Author Topic: ACME Miscellany  (Read 542319 times)


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #975 on: 27 April, 2016, 07:47:19 pm »
What's technically involved in establishing an actual virtual club (as per Audax Club Hackney etc.)?

Looking at the ACH site - it seems that their method is to just have folks change their club in their AUK membership profile to "Audax Club Hackney"

Quick straw poll of MEMWNS AUK members - who is wedded to their current AUK Club affiliation setting and who would be willing to chage to "Audax Club Mid-Essex" (or "ACME", if we prefer)?

Mine's currently set to yacf, but I'd happily change.
I'd be happy, think I'm down as Chelmsford CTC at the moment...


Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #976 on: 28 April, 2016, 08:07:47 am »
Audax Club Mid Essex (“ACME”)

Minutes of the inaugural a meeting of the founders of the club held at The Compasses, Totham, Mid Essex on 27 April 2016 at 9.15pm.

Oscar’s Dad (chair)
The Hustler
Carlos Fandango


The Chairman reported that due notice of the meeting had been given and that a quorum was present. Accordingly, the Chairman declared the meeting open.

Apologies were received from Bobb, Oaky and Huggy.


The Chairman reported that the business of the meeting was to consider and, if deemed fit, to approve the formation of a new audax cycling club.


3.1 It was RESOLVED in the following order to approve:
3.1.1 the formation of ACME;
3.1.2 the change of the name of the facebook group to “Mid-Essex YACF”;
3.1.3 the constitution of ACME, (being “what OD says goes”).


4.1 It was agreed to make the following appointments:
4.1.1 Tomsk as artist in residence;
4.1.2 Oaky as club secretary; and
4.1.3   Bobb as webmaster

There was no further business and the Chairman declared the meeting closed.
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #977 on: 28 April, 2016, 08:16:17 am »
Now that the grave and formal business is out of the way, I can do the usual report on the night's activities.

I caught a small Witham peloton, consisting only of OD and the Hustler, just before reaching the Compasses.  Carlos Fandango hove into view as we turned the corner and, before we had even locked our bikes, Tippers appeared on his shiny new fixed machine with the hipster chain.

Tomsk had already settled in the pub.

In a worrying development, the pub only had a couple of ales on last night.  It can usually be relied on for a good selection.  What they did have was Crouch Vale's Essex Boys (the Quaffers' Choice), a  Black IPA at 7% and a Wibblers Cherry Beer at 12%.  OD bravely went for the Cherry Beer and may have regretted this judging by the pained expression on his face.

After our formal meeting the talk was of tubeless tyres, hapless mechanics (me mainly :facepalm:) and the Green & Yellow Fields ride.

We set off home into the sleet at a reasonably sensible hour having enjoyed another great MEMWNs night  :thumbsup:

The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #978 on: 28 April, 2016, 08:32:20 am »
My Garmin said it was 2degsC on the way home!  It's nearly May and that's way too cold.

I was excited to note that most of the people present last night hadn't seen my tattoo. I wonder how many others there are out there?  Investigation is clearly required.


  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #979 on: 28 April, 2016, 09:13:03 am »
Clearly 'ACME' is an idea whose time has come  :thumbsup:

The cherry beer was 'interesting', more like a very rough home brewed wine.

I managed to avoid the sleet, until about a mile from home. There are definite signs of spring, outbreak of new bikes, mainly.  :D :thumbsup:

Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #980 on: 28 April, 2016, 10:08:00 am »
Wanna be in your gang, your gang.....put a deposit down on new bike yesterday (Specialized Dolce Evo) which I'll pick up next week. What fun!

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #981 on: 28 April, 2016, 10:27:07 am »
Wanna be in your gang, your gang.....put a deposit down on new bike yesterday (Specialized Dolce Evo) which I'll pick up next week. What fun!

Hooray!!!  You need to spend more time with us.  Have you seen my tattoo?

Yes, Tomsk, the 12% cherry beer wasn't great. 


  • Yours fragrantly.
Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #982 on: 28 April, 2016, 10:42:43 am »
The cherry beer did do strange things to some people with exhibitionist tendencies :o

A cheerful night and exciting plans for the future.

It was a bit chilly on the ride home, so glad I had the foresight to wear a pair of track mitts :facepalm:


    • ACME
Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #983 on: 28 April, 2016, 10:48:48 am »
Mid-Essex Winter Brevet Populaire Series: new topic wot I started over in 'Audax'...

