Author Topic: the food rant thread  (Read 236226 times)


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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #300 on: 24 June, 2015, 01:49:48 pm »
Vegetable vindaloo seems like an odd mix. Kind of like serving a super-jumbo greaseburger with the oversized portion of fries, an extra-large side of onion rings, all doused in extra helpings of lard, and then pairing it with a bucket of diet Coke. Or the person who weighs more than their car stuffing their face with chips while sipping on a delicately sized bottle of mineral water as if that makes their lifestyle healthy.

Only if you follow the vegetarian != hard trope.  In reality, vegetable curry dishes are effectively hotter than their meat equivalents, as the vegetables absorb more of the sauce.

But that requires a hot = hard outlook. It seems like a great tragedy to take an obvious opportunity for MOAR MEAT and waste it by eating only vegetables. Hot peppers really should be reclassified as honorary meats.
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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #301 on: 24 June, 2015, 06:13:42 pm »
Vegetable vindaloo seems like an odd mix. Kind of like serving a super-jumbo greaseburger with the oversized portion of fries, an extra-large side of onion rings, all doused in extra helpings of lard, and then pairing it with a bucket of diet Coke. Or the person who weighs more than their car stuffing their face with chips while sipping on a delicately sized bottle of mineral water as if that makes their lifestyle healthy.

Only if you follow the vegetarian != hard trope.  In reality, vegetable curry dishes are effectively hotter than their meat equivalents, as the vegetables absorb more of the sauce.

I thought that veggie curry was hotter than meat curry due to there being less fat in veggie curry to absorb the heat (same idea as why you put full fat yoghurt or cream in a curry that you've made too hot, or drink a pint of milk)
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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #302 on: 24 June, 2015, 06:41:17 pm »
I still don't measure my manhood in Scoville units.


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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #303 on: 24 June, 2015, 06:43:39 pm »
What people in India do when small children inadvertently or inadvisedly eat eg raw chillies, is give them something sweet. Works even better than lassi etc (though of course that is also sweet!)
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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #304 on: 24 June, 2015, 07:14:44 pm »

Why isn't our filthy pizza here yet?


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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #305 on: 24 June, 2015, 07:25:49 pm »
Ahhh.... that's better.


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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #306 on: 24 June, 2015, 07:31:06 pm »

What, again?


Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #307 on: 24 June, 2015, 10:21:47 pm »
And yeah, the Estuarine Whine. Other diners. They really should behave better, I'm in grabbing distance of sharp, pointy things. We're in the church of the anti-cow, an echoing litany of orders for the steak, when the waitress finally admits defeat. There is no more steak.

Now the Estuarine Whine can't not have heard this, but she's biding her time, so of course, when the waitress arrives she orders the steak-that's-no-more.

'But I can't eat anything else on the menu,' she says in a voice that sounds like someone trying to saw through old tin cans. I'll be honest, she didn't look like a woman who'd had trouble finding things to eat. I reckon she'd go for anything she didn't have to chase. She'd probably eat the menu if it wasn't written on a blackboard. 'I CAN'T' grinds the human jigsaw of despair. Now, the waitress was charming and effective and far better at the entire waitering business than I ever was, and I don't think I'll be doing her a disservice by saying that conjuring up a cow was probably outside of her skill set. Even Jesus topped out with fish and the ever-sawing Estuarine Whine insists on telling us that she 'doesn't eat fish' either. Jesus, who I think we'll agree pretty much had a monopoly on patience before he started to hand it out to saints, would have roundhoused her.

Now the sensible thing for the waitress to do at this point would have been to use the woman's head as a bongo but she tries to reasonable and explain that it's 9pm on a Saturday night and there's no more steak and little likelihood of obtaining any because there's no such thing as the Meat Santa and even if there was, he probably doesn't come at 9pm on a Saturday night in June. The woman keeps grinding away because she's one of those sullen bullies who knows that the poor girl has no choice but to listen as she starts to work her way through what sounds like an entire rusted scrapyard of complaint.

This is the point where I start to play the game of What Would Jess Do? Jess, if you don't know her, is south London's only vampire librarian, the occasional inadvertent saviour of Croydon and, more incidentally, the world. She's a proper vampire and only eats people. She's got dining standards though. I decided she'd pull off the woman's head and use it in an impromptu puppet theatre. Jess, sadly wasn't there because she's doing whatever vampire librarians do on Saturday nights, but my wife was and she's from Southend, and as such even Jess doesn't argue with her.

