Author Topic: A random thread for weatherish things that don't warrant a thread of their own.  (Read 292887 times)

Mrs Pingu

  • Who ate all the pies? Me
    • Twitter
That feeling when there's been blue sky all day. The room with the sun in the window is boiling, and the cheapo tat outside thermometer (in the sun) is telling you it's scorchio.
And then you got out and the wind is proper Baltic.

Also we had snow again about an hour ago at the same time as all that sun.
Do not clench. It only makes it worse.


  • Shedist
I really don’t like this time of year for weather. I’ve started to wear shorts because it’s now getting to warm to wear jeans during the day. This is fine unless I’m going to be outside in the evening because it very quickly becomes too cold for shorts and I have to go and change. Also, a single t-shirt is fine most of the time, but if I wander down to the river or the sun disappears behind a cloud or I have to walk in a shadow or I’m in the wind it gets cold pretty quickly.

What I’m saying is I can’t just put shorts and a T or jeans and a jumper and be sorted for the day. I have to layer and change through the day. It’s a pain.
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.

Mr Larrington

  • A bit ov a lyv wyr by slof standirds
  • Custard Wallah
    • Mr Larrington's Automatic Diary
Broke out the sandals for the first time this year :thumbsup:
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
Yesterday's walk with the dog was undertaken in shorts and a s/s polo shirt.   I've been in sandals a few times in the last week.
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor


  • Shedist
That’s another thing. I need to buy some new sandals after I returned last years purchase at the end of summer.
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.

Mrs Pingu

  • Who ate all the pies? Me
    • Twitter
Fecking weather!
I've got painting to do and it's either too cold, windy or rainy, or this week, all three!
Do not clench. It only makes it worse.


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
Mr R got caught in a heavy hailstorm as he ‘scootered’ to his evening clinic.    Serves him right for trying to be trendy....  ;D
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor


  • Apprentice geezer
Temperature has just dropped to 5°C. :(
I've dusted off all those old bottles and set them up straight

we have had snow falling this morning in Westhill outside Aberdeen.  Just a flurry but some lying on the ground overnight


  • Mr Peli
    • woollypigs
I had to go outside to get warmed up in the sun. Victorina lime stone houses do get brrr when you turn the heating off and you get frost over night
Current mood: AARRRGGGGHHHHH !!! #bollockstobrexit

Hmmm, sleet here in leafy Bucks. Oh, and no chance of turning the CH off yet, or even just having it morning and evening. But hey, my wife is skinny and 77 on Saturday.
We are making a New World (Paul Nash, 1918)


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Yes, I need to go to the shop, but I'm waiting for the sleet to stop.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
I was hailed on last Friday afternoon. It was warm, whereas the morning had been pretty cold.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
I was hailed on last Friday afternoon. It was warm, whereas the morning had been pretty cold.

I've been not riding my bike for the last few days due to a hail storm every time I think about riding my bike.


  • I brake for Giraffes
Monday and today the showers were forecast to start about 13:00 - 14:00h but started at about 11:30h, so I got a bit wet (well, rather wet on Monday). Yesterday the forecast was the same and the showers started early pm - I didn't go out yesterday. Victimisation, coincidence. malignancy - take your pick.
2x4: thick plank; 4x4: 2 of 'em.


  • Put away those fiery biscuits!
  • Mrs Pingu's domestique
    • the Igloo
we have had snow falling this morning in Westhill outside Aberdeen.  Just a flurry but some lying on the ground overnight

Westhill? You must have been very naughty! Anyway, get yourself to the Westhill Service Station  :P

Mrs Pingu

  • Who ate all the pies? Me
    • Twitter
Otherwise known as The Hop Shop.
Do not clench. It only makes it worse.

The in laws live in Westhill so we have taken advantage of the rules relaxing to come and stay in Westhill to see FiL who is 88 and fell and knocked himself unconscious last week!

Thankfully Nicola has allowed us to have meals with him in hotels and we are staying in an AirBnB place.


  • Shedist
I went for a run in glorious sunshine here on the Angles of the East this morning, although the wind was well cold as the yoof probably don’t say any more. It’s now overcast and raining.
For every complex problem in the world, there is a simple and easily understood solution that’s wrong.


  • Someone's imaginary friend
  • No, RB3, you can't have more tupperware.
    • Someone's imaginary friend
Took dog out in glorious sunshine. An hour later, we were both cowering under a tree as hailstones in their millions spanged off my hood like a hoodlum wielding a minigun against a Hollywood police car. Now it's blazing sunshine again.

"Created something? Hah! But that would be irresponsible! And unethical! I would never, ever make... more than one."


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Yes, I need to go to the shop, but I'm waiting for the sleet to stop.

Dodged it!

Think the trailer got a p*nct*r* thobut.

Obviously the weather is playing sweet and innocent now.


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Took dog out in glorious sunshine. An hour later, we were both cowering under a tree as hailstones in their millions spanged off my hood like a hoodlum wielding a minigun against a Hollywood police car. Now it's blazing sunshine again.

I'm trying to think of that in reverse. "The bullets spanged off the police car like hailstones off a dog-walker's hood." Hmmm...
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


  • Джон Спунър
    • Pics
Last night.

Coincidentally the same temperature as in the Eskdalemuir overflow sleeping accommodation one night in summer 2017

et avec John, excellent lecteur de road-book, on s'en est sortis sans erreur

Chris S

Yad Moss, yesterday:

There were patches of snow or hail (hard to tell, covered in frost) around this morning, on the pre-work walk.


  • Someone's imaginary friend
  • No, RB3, you can't have more tupperware.
    • Someone's imaginary friend
There's snow on the hills round our way, or was yesterday.

"Created something? Hah! But that would be irresponsible! And unethical! I would never, ever make... more than one."