So I was thinking...

A one-a-month 100km series from say, November to February: X-rated, mid-morning [10:00?] pub start to facilitate ECE-ing to 200. Ride to a good café and back via a few info controls.

I'd take this on myself, as it's not too arduous a project, but is any of the Mid-Essex Crew interested in dipping a toe into the waters of organising?? There's myself and Huggy who could mentor and help get things started.

Start of choice would for me be the 'Battisford Court' Wetherspoons in Witham. Lots of room, decent size beer garden for cycle-parking, good choice of food [and beer  ;D]. Witham has good train and road links and it's not too big a town to find reasonably quick routes out into the countryside. Chelmsford or Colchester would be less attractive. Well placed for routes out to the coast, up to Suffolk [Wally's Cafe?] and indeed all points of the Compass...

Going back to the original post that kicked off this thread of club invention (sorry, I've been a little busy recently!)...we do have at least 2 100k routes to put in to the pot ready to go.  There is the A little Essex R&R which will be my August calendar event, I think it will make a good winter route too, and a DIY that has been ridden by at least OD and me.  Something to get us started anyway.

Sign me up for an ACME jersey  :thumbsup:

We could have a tattoo subpage on the new ACME website 
There would of course be a discussion opportunity there for suggestions for the ACMETM tattoo which is merely a development of the MEMWNS tattoo muted on occasions past.  :demon:

With all the generous offers of help I have received for my Essex R&R event I'm sure there are some potential organisers in these parts or at least a bed rock of helpers talent to draw upon!

On the webpage front page the banner has to be
   ACME - what OD says goes

p.s. does the formation of ACME give us license to make a take over bid on the Audax forum page too?!
Never knowingly underfed on an Audax

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #984 on: 28 April, 2016, 12:31:50 pm »
Let's try not to get us all chucked off yacf with yet more threads!  We come in peace folks, world domination is not our aim.

Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #985 on: 28 April, 2016, 02:14:51 pm »
I have been to collect my wheels.  Those of you familiar with the source will not be surprised to learn that the front wheel was still on the stand being built when I arrived  ;D

They do look very nice though and weigh a smidge over 1700g for the pair with the locking nuts on. 

Just the tubeless thing to do now before setting off on G&Y !

Tippers, I have your cranks as well and will drop them off at yours tomorrow with the press and your new spare fork.
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #986 on: 28 April, 2016, 02:24:39 pm »
tippers is going to be riding around with a spare fork!?!  What nature of disaster does he think is likely to befall him!

Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #987 on: 28 April, 2016, 02:28:23 pm »
At my current rate I am thinking about riding around with a spare frame.
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #988 on: 28 April, 2016, 03:04:11 pm »
Never mind ACME Norton Heath Transport Cafe is rumoured to be closing! Again!  :o  :(  >:(  :hand:

Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #989 on: 28 April, 2016, 05:32:49 pm »
At my current rate I am thinking about riding around with a spare frame.
At your current rate you will have one to ride around with  ;D

You can't have too many spare parts OD!


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #990 on: 28 April, 2016, 07:35:38 pm »
Never mind ACME Norton Heath Transport Cafe is rumoured to be closing! Again!  :o  :(  >:(  :hand:
Oh no, always seems busy when I pass it...


Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #991 on: 01 May, 2016, 10:03:36 am »
Audax Club Mid-Essex had its inaugural ride yesterday at the Green and Yellow fields.

With various members having ridden the helpers' ride and a last minute turbo-induced injury for Jiber, it was a slightly smaller ACME peloton than usual which set off into the night from Manningtree.  Incidentally, we have no further information at this time on the rumour that Jiber has approached the validation secretary about validating AUK's first indoor SR.  :o

The usual ACME B squad stalwarts of the Hustler, Bobb, Huggy and me were joined by A squad hard man Tippers_Kiwi and his supply of Colombian energy bars - "first one is free".  We started slightly late due to Huggy's organising responsibilities but with Tippers' iron discipline we were soon flying along in close formation.  We even managed to overtake some people this time.

