Author Topic: DOTD  (Read 221707 times)


  • Mine's a pipe, er… pint!
« Reply #575 on: 14 February, 2017, 08:41:27 am »
Nor me Bazzer. It's a pathetic attempt at encouraging readership.

He compounds his DOTD by getting on his phone and then cycling off. Mis-titled too. It should be 'a person on a bicycle' not a cyclist.
Certainly never seen cycling south of Sussex


  • My favourite gender neutral pronoun is comrade
« Reply #576 on: 14 February, 2017, 09:31:27 pm »
A hiviz Dr Evil tonight, shining a fikkin' laser at eye-height, angled into the oncoming lane. According to his frantic shaking of an invisible can of coffee beans when I put full beam on, I inferred that we weren't in fact playing "who can put out the most lumens" and instead he just thought that was a reasonable direction to point his fikkin' laser.  ::-)

In the mirrors, I noticed two other drivers behind me incorrectly guess the game too.
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." Amelia Earhart


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
« Reply #577 on: 14 February, 2017, 10:59:58 pm »
We don't actually see who he's arguing with, and whatever it is he's arguing about has evidently happened some time before that clip begins. So we really don't know if anything happened or not, but it does look like some bloke getting shouty for the sake of it.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

« Reply #578 on: 15 February, 2017, 09:01:15 am »
Leicester Mercury cyclist

I don't get the hate for him.  When a cyclist confronts a motorist sitting at a side junction and claims that the motorist has hit him and with no independent evidence of what, if any, incident occurred, the balance of probabilities tells me that the motorist probably made a dick move at some point.  I would not be surprised to discover that the motorist genuinely feels that he did nothing wrong.  Who knows, the cyclist may share some responsibility but it isn't a stretch to imagine a motorist crossing a pavement at the exit to an indoor carpark*  cutting off or colliding with a cyclist

* here'28.5%22N+1%C2%B012'32.0%22W/@52.7745833,-1.2102354,341m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d52.774577!4d-1.208892


  • Most of me survived the Pennine Bridleway.
« Reply #579 on: 15 February, 2017, 09:22:12 pm »
The bromptonista who rode straight across the crossing on red here tonight.  You are one lucky pillock.  Under normal circumstances in that 30mph limit you'd have been a bonnet ornament.  The circumstances are not normal because a) there's a temporary 20mph speed limit in place and b) the lady you rode straight out in front of was doing less than that.  I was putting in an effort to keep pace with said lady in order to not inconvenience the BMW behind me that had flashed me out.  My GPS shows I was doing 25.6kph.
2023 targets: Survive. Maybe.
There is only one infinite resource in this universe; human stupidity.

« Reply #580 on: 04 May, 2017, 08:19:05 am »
It's a while since we've had any DOTDs so I nominate hundreds of them.
This is distilled from a long rant that I decided not to post. I ended up purely by chance at the Lake Garda Cycling 'Festival' in Riva del Garda (Italy) on the Saturday of the Mayday weekend - we were travelling around by train & boat and Our itinerary and the bike event co-joined by fluke.
It was - by the looks of things - a well organised series of rides, talks, and events, and there was a splendid (free) trade show for everyone. The event seemed mainly targeted at Germans, and mainly at MTB riders. There were lots of fat bikes, e-MTBs, and 'normal' mountain bikes. I'm guessing there were a couple of thousand riders there.
But away from the festival rides themselves the riders were behaving like total hooligans. The town has a lot of pedestrian areas, many narrow alleys, and a lot of (non-bike) tourists. The riders - often in groups - were riding at speed through these with no considers for anyone. I saw an elderly French (?) bloke knocked over by a rider and then berated (almost attacked) for what had happened, toddlers reduced to tears, and old people seemingly frightened to leave park benches.
I was, in the end, ashamed to be associated with the world of cycling.

Tapatalk puts this signature here, not me!
Too many angry people - breathe & relax.

