Author Topic: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000  (Read 4587 times)

Euan Uzami

Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #25 on: 24 April, 2014, 01:38:35 pm »
Hmmm. I'd have thought a bare-bones calendar event would fit her world view - the PERMS restrictions seems rather odd.

(It's all a bit grey isn't it? Presumably riders can book 5* hotels on her 1000 or on the Super600s? That could make the ride "easier" than one done with a support vehicle.)
You can book a 5* hotel on any event if you really want, it's just the less time you spend in it, the worse value for money per hour it is.
But if it refreshes you and sets you up well for the next day's riding then it's worth it - but you only need the basics to do that, and if you haven't got time to make use of the 5* facilities then it's probably not worth going for that over a basic hotel.

I'm quite happy to admit having spent about 8-9 hours in a hotel on the 1000. Wasn't against any rules.

I don't think it's about making it harder or easier, I think it's more about only making use of the facilities that are available to the public as standard and not arranging for extra facilities to be there just for you. By having a support vehicle you're basically employing somebody to help you specifically do that ride, but going into a hotel  they're not bothered whether you're doing a ride or not, you're just any old customer.

Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #26 on: 24 April, 2014, 04:20:21 pm »
Not sure whether I should post this question here, or on it's own thread....but anyway.  The ACP5000 - do you have to do a BRM1000 in the same year as the 200, 300, 400 and 600?  It says you have 4 years to do everything, but then it wouldn't be a series if the 1000 isn't done in the same year, right? 
Does not play well with others


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #27 on: 24 April, 2014, 04:23:26 pm »
The ACP Randonneur 5000 does not require the 1000 to be in the same year as the Super Randonneur series (200, 300, 400, 600). Longer brevets cannot be substituted for shorter.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #28 on: 24 April, 2014, 04:29:39 pm »
The ACP Randonneur 5000 does not require the 1000 to be in the same year as the Super Randonneur series (200, 300, 400, 600). Longer brevets cannot be substituted for shorter.

Not sure whether I should post this question here, or on it's own thread....but anyway.  The ACP5000 - do you have to do a BRM1000 in the same year as the 200, 300, 400 and 600?  It says you have 4 years to do everything, but then it wouldn't be a series if the 1000 isn't done in the same year, right?

But you will need PBP and I assume you (rabbit) are intending to ride that in 2015.

Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #29 on: 24 April, 2014, 04:33:46 pm »
The ACP Randonneur 5000 does not require the 1000 to be in the same year as the Super Randonneur series (200, 300, 400, 600). Longer brevets cannot be substituted for shorter.

Not sure whether I should post this question here, or on it's own thread....but anyway.  The ACP5000 - do you have to do a BRM1000 in the same year as the 200, 300, 400 and 600?  It says you have 4 years to do everything, but then it wouldn't be a series if the 1000 isn't done in the same year, right?

But you will need PBP and I assume you (rabbit) are intending to ride that in 2015.

Well, yes, that is the tentative plan.  I am not yet sure how far I want to take this Audax thing, but am looking into the options, just in case, you know.  If everything in May goes according to plan, I should hopefully have a BRM SR this year, plus the arrow.  That will leave me PBP to do next year (I know with another SR) and a 1000 km to do, maybe 2016. I really don't want to go abroad to do it though, wish there was a decent, but doable 1000 km that would be adequate for the ACP in the UK. 
Does not play well with others

Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #30 on: 24 April, 2014, 04:40:36 pm »
Nice 1000 starting in Cherbourg in July.  What could be easier than hopping off ferry, ride, hop back on!  I believe LWB and HK are riding the event and it might just suit your needs.

The 1000 events in UK seem to attract AAA and it has to be BRM which means scarce events.

I do not have the ACP5000 award, but from what others have said, getting the 1000 BRM is the most challenging if you do not wish to travel.


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #31 on: 24 April, 2014, 04:48:35 pm »
There are lots of 1000s on the Continent this year and probably next year and probably a couple in the UK in 2016.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #32 on: 24 April, 2014, 04:57:39 pm »
Nice 1000 starting in Cherbourg in July.  What could be easier than hopping off ferry, ride, hop back on!  I believe LWB and HK are riding the event and it might just suit your needs.

The 1000 events in UK seem to attract AAA and it has to be BRM which means scarce events.

