Author Topic: Utilitarian Adventures  (Read 157932 times)

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #700 on: 01 May, 2022, 12:11:32 pm »
Trip to kings Norton tip on the Catrike.  Recycling tetrapacks, two panniers full and then a full bin bag bungeed to the top of the rack.  No worries on the ride and no bag emptying on my head.  My one worry was that I had none of the id required (no driving license and all my bills are online paperless, so no proof of address) but they don’t check you when you go to recycling.

They've never asked me.  Probably no need, because how far can anyone go on a bicycle?
I thought that, but asking an employee to use common sense is always risky business.
simplicity, truth, equality, peace

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #701 on: 10 May, 2022, 08:43:09 pm »
Knackered my back badly enough on Good Friday that I've been grumpy since, and for the first time ever felt the need to take advantage of my employer's health insurance for a round of physio sessions.

Anyhow, progress has been enough that I felt able to cycle to the appointment today. First time on a bike in what feels like months.

Especially delicious carving my way through the evening traffic gathering all the way from SW19 to SW20.
Rust never sleeps

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #702 on: 15 May, 2022, 11:07:31 pm »
Friend freecycling an air fryer, 34cm diameter should just about fit in the panniers ... nope.  Good thing I had the bungees.

I had planned to drop off at t' beer show and buy a growler, but the towel was for wrapping that.
simplicity, truth, equality, peace


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #703 on: 16 May, 2022, 09:27:56 am »
Next door's umbrella looks pleased to see you.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #704 on: 12 June, 2022, 08:08:43 pm »
Cycled not very far last night from our Air BnB to a friend's Big Birthday Party at the Science Oxford Centre.

Only a 5 minute cycle, so we only bothered with the bikes because walking that far would have meant I was o/s for the rest of the day.

It was however notable for one reason Mrs hatler used the gift from a recently departed uncle, an as-new Bickerton.
Rust never sleeps

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #705 on: 12 June, 2022, 08:38:13 pm »
Cycled not very far last night from our Air BnB to a friend's Big Birthday Party at the Science Oxford Centre.

Only a 5 minute cycle, so we only bothered with the bikes because walking that far would have meant I was o/s for the rest of the day.

It was however notable for one reason Mrs hatler used the gift from a recently departed uncle, an as-new Bickerton.
OOh! I was responsible for the installation of an exhibition at the SOC a few years ago .

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #706 on: 12 June, 2022, 08:56:16 pm »
Cycled not very far last night from our Air BnB to a friend's Big Birthday Party at the Science Oxford Centre.

Only a 5 minute cycle, so we only bothered with the bikes because walking that far would have meant I was o/s for the rest of the day.

It was however notable for one reason Mrs hatler used the gift from a recently departed uncle, an as-new Bickerton.
OOh! I was responsible for the installation of an exhibition at the SOC a few years ago .
V cool. How long ago ?  The sciencey bit of the centre is currently set up as an education centre for local primary schools. Was that you ?
Rust never sleeps

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #707 on: 19 July, 2022, 11:16:37 am »
What with the temperature for today was up very early before it got warm to walk our hound. Then grabbed the bike and went to and from the allotment giving the allotment a good soak in between

Off this morning for eldest monkeys leaving assembly at school. Walk there pushing bikes as wife had to get to work after and I didn't fancy the walk back with nattering women

Good job really as the monkey realised she's forgotten her shirt to be signed so after managing not to cry during the assembly shot home grabbed shirt and shot back before a much slower ride home.  Even at 10:30 wad getting uncomfortable to be out in sun


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #708 on: 08 September, 2022, 06:06:56 pm »
I had three utilitarian adventures today on two bikes. First I rode a teenage-sized MTB to a bike refurbishment charity. They said it was too rusty to be worth their while working on.  :-[ So I took it to another such charity, who were happy to take it. I was pleasantly surprised by riding this bike. I could only just get the saddle up high enough – glad I didn't have to climb any hills – but apart from that, the gears worked, at least the few I used, and the V-brakes were impressively powerful (I did have steep hill to go down). But various bearings are worn out and none of us is going to ride it.