Anyway, I don't even think King Arthur is going to pull that fork out of the woman's forehead. It's in deep.

White Range Rover driver, natch. It's the one with a dent in the driver's side door.

Mr Larrington

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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #308 on: 25 June, 2015, 04:32:10 pm »
I like steak.  And so does the BEAR.

There, I've said it.
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #309 on: 25 June, 2015, 06:41:35 pm »

What, again?

Well she is a Lion :)
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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #310 on: 30 June, 2015, 08:31:46 pm »
Papaya. It sounds exciting. It's not.


Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #311 on: 01 July, 2015, 01:41:02 pm »
No.1 Son, when asked "Are you going to have the leftover pizza for lunch, the correct answer is NOT "Yes". >:(


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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #312 on: 01 July, 2015, 03:44:43 pm »
Papaya. It sounds exciting. It's not.
How about pawpaw?

It's good in a sort of overly ripe way. It's the dirty pizza of tropical fruits.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.


Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #313 on: 01 July, 2015, 05:54:36 pm »
I've rarely been whelmed by a tropical fruit, other than a mango. I used to think that they only temperamentally ripened in our grim climate but after years travelling the world, I'm less convinced. Though possibly they're keeping the good stuff back for Mr Del Monte.

A couple of weeks ago, whilst I was travelling in Africa, I got caught up in conversation whilst waiting at the buffet table. When I looked back at my plate they'd loaded it with two enormous oblongs of nshima, piled on some spaghetti, a hefty dollop of bolognese sauce, and then balanced on top two chicken drumsticks. Now that's a meal. According to the bloke serving, I looked skinny.


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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #314 on: 02 July, 2015, 09:53:09 am »
Papaya. It sounds exciting. It's not.

Most tropical fruits are unexciting (I accuse you most of all starfruit) but papaya is the only one that I can think of that I actively dislike. Its vomit worthy.


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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #315 on: 02 July, 2015, 10:05:08 am »
Guavas are delicious though. With or without the chilli and salt or whatever it is.
I've rarely been whelmed by a tropical fruit, other than a mango. I used to think that they only temperamentally ripened in our grim climate but after years travelling the world, I'm less convinced. Though possibly they're keeping the good stuff back for Mr Del Monte.
Temperamentally ripe? Not sure what this means. They're generally unripe here I'd say.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #316 on: 02 July, 2015, 11:28:30 am »
...they'd loaded it with two enormous oblongs of nshima, ...

Is nshima like ugali?  If so, unlucky you!  Like polenta but without so much as the appealing colour.

I've rarely been whelmed by a tropical fruit, other than a mango.

Never eaten mangosteen?


Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #317 on: 02 July, 2015, 12:06:17 pm »
...they'd loaded it with two enormous oblongs of nshima, ...

Is nshima like ugali?  If so, unlucky you!  Like polenta but without so much as the appealing colour.

I've rarely been whelmed by a tropical fruit, other than a mango.

Never eaten mangosteen?

Yup, same stuff as you find throughout Africa, pap whatever. White polenta. Very bland. I tried to spice it up with an indelicate helping of sauce. If you'd ever had nali sauce, you'll know why this wasn't such a good idea. The best one was in Ghana once where the chef made a fish shape out of it and then stuck a fried fish head on the end. Et voilĂ , le poisson. Never figured out what happened to the rest of the fish. I'm not generally a fan of fish heads.

You know, I don't think I have eaten a mangosteen. But I'm really having a strong impression of a mango bursting out with Born in the USA.

Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #318 on: 02 July, 2015, 12:22:40 pm »
Mangosteen is totally where it's at.  That is all.


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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #319 on: 02 July, 2015, 12:39:31 pm »
Wood apple. More wood than apple, I'd say.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Eccentrica Gallumbits

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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #320 on: 02 July, 2015, 01:08:19 pm »
Took a fish head out to see a movie, didn't have to pay to get it in.
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Mr Larrington

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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #321 on: 02 July, 2015, 04:33:18 pm »
Eat them up, yum!
External Transparent Wall Inspection Operative & Mayor of Mortagne-au-Perche
Satisfying the Bloodlust of the Masses in Peacetime

Eccentrica Gallumbits

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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #322 on: 02 July, 2015, 07:00:28 pm »
They're not good dancers. They don't play drums.
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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #323 on: 02 July, 2015, 10:57:58 pm »
Rolypoly fish heads  :P


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Re: the food rant thread
« Reply #324 on: 02 July, 2015, 10:59:19 pm »
Anyway, the tropical fruit we had in Ecuador was quite nom  :P