Author Topic: 3 Down 300K, 2013  (Read 26864 times)

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #25 on: 02 April, 2013, 09:08:42 pm »
the forecast today suggest a tailwind all day, it rather splendidly reverses at lunchtime to a SWerly

assuming we survive the start which is forecast for -1/feels like -5

when will this bloody weather warm up, as if a 6am start isn't going to be miserable enough

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #26 on: 02 April, 2013, 10:15:27 pm »
We can only hope....
DJR (Dave Russell) now retired. Carbon Beone parts bin special retired to turbo trainer, Brompton broken, as was I, Whyte Suffolk dismantled and sold. Now have Mason Definition and Orbea M20i.

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #27 on: 03 April, 2013, 10:15:08 pm »
About to issue a route change to people. Some flooding near Stanford Dingley, a bit after Pangbourne, is the cause and a check with the local council made it clear it will still be there on Saturday. The diverted route is actually a tiny tad shorter.

Also it is almost sold out, so if you're still thinking about entering, get in quick!
Events I am running: 5th September 2021, the unseasonal Wellesden Reliability; HOPEFULLY Early April 2022, 3 Down London - New Forest 300K Audax;

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #28 on: 04 April, 2013, 10:08:40 am »
Anyone considering taking a tow from us this weekend should bear in mind that we will be playing fast & loose with the proscribed route and early morning main road detours will feature.

(Not a criticism of the route as written, mr_oli, more a reflection on our strengths as a tandem team. Skoggy lanes, choppy terrain, and T at bottom of hill affect us more than your average solo rider.)

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #29 on: 04 April, 2013, 03:44:42 pm »
how selfish

does anyone have the route split into control by control?

I'm in the process of trying to segment it in course creator but it's rather painful work, for me anyway

my lowly gps only allows 750 points and that's a bit sparse for 300km

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #30 on: 04 April, 2013, 06:36:14 pm »
I have split the track and reduced the point could PM me your email address or I could (try to) put them in a public dropbox folder ?    Usual disclaimers apply  ;)

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #31 on: 04 April, 2013, 07:40:21 pm »
how selfish

does anyone have the route split into control by control?

I'm in the process of trying to segment it in course creator but it's rather painful work, for me anyway

my lowly gps only allows 750 points and that's a bit sparse for 300km

Download and install  Garmin Mapsource (It's unsupported, Garmin replaced it with a pile of poo) - you dont need a Garmin. Find a suitable map to use (google something lie "OSM" "Britain" "garmin" " download" and there are a number of sites with suitable maps plus instrcutions of how to get them on your PC).  Then open two instances  of Mapsource - open the GPX I supplied in one. With the other Start a new track and using the map paste across the section, save the track and repeat creating tracks within your limit (its low) until you get to the end.

While its a faff to do once, next time is a piece of cake. Whil I now have a GPS that takes something like 5000 track points, I still like to break up routes into out and back to avoid confusion.
Events I am running: 5th September 2021, the unseasonal Wellesden Reliability; HOPEFULLY Early April 2022, 3 Down London - New Forest 300K Audax;

Chris S

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #32 on: 04 April, 2013, 07:50:19 pm »
Really looking forward to this ride. The run down the Test valley looks lovely on the map, and the forecast (once you get past the -4c early frost) looks decidedly promising - at long last. And of course, we loved the New Forest section of the On Off Shore last year, and fancy more of that.

The only reason we're taking an alternative early on is because we can; the A4/A329 should be more tandem friendly at that time of day. You're welcome to tag along if you want, Tynan  :). We may well use main roads between Pangbourne and Brimpton Common too; after that, we'll enjoy the published route.

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #33 on: 04 April, 2013, 09:59:43 pm »
Decisions decisions....I might peg it along the Tidmarsh Road & A4 to Woolhampton after Pangbourne ;D

The madness will be the fact that I live a mere 1 mile from Pangbourne & will be travelling 35 miles to the start & back :facepalm:
DJR (Dave Russell) now retired. Carbon Beone parts bin special retired to turbo trainer, Brompton broken, as was I, Whyte Suffolk dismantled and sold. Now have Mason Definition and Orbea M20i.

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #34 on: 04 April, 2013, 11:49:59 pm »
oh yes, my first calendar 300 and spend it straining to keep up with a tandem diverting onto a tandem friendly route

I shall wave at the start and then settle down to plodding around the course while squinting at the route sheet

pm for you R_anger, and thanks oli

Chris S

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #35 on: 05 April, 2013, 09:46:06 am »
We have adjusted our overnight arrangements somewhat, and have - surplus to requirements - a double room at Uxbridge Travelodge for tonight and tomorrow night.