The ride over to Barton Mills usually benefits from a tailwind but even without that luxury we were there in good time.  The new McDonald's really transforms the ride.  By lurking in there for an hour and more we emerged into a night that was now cold enough to take your breath away (-5 on Huggy's Garmin) but with the first signs of dawn showing in the sky.  Even the A1065 didn't seem so bad as the sun rose and the morning mist cleared off the fields.  The ride after the turn off for Castle Acre down to Burnham Deepdale was stunning in bright sunshine.  Tippers allowed us a leisurely breakfast at the Deepdale Cafe before heading off on the homeward leg.  In my limited experience of this ride the Burnham to Wymondham leg is the hardest by far; your body realises you really aren't sleeping any time soon and it seems to be a never ending series of long false flat ramps into a headwind.  With the heavy rain last year this was nearly the end of my first SR attempt at only the second hurdle. How thoughtful then of Tomsk to arrange for bright sunshine and a tailwind this year.  At times it was almost fun  :P

By the time we had left the continental style outdoor seating area in the Waitrose car park at Wymondam there we're dark clouds gathering and the temperature was starting to drop as the wind strengthened.  No such worries for the ACME peloton though.  Somehow we managed not only to stay dry but also to ride in sunshine the whole way home.

The leg to Needham Market probably ended up being the toughest.  We had all been dragged along by huge turns at the front from Tippers and the in form Bobb and you have to pay the price at some point in the ride.  I had just come up with the novel solution of riding at the front to slow the pace down a bit for a while when the Hustler popped up and apparently decided now was a good time to run his time trial training session.  Never was an ice lolly more savoured than the one consumed while sprawled in the co-op car park in Needham Market.  I did get my revenge though by diverting away from the Hustler's favourite section just after Stowmarket to take the crappy cycle path alongside the dual carriageway.   When not sticking it to "the Man" the Hustler is normally a fairly calm character but I don't think I will be forgiven for this for a while.  He was still droning on about it at Arrive.

So, a successful first official event for ACME and my bike didn't fall apart this time much to the evident disappointment of my fellow club members who had been running a sweepstake on how long my newly built up frame would last before something fell off.
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #992 on: 01 May, 2016, 10:16:24 am »
Sounds like you almost had a nice time which is probably as good as it ever gets!  Bet you lot can't wait for the BCM!


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #993 on: 01 May, 2016, 04:55:02 pm »
Great report, I am planning on testing the knee out tomorrow with Captain Slow towards High Easter for a cuppa and maybe something to eat... I might return via 3 Elms to check it is still there....  been easing myself back in to action by walking round pubs in Chelmsford, after a hard day reminiscing about North Yorkshire watching the TdY, another training session is on the cards tonight... as long as I don't have to walk up stairs it seems OK at the moment...



  • Fueled by cake since 1957
Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #994 on: 02 May, 2016, 05:54:20 pm »
I have been playing with the kit designer tools on the Owayo website. There will have to be an ACME Jersey thread when I've got something worth showing.

[Incidentally there are shed-loads of club kit companies. I haven't been that impressed with the new AUK kit by Force GB I've seen, or that of Essex CTC from Gear Club, but I'm happy to take recommendations. Owayo is at least familiar through the yacf jerseys and their website kit designer seems easy to use - by this luddite, anyway...]

Oscar's dad

  • aka Septimus Fitzwilliam Beauregard Partridge
Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #995 on: 02 May, 2016, 08:13:02 pm »

Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #996 on: 02 May, 2016, 08:53:26 pm »
Vc oyster have just switched to Schils who use Dolcini.  Seemed nice when tried on. actual top should arrive this week.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways

Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #997 on: 02 May, 2016, 09:00:34 pm »
Whatever the design, I think it needs an anvil :)
Those wonderful norks are never far from my thoughts, oh yeah!


  • ... Fancy Pants \o/ ...
  • ACME S&M^2
Re: MEMWNS Miscellany
« Reply #998 on: 02 May, 2016, 10:05:53 pm »
Whatever the design, I think it needs an anvil :)

I agree! :D

In other news, knee seems better, bottom bracket knackered through... 4000 miles, new one ordered from wiggle... how does a £13 BB cost me £70 lol....


Re: ACME Miscellany
« Reply #999 on: 03 May, 2016, 08:05:57 am »
On the MEWLS thread there is a ploy afoot to ride the Boudicca 200 next Monday as a pre-BCM jaunt.

All are welcome.

Tomsk, what is the best way of obtaining the brevets ?  I
The pleasure of pain endured
To purify our misfit ways