Author Topic: Round The Year Randonneurs Log  (Read 447761 times)


  • Not Small
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2175 on: 14 December, 2023, 09:59:31 am »
After reading 3peaker's article in Ariveé i'm now gutted I didn't follow up the temptation to buy that 58cm framed trike that was for sale recently.
Although riding on my already weaker right leg alone for 14 hours....


  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2176 on: 18 December, 2023, 10:42:41 pm »
Aficionados of RRtY might have noted I have achieved 42 Series; not without cost, as I have often suffered a period of constipation after a ride - the latest after a lumpy (failed) ride on 17th Nov. I took 2 weeks to restore, to me, normal bowel movement. That might have been a signal to call it a day. And, indeed, I developed withdrawal symptons and drafted an article titled “Released”. On completing 42, I had to start again, which is what I did in mid-Autumn. So, entering December with Series 43 at 2 and a possible 44 failed on 1, I determined riding easy for a 1st December ride, rather than “leave the RRtY train”. I achieved this on 15th with my easiest route, the one I had designed after breaking my left femur and ridden on trike on one leg in Jan 2013. To recover from the ride, I re-hydrated well and ate a very light meal of soup and cheese Quiche followed by banana and custard. 
My big enemy is age, now 77, and a noticeable reduction of pace, possibly affected by exercise induced asthma. I feel fine on the road but my Garmin is telling the truth, as I note a decline in my ride pace. Even on my 15 Dec ride it was 19.5kph; I had suffered 4xPs, fortunately 2 near home so I could re-start after changing a questionable front wheel; the next 2 costing 40mins of journey time. A year ago, my ride pace on this ride was above 20kph, leaving a comfortable margin for stops. With a reduced pace, this margin is dangerously short.
So, have Trevor Wale (jumped ship at 33) and I set the RRtY Challenge bar? I cannot see me achieving 50, a magic goal, as even 43 now seems a serious challenge. I was 57 when RRtY was introduced in 2003, so already running out of time. In the RAF, we have an expression of “Fleet Leader”, which refers to the lead aircraft for fatigue (one of my RAF jobs was fatigue studies) or flying hours. I am proud to be Fleet Leader within RRtY.   

Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2177 on: 19 December, 2023, 09:00:33 pm »
I completed my 20th ( Ultra X2 ) RRtY in May this year & can honestly say it will be my last, now at 66 I feel the cold more than I used to do & I've become paranoid about the amount of traffic where I live which Is quite a built up area, but I will say I've really enjoyed the challenge, one ride stands out for me in particular, it was Winter Solstice 2010 when only myself & Andrew Southworth turned up, he turned back near Knutsford & I carried on to finish absolutely exhausted with minutes to spare, it was one of the coldest days on record with a reading of -12 at Market Drayton at 3PM, thick snow & ice was on the ground for weeks, the police stopped me on the road near Stockport & couldn't believe where I had been, I showed them my proof of passage to prove I wasn't making it up, Well done Steve Poulton, that is an exceptional achievement.

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2178 on: 20 December, 2023, 09:28:14 am »
Wowsers, I can only hope to aspire to such greatness... Chapeau all round!

I am very pleased at having just put in my RRTYx5 claim though. This year's events:
2023-01-28 Kelvedon Oyster ECE 200km
2023-02-18 Knights Templar Compasses ECE 200km
2023-03-26 DIY 200km
2023-04-21 Essex and Suffolk Estuaries ECE 200km
[2023-04-29 London-Wales-London 400km]
2023-05-11 DIY 200km
[2023-05-20 Fenland Friends 600km]
2023-06-12 DIY 200km
2023-07-01 The Way to The Sea 200km
2023-07-22 Bildeston Lanes ECE 300km
2023-08-30 DIY 200km
2023-09-09 DIY 200km
2023-10-02 DIY 200km
2023-11-06 DIY 200km
2023-12-09 Stansted Airport Express ECE 200km

And my first SR this year. Looking forward to two excellent badges.  ;D


  • Not Small
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2179 on: 31 December, 2023, 08:18:55 pm »
Well that's #8 bollocksed with only December and January to go.

I lost #6 a couple of months in after pulling my Calf finishing #5 and a few others started unintentionally and not Co tinued but this is the ford tone I've really actually crashed and burnt on.