I do not have the ACP5000 award, but from what others have said, getting the 1000 BRM is the most challenging if you do not wish to travel.

I am just not brave enough to head abroad on my own and ride something like that on my own. 

In the UK I am fine with heading anywhere from the top of Scotland down, or Ireland, but definitely not brave enough to head over to a non-English country, with riding on the wrong side of the road, in an area and culture I don't know. 

A 1000 BRM in the UK in 2016 would work so fingers crossed!
Does not play well with others

Euan Uzami

Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #33 on: 24 April, 2014, 06:53:03 pm »
France is a civilized country you know it's not, like, tribes ;)
As long as you remember to ride on the right and that the prevalence of 24 hour shops/garages/etc isn't as common as in the UK you'll be fine. Even if you can't speak the language that well.

Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #34 on: 24 April, 2014, 09:54:57 pm »
France is a civilized country you know it's not, like, tribes ;)
As long as you remember to ride on the right and that the prevalence of 24 hour shops/garages/etc isn't as common as in the UK you'll be fine. Even if you can't speak the language that well.

Well indeed, Je ne parle pas le Francais tres bien

Or even read it that well tbh. 

I am more scared that it's too civilised for this rough-English burd haha

TBH it's more if something major happens, an accident, illness or major mechanical. 
Does not play well with others


  • n.b. have shaved off beard since photo taken
Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #35 on: 24 April, 2014, 10:40:29 pm »
So if one would manage to get the ACP version one would always qualify for the AUK
version as well?

But one could alternatively go for the AUK one only by qualifying for and doing BPB and an
Easter arrow, but substituting the 1,000 by any AUK BR or any BRM longer than 1,000?

And then possibly within the four-year window get the ACP one as well by doing any BRM 1,000
(not substitutable by a longer one)?

Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #36 on: 25 April, 2014, 12:18:28 am »
Yes, the AUK Brevet 5000 is fairly easy to get, and the ACP version only slightly harder. ACP Randonneur 10000 needs quite a lot of effort though.

A permanent 1000 is ok for the AUK Brevet 5000 and Brevet 25000, but a BRM 1000 is needed for the ACP Randonneur 5000 and Randonneur 10000. Due to scarcity, BRM 1000's in the UK have sold out pretty quickly in the last few years, so you need to enter promptly if you want to ride them, and yes they have also been hilly lately. I quite fancy the idea of riding a BRM 1000 in France or Germany next year and, as there aren't often 1000s in the UK in PBP years, it would mean that my PBP qualifiers wouldn't go to waste in the quest for the ACP Randonneur 10000.

Rabbit, when you have ridden the PBP next year, it will give you more confidence to ride other overseas events and you'll wonder why you were worried about it.

This year it's a BRM 300 that I am struggling to fit in, as I am supposed to be looking after the kids when they are all on. Might have to call in a favour from the grandparents and escape my duties for a day. It's an annoying rule about not being able to substitute longer rides as I am planning a few 400s and 600s.

I will still need a Super Randonnee 600 at some point though for the ACP Randonneur 10000 and it would be nice to go over in a small group to ride one on the continent. I still think the UK is hilly enough though, especially if the Yorkshire Dales and Pennines were combined in one mean 600 :demon:

Euan Uzami

Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #37 on: 25 April, 2014, 08:56:49 am »
Yeah, the ACP 10,000 is hard. I've got enough for the AUK brevet 5000 now and will hopefully have the AUK 25k on completing the scottish 1300 ride, but for the ACP 10k annoyingly I haven't actually got the two full ACP SRs - I would have if you could substitute longer for shorter or if any of the many BR 200s I've done were BRM, but as it is I haven't actually got one. 2,3,4,6 BRM in 2011, and 1,000 BRM in 2012 and 2013 - but no year with both together! Must remember to make sure I get at least one BRM 200 this year....
edit: harder than it sounds - there's only 5! no , 4 in fact in the current year. And one's this weekend which i can't do so that's 3.

Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #38 on: 25 April, 2014, 10:34:00 am »
There were, though, 12 BRM 200s in Feb, March, and earlier this month. Wider geographical spread too.


Re: ACP's randonneur 10000 and Brevet 25000
« Reply #39 on: 28 April, 2014, 04:20:42 pm »
Reminder - For ACP awards the claim needs to be made via the ACP / LRM correspondent.  HK