Author Topic: What was the last film you watched?  (Read 964526 times)


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7325 on: 01 June, 2017, 09:13:09 am »
Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Lovely, lovely film, but the pacing was all over the place - one minute it was their first day in the bush, the next moment they'd been there six weeks (but of course they still looked as fresh and fit as the first day). As a result, I felt the 'bonding' between Ricky and Hec wasn't all that convincing. Good performances from both lead actors though. I suspect there's a lot more story in the book.
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7326 on: 01 June, 2017, 10:05:54 am »
Pirates of the Caribbean 82 or whatever they're on. Not really my thing, I don't think I've managed to stay awake through an entire movie in the series, and I continued the theme with a little nap. Well, it was very warm in the cinema and I'd had a half pint or two of a splendid double IPA in the Waterloo Tap beforehand.

I don't, as a result, remember much. Same plot as the others, they probably spent the entire GDP of Africa on visuals and $17 on the script, and Johnny Depp is getting on under all that make-up and fancy dress. It took me quite a while to realise Keira Knightley wasn't Keira Knightley. Well, I thought she looked younger, but hey, it's Hollywood and they can airbrush that shit out. Anyway, some other actress who admittedly was the best thing in it, though I suspect her appeal had less to the do with the movie (good god, I just Googled and she was born in 1992, so now I feel a bit creepy for even entertaining those thoughts).

Anyway, it was a nice nap. Though don't tell my wife, because I told her that I was awake.


  • "Shut Up Jens" - Legs.
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7327 on: 01 June, 2017, 11:09:54 am »
Jean de Florrette and then the 2nd part, Manon des Source.

It's probably the 4th time I've "done the double".  I just love them.  The pace of the films is perfect and they are beautiful to look at.

A simple story of petty local disputes and family ties..and  greed of course.....but it's much better than that sounds.

It's worth pointing out that the two films are part 1 and 2 of the one story, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Some people say I'm self-obsessed but that's enough about them.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7328 on: 01 June, 2017, 01:41:47 pm »
I've done the double once, a long time ago. I can't remember the details of the film, but I'm getting a fuzzy feeling thinking about them.


  • Occasionally rides a bike
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7329 on: 01 June, 2017, 01:46:20 pm »
I'm getting a fuzzy feeling thinking about them.

Yes, ISTR there's a particular scene that had that effect on me when watching those films as a teenage boy...

That aside, I think I actually preferred the other Pagnol double - La Gloire de mon Père and Le Château de ma Mère
"The future's all yours, you lousy bicycles."


  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7330 on: 01 June, 2017, 02:28:06 pm »
You  took up goat herding?
It is simpler than it looks.


  • Her Majester
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7331 on: 01 June, 2017, 09:24:46 pm »
Jean de Florrette and then the 2nd part, Manon des Source.

It's probably the 4th time I've "done the double".  I just love them.  The pace of the films is perfect and they are beautiful to look at.

A simple story of petty local disputes and family ties..and  greed of course.....but it's much better than that sounds.

It's worth pointing out that the two films are part 1 and 2 of the one story, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Gorgeous.  I do believe the last time I did the double, it was on VHS!  That's simply not good enough.
Milk please, no sugar.


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7332 on: 03 June, 2017, 09:08:26 pm »
Transformers something or other. Not the latest one, the one before. Well, I said I would and it was on Netflix so I did.

Oh fuck, it was awful. I confess I gave up after 45 minutes. I could probably do one and half hours of bad, but it was almost three hours long. Three fucking hours of robots pointlessly smashing each up (I don't know why, it wasn't explained) interconnected with possibly some of the worst dialogue and script I've now had the misfortune to hear, and every scene was product placement. Not subtle, I mean full-on adverts. I've no idea what they did in final two hours of the movie other than beat the will-to-live out of anyone stupid enough to still be watching it.

Yeah, yeah, I know, what did I expect? I had low expectations, and this tunnelled under them.


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7333 on: 06 June, 2017, 10:59:08 pm »
Last week - Pirates of the Caribbean whatever-it-was at the Gate in Newcastle.  Overpriced ice cream, failed aircon on that day that it was actually summer, and an extra quid each for the 3d specs.  It entertained me and the Cubs for a couple of hours in a "fairly mindless toss" kind of way.

Then The Red Turtle at the Tyneside, in the Electra screen.  Infinitely superior venue, over priced popcorn, lovely cafe for our tea after and I'm almost certain that Kathryn Williams was sitting in the row in front of us.  We all liked.

Then tonight, My Life as a Courgette (english dubbed version) at the City Screen in York with just the SmallestCub since the Eldest couldn't be bothered to go out in the rain after school.  Blooming lovely, it is.  And the description of sex, from the perspective of a rather poorly informed 9ish year old, made the whole audience (all dozen or so of us) snort unattractively with laughter.


  • "Shut Up Jens" - Legs.
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7334 on: 08 June, 2017, 06:19:06 pm »

Some Octopus creatures show up around Earth (not a Vogon constructor fleet) and talk to humans for about 90 minutes, using signwriting.

This continues happening for 90 minutes until ...finally...nothing happens.

It's just awful.

