Author Topic: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor  (Read 95084 times)

Phil W

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #550 on: 31 May, 2015, 10:51:02 pm »
19 riders have arrived at Hartlebury and... er... left. There's no-one here!

Where'd the riders go???

We were all having a sleep up at Sherifhales , avoiding worst if the weather. Many of us went for a 4:30 or 5am wakeup. Hartlebury 50km or so due South, you'd gave seen first of us from about 6:30 - 7:00am.

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #551 on: 31 May, 2015, 11:24:58 pm »
Controls were absolutely great on this ride - not been so well looked after and fed for a loooong time! A massive thank-you to Danial and the teams of volunteers in all the controls. Was so good to have a smile and a bit of humour when needed  :)

Easy to see why I rode for 30 hours but only made it back with 90 mins to spare - 8 1/2 hours spent enjoying the controls and having a bit of a sleep in Chester.

I never seem to actually feel hungry after any 200km+ ride, not even for a day ot two after, I need to pretty much force myself to eat - anyone else like this?
Knowing is not enough, we must APPLY.
Willing is not enough, we must DO.


Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #552 on: 01 June, 2015, 12:25:49 am »
Any news of Javier Gonzales? He broke his femur 9 weeks ago but is nevertheless attempting to qualify for PBP. Completed Flatlands 600 last w/end, WCW is second 600 of three in a row.

He tweeted @ 494 kms that he had about 40 mins in hand

Phenomenal effort whatever happens

yes he finished I think;

just back from manning the finish control; could have brought a year's supply of cheese onions and butter back if I hadn't been riding;

Salvatore back reassuringly late; a few not so lucky  :( never mind there's still 3 Coasts or Mr Pickwick gjavbjvbadjvbdksvhbsdjvhbsdjvhbsdkjvbdajvbh  :)

Cycling Daddy

  • "We shall have an adventure by and by," said Don Q
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #553 on: 01 June, 2015, 06:31:03 am »
I just want to echo what Mr Wobbly said: this was the first time I have properly helped at an event.  A better more good humoured bunch of riders I could not hope to meet and it was a privileged to play a small part in helping you on your way.  A big thank you to the team at Weston many of whom stayed for the whole weekend.  Prize moment of the event was the look on Hummers face when  he found we had an open licensed bar attached to the control.

Lost property: I have one pa of woollen gloves found in a poly bag. 

If there was an award for the ride I would nominate the Dulwich Paragon rider who  was offering to give up his bike to Laidback Rich so he could complete for PBP qualifier even though he was he himself was enjoying the ride.  (We managed to provide another bike thanks to Iddu so said rider got to complete anyway)


Too much sanity may be madness. And maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be.”
― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote


  • Full of bon courage.
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #554 on: 01 June, 2015, 07:29:07 am »
Pleased to hear Rich was able to carry on - that's a pretty impressive failure. And heart warming stuff about another rider prepared to abandon their own ride in order that someone else could carry on.

There were other feel good stories as well - the chap who snapped his pedal axle and a passing runner offered to get some spares from his garage. I hope that all worked out - we had good time in hand by that point, so even a pair of flats would have had the rider back on the road and able to finish.

If you ever think society is knackered, ride or volunteer on a long Audax event. It really does show what we can do when we all come together and you see the very best of people even when they're in the very worst of places.
Right! What's next?

Ooooh. That sounds like a daft idea.  I am in!

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #555 on: 01 June, 2015, 07:33:52 am »
If you ever think society is knackered, ride or volunteer on a long Audax event. It really does show what we can do when we all come together and you see the very best of people even when they're in the very worst of places.

Very that.
You're only as successful as your last 1200...

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #556 on: 01 June, 2015, 08:56:42 am »
'Lucky' Salvatore has a tale to tell too. I'll leave that there as a teaser.  I'm sure he will tell that tale when he gets home (he's still on the road).

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #557 on: 01 June, 2015, 10:02:53 am »
'Lucky' Salvatore has a tale to tell too. I'll leave that there as a teaser.  I'm sure he will tell that tale when he gets home (he's still on the road).

