Author Topic: Child carrier (not on a bike!) recommendations  (Read 2576 times)

Child carrier (not on a bike!) recommendations
« on: 04 June, 2014, 10:09:05 am »
Little Miss Nerd is now 12 weeks old and, with the weather improving (!) we'd like to go out for walks with her.  We bought a light and compact pram / buggy which is not really suitable for rough paths or footpaths.

We'd like to get a carrier like a Baby Bjorn, but I've read various articles about hip displacement.  I'm not entirely sure how seriously to take these: it might just be certain manufacturers overplaying a potential problem to sell their design.  Is there any peer-reviewed literature on the correlation between hip displacement and Baby Bjorn type carriers - where the baby is supported by their pelvis, rather than their thighs and buttocks?

Also, we'd like to use it for a while, so if it converts to a backpack carrier all the better.

Current favourite is the new Ergo carrier 360.  Are there any others that we should consider?



Re: Child carrier (not on a bike!) recommendations
« Reply #1 on: 04 June, 2014, 10:33:53 am »
Disclaimer - I have done my Babywearing Peer Supporter course, but I don't have the actual certificate yet as I haven't completed my coursework.

You are right to stay away from the Baby Bjorn. They effectively support the baby by grabbing the crotch and offer no support across the base of the bum or spine. They also encourage forward facing which is again a no-no. Babies' spines are naturally C shaped until they are about 1 year old, and wearing a baby on your front with the baby facing forward forces their spine in the wrong direction. They are also thick and bulky - when you carry a baby they have the benefit from your body heat as well, and it's easy for them to overheat if you're not careful. They also don't work well much past the small baby stage.

You need to support the baby from knee to knee, with their legs in a "frogged" position; see here:

Ergo carriers are a good option. They are popular and fakes abound so buy from someplace reputable, such as John Lewis. You might also want to consider a Manduca or Tula baby carrier. You can also consider a Connecta - for summer use they do a Connecta made out of solarweave fabric which is very lightweight.

You might also consider wraps - there are stretchy wraps and woven wraps. Stretcy wraps you tie about you first, then shove the baby in, woven wraps require a bit more dexterity as you tie they around the baby. Woven wraps have the advantage in that you can use back carries and they can cope with much bigger babies and toddlers. MissS is 15 months and I routinely use a woven wrap for a back carry for shopping etc.

Advice on carrying your baby safely can be found here:

Also you may have a sling library near you which should have lots of different types to try on and loan.

Re: Child carrier (not on a bike!) recommendations
« Reply #2 on: 04 June, 2014, 10:51:26 am »
I was just coming to say exactly what Seraphina has :) I've done a babywearing consultancy course too.

When you're ready to back carry, I think most buckle carriers (like the Ergo) do work for that. As do woven (not stretchy) wraps. Wrapping does have a bit more of a learning curve than a buckle carrier but it's more flexible.

I would strongly recommend trying out carriers from a sling library esp if you want a buckle carrier. IME they're very person-dependent. Loads of people really rate Connectas but I find them uncomfy; other people would hate my favourite buckle carrier! Having said that Ergo and Manduca do get a consistently good press.

L is 27 mths & we still don't own a pushchair. Carrying is much more convenient esp living in London & spending a lot of time on public transport. It's also a great way of calming an upset baby/toddler :) I use mostly woven wraps but sometimes a buckle carrier (mine is an Ocah) for speed. Almost always on my back these days.

Re: Child carrier (not on a bike!) recommendations
« Reply #3 on: 04 June, 2014, 02:37:23 pm »
What they said. I used a stretchy wrap until the duck was 8 months or so and he loved it. I now have an ergo and a couple of ring slings. I'm looking at a connecta or similar next. Definitely try and get to a sling meet/library and try different options. I don't get on with an ergo under about 5 months - I found the baby insert too awkward.

I am not a qualified consultant.
Quote from: Kim
^ This woman knows what she's talking about.


Re: Child carrier (not on a bike!) recommendations
« Reply #4 on: 04 June, 2014, 03:46:41 pm »
We sold our pram after she refused to go anywhere near it after about 6 weeks - glad we had bought it second hand! Slinging them is great - they are so much more involved in everything when they're high up.

Re: Child carrier (not on a bike!) recommendations
« Reply #5 on: 04 June, 2014, 06:35:01 pm »
I think we may have to get one that allows forward facing, as E. isn't very happy facing inwards at the moment.  It's about the only thing that upsets her, though!

Are the froggy types that allow outwards facing better than the crotch lifters?

We have a good independent pram and baby stuff shop in Oxford who seem to have a lot of baby carriers, according to their website, so we'll be going there.  We bought our pram from there and it's a great shop.

Chris N

Re: Child carrier (not on a bike!) recommendations
« Reply #6 on: 04 June, 2014, 07:33:23 pm »
Woven slings worked well for us for the first 10 months or so for both front and back carry (we used Elleville and Storchenwiege - the Storchenweige was longer but the Elleville was nicer material) but now we've switched to a Boba carrier which my wife prefers.  I occasionally use a Vaude backpack but it's a bit bulky.


Re: Child carrier (not on a bike!) recommendations
« Reply #7 on: 04 June, 2014, 08:08:38 pm »
Forward facing front carries are not great full stop - they force the baby's spine away from the natural C shape. I'd avoid them to be honest. I don't know of a reputable carrier brand that advises front facing forward carries, or provides instructions on how to do so. You can generally start back carries from when they can comfortably sit unaided.

If your baby doesn't like parent facing, are you sure you are carrying her high enough? At that age MissS had good enough head control to be able to look about a bit if I was carrying her facing me. She was high enough up so she could see over my shoulders if she got bored of looking at me.

I would much prefer taking advice from a sling consultant rather than a shop - I have seen some bad advice on baby carriers handed out by "reputable" nursery shops.

Re: Child carrier (not on a bike!) recommendations
« Reply #8 on: 07 June, 2014, 11:34:02 am »
Thanks all.  Mrs Nerd visited the Oxford sling library yesterday and we've borrowed a Lille baby complete.  E. didn't complain too much when we briefly tried it in the facing in position so we'll take her for a longer spin in it tomorrow - when it's not raining.

Re: Child carrier (not on a bike!) recommendations
« Reply #9 on: 19 August, 2014, 10:34:40 am »
Just to follow up on this.  After trying three or four slings from the sling library we settled on the Manduca and bought one in green.
The Manduca has all the features we were looking for and would be how we'd design a sling ourselves.  It doesn't do forward facing but E. doesn't seem to mind - she mostly falls asleep in it!  It transforms into a back carry when she's older so we should get plenty of use out of it.

I'm now looking for effective ways to carry her on the bike! :) (not in the sling, obviously, in a child seat!).


  • "Shut Up Jens" - Legs.
Re: Child carrier (not on a bike!) recommendations
« Reply #10 on: 19 August, 2014, 07:14:52 pm »

...Oh, Child Carrier.  My mistake.
Some people say I'm self-obsessed but that's enough about them.

Re: Child carrier (not on a bike!) recommendations
« Reply #11 on: 20 August, 2014, 10:59:37 am »
We used a wilkinet and slings.

The Wilkinet is adaptable for forward facing carry but we never used it like that. Baby slept better the other way round and little arms weren't so easily able to grab things.

<i>Marmite slave</i>