I then repeated the second journey with an even rustier "sit up and beg" step-through. The gears on this one also worked, until I wanted to get a higher one! It also had V brakes and they were a bit crap. But it was fun because the bolt upright position and very quick steering are a contrast to what I normally ride. There was also a pleasing circularity because it had originally come from BBP many years ago.
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #709 on: 09 October, 2022, 07:44:38 pm »
A trip to the allotment to pay the rent. The society has a very strange way of doing things - there's a discount if you pay in October rather than when it's due in November, but you have to pay by cash or cheque (what?), and the site shop is only open between 10 & 1030 on Sundays! Still it was nice to see a few familiar faces.

It being warmer than I expected I took the opportunity to extend the ride a bit. I went up through an old bridle road - it was a gated road when I first moved here (suburban Leicester) over 20 years ago, but when the Sat Navs discovered it the lane became a single track death trap. Now it's slowly being swallowed up by a massive housing development (New Lubbesthorpe) but the lane has been securely gated at both ends - there's still some farm traffic - and it's a jolly pleasant ride once again.
I'm glad I went although my knees know about it (but then there were also consequences due to my IBS which I won't go into here). :thumbsup:
Too many angry people - breathe & relax.

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #710 on: 26 November, 2022, 11:03:48 am »
Plans for a ride for rides sake went out the window as the wife pointed out we need to post our friends in the US presents today if we want any chance of them getting for or even near yo Christmas

So a trip to Maldon to the aptly named Maldon books become thr reason for the ride. Was quite chilly to start but quiet roads and courteous drivers. Didn't fancy Market Hill so took the cheats way which involves a little pushing along a very narrow footpath.

Slight panic as couldn't find padlock for bike lock but had accidentally locked round the cable not the end loops so was on it just not where I expected

Visited the refill shop as well so had a bit of a load for the ride home by which time had warmed up a fair bit but I'd say the lad in shorts and t shirt going the other way was a tad optimistic

Home just as the kids were finishing a movie so ready to help heard them into action

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #711 on: 21 December, 2022, 02:30:03 pm »
17k round my side of Leicester.
Delivered a parcel to a local supermarket for "next day" delivery (I live in hope) as well as a couple of local Christmas cards.
I then went to my favourite canal-side tea room for a turkey & stuffing burger and coffee before trundling even slower up to my allotment for sprouts, carrots and leeks.
Managed to see a kingfisher by the river; the dog-emptyers on the towpath were unusually cheerful. A good bit of flooding on the meadows - certainly not possible to cycle through.
A good morning was had by all - and I'm still 3km short of exceeding last year's pathetic mileage total.
Too many angry people - breathe & relax.

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #712 on: 07 January, 2023, 12:47:32 pm »
As detailed in OT knowledge my microwave is dead, similar to this our Christmas tree was looking decidedly brown so loaded both onto the trailer I got for Christmas which I'd put on the wife's bike as hers had the attachment fitted

A rather loud trip to the tip, the trailers pretty rattly and with the metal microwave and the bits I'd removed while attempting to repair chucked in it made a lot of noise. Took a wring turning in way to tip so ended up on a disused railway like which is now a trail rather then the road to the tip. Not really an issue but being off road made even more noise.

Tip workers did wander over as pulled bike into what they seem to use for carpark but I think we're just checking I wasn't in a van or similar which are banned and your not allowed to park one outside and carry in.

Then had a much quieter and faster ride home as wasn't dragging a Christmas tree into 35mph gusts as was on way. The highlight other then the looks i got from dog walkers was the hotpogs my mum got my wife for Christmas under my direction. Didn't have any gloves on but hands were toasty warm and dry

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #713 on: 08 January, 2023, 09:07:42 pm »
About the most utilitarian ride of all, about a mile of cycleways and minor roads to a pub for a family gathering to celebrate both my Sister's and her husband's birthday.

