Author Topic: An Epetition worth signing  (Read 822 times)

An Epetition worth signing
« on: 04 January, 2012, 09:08:47 pm »
Increase cycling budget to £25 per person

Responsible department: Department for Transport

We, the undersigned, believe that the UK government currently spends too little on improving cycle safety. Evidence shows that spending money on permanent infrastructure improvements and lifelong training and education for all road users is a more effective, preventative road safety policy than relying on individuals buying helmets (which only last a few years and do not prevent accidents in the first place). We call on the Government to raise a dedicated cycle budget of £25 per person per year (effectively match-funding the cost of a standard bicycle helmet). This would bring the UK in line with other European countries such as the Netherlands who have achieved: increased road safety for all users; smoother traffic flow; improved public health; better air quality; a reduction in carbon emissions. Thank you.