For a change I have the inside track on this but I won't spoil the surprise  :)

DNF for me but I still had an excellent time.

Left at 7:30 and had a good run to the turn around control, met lots of people on the way including many from the board - strange when you have to ask for two names - I may start adding my forum name to my hat like Wobbly.

Bumped into Ella, going strong and high fiving at this point and some of the guys from ACH who'd had a bad time when a GPS and river collided. I have a vague memory of some kind controller loaning them another GPS but that could be my fevered brain.

Bit of rain before the turn about and but nothing major and I got there about midnight. Was feeling pretty good at this point but then made a huge mistake and decided to move on to lilleshall and sleep there. Sadly that meant I hit the worst of the weather and although I'm normally a night owl, I'd not slept well all week and suffered major dozies overnight. Took forever to get to lilleshall and I had a quick hour on the floor to recover.

Never got going after that and as the day wore on I was going slower and slower. Went from having plenty of time in hand to having none, then going -ve. Accepted my fate and DNF'd at Weston. Was speaking to RichForrest while I waited on my lift, who restored my spirits with tales of his past events.

Many thanks to the org and all of the helpers. Apart from a couple of sections as noted it's a lovely (but not flat!!) route. A very high quality event - every person helping was unfailingly polite and friendly. Hartlebury was such a nice control I thought of moving in on the way back  :)

This was my first 600, I think reading the tales from this board has lulled me into thinking that doing longer distances comes easily. It's really difficult! So congratulations to everyone who completed or tried to complete this event - even being able to take part is a pretty remarkable achievement.


  • Джон Спунър
    • Pics
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #558 on: 01 June, 2015, 10:10:58 am »
'Lucky' Salvatore has a tale to tell too. I'll leave that there as a teaser.  I'm sure he will tell that tale when he gets home (he's still on the road).
But first I'm going to get some kip.
et avec John, excellent lecteur de road-book, on s'en est sortis sans erreur


  • Rapha tart
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #559 on: 01 June, 2015, 10:12:51 am »
Was this actually an audax? It felt more like a hardcore gastro cycle touring weekend. Usually the control is the necessary bit, it's all about the cycling. Here the cycling was hard. I hadn't anticipated so many hills plus the wind and rain. It became all about the controls with cycling the necessary bit in-between. Alotronic had told me beforehand "there's a lot of love on that ride". Couldn't put it better. The helpers were a great loss to the luxury hotel industry. Anyone for an AUK reverse takeover of Claridges?

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #560 on: 01 June, 2015, 10:53:06 am »
Well, for me that was hilly so was chuffed to make it round & not have to walk up any incline :) 

It was nice to meet & ride with some forumittes - though I was surprised that three people said I was a fairly prolific poster :D  Having a few names is confusing - Hi, I''m 'Can't Climb', call me 'Bobby', oh sorry, you want the name on the brevet, oh, I used my real name there... I think I may simply and change my forum name :)

The ride was made more challenging when I got stung on the palm of my hand & couldn't comfortably hold the bars.  It got a bit more challenging when my knee started to complain about the hills & an old injury surfaced again (my emergency knee tape was only marginally successful but helped a bit).  It got even more challenging when my stomach shut down and I threw up on the first leg going south   :sick: :sick:

After that I forgot my planned ECE return leg and focused on being a full value rider instead.  I liked this, it made for a more relaxed journey home, always making sure to leave enough time in hand, but taking the time to chat to some people, getting some sleep and generally making the most of the controls even if I was begging for bread & milk instead of their lovely spread :)   

Towards the tail end everybody was suffering in their own way so we didn't really team up it was more a yo-yo of hellos we we went through good and bad spells. 

I'm 'a little sore' today, but enjoyed the ride.  That's my 2015 SR & will be last for a while, it's too much time away from the kids so I'll stick to (much) shorter rides for the next few years .  Thanks again to all the helpers, without you it would have been every different indeed!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #561 on: 01 June, 2015, 10:57:34 am »
I also found it funny chasing my brevet card (somebody with a similar name took mine by mistake) my card made it round considerably faster than me....  :thumbsup:

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #562 on: 01 June, 2015, 11:15:45 am »
Well, that was a tough weekend.