« Reply #581 on: 10 May, 2017, 09:22:05 am »
Without doubt it was last night's Raphaman, head to toe RCC gear, who jumped a ridiculously late red here. He dodged round the traffic that was turning right from opposite which is what saved him I think, as he got a third of the way across and the A56 light went green I thought I was going to be phoning 999, the released traffic came within a whisker of wiping him out and he just managed to avoid the keep left bollard. Still can't believed he came out unscathed.

Got to be one of the all time stupidest bits of riding I've ever seen.

« Reply #582 on: 10 May, 2017, 09:31:48 am »
I wonder how Rapha would react if you emailed the club sec and pointed out their members were bringing the club into disrepute? AIUI in a traditional club that might cause a missive to go out to members to remember not to behave like twunts (or at least not when in club colours!).

« Reply #583 on: 10 May, 2017, 09:40:38 am »
Strava flyby is my friend, he knows how lucky and stupid he was. Staring at his Garmin apparently.

« Reply #584 on: 12 May, 2017, 05:17:20 pm »


  • Tyke
« Reply #585 on: 12 May, 2017, 08:56:35 pm »
He seems to be somewhat intoxicated
Getting there...


  • The cyclist formerly known as Big Helga
« Reply #586 on: 12 May, 2017, 10:51:51 pm »
When I used to commute that way in the mornings I saw the occasional roadie put on a sprint to get across there when the gates were coming down.

Won't somebody think of the hamsters!

« Reply #587 on: 17 June, 2017, 06:36:08 pm »
I watched a cyclist on the London CS7 route (big blue strip to the left of the road) power past me up towards the inside of a car that was ahead, was slowing down, was indicating left, was ever so slowly incrementally making the left turn at a set of lights, and then the cyclist acted all surprised when the car finally made its manoeuvre. Cyclist went straight into the front passenger door and somehow bounced off and held it together with enough aplomb to get round the front of the car. Then hurled abuse at the driver. Moron.
Rust never sleeps

« Reply #588 on: 17 June, 2017, 06:46:06 pm »
He seems to be somewhat intoxicated

the train driver performed an emergency stop, meaning that the crossing became blocked and the man, whom he described as “very aggressive,” had to carry his bike over the footbridge.

The footbridge that is to the left, just out of shot  :thumbsup:

« Reply #589 on: 19 June, 2017, 10:58:28 am »
..the biggest problem here is that he's not wearing hi-viz or a helmet, both of which would have prevented this situation from occurring in the first place.

It almost goes without saying.
Move Faster and Bake Things


  • Whimsy Rider
« Reply #590 on: 19 June, 2017, 11:23:33 am »
I think I fit into this category this morning. I was riding along and hearing no sirens but it turns out that an ambulance had followed behind me for a little while (don't know exactly how long) with its lights on. Just after overtaking me in a safe manner where the road widened a little, it turned right.

There were quite a lot of police cars and ambulances rushing about during this morning's commute, complete with 'blues-and-twos'.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Chris N

« Reply #591 on: 19 June, 2017, 11:42:16 am »
I think I was one today too.  Overtook a chap on the old railway line into Bristol this morning and I obviously hadn't given him enough space.  I did apologise when he complained but could have been more polite. :-[

« Reply #592 on: 20 June, 2017, 12:52:20 pm »
I think I fit into this category this morning. I was riding along and hearing no sirens but it turns out that an ambulance had followed behind me for a little while (don't know exactly how long) with its lights on. Just after overtaking me in a safe manner where the road widened a little, it turned right.
I disagree.  They have sirens for a reason and cyclists are not expected to have rear view mirrors.  If they rely on you to read between the lines - "oooh, is it me or was there a blue reflection in that window" and eschew turning the sirens on then they are not in that much of a rush.
simplicity, truth, equality, peace

« Reply #593 on: 20 June, 2017, 03:29:02 pm »
I think I fit into this category this morning. I was riding along and hearing no sirens but it turns out that an ambulance had followed behind me for a little while (don't know exactly how long) with its lights on. Just after overtaking me in a safe manner where the road widened a little, it turned right.
I disagree.  They have sirens for a reason and cyclists are not expected to have rear view mirrors.  If they rely on you to read between the lines - "oooh, is it me or was there a blue reflection in that window" and eschew turning the sirens on then they are not in that much of a rush.