Had the added benefit of surprising the whole family as they saw me on the bike for the first time in ages.

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #714 on: 09 January, 2023, 08:15:28 pm »
Out to tescos this afternoon towing the trailer to pick up the weekly shopping. 2 separate mobility scooters ran out of power stranding me and my shopping in  different parts of the store. Customer service then for me a wheelchair and helped me complete my shopping. I  reported the issues with the  scooters to tesco head office in December after the store manager said that he couldn't do anything about the problems. Nothing has changed so I have made another call to tesco head office and have been told that the problems will be resolved within 2 weeks.  We'll see. Definitely a utilitarian adventure   :)
the slower you go the more you see


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #715 on: 09 January, 2023, 09:48:13 pm »
Knackered batteries in public disability kit?  Shirley not!

Still, at least you had an adventure...

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #716 on: 10 January, 2023, 08:15:48 am »
One of the scooters has a electronic fault as the display shows full charge even if the battery is flat  ::-). The trailer works fine though  :)
the slower you go the more you see


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #717 on: 10 January, 2023, 11:49:56 am »
If both the supermarket's mobility scooters are dead, you have a perfect reason to ride round the aisles on your Azub/ICE/EZ3. Some of aisle-end turning circles might be a little tight if you've got a trailer, but I'm sure you'll manage...  :D
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #718 on: 10 January, 2023, 01:11:36 pm »
Well then. Had you asked me how much I had cycled in 2022, I would have guessed 100 miles comprising entirely of local utility trips, I didn't climb on a bike for "fun" once :(

However, Mr Google tells me that my total cycled was over 500 miles for the year, which under the circumstances I think is a (minor) win, and at least is more than a mile a day.

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #719 on: 10 January, 2023, 06:08:27 pm »
simplicity, truth, equality, peace

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #720 on: 10 January, 2023, 06:12:43 pm »
It's amazing how the little trips add up. Shame I only tend note.the longer rides  :)
Interestingly the  security guard at boots in Slough let me ride the tricon gr around the store this afternoon. Twas rather fun. 😀
the slower you go the more you see


  • Ride adventurously and stop for a brew.
Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #721 on: 10 January, 2023, 06:46:18 pm »
It's amazing how the little trips add up. Shame I only tend note.the longer rides  :)
Interestingly the  security guard at boots in Slough let me ride the tricon gr around the store this afternoon. Twas rather fun. 😀
Bloody lycra louts tearing round Boots for their EPO!
Riding a concrete path through the nebulous and chaotic future.

Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #722 on: 11 January, 2023, 08:07:21 am »
the slower you go the more you see


  • Miles eaten don't satisfy hunger
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Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #723 on: 28 January, 2023, 05:26:06 pm »
Actually do a  lot of these without thinking about it.  Today's trip was to Winchester as I had a study course in the morning.  Took the A33 down as was worried about the odd patch of ice on untreated roads, and then took a scenic route back.  Had to use the long flap on the Nelson Longflap saddlebag as Wolvesey doesn't have proper heating in the main rooms, so had a fleece and belay jacket to change into.  Turned out to be a nice and sneaky 50 miles and avoided the vagaries of a post-Hook landslip rail journey.
Eddington Numbers 131 (imperial), 185 (metric) 574 (furlongs)  116 (nautical miles)


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Utilitarian Adventures
« Reply #724 on: 28 January, 2023, 06:20:43 pm »
Took the Birdy down to the post office and back to get rid of a couple of parcels. I am well out of practice with Gripshift and kept twisting them in the wrong directions. At certain speeds, the fork shimmies quite a lot but is steady as a rock at other speeds. It has excessive wheel flop at low speed and heaps of trail at higher speeds. No wonder the Birdy has a reputation for its steering. I am pretty happy to ride no hands on my Moulton (in good conditions) and (with additional care) on my Brompton but I am keeping a wary eye on the Birdy.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...