Focus after recovery from injury is the SR and getting the 1300 in by eceing borders and flatlands.

Sent from my IV2201 using Tapatalk

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2180 on: 08 January, 2024, 09:32:23 pm »
Three down nine to go.

Oct 23: Peculier Old 200
Nov 23: Eureka 200
Dec 23: DIY 200

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2181 on: 11 January, 2024, 03:45:19 pm »
Have now been able to claim my x5, with the official results from the French ride :-)

Nov 22: 200km DIY + A Round Trip to Leominster 200km
Dec 22: Kings, Castles, Priests & Churches 200km + 300km DIY
Jan 23: Mr. Pickwick's January Sale 200km + 3x200km DIYs
Feb 23: Benjamin Allen's Spring Tonic 200km + Chiltern Pub Crawl 200km
Mar 23: A Rough Diamond 300km
Apr 23: Double Dutch, Infinity Beckons 200km(+200km ECE) + Brevet Cymru 400km
May 23: Benjamin Allen's Summer Outing 600km + Neville Chanin Memorial - Over The Severn 200km
Jun 23: Grand Tour of the West Midlands 160km(+40km ECE) + Wem We Get There 200km(+100km ECE)
Jul 23: 600km DIY + Kidderminster Killer 200km
Aug 23: PBP
Sep 23: Tramping The Two Loop 200km
Oct 23: Autumn in the Shire 100km(+100km ECE)

Run 6 ticking over gently:

Nov 23: Salinae & Cotswold 200km
Dec 23: 200km DIY

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2182 on: 26 January, 2024, 10:09:20 am »
Alas I can't do a brevet in January, so year 2 stops 1 ride short.

More important family matters need my time and focus.

There will be plenty of time for audax in future.


  • RRTY Mad 42 up
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2183 on: 29 January, 2024, 01:37:33 pm »
Alas I can't do a brevet in January, so year 2 stops 1 ride short.

More important family matters need my time and focus.

There will be plenty of time for audax in future.
I managed a Sunday ride on 28th to keep my latest Series at 4 strong. It takes some deep advance planning and sometimes luck not to miss a month. Commiserations.

Promoting : Cheltenham Flyer 200, Cider with Rosie 150, Character Coln 100.

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2184 on: 29 January, 2024, 02:04:22 pm »
Loads of wisdom there, both of you.

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2185 on: 29 January, 2024, 04:45:58 pm »
Managed to complete a 200km permanent on Sunday based upon Mark Rigby's "Wochma" calendar ride to keep RRTY attempt number 5 ticking over - just nine more rides to go then maybe time for a break


  • Brun beer drinker
    • Chessels
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2186 on: 29 January, 2024, 08:41:50 pm »
Thought I'd add this.

My RRTY journey so far

Martyn Shiner
Audax Membership number 12813


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2187 on: 15 February, 2024, 11:59:11 am »
05 Mar 2023 Bikeways Explorer 300 (Qld, borrowed bike)
07 Apr Easter Arrow to York 400 (tandem)
20 May Fenland Friends 600 (tandem)
24 Jun Flatlands 600 (different tandem)
22 Jul Kingdom of the East Saxons 400 (fixed)
20 Aug Paris-Brest-Paris 1200 (tandem)
16 Sep Essex R&R 200 (trike)
07 Oct Richard Ellis Memorial 200 (trike)
28 Nov DIY perm 200 (trike)
10 Dec Santa Special 200 (trike)
31 Jan 2024 DIY200 (fixed) Bunked off work after lunch and finished half an hour before month’s end

Just one ride to go for RRtY11 but life got in the way of most possibilities in February. I was hoping to pick up an Indian 200 BRM this Saturday but work etc, etc… There is a vague possibility of a 200 BRM on a borrowed cycle next Saturday while visiting my folks but that might have to fall by the wayside too.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2188 on: 15 February, 2024, 04:07:46 pm »
I finished my first RRTY earlier this month, quite please with myself and already part way through my second.
March the horsepower 200k
April Rutland midnight express 300k
May Fenland friends 600k
June Asparagus and Strawberries 400k
July Kingdom of the east Saxons 400k
August biked home from a family holiday 200k diy
September road the rebellion way as a 300k diy
October silly Suffolk and ece 200k
November Waveney wander and ece 200k
December Santa special 200k
January Poor student 200k
February a 200k diy
Hopefully I complete another this year, I’ve already ridden an additional 200k diy a month since November meaning, hopefully, I’ve just all of the hard months!

