Author Topic: Dunwich Dynamo 4-5th July  (Read 17354 times)

Re: Dunwich Dynamo 4-5th July
« Reply #125 on: 06 July, 2015, 10:51:10 pm »
Oh well best I add my sixpenneth worth of Dun Run ride report now I'm safely back home after what will become obvious was a somewhat more interesting return than the ride  ??? ???

This year (only my second for you seasoned Dun-ners) I was unfortunately going to be solo and hadn't really got the wherewithal to try to tag on to any yacf-ers or Audaxers or try to see where the aforementioned gather in London Fields.  So having lost my sunglasses under a taxi wheel within 5 minutes out of Waterloo I thought this my not be an auspicious start, but was proved wrong.  I didn't want or need to hang around too much after dragging across the city so left with a small group from the pub about 7:50.  Unusual bit of weaving in and out of traffic through Hackney but nothing to fractious and then on to the drag-race that is the run through Epping Forest. I bounced forward from group to group and was also passed by little bunches of club riders, London Dynamo, Dulwich (must have been over a hundred in total throughout the night!!) and Ipswich to name a few.

My idea was to ride to the Fox at Finchingfield before stopping, though I did stop briefly just after Moreton (which was surprisingly quiet at that time) to put on a base layer before it got dark.  Got to the Fox at 10:30-ish and had a coffee and half of one of my flapjacks.  Then on to Needham Mkt for my next stop at the hotdog stand by the lake. The ride was uneventful except for a couple of issues; following a fast group through a village who's name I've forgotten when actually you needed to turn left (which was actually a straight on!!) and having to yell to try and get them to stop, they didn't hear me or they ignored me, don't know they didn't stop. I retraced and Uncle Garmin got me back on track.  Then when trying to exert a bit of extra speed on uphills I decided to stand up and stomp the pedals, oops this didn't work as the chain decided it wanted to part company with the chainring every time. Looking at it in the cold light of day it's obviously stretched and I've just been too lazy to notice, good excuse to visit the bike shop now.....

I'd also not drunk enough during the night as when I got to Needham and started chomping on that 'oh so wanted' hotdog I noticed it felt like soggy concrete and I had to drink copious amounts of coke to help it down. When I looked at my bottles I'd barely drunk half of one!! note that away for PBP!

As said earlier I got to Dunwich for dawn and after an hour or so tootled off to Ipswich hoping to get the early train, no joy, so after a soul-less hour in McDs I went back to the station and here's is where my Dun Run 2015 really got interesting, a transcript follows:

Me:  Hello I'm on the 9:43, though my ticket says 9:50 but I do have a bike reservation, can I get in please?

Abellio Rep:  Yes certainly sir, can I check your name and reservation?

Me: Certainly here you are (hands over printed reservation slip)

Abellio Rep:  That's great just go through to the end of the platform and we'll let you on about 10 minutes before it's due to leave......oh and by the way no trains are going to Liverpool St because there's been an accident with a bridge between Witham and Chelmsford so you'll have to cycle to Chelmsford.

Me:  Huh, what, how, far?

Abellio Rep:  There are replacement buses but they're not taking cycles so you lot will need to cycle to Chelmsford but don't worry its only 10 miles.

Me:  oh well its sunny and that's not too bad I suppose.  (this attitude hadn't been universal and not all cyclists had even been told this little nugget of information)

So, we happy (!?!?) bunch got let on and as it started to rain while putting the bikes onboard we were told that Witham wasn't the stop it was Colchester, and that was about 35 miles, this was greeted with hoots of derision.  But after a few angry retorts we were told that someone at Chelmsford would sort us out.  25 minutes later after a delay at Manningtree we were dumped off at Colchester, and after being held queueing to get out all cyclists were told to go and wait in the carparks :o :-\  40 minutes later we were still waiting for someone to come and tell us what was going on ( a couple of people had gone in but couldn't find anyone willing to own up to being an employee of Abellio Greater Anglia.  Then a station security guard (seems the Abellio bus finder general had done a runner) came out and gave us the great news that 2 coaches were running to Chelmsford, hurrah followed by boo when he carried on to let us know that these were for everyone not just us and hat we'd have to wait while the dumped the non-cyclists off first and then returned for us and oh by the way they can only take about 12-15 bikes per coach.  Lynch mobs in western saloons have sounded quieter after that bit of info.  The coaches came and took the happy campers away and then some brave souls decided to taxi it down at the exhorbitant fee of >£70 per taxi, max two bikes!!!  Coaches came back about 45 minutes later, so obviously there were more coaches than we knew off and we were eventually dropped off at Chelmsford at 2:45 to be told get on Platform 2 the train to London goes at 2:58, hurrah again.

