Author Topic: Where's Fred Dibnah when you need him?  (Read 2029 times)

Where's Fred Dibnah when you need him?
« on: 29 July, 2012, 08:30:43 pm »
Steetley Chimney in Hartlepool was demolished today.

MSeries and LindaG:

The chimney's up:



It was a big old blast, which shook me a bit from my perch on the TV van. Hartlepool looked quite scenic, and we had a canny ride around the Headland afterwards. Shame Verrills was closed...

Amusingly, the guy who won the lottery to press the plunger is named Dave Fricker.


  • Professional Gobshite
  • Just a tart for retro kit . . .
    • John's Bikes
Re: Where's Fred Dibnah when you need him?
« Reply #1 on: 30 July, 2012, 12:06:08 am »
Mr D famously took on one reinforced concrete chimney. IIRC it was somewhere like Dartford or The Isle of Grain.

Being Mr D he was going to burn it down the old school way and so they started to 'weaken' the structure by chopping/undercutting on one side. Part way through and white flakes began fluttering down. Looking up confirmed it wasn't snowing.

'Run!', said Fred. 'We're not in charge of this bugger!' They barely got clear before the 400 foot structure collapsed, luckily in the spot predicted.

He had the chutzpah to ask for a bonus for completing the job ahead of schedule!

Well that's the more blunt way of putting it but as usual he's dead right.