Author Topic: A random thread for small things that don't really warrant a thread of their own  (Read 3137592 times)


  • mojo operandi
Every time I see Mal Volio's current avatar, I think it's Andy Gates.

same here


  • mojo operandi
I'm going to have a bath before I start work. Because I'm worth it.


A packet of Flubenvet has just arrived in the post.

I know Charlotte has been in foreign climes and has had an upset tummy, but isn't worming her a little extreme ....?
Not fast & rarely furious

tweeting occasional in(s)anities as andrewxclark

Eccentrica Gallumbits

  • Rock 'n' roll and brew, rock 'n' roll and brew...
I've just eaten two Tesco creme caramels that were a week past their use by dates and I don't care.
My feminist marxist dialectic brings all the boys to the yard.

I'm eating alone in a restaurant in Cardiff and I don't care either. :)
And I have a good book: Anne Mustoe's A Bike Ride.

They've removed the barriers at Highbury Corner, which is good for cyclists safety, but where am I going to lock my bike to when I pop into McDonalds?


  • The one with devious, cake-pushing ways....
I forgot to have my tea!  Now, shall I just go to bed hungry, or shall I find some food.....


  • That's Councillor Regulator to you...
My workmate does terrific blow-offs.

Guess what I misread that as...  :-\ ;D
Quote from: clarion
I completely agree with Reg.

Green Party Councillor


My workmate does terrific blow-offs.

Guess what I misread that as...  :-\ ;D

I suppose that would be your definition of a good desk job ;)

They've removed the barriers at Highbury Corner

They have disappeared from all over the place recently. It's v good news.

Last night I bought an axe from a dwarf, straight out of Tolkien, for 415...

415 what I hear you ask. I don't know as I woke up.

I was robbed!  :facepalm:


  • Tyke
I wouldn't have given him more than 385.
Getting there...

I very much doubt i will be going far from the toilet or the sink today.

Don't question. It makes people angry.

I got caught out on this chilly morning with only track mitts, so my hands got very cold, but I did have a spare pair of socks with me, so I put them on my hands and rode on.  I don't think anyone noticed.


  • Tyke
We were just laughing at you behind your back ;)

It was pretty cold first thing.  I almost regretted my choice of jersey.
Getting there...


  • mojo operandi
I got caught out on this chilly morning with only track mitts, so my hands got very cold, but I did have a spare pair of socks with me, so I put them on my hands and rode on.  I don't think anyone noticed.

necessity is the mother of invention :thumbsup:

Whilst waiting at some lights, I spotted that the very dirty lorry in front of me had "Bodywork by Marsh Barton Coachworks" mud flaps, which was a little unusual to see in London.

(Marsh Barton industrial estate is back in Exeter, 200 miles away, city of my birth).
Actually, it is rocket science.

Talking about numbers - my bill in Lidl yesterday £6.66 the till receipt of the Beast.

Yesterday on Twitter, I hit the Tweet of the Beast, my 666th Tweet. ;D
Actually, it is rocket science.


  • The Codfather
  • Formerly known as Jaded
I got caught out on this chilly morning with only track mitts, so my hands got very cold, but I did have a spare pair of socks with me, so I put them on my hands and rode on.  I don't think anyone noticed.

As long as they weren't Pumpé's old socks, you should be OK.
It is simpler than it looks.


  • Tyke
Talking about numbers - my bill in Lidl yesterday £6.66 the till receipt of the Beast.

Yesterday on Twitter, I hit the Tweet of the Beast, my 666th Tweet. ;D

Have you said anything interesting yet?  Most people seem capable of cruising past that point without offering anything approaching an apercu ;)
Getting there...

Have you said anything interesting yet?

Of course not, that's not the point of Twitter. ;D

On the other hand, it did let people find out I was in hospital a couple of years back when I had an off.  I couldn't have contacted them otherwise, since my phone didn't have their numbers on, whereas they did see me say things in my Twitter feed (updated via my phone).
Actually, it is rocket science.

Halfrods, a shop that has an entire section devoted to blingy socket sets when 99% of car owners hardly know what a car engine looks like, do not have a single wheel brace in stock.

The local hardware store, Barnitts, had half a dozen by Rolson at half the price of what Halfrods would have charged.  

What's more they also had those retro wire birdcages in 2 colours and 3 sizes.  (I know someone who wants one).
Sheldon Brown never said leave it to the professionals.


  • Mr Peli
    • woollypigs
why in a digital age is the on hold music in such a bad quality it hurts your ears and also talking to someone in a call centre the back ground noise is so loud that you struggle to understand the people you are talking too.
Current mood: AARRRGGGGHHHHH !!! #bollockstobrexit


  • Timelord
    • Fediverse
why in a digital age is the on hold music in such a bad quality it hurts your ears

To get you off the phone as quickly as possible, obviously.

Whilst waiting at some lights, I spotted that the very dirty lorry in front of me had "Bodywork by Marsh Barton Coachworks" mud flaps, which was a little unusual to see in London.

(Marsh Barton industrial estate is back in Exeter, 200 miles away, city of my birth).

Marsh Barton is the only bit of Exeter I've seen,. I've been there on probably a dozen occasions