Author Topic: Open Gardens, Montacute, Somerset, 24/25 July  (Read 1756 times)

Open Gardens, Montacute, Somerset, 24/25 July
« on: 17 July, 2010, 04:36:33 pm »
We're having our regular every-other-year Open Gardens weekend here in Montacute, Somerset next weekend, 24th and 25th of July.
There should be about 16 gardens open.

Have a look at for more details.

We don't open our garden (I seem to have the national collection of bindweeds at the moment).  There's no way I could get to the standard and still work full time.  I am involved though.  The funds raised go to our village hall.  I'm currently the chair of the management committee.  I will be in the hall most of the weekend selling cream teas.  If anyone arrives by bike and wants somewhere to leave it, that's probably the best place!

"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."