My ride didn't start well, I was on the 6:00 start, however after 6km-ish one of the bolts in my seatpost broke (I assume - I didn't manage to find it).  Shops weren't going to be opening for hours so I turned round and rode back to the start where Danial very kindly said I could switch to the 7:30 start.  I then rode the 5/6km back to my house where I hoped my other bike had the same size seatpost, it did.  With a seatpost complete with not-broken bolts and a pannier rack for my carradice to hang off (I think it's the bag which has done for two seatpost bolts this year) I rode back to the start and managed to actually start at 7:35... success!

Unfortunately I think the issues before I started really robbed me of my excitement for the ride and on the first day my heart was just not in it.  What didn't help either was that my right knee was hurting from very early on the ride.  I think either the replacement seatpost meant my position wasn't what it usually is or I have a problem with my position generally.  I plodded along and enjoyed all the controls where I was pleased to be looked after so well, I think that really helped me to get through the day.  I got to the Christleton control and wasn't in a great state, I was very sleepy, very hungry, had a dodgy stomach and my right knee had upgraded itself to definitely painful.  I was all set to see how late I could stay before I had to leave and then I'd just go to the station and get a train home.

However, the train would have cost me ~£70.  £70!  That's outrageous!  I'm a student, I didn't want to spend £70 on getting the train so there was only one thing to do.  Take some ibuprofen, get some food and some sleep then cycle home.

The second half of the ride was tough because my knee was pretty bad, I was on ibuprofen all day to keep things manageable but my stomach had settled down and I really wanted to ride today.  Today I would finish.  I needed to make up a little time but I was happier and had my head in the game.  I hadn't slept well so with the earphones for a bit of a 70s/80s singalong to keep the dozies at bay I started on my way back.  I found the first section of the day pretty hard, but then the two after went well.  Big problem appeared between Hartlebury and Weston Subedge when my right hip decided to also really hurt.  Luckily however it mostly only prevented me from pushing hard while seated, and most of the climbing left was pretty steep and I could climb standing pretty happily (for a given definition of happily) so I managed to keep going, albeit not particularly quickly.  I made ok time for the last 130km of the ride and arrived in Old Windsor at 11:00 finishing with half an hour to spare.  Yay!

Big thanks to all those who helped out on the controls, I definitely wouldn't have made it round this without the regular chats, food and sympathy.  If you're on the forum Damon, I apologise for not being particularly friendly or talkative in Christleton, I hope this post might explain why!


  • Andrew Preston
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #563 on: 01 June, 2015, 12:00:25 pm »
very much enjoyed counting everyone in, and back again at Lilleshall, it looked tough out there!

There was one soggy glove left over when the dust had settled, now dried and can be popped in the post if the owner hasn't chucked the other one in the hedge in disgust  :)

pic here:

Pete Mas

  • Don't Worry 'bout a thing...
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #564 on: 01 June, 2015, 12:38:33 pm »
No time for a ride report yet as its busy time at work.
Some amazing tales emerging already of battling against adversity to finish!

Personally, I was pleased to finish with over 2 hours in hand, as the overnight weather and some of the climbs en route made it a hard ride - and that's coming from a Wessex rides veteran.

Many thanks to Danial and all the helpers. All that organisation ensured we all had the maximum chance of getting round -all we needed to do was keep on pedalling!  :thumbsup:

More from me later.

''It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive."


Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #565 on: 01 June, 2015, 01:01:11 pm »

This was the sad state of my bike at the Weston control on the way home (500k). Things were not feeling quite right after about the first 50k but I thought it was just a wobbly bottom bracket! It may have been that as well, I had to ride gingerly and couldn't stand (chain kept coming off) so rode 450k slowly...and as things didn't appear to be worsening and I needed to stand up to relieve some pressure on neck and nether regions, I tried on a hill towards Weston whereupon there came the most almighty cracking sound...Pinarello Galileo RIP you served me well over the last 8 years.