Agreed. If they don't use the siren, then either you're not in their way or they're not in a hurry. Any time I've been trundling along quite happily on the bike, oblivious to the emergency vehicle behind me, it's only taken a quick whoop to encourage me to let them by.


  • Um....err......oh bugger!
  • Help me!
« Reply #594 on: 20 June, 2017, 03:38:50 pm »
it's only taken a quick whoop to encourage me to let them by.

Yes, but hopefully from a little way back.  I was once given the full blast from directly behind me.  I had no idea they were there.  It was extremely loud and I very nearly had a heart attack.  It took me a while before my heart rate and breathing returned to a level where I could carry on.
Admission.  I'm actually not that fussed about cake.

« Reply #595 on: 20 June, 2017, 03:43:31 pm »
it's only taken a quick whoop to encourage me to let them by.

Yes, but hopefully from a little way back.  I was once given the full blast from directly behind me.  I had no idea they were there.  It was extremely loud and I very nearly had a heart attack.  It took me a while before my heart rate and breathing returned to a level where I could carry on.

Sounds like they were trying to drum up business.


  • Um....err......oh bugger!
  • Help me!
« Reply #596 on: 20 June, 2017, 03:52:54 pm »
it's only taken a quick whoop to encourage me to let them by.

Yes, but hopefully from a little way back.  I was once given the full blast from directly behind me.  I had no idea they were there.  It was extremely loud and I very nearly had a heart attack.  It took me a while before my heart rate and breathing returned to a level where I could carry on.

Sounds like they were trying to drum up business.

I can only assume they received a 'shout' right then and never thought about the difference between a car with heavy metal or opera pumping out at 11 and a cyclist with only 4 feet of air buffering between him and the horns.
Admission.  I'm actually not that fussed about cake.

« Reply #597 on: 20 June, 2017, 04:16:23 pm »
A simple problem. 

Cycling along the riverside track I encounter an oncoming cyclist.  Naturally I expect him to do what every one else does on that track and pass me on my right where there is plenty of space to pass safely.  But he doesn't, nor does he go to my left because I am right up to the edge, leaving him space the other side.  Eventually we halt and I say to him: "You know you should pass on that side?" Pointing to my right.  He doesn't say a word but cycles up the earth bank to my left and departs.

I guess I could have gone to pass him on the wrong side but it could easily have gone pear shaped if he'd done a late swerve like pedestrians dancing on a pavement.  Thinking about he was very much the sort of yoof to be found in York town centre pedestrian zone determined not to get off and walk and weaving in and out amongst the the crowd.   
Move Faster and Bake Things


« Reply #598 on: 10 July, 2017, 07:38:07 am »
Now on charity events I don't expect the best riding standards as, well frankly a large percentage of riders are not "proper"* cyclists like me. However, there were two incidences yesterday on the Manchester to Blackpool ride which merits inclusion here; both happened at traffic lights.

Firstly... when you are slow and frankly have the bike handling skills of someone without any, please do not push to the front at every set of traffic lights, you only cause delays for faster riders and the traffic behind as we are forced to over take you time and time again. This was very noticeable earlier in the ride and did cause a pile up in Preston when they did not realise the road tipped up two a massive 2% sending the uncyclists into a panic as they tried to find a gear they could push or simply stopping in the middle of the road. One bloke did go down and I was lucky that I was able to unclip and stop before hitting him.

And then...when passing, pass on the right....that's what we are taught be it riding in a group or indeed driving a car. So, when again pushing off from a set of lights, a youth aged about 16 undertakes me forcing me and two club riders who were overtaking me into the live lane of traffic... trust me, I was not impressed. Less impressed was the youth when I caught up with him a 100 yards later and explained in shouty words what he had done wrong.

* I am a proper cyclist in the same way spray cream is real cream.... :facepalm:


  • The cyclist formerly known as Big Helga
« Reply #599 on: 10 July, 2017, 02:24:10 pm »
They must have been London commuter cyclists having a day out.
Won't somebody think of the hamsters!