I remember the jersey race as well. The first person I ever met from the C+ site was Charlotte. I was on C+ and got somewhat involved in trolling the trolls who came in regularly from SS, including those pretending to be in the police or living in impossible places, or even forgetting that they originally registered as female and posting as males. The crunch came when the trolls apparently managed to persuade the magazine's management to block all references to them by pretending to be barristers.
A lot of folk jumped ship because Sam/Scott was running ACF as a small venture, and the ethos formed itself there. Yes, we have spats here, but flame wars are extinguished pretty quickly and it is a very sociable place most of the time. For reasons of his own, Sam decided to close down or restrict his forum--and it was his forum. His reasons are his business. I like Sam, but he is his own person.
I wasn't an immediate jumper to this place, and posted on and off on the CTC and Cyclechat fora, but never really settled there. I know a LOT of people here, which is far from unusual in YACF. The thing that keeps me here is that sense of family, where we end up in a field in Oxfordshire to celebrate a new child, or just in a pub-and-curry house in East London, well, because we can. Worth hanging onto.