As Cycling Daddy mentioned above, when I walked into the control, Dulwich Paragon rider Gary MacGowan offered me his bike to finish, explaining he didn't need the 600 for PBP as he's not doing it. An extraordinary gesture of kindness, I was deeply moved, almost cried, and nearly snogged him. In the event Iddu lent me his single-speed bike so we could both finish, and we did so together in some style with Dave Bradshaw and Ray Cox – I had bags of energy remaining in the tank as I'd ridden so conservatively up to that point.

So massive thanks are due to Iddu for the bike (I really like it, can I keep it please?), Gary for the amazing offer involving the sacrifice of his own ride, and Cycling Daddy who took my broken bike back home with him and is dropping it off tonight so I can salvage good wheels, saddle etc. Also to Dave Bradshaw for so patiently riding the first slow 500 with me despite my encouragement to go on at his own speed.

Equally massive thanks to Danial and all the helpers, a truly stunning performance, brilliant home-cooking at all controls, like MarcusJB said above a mini-LEL. Awesome!

See you in Paris!

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #566 on: 01 June, 2015, 01:10:41 pm »
How lovely to read so much glowing feedback! Glad so many of you had a memorable weekend. (I hesitate to use the word “fun”.)

When I took over this weekend I didn’t really consider the route in much detail at first. I knew where it had to start , turn and finish, and decided to work on the rest nearer the time. I knew  that the Cheshire plains were (mostly) flat, that the Midlands’ sections were rolling, and that start/finish would be flat, so decided the event overall would be fairly easy. Especially if combined the mooted route with plenty of TLC at full-service controls.

Getting this event close to 600km, avoiding trunk roads and town centres is a challenge. With the controls I booked the shortest distance route was 590km. However the first draft of the route was close to 640km. Running the route east of Oxford and using the A44 not only shaved off 16km, it also made for a more interesting ride through the Cotswolds. Unfortunately it added a lot of short, steep hills that sap tired legs on the way back. So a seemingly easy event was in fact 24km over distance with a couple of pretty lumpy sections. Add to this the maze of lanes in Cheshire and some inclement weather, and you have a seemingly innocuous event with a number of traps for the unwary rider. I’m unlikely to change much of this when I run the event again though; the challenge is what it is and it’s up to you to decide whether to take it on. Although I’m only going to run this event in PBP years I don’t want to run an event that’s geared to making things as easy as possible for PBP hopefuls; it has to be a good route which for me means lanes, scenery and a good variety of flat, rolling and hilly sections.

The A44 section met with a mixed response. I didn’t want to include it but decided it was the least bad option when I needed to cut distance. I test rode this section heading north on a Saturday afternoon and decided it was acceptable but not ideal. A couple of you found it rather unpleasant due to traffic. Some of those riding later on the way back raved about the strong tailwind and lack of traffic.

What I may do is try and move the start to the other side of Windsor to shave off some distance. Whether I use this to make the event shorter or to take out the A44 section remains to be seen.

Most of my work this time involved route plotting and general administration. This was because I had a brilliant team of controllers. When I organised LEL a lot of my time was soaked up by two or three needy people who I regret asking to help. The team I had for Windsor Chester Windsor showed me how much easier things could be. It’s great having people that you can trust to be an amazing job so you can focus elsewhere. We are all very lucky to have them involved in audaxing.

I won’t run this event again until the next time PBP happens. It’s a lot of work and I’d rather focus on LEL. What’s more, many of the controllers are involved with LEL and I don’t want to burden them any further. My next will be LEL in 2017, but no doubt you’ll see me on the road or staffing a control at the National 400 or the next Mille Cymru.