But boo again when we get onto Platform 2 and the signs says 'cancelled' followed 5 minutes later by an announcement that ALL trains to London are cancelled TFN and that they'll get back to us in about 20 minutes when they get any info. half and hour later, trains will be running to London but not for another 40 minutes or so and oh you need to go to Platform 1.  Cue scene from the Titanic when they all rush to the stern and you get the idea. 20 minutes later we're all over the other side when we get the announcement "Abellio Greater Anglia are sorry to announce that the train to London Liverpool Street will now be departing from Platform 2"  I kid you not, even in my sickest mind I couldn't make up stuff like this.  So of we all went again with the manic station announcer berating everyone to move along the platform.

When the train arrived it was a local service with no guards van for bikes so they got stacked wherever they fitted, on 1 wheel, right and wrong way up.

Eventually I arrived in London just after 3pm, nearly 8 hours after arriving at Ipswich  :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:  Oh and then I had the fun ride back across London to Waterloo to get my 1:15 ticket endorsed for a later time to get on the 4:15 Exeter train back to sunny Somerset.

See you all again next year  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: Dunwich Dynamo 4-5th July
« Reply #126 on: 06 July, 2015, 11:07:34 pm »
Ah! That accounts for Jane's partner, who had a ticket to take a bike to Saxmundham from London, being rerouted via Cambridge.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Re: Dunwich Dynamo 4-5th July
« Reply #127 on: 07 July, 2015, 09:48:36 am »
Abellio are really winning hearts and minds nationwide atm.  :)
Get a bicycle. You will never regret it, if you live- Mark Twain

Re: Dunwich Dynamo 4-5th July
« Reply #128 on: 07 July, 2015, 01:31:13 pm »
Abellio seemed a bit weird to me at the weekend.

First they provide water to all cyclists when they arrived, very nice, not asked for but extremely good customer service I think; however then after ensuring that all cyclists had to book on to a train service it appears that no one had thought to update any risk registers (they must have them in this sort of industry, you know the book of 'what-ifs and answers') to cope with an added 50 cyclists plus bikes on each inbound London train!! 
Then it seems that the Colchester rep went into meltdown because we never saw one or were approached by anyone from Abellio for the whole time we were there. Chelmsford, despite it's Carry-On-esque announcements and bouncing of passengers between platforms actually seemed almost in control but just overwhelmed by sheer scale of numbers and were gallantly trying to get the best service out of it. Then at London Liverpool St everyone was being handed water again and 'Delay/Repay' slips.
And I'll still be writing to Abellio to say being asked to ride to the next station might seem okay to them and to some riders but after all I've paid them my money for them to transport me and my bike not for me to do it myself, especially whilst others are bussed over!

If all our train providers embraced cycling and provided back-up to large scale events then we would surely benefit all round, I believe that London-Brighton is also blighted by lack of rail support now, though I will caveat that last bit in that Abellio did, I think try to support the Dynamo just not from Darsham and funnelled everything through Ipswich which probably caused more problems than it solved.

I will, if possible ride again next year but will closely monitor what Abellio are trying to do regarding travel, still not sure if I want to chuck my bike on the big lorries that get hired by Southwark for the Grand Return.  Then again I could just man up and ride back, might just look at that one as Plan A for next year, anyone interested especially as there'll be no interfering French ride??


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: Dunwich Dynamo 4-5th July
« Reply #129 on: 07 July, 2015, 02:21:43 pm »
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Re: Dunwich Dynamo 4-5th July
« Reply #130 on: 07 July, 2015, 06:07:01 pm »
I did it with a couple of mates from work and we could hardly have had better conditions on the run to the beach. We arrived at about 9:15am tired, but pleased with ourselves, loafed around on the shingle for a bit before heading to the Ship for breakfast.
I've eaten in the Ship before and it's pretty good. This time it was overpriced and pretty rough. I guess it was an OK breakfast, but for £10 - too expensive.
Then the rain hit and we huddled in shelter until it became obvious we were just going to have to suck it up and leave.

The ride to Ipswich went perfectly as far as route finding is concerned, it's a route I've used many times before, but the road conditions were epic, flooded roads, mud everywhere and so much rain I literally couldn't see at times.

Then one of our number had a really severe attack of the dozies and we had to nurse him on the final ten miles or so at somewhere between 15 and 8kph! Painfully slow.

We arrived at Ipswich in glorious sunshine with 45 minutes for the train, dashed into Sainsbury's and stocked up on calorific rubbish before heading to the station.

By the time we arrived (3:40pm) the system had been mostly sorted, we got ticked off the list, directed to the car park and given the bad news that we would be taken to Colchester and would join a local train to London. Bummer, because we had 1st Class tickets and were looking forward to a long, uninterrupted kip on the train.