Anyone who wants to take this over - bung me a PM.

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #36 on: 05 April, 2013, 02:44:42 pm »
Sorry to say the dreaded tendonitis in the wrist has not gone away fully yet, so will have to miss out on the pleasant ride to the New Forest. Hopefully another day of rest will allow me to complete SSOS on Sunday.

Good luck to everyone, see you another day.

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #37 on: 05 April, 2013, 07:12:22 pm »
bike washed! it was filthy, my experimental coat hanger route sheet holder has been extended to a two up size, extra spare tube bought to respectful/pitying looks from the LBS posse

going to put my shoes in the car now to avoid any early morning forgetting of important things, chain cleaned, knees slightly achey, I suspect olm man syndrome from last week, saddle rotated fractionally counter clockwise after slight rag last week

that hotel sounds like a good idea, oh well, two hours befoe the crack of dawn start it is then

weather looks very good all things considered although the splendid forecast of a tailwind all day has moderated to outward and a slightly weaker crosswind on the return, unless sir sets off for the ome leg at 10pm ...

'pleasant ride in the New Forest'

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #38 on: 05 April, 2013, 08:58:20 pm »
I've just done a couple of route hacks.  I'm riding a TT bike so I am seeking similar terrain to a tandem.  Distance is fairly neutral but a bit less climbing / some bigger roads.  The main one is the first stage out to Pangbourne but I also spotted a variation on Alresford-Winnersh that seems a bit less hilly.  There may well be a good reason why the route doesn't run that way and I may find out, to my cost, what it is!

They are here, in case anyone is interested:

I spotted one more earlier on (somewhere near Winchester) but it was so marginal that I didn't bother mapping it!

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #39 on: 05 April, 2013, 09:16:55 pm »
For the 1st section you'd be better off dropping from the A40 down the A455, then down Ship Hill, Heathfield Road & Cliveden Road to the A4...that way you'll miss a big section of dual carriageway.

The section from New Alresford to Winnersh looks a good alternative... :thumbsup:
DJR (Dave Russell) now retired. Carbon Beone parts bin special retired to turbo trainer, Brompton broken, as was I, Whyte Suffolk dismantled and sold. Now have Mason Definition and Orbea M20i.

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #40 on: 05 April, 2013, 09:27:17 pm »
That would certainly work.  Distance is probably similar.  I like my way though as it follows one of our local TT courses (with a short cut) and that dual carriageway section of the A404 is very nice to ride - early in the morning. 

My first thought was the A4155 Marlow to Henley, which is a reasonable road and does make going through Reading simpler but is a bit longer.

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #41 on: 05 April, 2013, 09:34:42 pm »
Forgot to mention...when you come down the Kings Road in Reading you could go down Kings Street & follow the one way round the of Broad Street, up St Mary Butts & then onto the Oxford'll be a bit shorter.

Also, if you're on a TT bike, the Tidmarsh Road & A4 will be superb for that after Pangbourne ;D
DJR (Dave Russell) now retired. Carbon Beone parts bin special retired to turbo trainer, Brompton broken, as was I, Whyte Suffolk dismantled and sold. Now have Mason Definition and Orbea M20i.

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #42 on: 05 April, 2013, 10:32:05 pm »
Thank you.  I'd missed that bit after Pangbourne!

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #43 on: 07 April, 2013, 09:48:44 am »
That was fun.
Frank shot past us on his TT bike after Pangbourne, so he must have started quite late.
Test Valley was brill.
New Forest pretty, although the
headwind after the turn made it a bit of a slog over the tops. We rewarded ourselves with a stop at a pub in Alresford, the landlord saying we weren't the first.
Alresford to Winnersh seemed entirely uphill, and the noise coming from our drive chain was grim.
We'd had enough then, but managed at least 3 wrong turnings on the last section which although quickly spotted, required the lumbering u-turn of the supertanker.
New Roads, and Spring-ish. Excellent.

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #44 on: 07 April, 2013, 10:42:39 am »
It was you two!
I'd spotted you in Reading on the elevated dual carriageway bit but couldn't quite catch you, then missed my turnoff, so lost a bit of time.  When you went another way I assumed it must have been another tandem (loads of them out in Reading at 7am on cold mornings!).  But you must have had a better route to pangbourne and left before I got there.  Was I imaging it or were you really riding in shorts?  Hardier than me!

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #45 on: 07 April, 2013, 10:56:56 am »
Really really nice ride. After so many freezing miserable winter 200s I can't believe the day actually came when I stood in a petrol station forecourt in the New Forest wearing short sleeves and eating an ice cream. Unbelievable. I think I got a little overexcited at all the donkeys and ponies too.

