Brummies and Brummie veterans will be familiar with
That Crossroads At The Top Of Primrose Hill That's Always Flooded. For the irregulars, I should point out that over the couple of years since the Streetview car went that way, the craters and shark-infested puddles had got to a state where oncoming motorists were spontaneously stopping and inviting cyclists to cross via the 6" strip of contiguous tarmac on the wrong side of the road.
So it was with great optimism that I discovered that PotholeMan had covered the entire area with civil engineering graffiti a few weeks ago. And I didn't even mind diverting via Gay Hill
[1] for the duration of the subsequent road closure.
Anyway, it's re-opened and I can confirm that it's piecemeal rubbish rather than a full re-surfacing, though it has at least been done with proper machine-rolled tarmac rather than porridge and chipseal. Should be a vast improvement for the rest of the summer, until the weathering at the joins takes hold.
[1] Not named by a cyclist.