Author Topic: 2 maps in an etrex 20?  (Read 1911 times)

2 maps in an etrex 20?
« on: 23 March, 2013, 02:00:31 pm »
We have a Garmin Edge 800, which we good after having had a 705 for some years: not at all troublefree, but never mind we have had no troubles with the 800 soo far. We learned with the 705 that we canĀ“t trust only to have one GPS at a longer tour. For that reson we started to look after a second one and we think it might be etrex 20 with both city navigator and topomap. The topomap should be for the most souther part of sweden, where we often ride around and as time has passed more and more in wilder conditions. How can both maps be in an etrex 20 so we easilly can go frem one to another map?
Carsten & Dorte


  • ACME Fire Safety Officer
  • Audax Club Mid-Essex
    • MEMWNS Map
Re: 2 maps in an etrex 20?
« Reply #1 on: 23 March, 2013, 02:13:23 pm »
you can install multiple maps on the etrex 20.  There is a menu where you can enable/disable them at will.

I don't know whether there's any limit to the number you can put on there other than space (you can have maps in the internal memory or on an SD card).

i have about 5 maps on mine at the moment (various OSM variants), and enable different ones depending on the usage (walking vs. cycling etc.).
You are in a maze of twisty flat droves, all alike.

85.4 miles from Marsh Gibbon

Audax Club Mid-Essex Fire Safety Officer


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: 2 maps in an etrex 20?
« Reply #2 on: 23 March, 2013, 02:16:10 pm »
The new 10/20/30 eTrexes can read multiple map .img files from internal memory or SD card.  The setup map menu allows you to select which are displayed.  If a map is transparent (eg. a contour overlay), or covers a completely different area to another map, they can be usefully enabled at the same time.  Otherwise you just see whichever map is on top in the arbitrary rendering order.

You can do the same thing with a HCx eTrex (I don' t know about the Edge), but they only support a single GMAPSUPP.IMG file, which means you have to use Mapsource to combine the maps.


  • It's mostly downhill from here.
Re: 2 maps in an etrex 20?
« Reply #3 on: 23 March, 2013, 02:24:24 pm »
The new 10/20/30 eTrexes can read multiple map .img files from internal memory or SD card.  The setup map menu allows you to select which are displayed.  If a map is transparent (eg. a contour overlay), or covers a completely different area to another map, they can be usefully enabled at the same time.  Otherwise you just see whichever map is on top in the arbitrary rendering order.

You can do the same thing with a HCx eTrex (I don' t know about the Edge), but they only support a single GMAPSUPP.IMG file, which means you have to use Mapsource to combine the maps.

The edges support multiple .img files, which can have any name ( eg. I have CN_EU.img and OSM.img )
Each img can contain multiple mapsets ( eg the OSM one contains both the OSM data and the contours as seperate mapsets ).
So this will appear as 3 entries on the Setup Map page.

You can select whatever you like, and the contours can be overlaid on the City Navigator mapset with no problem.


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: 2 maps in an etrex 20?
« Reply #4 on: 23 March, 2013, 02:32:56 pm »
So the answer to the OPs question would seem to be "Yes, no problem.  Works just like the Edge."   :thumbsup:

Re: 2 maps in an etrex 20?
« Reply #5 on: 23 March, 2013, 05:11:05 pm »
Thank you everyone: how do you then best make the GPS able to usethe 2 or 3 maps - on SD card or in memory ?


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: 2 maps in an etrex 20?
« Reply #6 on: 23 March, 2013, 05:15:07 pm »
Doesn't matter.  Wherever they best fit.  They all appear in the same menu.

Re: 2 maps in an etrex 20?
« Reply #7 on: 24 March, 2013, 01:49:26 am »
So the answer to the OPs question would seem to be "Yes, no problem.  Works just like the Edge."   :thumbsup:

Not quite.
IME - using the talkytoaster maps with/without contours, I've found you can't turn off maps (ie contours) within the same file - if they're different files it seems ok, so I have one with, one without contours in separate files Whereas on the Oregon I believe it works ok, as well as allowing multiple map files.