It's time I realised that an awful lot of the cycling components and bits I've acquired and stashed over the years, ain't going to be used by me, as things including my bikes have changed (who da thought). So it would be a good idea to buckle down and get them all catalogued and photographed with the intention of selling stuff on. There's a fair bit of rather lovely (in the eyes of this beholder) shiny silver NOS Dura Ace, Ultegra, Velo Orange etc components, as well as loadsa more run of the mill stuff. In order to lessen the drudge of of this endeavour, it might help and encourage me to take decent detailed pics.
I have a tripod, a Canon DSLR with various lenses, a perfectly good and useful Canon G5X digital compact and the latest iPhone 15 Pro. I also have Affinity Photo, as well the very basic but still useful Mac Photo. What I don't have is lighting (other than on camera built in flash)
Any suggestions as to what kind of set up and what products would be suitable? Thinking/guessing a minumum 2 x flat panel LED continuous lights might be the way to go? Don't want to spend mental price wise. A quick look about online and its over abundant 'choice' causes someone like me more confusion than is comfortable 😫
Requirement is just to produce well lit clear informative pics (with a soupçon of zing)