WD40 (my proper spray lube is at work) the rear brake cable as starting to seize.

Less then a fortnight till get two weeks off and giving the bike a full service is on the list


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Cycled into work yesterday (see on the commute thread). Good job really as one of the other staff collered me and asked if I had. He runs tubeless and had a fairly major puncture which had sealed but couldn't get much pressure with his tiny saddlebag pump. I have one that clips onto a bracket fitted unset the bottle cage so much easier to get a good pressure