Author Topic: You're not in the peloton you idiots  (Read 1035 times)

You're not in the peloton you idiots
« on: 20 April, 2015, 10:32:49 am »
The other day I was coming home and within five minutes passed two complete numpties.
It was a lovely day to be out for a ride and as usual round here quite a few people in full team gear on expensive road bikes.
First one was spinning up the hill from Buttercrambe towards me in Team Sky kit and just before I passed him he sucked on a gel then threw it into the hedgerow with a expansive gesture.
Next I came over the blind brow at the Leavening crossroads and another idiot sailed out of the junction onto the main road without slowing down or even looking. Luckily I had slowed down as I always expect there might be a tractor or a cyclist over the brow but a lot of people don't. There's a bloody give way sign and a blind brow warning you plonker.

I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that.


  • My favourite gender neutral pronoun is comrade
Re: You're not in the peloton you idiots
« Reply #1 on: 20 April, 2015, 11:05:01 am »
I feel your pain. Now that the weather is improving, the racing snakes are beginning to commute on their racier bikes. Which seems to be resulting in me being undertaken.

Last week I got huffed at by a chap who I nearly took out when I dodged left around a pothole. Fair play - my obs were slack - I didn't check all the way backwards to my left before I swerved. I'd planned on a smooth move to the offside, but a car approaching rapidly made me change my mind with little time left and I dodged to the nearside with only a bare glance to the space directly next to me. Heard the universal call of a surprised cyclist 'whooooooaa' and at the next TLs he had a minor huff and puff at me, saying it was a good thing that one of us knew how to cycle properly, otherwise we'd have crashed.

Considering I didn't see him when I glanced left, I'd say he was half-wheeling me on the nearside. If he hadn't have been switched on, I'd have likely taken out his front wheel. He'd definitely have gone for a lie down and I might have joined him.
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." Amelia Earhart


  • ' used to be an apple on a stick.'
Re: You're not in the peloton you idiots
« Reply #2 on: 21 April, 2015, 01:59:02 pm »
I get this in the morning commute into town, people racing left and right, swerving without looking, its mayhem.

Bring back winter I say! :)