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2189 on: 18 February, 2024, 09:12:15 pm »
Five down seven to go for RRtY #1

Oct 23: Peculier Old 200
Nov 23: Eureka 200
Dec 23: DIY 200
Jan 24: DIY 200
Feb 24: DIY 200


  • Whimsy Rider
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2190 on: 01 March, 2024, 12:02:24 am »
05 Mar 2023 Bikeways Explorer 300 (Qld, borrowed bike)
07 Apr Easter Arrow to York 400 (tandem)
20 May Fenland Friends 600 (tandem)
24 Jun Flatlands 600 (different tandem)
22 Jul Kingdom of the East Saxons 400 (fixed)
20 Aug Paris-Brest-Paris 1200 (tandem)
16 Sep Essex R&R 200 (trike)
07 Oct Richard Ellis Memorial 200 (trike)
28 Nov DIY perm 200 (trike)
10 Dec Santa Special 200 (trike)
31 Jan 2024 DIY200 (fixed) Bunked off work after lunch and finished half an hour before month’s end
29 Feb DIY200 (Qld, same borrowed bike)

I had life clashes with several calendar brevets in Feb but doing a last gasp brevet on 29 Feb proved enough of a draw to get out on the last day of Aussie summer. Temperatures well into the 30s meant that multiple icecream stops were essential. Despite stealing and religiously following a well-used Audax Qld 202km perm route, Strava’s take on my eTrex track length is amusingly shorter than my phone’s track length. The delights of an algorithm not withstanding, RRtY11 completed.
Wheel meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2191 on: 25 March, 2024, 06:50:23 am »
 :thumbsup: indeed!!!


  • prefers UK hills over Dutch mountains
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2192 on: 27 March, 2024, 08:29:09 am »
Just got the validation from Sarah for #8 / 9 / 10 that I completed in 2023/24, joining the ranks of Ultra RRtY  8)

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2193 on: 02 April, 2024, 10:42:30 pm »
Halfway through RRtY #1

Oct 23: Peculier Old 200
Nov 23: Eureka 200
Dec 23: DIY 200
Jan 24: DIY 200
Feb 24: DIY 200
Mar 24: Chirk 200

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2194 on: 22 April, 2024, 09:17:09 pm »
RRtY #1 seven down, five to go

Oct 23: Peculier Old 200
Nov 23: Eureka 200
Dec 23: DIY 200
Jan 24: DIY 200
Feb 24: DIY 200
Mar 24: Chirk 200
Apr 24: Plains 300

Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2195 on: 07 May, 2024, 10:52:19 am »
RRTY no6 completed and it also marks 36 months of continuous Audaxing.

June '23: Fairies Flattest 300
July '23: Devils Punch Bowl
Aug '23: Paris Brest Paris
Sept '23: Essex R&R
Oct '23: Jelly Fish Sting (perm)
Nov '23: AAA DIY
Dec '23: Santa Special
Jan '24: Kelvedon Oyster (ECE'd)
Feb '24: AAA DIY
Mar '24: Horsepower 200
Apr '24: Hardboiled
May '24: Porkers

2021 x2
2022 x 3
2023 x 1
Old Enough to know better, young enough not to care.
Facebook, the toilet wall of the modern generation


  • I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass
Re: Round The Year Randonneurs Log
« Reply #2196 on: 10 July, 2024, 09:23:40 am »
2006     :thumbsup:           
2007      :thumbsup:     
2008        :thumbsup:   
2009            :'( crashed and burned after 10 months
2010          :thumbsup:
2011  X5      :thumbsup:         
2012            :thumbsup:
2013   double          :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:
2014  double x10   :thumbsup:
2015 double  :thumbsup:
2016 x 13 :thumbsup:
2017 x 14 :thumbsup:
2018 x 15 :thumbsup:
2019 x16  :thumbsup:
2020 x17  :thumbsup:
2021 x18  :thumbsup:
2022 x19   :thumbsup:
2023 x 20  :thumbsup:

20.4.24 Double Dutch Ship of the Fens 200
3.5.24 D2DR 100+100ECE
27.6.24 DIY 200
5.7.24 DIY 200