I ECEd this (only ever done 1 x 400 before and i was so rubbish i had to try it again one day) It did get veryyyyyy cold again about 1-2am on my ride home, and I made much less of a hash of it so I never have to do a 400 again now!

Lovely sociable day out (even if MattC did nearly actually try to kill me at one point- tho only ended up taking himself out). Thanks to all the helpers/organisers

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #46 on: 07 April, 2013, 10:58:05 am »
Excellent day out. Started a little late and tried to make up time by using the A4 through Reading, but got lost and used up all the time gain getting to Pangbourne. I hooked up with a small group including MattC and Lady Cav at Kimbridge and enjoyed their company for the rest of the ride. Thanks for towing me around  ;D

Chapeau to Lady Cav who was doing a 400 ECE and still had to face 65k back into the cold (and it did get cold quickly after dark)  after the arrivee. I did not envy you one bit!
The older you get, the better you get, unless you are a banana.

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #47 on: 07 April, 2013, 11:00:09 am »
That was harder than I remember it from 2 years ago. Started off cold and never really warmed up over the first section, rode on my own to the first control but met up with Alex and Nick (on his first ever 300 but an ex-wold cup rower so no problem with the engine). We made great progress as it gradually warmed up and rolled into Kimbride with a couple of riders in tow, including Frank, who we would haunt all day. Met up with PAC and the four of us rolled on through the new Forest aided by a nice tailwind and Alex's even stronger pace meant we were at Fordingbridge, halfway, by midday. There's a good chip shop in town which we opted for, a better alternative than the garage.

Of course the tailwind that pushed us down became a strong headwind over the top of the New Forest, and i found myself hanging off the back, then detached from the group. They kindly waited as we headed into a bit of shelter but the early pace took it's toll and I was regularly off the back as we went uphill, and chasing back on over the flats. I let them go just before the Linwood control and took 5-10 minutes off the bike to sort my head out. I climbed up the gentle rise to Linwood and lo, there were my trusty band of brothers waiting on grass by the church. Knights of the road, one and all. A pub dinner in Arlesford and a quick run to Winnersh and things were looking up. As the last of the day faded it became colder but by now we were all in good spirits with the end in sight, rolling in at 8.20.

I can't remember feeling quite so done in on any previous audax, but many thanks to my fellow riders for providing great company and support, it made for a tough but ultimately enjoyable day out. Many thanks to ian_oli, a lovely route, perfect routesheet and faultless organisation. Right, off to find my climbing legs, i must have left them somewhere....

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #48 on: 07 April, 2013, 11:41:56 am »
erm yes, what everyone else said, cold start but got very nice, lots of ponies, donkies, two big cows and sceneries, some very nice houses and some exquisite churches and a lot of hill, strong on hills for a pleasantly long time but the legs slowly ran out of enthusiam and they got rather desperate operations towards the end, thank heaven it flattened out later on

big up to Simon my LEL training partner who dragged me home at the end when I felt very unenthusiastic

saw a loon on a TT bike tear past us fairly early on, lovely kitchen at the end, saw what must have been Lady Cav at the end (pink top?) getting ready, I struggled to believe it then, the 65 home was on top of 400 already ridden? jesus

Did anyone else see the Cycling+ team? I wouldn't want to dis but there was considerable material for humour in there

I was filled with a mixture of pleasure and pity when, as I left at the end after a lengthly recuperation, the org said there were 21 riders still incoming at 11.15ish, I saw two chaps grimly coming in as I drove through the divertion outward, and the second tandem was coming through the door as I walked out of the centre

£4.90 for beans on toast and tea at the first cafe control!

Feel good about it today but there were some dark moments yesterday (including cancelling LEL because 300 was tough enough), I think I need to eat more and more often, and sort out saddle position, still a work in progress, and it'll be a lot warmer and a lot more daylight and I'l get better at it, right? the legs kept gong, the mind and the arse and the arms all grumbled, knees whinged a bit, back made some loud unhappy noises towards the end

but feel good today, nice ride and nice day out

Re: 3 Down 300K, 2013
« Reply #49 on: 07 April, 2013, 11:45:30 am »
Earlier in the year I was thinking about what would be my first 300 and settled on either The Dean or this.  Well I certainly made the right choice, a lovely day out in the sunshine and many thanks to Lady C and MattC for helping us novices through it all.

Thanks to the organisers for an impeccably organised event.

It really struck me how far I had been when my wife asked 'why did you text me saying you had nearly finished when you were only in Winnersh?'.  I guess 2 hours to go is 'nearly' in Audax terms!