  • BPB 1/1: PBP 0/1
    • FNRttC
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #567 on: 01 June, 2015, 01:51:58 pm »
May I heap yet more praise on the shoulders of the volunteers? As lanterne rouge for much of the event it was inevitable that i spent much time alone and looking forward to the welcome at the controls: and that was a huge help in keeping me going. Even heading southwards towards the end where I was plainly fighting a losing battle with the minimum speed and arriving a few minutes out of time as the helpers were clearing up, there was always a cheery welcome and a spirit-lifting chat. Every control was the same: willing, helpful  volunteers, and it was good to see old faces. (Sorry, I mean "well-known faces" - although in audax the two are often the same....)

The food! THE FOOD! Best. Food. Evva! Quantities up the standard expected of an El Supremo customer and all home-made, it was lovely. Using experienced cyclists at controls meant when I wanted tepid tea (so i could gulp it down and get back on the road - time is miles) it was tepid, and the only-just-warm grub at weston sub-edge was just the job, i was in and out in 10 minutes having been fed and watered and bottles filled. Thanks, Ppete and Reg T and Cycling Daddy, etc.

A combination of age and incompetence meant I was a DNF, but hey, it's only a bloody bike ride, and for thirty quid I had a brilliant adventurous weekend. Riding alone for 420k, getting lost in torrential rain in the middle of the night, exhaustion, muscle aches, pain, I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Thanks again, volunteers, you smothered yourselves in glory. 
Besides, it wouldn't be audacious if success were guaranteed.


  • less Grimpeur than Whimpeur...
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #568 on: 01 June, 2015, 02:33:45 pm »
Thanks to all the team - Wobbly's pud was fabulous even though it seems he'd drunk all the brandy by the time the last batch was done.

Special mention in dispatches to sleep helpers at Sherrifhales - hanging soaking tops while we dozed - few words, but understanding glances exchanged, as at other controls. They clearly had the T shirt.

As advertised the Cotswolds emptied the legs on the way back but when the wind (finally) swung behind - euphoric run in into the finish, although her Maj doesn't like us in her back garden.

While typing this Danial posted about the route etc. To add to the above. I reckon we all understand the routing compromises - for me I got to the A44 having been "Cotswolded" (like being "Wessexed" but further north) but at that point the wind was starting to help and the speed of the A44 persuaded me perhaps I actually could ride a flamin' bike after all.

Words can't describe the feeling of being supported by fellow audaxers and their family and friends. We came and went unnoticed by pretty much everyone, but something special happened.
David S


  • BPB 1/1: PBP 0/1
    • FNRttC
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #569 on: 01 June, 2015, 03:27:19 pm »
PS - obviously yet another demand on volunteer numbers, but would it be possible to have someone at 601k, perhaps sitting in a car/pub/bus shelter, to stamp cards at the "finish" of a 600k event? This would remove 90 minutes of cycling from the route.....  :thumbsup: and riders would then pootle to the hall for some tea, TLC, tea, rolls, tea, toilets, tea, flapjacks, tea, and then go home.
(I believe this has been done by Blacksheep on the BCM.)

Besides, it wouldn't be audacious if success were guaranteed.


  • n.b. have grown beard since photo taken
    • Didcot Audaxes
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #570 on: 01 June, 2015, 04:44:23 pm »
PS - obviously yet another demand on volunteer numbers, but would it be possible to have someone at 601k, perhaps sitting in a car/pub/bus shelter, to stamp cards at the "finish" of a 600k event?
I'd be very happy to stamp your card.

Sadly it wouldn't count for anything :P

I can't remember the history, but I'm pretty sure this option was taken away from the BCM a few years ago (I think my first was in 2008, and they didn't have it then). IIRC there was a "rule clarification" - it wasn't specific to the BCM.