As it was 20 minutes later we pitched up at Colchester, swapped platforms on got on the next train (about 5 minutes later), then had to keep jumping up to sort the bikes out when anyone wanted to get on and off the train. At Stratford we all had to get off again, do another platform change and take another train to Liverpool Street.

The last part of the ride home was in lovely sunshine, the rain a distant memory, a perfect end to another memorable ride with another set of friends who are still keen to do this, or some similar ride again in the near future.

Re: Dunwich Dynamo 4-5th July
« Reply #131 on: 07 July, 2015, 10:24:07 pm »
A footnote: just as Andrij and I were arriving at London Fields, another cyclist, pushing his bike the other way and wearing a Leicester Forest cycling top, said "Hello Peter!" to me. I replied but I didn't get a clear view of the other cyclist's face. My apologies if you are reading this. I didn't recognise you and was rather distracted by the fact that I was on the lookout for my daughter, who had strolled over from her residence in Highbury to meet me.

That was me!  I was still a bit spaced out after Friday night's ride to then from Oxford and was on a mission to find a couple of fellow club members who I later discovered didn't arrive at London Fields until much later.  After a couple of fruitless laps of the park I was surprised that I couldn't spot you either.

I eventually got impatient and started on my own with the crowds (IYSWIM) at about 2000.  I found it all a bit mental - but mostly in a good way.  Started to get very dozy after a while and tried to get a snooze at the half way point but failed.  OK for a short while after due to coffee with lots of sugar but faded badly again with sore knee/tiredness/why am I doing this syndrome.  Snapped out of it by a Leicester Forest shirt going past me and managed to hang on to a couple of younger faster guys until I begged for mercy with about 5k to go to the beach.  Arrived there a bit hot and sweaty but still buzzing.

Watched the sun come up, watched the swimmers, put all my clothes on and tried to snooze but started to chill down.  Got back on the bike and headed for Norwich just after 0500 to catch my 1353 train!  I got slower and slower and finally found an ideal snoozing spot in a sun trap on a village playing field.  After an hour or so I felt much better and set off to arrive in Norwich just before it chucked it down.  I was pleased that I was so early and settled down to wait for tree hours.  The train staff were pleasant and friendly (as usual) and just before I boarded I was joined by a club member with a tale of bad route planning, punctures, torrential unforecast rain etc.

Changed at Ely for the train to Leicester then a 15k ride home with 4 samosas stuffed up my jersey to arrive home just before it chucked it down again for a grand total of 530k.  Although I am still feeling tired it was all worth it for a superb weekend out.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: Dunwich Dynamo 4-5th July
« Reply #132 on: 08 July, 2015, 12:29:10 pm »
Well Hello JonBuoy! Good to meet you, albeit briefly!

I see that the Dulwich Paragon chaingang brigade are getting a right pasting on FB.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Re: Dunwich Dynamo 4-5th July
« Reply #133 on: 08 July, 2015, 12:35:20 pm »
There were certainly some groups who seemed to take delight in passing people unnecessarily closely.


  • Stout dipper
    • Stuff mostly about weather
Re: Dunwich Dynamo 4-5th July
« Reply #134 on: 08 July, 2015, 04:12:49 pm »
The club that made me laugh was the Ipswich lot. I don't know where they went, but they overtook us several times. Each time they did one or more of their number shouted "Tandem!" They too overtook a bit too closely. I'm glad they weren't on their tractors.
Quote from: Dez
It doesn’t matter where you start. Just start.

Re: Dunwich Dynamo 4-5th July
« Reply #135 on: 08 July, 2015, 05:08:48 pm »
Shortly after I set off from Dunwich to catch my train at Norwich a group of young Norwich Velo riders went past me.  As they were locals I thought that I really ought tag along with them but as I had loads of time and, more significantly, both my head and my legs were well stuffed I didn’t bother and continued plodding along my pre-planned route.

I watched them disappear into the distance then turn off along a main road.  Ten minutes later the same group went past me again I assume having decided that they had taken a wrong turn.  A little later it happened again and they went past me for a third time.

Some hours later as I pootled round Norwich I got talking to an older Norwich Velo member (who hadn’t done the DunRun) and mentioned my experience with his clubmates who didn’t seem to have a clue as to where they were going.  ‘It doesn’t surprise me in the slightest’ was his response.

red marley

Re: Dunwich Dynamo 4-5th July
« Reply #136 on: 12 July, 2015, 06:56:02 pm »
Well written (as ever) article from Sam on his DD 'n' back ride:

Re: Dunwich Dynamo 4-5th July
« Reply #137 on: 12 July, 2015, 07:21:39 pm »
Well written (as ever) article from Sam on his DD 'n' back ride:
I had lunch with Sam at LMNH today, courtesy of a cyclechat ride.
He delivers good word.