It's like a very shit "Contact" (Jodie Foster).
Some people say I'm self-obsessed but that's enough about them.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7335 on: 08 June, 2017, 06:28:19 pm »
Remember - A 90 year old dementia suffering Auschwitz survivor (Christopher Plummer) sets out, with the aid of letters and phonecalls from a friend, to kill the guard that killed their families. Intense and quite moving. Enjoyable isn't the right word but glad to have watched it. Is on Amazon Prime if anyone wants to watch it.
Miles cycled 2014 = 3551.5 (Target 7300 :()
Miles cycled 2013 = 6141.4
Miles cycled 2012 = 4038.1


  • "Shut Up Jens" - Legs.
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7336 on: 08 June, 2017, 06:33:52 pm »
Remember - A 90 year old dementia suffering Auschwitz survivor (Christopher Plummer) sets out, with the aid of letters and phonecalls from a friend, to kill the guard that killed their families.

I thought he and his family all got away during the singing concert.
Some people say I'm self-obsessed but that's enough about them.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7337 on: 08 June, 2017, 07:21:03 pm »
I've not actually ever seen The Sound of Music but that's exactly the joke my better half made when she got in.

;D  ::-)  ;D
Miles cycled 2014 = 3551.5 (Target 7300 :()
Miles cycled 2013 = 6141.4
Miles cycled 2012 = 4038.1

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7338 on: 08 June, 2017, 09:33:08 pm »
Not exactly in keeping with the thread, but breaking news is that Terry Gilliam has actually finished filming The Man Who Killed Don Quixote and barring further jinxes will come out next year.
Quote from: tiermat
that's not science, it's semantics.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7339 on: 08 June, 2017, 10:20:21 pm »
The Last Starfighter.

Despite all my geek/sci-fi credentials, I have actually never seen this until now. I was entertained!

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7340 on: 11 June, 2017, 02:01:38 pm »

That was very silly and quite funny. Helen Mirren offering relationship advice over the phone whilst dissolving a body with acid in a bath was inspired. A great cast hamming it up for all they were worth, David Thewlis as The Frog was particularly good. I wouldn't pay to see it but if its on TV again worth a watch.
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7341 on: 11 June, 2017, 07:33:26 pm »
Fiddler on the Roof, starring Dr Hans Zarkov (formerly of NASA).
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7342 on: 11 June, 2017, 11:24:15 pm »
John Wick, with Keanu showcasing his set of skilz.  "They know you're coming. Of course... But it won't matter. "  Not bad really.
Cycle and recycle.   SS Wilson

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7343 on: 11 June, 2017, 11:49:30 pm »
Now I didn't like John Wick when I first watched it having just seen The Equalizer a couple weeks prior.

But, I kinda want to watch it again.

The opposite to Superman Returns which I enjoyed the first time around and found as dull as ditchwater the second.
Miles cycled 2014 = 3551.5 (Target 7300 :()
Miles cycled 2013 = 6141.4
Miles cycled 2012 = 4038.1

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7344 on: 12 June, 2017, 10:34:13 pm »
Wonder Woman.

Really enjoyed it, although I wasn't keen on how CGI her stunts looked.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.

Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7345 on: 13 June, 2017, 12:33:36 am »
John Wick 2; I really like the first one. Even watched it again. Tight, over-the-top action trash, with some neat choreography.
Number 2, however, is nowhere near as good. It has it moments, for sure, but I got somewhat bored.


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7346 on: 13 June, 2017, 09:54:19 pm »
The Mummy. The Tom Cruise one. Not his actual mummy, obvs. He plays gittish rogue Tom, which seems to be his favourite Tom at the moment (other Toms may be available, please check with his agent). There are some other people in it. And a Mummy. None of them are especially memorable. There's some CGI. The plot you know and every previous version has been better and it didn't have Rachel Weisz in it.

Wascally Weasel

  • Slayer of Dragons and killer of threads.
Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7347 on: 14 June, 2017, 10:25:18 am »
The Mummy. The Tom Cruise one. Not his actual mummy, obvs. He plays gittish rogue Tom, which seems to be his favourite Tom at the moment (other Toms may be available, please check with his agent). There are some other people in it. And a Mummy. None of them are especially memorable. There's some CGI. The plot you know and every previous version has been better and it didn't have Rachel Weisz in it.

The Rich Hall Tom Cruise Plot Generator says:

"He's an Egyptologist.  Pretty good Egyptologist but then he has a crisis of confidence but everything is made better with the love of a good woman"


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7348 on: 14 June, 2017, 11:25:40 am »
Nah, as he's roguish Tom, he's a looter of ancient artefacts, hence the gittishness. The woman is the Egyptologist. She's terribly serious and has no time for Tom's antics. Alas, the leads shared as much chemistry as xenon. The last round of Mummy movies were a lot more fun (leastways till they ran out of steam and Rachel).

It doesn't really get around to be awful, it's just there. Which a decent script and screenplay, it could have been OK. It's also apparently the first in a series so there's lots of laboured exposition.


Re: What was the last film you watched?
« Reply #7349 on: 15 June, 2017, 06:11:14 pm »
Hidden Figures.

An very good moving picture about a group of extremely clever (a.k.a. Genius) black women in the early days of NASA. A true story. Watched on one of those painful small screens on the back of an airline seat that has a habit of getting closer to you and giving you (well, me at least) a stinking headache.

Glad I stuck with it though. I suspect I shall buy it on a shiny disc to add to my growing NASA collection which currently stands at 'The Right Stuff', 'Apollo 13' 'Apollo 18' and 'Red Planet' (well, someone had to buy it!)