(Happy to be corrected, as ever ... !)
Has never ridden RAAM
No.11  Because of the great host of those who dislike the least appearance of "swank " when they travel the roads and lanes. - From Kuklos' 39 Articles

Phil W

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #571 on: 01 June, 2015, 04:47:10 pm »
This was the sad state of my bike at the Weston control on the way home (500k). Things were not feeling quite right after about the first 50k but I thought it was just a wobbly bottom bracket! It may have been that as well, I had to ride gingerly and couldn't stand (chain kept coming off) so rode 450k slowly...and as things didn't appear to be worsening and I needed to stand up to relieve some pressure on neck and nether regions, I tried on a hill towards Weston whereupon there came the most almighty cracking sound...Pinarello Galileo RIP you served me well over the last 8 years.

oh dear, a bit more than a dodgy second hand bottom bracket that you suspected then (Phil)

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #572 on: 01 June, 2015, 05:39:08 pm »
I can understand why some organisers would seek to make their event as PBP-qualification-friendly as possible, and totally respect their wish to do so. That's not an approach I would take though.

I want to run a good event, and want to support riders by offering an interesting route and excellent controls staffed by people who understand their needs. Not having to queue to get food, or wait for it to be cooked, or find a cashpoint for a receipt, saves lots of time. If we offer all that and you can't finish in 40 hours, you probably wouldn't finish PBP either.


  • LEL rider C6 2013 / B11 2017 / B4 2022
Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #573 on: 01 June, 2015, 05:43:49 pm »
well I'm a bit late to the party here however, I have to say like everyone else before me, what an event, thankyou to everyone I met over the course of the weekend.
I started at 6 and in hindsight probably went off a bit too quick, I was soon over henley but something just did not feel right, I got to the second check very flat and, the sight of a train station nearby nearly had me packing, I pulled my socks up and, thought better of it. The ride into the evening making the turn before dark was superb, I was heartened by the fact that not too many riders were coming towards me, I had felt awfully slow all afternoon, not helped by a dip in the stream / ford. Luckily for me there had been some towels dropped on the roadside a bit further on- clean and dry! I dried off and kept going. At the turn I was met by the cheery face and dinner plate handshake of Damon, how very nice to see him again we chatted and discussed the heartbeat 400 where I had saw him last. This was actually a master stroke as the heartbeat had been very tough but I finished it comfortably. My mindset altered and I thought if I can do that I can do this.
Back outside for my as per plan one leg in darkness back to S1 where I was going to try to sleep for a few hours till dawn, It was spitting and, soon enough raining very hard, I made a tough decision and took the "alternative return route" the A41, flatter and better surfaces this turned out to be a good decision I got back feeling much better than I imagine I would if I had fought my way back over harthill and, the lanes. I did manage a little sleep, woke up, sorted my bag out and felt out of sorts I laid down again for a while and felt much better. A bowl of cheerios and off I went at 04:30, there was some rain before S2 but I was greeted at the door by someone telling me theres a full english waiting for you inside, how amazing, this lifted me immensely and, the rest of day went fairly well, I had to get off and push over the last two hills near Henley but apart from that I got over everything else, my favourite being the residential "ladder hill" which was most pleasing. After Henley I felt like I had enough to push hard and, a welcome tailwind also pushed me along. I arrived back at 18:20, slower than I had hoped but on reflection given the lumpy nature of the course, much better than I had expected.
The only downside to the weekend is that the wet caused my quite a few soreness issues, I am sure I am not alone,  in this, I hope I can mend them before my next event on the 11th.

Danial and, his various control teams I salute you, especially the kind team at the last check who snatched my wheel out of my hand and, fixed my puncture for me, I owe you a pint.

To the riders who were of a similar ability/ speed to me who I saw at most of the checks, the welsh tandemologists, swansea, hampshire road club, cannondale synapse disc, young lad on genesis with longflap, and many more, all of which whose names escape me again, many thanks, your kind words and, smiles really helped greatly.

Sorry for the rambling stream of consciousness, hopefully see you all again soon.   

Re: Coming soon - the all new Windsor-Chester-Windsor
« Reply #574 on: 01 June, 2015, 05:47:22 pm »
... I had felt awfully slow all afternoon, not helped by a dip in the stream / ford. Luckily for me there had been some towels dropped on the roadside a bit further on- clean and dry! I dried off and kept going. ...

Seriously? Was this alfapete's doing?